Spilygy classifies Lost dog $250 Reward for return of lost male dalmatian. Name: Bandit. 8 years old, 85 pounds with red collar with name tag and blue bandana. Last seen on Palmer Way off Tenino Rd. Please call 553-1385 or 325- 1201 with any information. We miss him very much. Thank you. Vinson and Suzi Macy. For Sale 24-inch bicycle for $50, and a dirt motorcycle in good shape for $350 or $250. Please call Jeff Hartzog. 475-7963. Jobs (The following is the recent jo b opening lis t o f the Warm S p rin g s Tribes. See A m e lia Tewee in the Personnel Depart­ m ent to subm it an application, or call 553-3262. Also, you can apply on-line at www.ctws.org. For more details on the posi­ tions, call the contact person listed on the advertisement. Or visit the tribes’job advertisement list at www.ctws.org. All positions are open until filled, unless oth­ erwise indicated.) Warm Springs Power & W ater Enterprises Staff Accountant. High School diploma or equivalent. Asso­ ciated Degree in Accounting or Business Detail oriented. Computer/software compe­ tent in regards to Microsoft Excel and Word familiarity with accounting software. This position could be filled with an individual who shows strong interest in the Ac­ counting figld and is commit­ ted to a program that could include part time work with som e C ollege C redit Courses. Job duties will in­ clude: Excel spreadsheet maintenance, daily produc­ tion sheets, daily energy price check, accounts pay­ able, general journal entry and other office related ac­ tivities. Salary Range $10. Hr. To $15.00 Hr. Send ap­ plications with resumes to: Warm Springs Power and Water Enterprises, P.O. Box 960, Warm Springs, OR. 97761. Michael C. Lofting 553-1046. Closes 3/16. Comp & Benefits A d­ ministrator. Perform diver­ sified administrative duties to c o o rd in a te d e ta ils of e m p lo y e e ’s b e n e fit p ro ­ grams: Pension, W orkers’ Com pensation and other benefits (medical, dental, vi­ sion, prescription, life, dis­ ability, and flex) information to employees. Maintain thor­ ough knowledge of tribal benefits package and per­ sonnel policies. Ensure com­ pliance with employment laws regulating employee benefits. Remain current on new end changed laws, rules and regulations in em­ ploym ent, com pensation and em ployee benefits. Complete salary surveys. Assist in analyzing and re­ viewing job descriptions for accuracy and consistency and work with committee in job evaluation. Maintain con­ fidentiality. Administer, rec­ oncile, balance and pay bill­ ings, statements, bank bal­ ances, and administrative charges. Claims processing for internally administered plans. S alary Range $27,995. Yr. Lupe Katchia 553-3498. Closes 3/23. Fire M anagem ent Squad B oss/Fuels (2). The Squad Boss is respon­ sible for supervision of five (5) crew members in various work projects, carries out the planned work schedules and makes adjustments in w o rk-loa d to m eet the needs; plans for and picks up supplies and equipment ava ilab le, prepares the items for readiness, and in­ spects for safe use on all projects. Main duties are using power tools to remove juniper and brush, also will be required to fight fire un­ der stressful conditions with hand and power tools from 8 - 1 6 hours. Valid Oregon Driver’s License is required. Must be able to pass physi­ cal exam and arduous pack test. Preferred that applicant posses good oral/w ritten skills. Salary Range 12.36 hr. Dorian Soliz 553-1146. Closes 3/16. Fire Fighter/Fuels (15 positions) Main duties are using power tools to remove juniper and brush, also will be required to fight fire un­ der stressful conditions with hand and power tools from 8 - 1 6 hours. Must be able to pass physical exam and arduous pack test. P re­ ferred that applicant posses good oral/written skills and be familiar with operation of fire fighting equipment, and reservation roads and land­ marks. Pre-employment UA required. S alary Range $11.01 hr. Dorian Soliz 553- 1146. Closes 3/16. OSU