Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, April 12, 2007, Page Page 12, Image 12

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    Spiiygy classifiers
Lost dog
(The following is the recent
job opening list o f the Warm
S prings Tribes. See Am elia
Tewee in the Personnel Depart­
ment to submit an application,
or call 553-3262. Also, you can
apply on-line at www.ctws.org.
For more details on the posi­
tions, call the contact person
listed on the advertisement. Or
visit the tribes’job advertisement
list at www. ctws. org. All positions
are open until filled, unless oth­
erwise indicated.)
$500 Reward for return of
“Bandit,” lost male dalmatian.
No Questions Asked! Bandit is
8 years old, 80 pounds with
red collar with name tag. Last
seen on Palmer Way off Tenino
Rd. in Warm Springs. Please
call 553-1385 or 325-1201 with
any information. We miss him
very much. Thank you. Vinson
and Suzi Macy.
Comp & Benefits A dm in­
istrator. Perform diversified
administrative duties to coor­
dinate details of employee’s
benefit programs: Pension,
W orkers’ Compensation and
other benefits (medical, dental,
vision, prescription, life, dis­
ability, and flex) information to
employees. Maintain thorough
knowledge of tribal benefits
package and personnel poli­
cies. Ensure compliance with
employment laws regulating
employee benefits. Remain
current on new and changed
laws, rules and regulations in
em ployment, compensation
and employee benefits. Com­
plete salary surveys. Assist in
analyzing and reviewing job de­
scriptions for accuracy and
consistency and w ork with
committee in job evaluation.
Maintain confidentiality. Admin­
ister, reconcile, balance and
pay billings, statements, bank
balances, and administrative
charges. Claims processing for
internally administered plans.
Salary Range $27,995. Yr.
Lupe K a tc h ia 5 5 3 -3 4 9 8 .
Closes 4/6.
Real estate
Fee sim p le a cre a g e .
$269,000.120 acres mixed use
pasture, timber and agriculture.
Irrigation rights. Power available,
road access, double mountain
view, between Simnasho and
Warm Springs. Call Wasco Re­
alty (503)708-2503.
We are seeking motivated,
energetic, customer service
friendly applicants for the fol­
lowing positions:
Full-Time Positions:
Convention Services Man­
ager, Director of Operations,
Front Desk M anager, Slot
Technician, Slot Key-person,
Groundsmans, Banquet Cap­
tains, Lodge Housekeeping In­
spector, and C asino Cage
CPS Protective Care Su­
pervisor. Develop and admin­
ister CPS Center, its staff and
residents. Supervise assigned
personnel, establish work pro­
cedures, plan, schedule, as­
sign and review work load.
Train, instruct and provide
technical guidance to assigned
employees. Maintain confiden­
tiality. Respond to problems at
the CPS Center on a 24 hour
basis. Conduct regular staff
meetings. Ensure the residen­
tial foster care requirements
and standards are met per
CPS policy. Encourage CPS
Center policies and procedures
regarding clients, personnel,
treatm ent plan implementa­
tion, intake, crisis intervention,
daily care, food procurement,
meal planning, and nutritional
content. Interact with outside
agencies and other relevant
agencies in a positive and pro­
fessional manner. Assist with
the coordination and arrange­
ment for placement of children
into emergency shelter care.
Administrate and maintain or-
Seasonal Positions:
Lounge Cooks, Lounge ID
Checker, Vending Coordinator,
Golf Pro Shop Attendant, Vil­
lage Housekeeping House­
man, Village Housekeeping
Room Attendants, H ouse­
keeping Teepee Attendants,
Lodge Housekeeping House­
man, Lifeguards.
