Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, March 29, 2007, Page Page 8, Image 8

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    Spilygy Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
P^ge 8
March 29, 2007
Agency District Candidates
Mike Clements
My name is M ike
Clements “Iso.” My desire
is to serve the Warm Springs
Confederated Tribes once
again on the Tribal Council.
I am a resident of the agency
district and had the honor of
serving from 1980 to 1986.
First I want to express my
appreciation to M axine
Switzler for nominating me as
a candidate for the 2007-
2010 Tribal Council. Also, a
thank you goes to Mr. Lyle
Rhoan Jr. for the second that
allowed me to be a candidate.
These folks have been life­
long friends and I appreciate
their support and expressed
Many of you voters in the
agency district know that we
are in a critical time in our
history as our nation is amid
some great challenges today.
I believe it is critical that we
take this election extremely
serious because the outcome
of whom we elect will be felt
for many years. I say this
because we all know and can
see the trying situations that
are upon us. The poverty,
social problems amongst our
people, multi family home liv­
ing conditions, lack of jobs
and the non-existence of
community infrastructure are
in need of change.
Do we want the same the
next three years?
I ’ve w atched for many
years now our effort in the
agency district in selecting our
leadership has changed. I have
no complaint as to the sincerity
of those elected and their de­
sire to get things done but I have
a problem with the results of
the efforts and where we are as
a tribe today.
I know many of us want
things to get better, “So why do
we keep putting the same people
back in so they can give us more
of the same?” I have to admit
I am frustrated like most and I
recommend change now so we
can give others a chance to
make a difference.
I don’t believe those that are
in there are going to be able to
get us where we need to be for
the younger generations to
progress now and later. I mean
no disrespect and openly give
credit for the successes, but we
need to let others step in and
take the lead. We all have our
place and purpose as we have
learn ed from our elders.
Please take the time to seri­
ously consider your vote and
select representatives from
our district that are going to
have the ability to get things
Do we want things to con­
tinue? •
I know you all drive
around and visit in the com­
munity and see the living con­
ditions of our friends and
relatives just like I do. Pov­
erty is alive and well in' our
community. I hear of the
m ulti-fam ily living where
there are 10 to 20 family
members in one home. I
watch as our jobs disappear
and are filled by outside
people. We do not seem to
believe our people have the
talent to do the work that is
available. We have no town
center where we can place
our com m ercial or retail
stores to service our people
and community. There are
no schools or institutibns
w here we can teach our
youth and younger genera­
tions so they can fill the
workforce we say we need.
I do not see the welcoming
community we all talk about
as part of our culture and
tradition. We need to do
more and we can do more if
we put our minds and hearts
to it.
Mike Clements
Alfred Smith Jr.
My name is Alfred Smith
Jr., but most people around
the reservation know me as
JR. I am a candidate for
T ribal C ouncil from the
Agency District.
I want my people to know
that I don’t make promises
to do things to please every­
body because it takes a ma­
jority of the council to pass
any action. But I will cast
my vote in council on mat­
ters that w ill benefit most
tribal members and speak my
piece at the table.
I feel that the number one
priority for Warm Springs is
econom ic developm ent.
Without it, we can’t function
as a government, nor can we
become financially secure.
We need to develop busi­
nesses that are sure to make
money for us.
I feel also that drugs and
alcohol need to be dealt with.
whether it’s by seeing that viola­
tors receive treatment or be de­
tained. Alcohol and drugs con­
tribute to the social problems we
have. As violators go through
the system, they need speedy
trials and fair judgment. There
should be jobs for them after
treatment to help promote self­
esteem so they can become self-
I strongly believe in a succes­
sor program of placing young
tribal members alongside man­
agers as assistants to learn the
ropes and eventually take
over the position. There was
a strong message from the
people at our March 12 meet­
ing to eliminate employees
from serving on council.
Concern was also expressed
about excessive council travel.