HR Secretary/Receptionist,
Pool Cashiers, Village Snack
Bar Cooks, Golf Course Bev­
erage Attendants & Cart Driver,
Casino Snack Bar Attendants,
Village Snack Bar Attendants,
Village Snack Bar Cashiers,
Lodge Housekeeping Room
Dishwashers, Prep Cooks,
Line Cooks, Gift Shop Sales
Associates, Reservationist,
Village Gate Guest Service
.Representative, PBX/Dispatch-
ers, Lodge Front Desk Guest
Service Representative, and
Cocktail Servers.
ganized and accurate records,
document all information ob­
tained about client and worker
activities. Must have strong
skills in supervisory, financing,
budgeting, written and oral
communication as well as con­
ducting speaker presen ta­
tions. Personal computer skills
in w ord p ro c e s s in g and
spreadsheet, problem solving
and planning skills, case man­
agement, investigation, treat­
ment, referral and follow up
methodology. Associates de­
gree in Human Services, three
years experience with a valid
Oregon Driver’s License and
proof of insurance. Salary
Range $26,000. Yr. Rebekah
Main 553-3209. Closes 4/27.
Natural R esources A d ­
m inistrative Officer. Provide
administrative, management
and liaison support between
the Tribes, BIA, and all asso­
ciated agencies. Provide fiscal
analysis, input and recommen­
dations into management pro­
gram decision making & man­
aging activities. Qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree in account­
ing office, grant/contracting
compliance or budget experi­
ence. Three year supervisory
experience. A combination of
education & experience is ac­
c e p ta b le . S a la ry R ange
$30,435. Yr. To $35,968. Yr.
R ob ert B runoe 553-2 015 .
Closes 4/13.
Lim ited Duration Fisher­
ies T echnician I. Conduct
creel surveys and assist with
habitat restoration projects in
the Hood River sub-basin. Re­
quires High School diploma or
equivalent and valid driver’s li­
cense. S hift hours include
eight hour days and occasion­
ally nights and week-ends.
Salary Range $11.81 Hr. Joe
M cC anna. 5 4 1 -3 5 2 -9 3 2 6 .
Closes 4/5.
Fisheries & W ildlife Tech-
n ic ia n . R e s p o n s ib ilitie s :
Gather fisheries creel data on
the Tribal harvest at Sherars
Fall. Collection of biological
samples from fish caught dur­
ing the Tribal fishery. Have abil­
ity to correctly identify salmo-
nids and non-salmonid spe­
cies. Record data on various
data forms. Assist in organiz­
ing creel and biological data.
Develop and maintain suc­
cessful public contact. Oppor­
tunities may be available to
participate in other field duties.
O ther duties as assigned.
Working Conditions: W illing­
ness to work long hours of the
day or night, weekends and
holidays, in potentially adverse
conditions. Ability and willing­
ness to work away from the
In the Tribal Court
of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
Probate Department
In the matter o f the Estate of Springs, OR 97761 within 90 days bate no. 035-PR34-05.
Merris Wallulatum Sr., deceased, from the date upon which this
2 p.m. Richard Walsey, probate
estate file no. 046-PR46-07. Notice notice was first posted. This notice no. 017-PR28-01.
is hereby given that M erris was first posted on April 2,2007.
3 p.m. Sonya R. Daniels, pro­
no. 922-PR24-98.
Wallulatum, who at the time of
his death, resided at Warm Springs.
4 p.m. Ronald Govenor, pro­
He died on March 13, 2007, and
bate no. 013-PR13-04.
that the above entitled court has
Informal hearings are scheduled
Courtroom 3 is located upstairs
appointed Richard Tohet as public in Courtroom 3 at the Tribal Court in the Tribal Court building. Please
administrator to administer the on Tuesday, April 17, regarding the check in and sign in at Court Ad­
decedent’s estate subject to the ju­ following probate cases:
ministration with the Court Ad­
risdiction of the tribal court.
9 a.m. Irene T. Towe, probate ministration staff/receptionist.
They can give you assistance and
Notice is further given that all no. 008-PR8-06.
persons having claims against the
10 a.m. Madeline Mclnturff, direct you to Courtroom 3. If you
have any questions or concerns, give
decedent’s estate are required to probate no. 019-PR19-06.
present their claims, with proper
11 a.m. Elliot Switzler, probate the Warm Springs Tribal Probate
Court staff a call at (541) 553-3264.
voucher, to the Warm Springs no. 014-PR14-04.
Tribal Probate, PO Box 850, Warm
1 p.m. Wesley L. Charley, pro­
Notice of Intent to Repatriate
the Smithsonian in 1921.
The Repatriation Office of the
N ational M useum of N atural
H isto ry has d e te rm in e d th a t
these objects are unassociated
funerary objects and are cultur­
ally affiliated with the Confeder­
ated Tribes and Bands of the
Yakama Nation and the Confed­
e ra te d T rib e s o f the W arm
Springs Reservation.
These unassociated funerary
objects will be repatriated to the
C o n fe d e ra te d T rib e s o f the
The National Museum of
N a tu ra l
H is to ry o f the
Smithsonian Institution plans
to repatriate the following to
the C onfederated Tribes of
the Warm Springs Reserva­
tion and the C onfe derated
T rib e s and B ands o f the
Yakama Nation and.
Ten funerary objects were
c o lle c te d
fro m
M em aloose Islands, W ash­
ington and Oregon, by Mr. Jo­
seph Simms, and donated to
( i
Warm Springs Reservation
and the Confederated Tribes
and Bands of the Yakama
For fu rth e r in form ation,
please contact Risa Arbolino
before April 20, 2007 at (202)
633-0890, Repatriation Of­
fice Smithsonian Institution,
P.O. Box 37012, NMNH MRC
W a s h in g to n ,
Pgge 12 Spily^y Tymoo
Reservation for extended peri­
ods of time. Qualifications:
Valid Oregon Drivers license,
high school graduate or equiva­
lent GED, related experience
desired, must successfully
pass a drug test. Salary Range
$7.80 Hr. To $10.50 Hr. Larry
Holliday 553-2042. Closes 4/
Lamprey Technician. As­
sist with field activities related
to evaluation of a lamprey-spe­
cific electro-fisher. Responsi­
bilities include: set up and
maintain experimental enclo­
sures: collect and tra nsfe r
large amounts of sediment to
study sites; capture, tag, and
m e a su re la m p re y la rva e
(am m ocoetes); collect and
record clear and consistent
data. May also assist with a
variety of other projects related
to lamprey, bull trout, and fall
Chinook. Working conditions;
MUST be able to lift and carry
upwards of 50 lbs for long dis­
tances on a daily basis. Need
to be flexible; day and some
night work may be required,
flexibility to work weekends
and holidays if necessary, and
in all w e a th e r c o n d itio n s .
Some travel off-reservation
and/or camping may be re­
quired. Valid driver’s license
and high school diploma. Must
successfully pass a drug test.
Applicants with prior experi­
ence in research and/or inter­
est in fish biology strongly en­
couraged to apply. S alary
Range $10.34 hr. Jen Graham,
Abel Brumo, 553-2334, 553-
2332. Closes 4/20.
P o lic e O ffic e r. H igh
School diploma or equivalent.
Must pass pre-em ploym ent
test (basic math, spelling,
reading comprehension and
writing). Must submit to pre­
employment drug test. Physi­
cal exam required. Must pass
DPSST physical standards
and attend DPSST academy
and com plete S uccessfully
within one year from time of
hire. Must be 21 years of age
and possess a valid Oregon
driver’s license. Must have no
felonies or domestic violence
convictions. Must have no mis­
demeanor convictions within
April 12, 2007
one year of employment. Must
maintain all minimum require­
ments during em ploym ent.
Salary Range $25,535. Yr.
Avex Miller 553-3272, 553-
3273. Closes 4/6.
Fire Management Equip­
m ent Operator (1 position).
Salary Range $13.83. Luther
Clements 553-1146.
GM Public U tilities. Plan,
organize, direct, and control
the functions of the Public Utili­
ties Branch. Responsible for
development and maintenance
of Tribal Facilities, grounds,
tribal vehicles, roads, water &
sew age system s, s a n ita ry
sites, and waste disposal fa­
cilities. C om plete assigned
projects in timely and accurate
manner. Prepare and adhere to
annual Branch Budget. Educa­
tion requirements: Bachelors
Degree in any related field; re­
lated professional certificates
a plus. Salary Range Neg.