If elected to council, I would
support addressing these is­
These are my top priori­
ties. I know there are many
problems that need to be
taken care of, but we need
to start with the basics. We
should always have funding
for housing, health care, and
education as these are ongo­
ing needs.
We are setting the stage for
our children and the future.
I would appreciate the
confidence of your vote for
me at the polls.
Thank you.
Alfred Sm ith Jr.
Wärm Springs Märkßt
dndiän A rts ând C râgs
2132 Wärm Springe Ä
Wärm Springs, 0R9776Í
. (541)3539397
\> v h ' >
Eugene Austin
Greene, Jr.
Good day my people. My
name is Eugene “A ustin”
Greene, Jr. and my Indian
name is M us-ta-lik. I am
proud of my bloodlines
w hich include the W arm
Springs, Wasco and Paiute. I
am 46 years of age, and have
been alcohol free for the past
18 years, and that is vitally
im portant to me and the
people that I serve as an ac­
tive com m unity member,
and an employee of the tribal
organization as Recreation
I have been working in the
Recreation field as a human
service provider for the Con­
federated Tribes of Warm
Springs since I got my high
school diploma. I began as an
entry level Activity Aide, later
a Fitness Coordinator, and
finally reaching my goal as
the Recreation Supervisor in
1997. This job has spanned
27 years and involves work­
ing with the people of the
Warm Springs Tribes on a
day to day basis. And work­
ing with the youth has been
a highlight - our future is our
youth. Through the years, I
have learned the process of
the T ribal O rganization ,
through H um an Services
projects, Financial, Human
R esources, and o f course
T ribal M anagem ent. I
strongly support education,
but for m yself although I
realize that education was
important to me, once I got
into Recreation — I had to
consider doing the job I have,
or going back to school. I
chose to stay where I was. But
through the years I have al­
ways kept my ears and heart
open to all. I have grown a
lot, learned a lot, and am
ready to serve my people on
a higher level.
done its part for now, and we
need to sustain it for our fu­
ture. The tribes need to look
at other options, and I would
strongly support economic
development — that which is
economically viable for the
Tribes, and would provide
jobs for our people. That, of
course, is in addition to cur­
rent tribal enterprises, as well
as small businesses. We have
to support small business
owners, for they also provide
jobs to our local people, and
support those owners — so
our dollars stay here! Tour­
Many issues have overcome ism can be a significant fac­
our once prominent reservation. tor to the tribes, yet we have
And we have to make advance­ to be environmentally sensi­
ment in being able to address tive to protect our lands
these issues. I understand the within the reservation bound­
Tribal Council has to first be aries for our future.
open to their constituents and
developm ent
make reports to the people. should remain a top priority
That could be through the local of this Tribe, as our .future
media or monthly newsletters to leaders are molded by this
the community and enrolled priority. We need to continue
members. D istrict m eetings to support our education sys­
have been happening regularly, tem, work directly with the
but maybe we could consider various youth clubs and or­
q uarterly G eneral C ouncil ganizations and provide ad­
Meetings, bringing everyone to­ equate funding to support
gether, including the Council for those programs.
reporting. This might vastly im­
As a tribe, the selected
prove the poor image of com­ council has to be very con­
munication that the people have scientious in dealing with our
expressed. Once in Council — current situation and business
never forget who got you there! of this tribe and we cannot
If elected I would follow my give up on the future. We
word, and report to the mem­ have many challenges and for
bership, clans and families as anyone that sits on the Tribal
requested. And the Council has Council, times ahead could be
to be open to the people, there extremely challenging.
are many concerns that arise that
Thank you for your time
the Council should consider. I and I would like to thank
can I am a good listener, and as those elders who have asked
a Councilman you are repre­ me to consider the nomina­
senting each enrolled individual tion - this says a lot in regards
and tribe as a whole, of our res­ to their views of me and my
accom plishm ents. And I
The tribal economy is a con­ would also wish all candidates
cern for all, and we need to think good luck.
about our children. What does
“A u stin ”
their future hold? We know the Greene, Jr.
tribe cannot depend on the tim­
ber industry as that itself has
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