(max) $63,484. Yr. Lauraina
Hinstsala 553-3228. Closes 4/
Fire Management Engine
Operator (2 positions). Sal­
ary Range $12.36 hr To $13.83
hr. Vernon Tias Sr. 553-1146.
Fire Management A s s is ­
ta n t Engine O p e ra to r (1
p o s itio n ) . S a la ry R ange
$11.01 hr. To $12.36 hr. Vernon
Tias Sr. 553-1146.
F ire M a n a g e m e n t IHC
C rew M em ber (2). S alary
Range $11.01 hr. A nthony
Holliday or Gary Sampson 553-
Vocational Rehab Direc­
tor. Salary Range $32,000. Yr.
to 39,000. Yr. Rick Ribeiro
Office Manager/Account-
ing Clerk. Manage the Vehicle
Pool Office operations, pro­
cesses, and procedures. As­
sociate Degree in accounting
or equivalent. Salary Range
$28,000. Yr. To $32,000. Yr.
Phillip Johnston 553-3224.
Closes 4/6.
Driver Part Time. Salary
Range $13.00 hr. Rick Ribeiro
F ish & W ild life P a rks
Manager. R equires Salary
Range 52,120. Yr. To $56,020.
Yr. Robert Brunoe 553-2002.
Intergovernmental Policy
and P la n n in g M a na g e r.
Salary Range 42,000. Yr. To
$47,000. Yr. Robert A Brunoe
S a n ita tio n T e ch n icia n .
Provide garbage service on a
scheduled route to commercial
and residential custom ers.
Must have or be able to obtain
within 60 days a CDL license.
Assist with recycling and other
duties. Work is generally Mon­
day to Friday but there are re­
quired a few week-ends. Work
in cold and heat. Responsible
for minor truck maintenance
and for reporting vehicle prob­
lem to Vehicle Pool Manager.
Salary Range $20,779 Yr. To
$25,524. Yr. Nancy Collins
553-4943, 325-3146. Closes 4 /
6 .
Research and M onitoring
S u p e rviso r. Salary Range
$44,000. Yr. To $55,000. Yr.
Brad Houslet 553-2039.
I B uy I n d i a n
B a s k e ts
Call 475-6317
OSU Extension 4-H Pro­
gram Assistant. Provide sup­
port and assistance in devel­
o p m e n t, le a d e rs h ip , and
sustainability of the OSU Ex­
tension 4-H Youth Develop­
m e nt P ro g ra m at W arm
S p rin g s . S a la ry R ange
$19,791. Yr. Teresa Hogue
To advertise in the
Spilyay Tymoo, call Sam
Howard at 279-9973.
v___________ ______________ )
A-l Traders Now Offers SAFE GUN STORAGE!
Are you concerned about firearms theft in your home?
Talk to us about our new program that offers you safe and secure
storage for a low monthly fee. Other basic service available for
additional one-time fees.
NO background checks or fees required when you
redeem your firearm! !! When using this service
Licensed Firearm Dealer
Call (541J-475-3666
Tom - Curt - Suzie - Terry
At Your Service
We are not a Pawn Shop so
We pay more for items that we buy:
Jewelry, guns, Old West items, Beaded items, Bags, Cornhusk,
Powwow Regalia, Baskets,
Vintage Preferred & Will pay top Dollar!
Small Engine Repair, Same store different name
Legal Aid in Warm Springs on Mondays
Legal Aid Services of
Oregon, w hich provides
free legal advice and rep­
resentation to low-income
O regonians, is in W arm
Springs the first Monday of
eve ry m onth, from 1 to 4
p.m., at the Family Resource
Center, 1144 Warm Springs
To contact Legal Aid Ser­
vices of Oregon, write to it at
Legal Aid Services of O r­
egon, Central Oregon Re­
gional Office, 1029 N.W.
14th S treet, Bend, O re.,
97701; or call (800) 678-
6944, or (541) 385-6944.