Extension 4-H Pro­ gram Assistant. Provide support and assistance in development, leadership, and sustainability of the OSU Extension 4-H Youth Devel­ opment Program at Warm Springs. S alary Range $19,791. Yr. Teresa Hogue at 480-1993. G eneral Ledger Spe­ cialist. Maintain accurate general ledger accounts and timely Financial report­ ing. Account for and recon­ cile fixed assets. Four year degree in Accounting or re­ lated field with five years of Accounting or related field with five years of account­ ing experience. S alary Range neg. Judy Johnson 553-3375. Fire Management IHC Squad Leader. The squad Boss is responsible for su­ pervision of five (5) crew members in various work projects, carries out the planned work schedules and makes adjustments in work load to m eet the needs, plans for and picks up supplies and equipment ava ilab le, prepares the items for readiness; and in­ spects for safe use on all projects and fire assign­ ments. Minimum qualifica­ tions: Advanced Fire Fighter Type 1; Incident Com ­ mander Type 5; and Crew Boss Trainee. Valid Oregon Driver’s License is required. Must have physical exam within last 3 years and be able to pass arduous fitness test Preferred that applicant posses good oral/w ritten skills. Salary Range $13.83 hr. Anthony Holliday 553- 1146. Fire Management IHC Crew Member. Fights fire under stressful conditions with hand and power tools from 8 - 1 6 hours. Must be able to pass fitness test. Preferred that applicant pos­ ses good oral & written skills and be familiar with opera­ tion of fire Fighting equip­ ment. Must be committed and is required to be away from home for a long period of time during the fire sea­ son. (Unless a family emer­ gency occurs within the im­ mediate family.) Must have a telephone or a reliable message phone, and be available and on call 24 hours a day during the fire season. Salary Range GS 3 $11.01 hr. Anthony Holliday/ Gary Sampson 553-1146. Fire M anagem ent Equipm ent O perator. Must have valid C D L -A with tank, air-brake, combination vehicle endorsements. Must be able to operate D-6 Dozer, 30 ton Tractor Trailer Transport, 3500 gallon Wa­ ter Tender. Must be able to pass physical and fitness test. Preferred that applicant have working knowledge of w ild fire and prescribed burns, posses good oral/ written skills and be familiar with operation of fire fight­ ing equipment and be famil­ iar with reservation roads and landm arks. S alary Range $13.83. Luther Clements 553-1146. Fire Management En­ gine O p erator (2 p o s i­ tions). Operates fire fight­ ing vehicles and associated equipment involved with fire figh ting . Fights fire with hand and power tools from 8 - 1 6 hours. Valid Oregon Driver’s license is required. Must be able to pass annual physical exam and arduous pack test. Preferred that a p p lica n t have w orking knowledge of 4-wheel drive vehicles, posses good oral/ written skills and be familiar with reservation roads and landmarks. Salary Range $12.36 hr To $13.83 hr. Vernon Tias Sr. 553-1146. Fire Management A s­ sistant Engine Operator. In the Tribal Court o f the Confederated Tribes o f Warm Springs Probate Department In the matter of the Estate of Teresa McKinley-Avalos, deceased, estate file no. 042- P R 42-07. N otice is hereby given that Teresa McKinley- Avalos, who at the time of her death, resided at Warm Springs, Oregon, died on Feb. 14, 2007, and that the above entided court has appointed Richard Tohet as public administrator to admin­ ister the decedent’s estate sub­ ject to the jurisdiction o f the Tribal Court. Notice is further given that all persons having claims against the decedent’s estate are required to present their claim s, w ith proper voucher, to the Warm Springs T ribal C ourt, PO Box 850, Warm Springs, OR 97761 within 90 days from the date upon w hich this notice was first posted. This notice was first posted on Feb. 20, 2007. In the matter of the estate o f C aroline T orres, de­ ceased, estate file no. 043- P R 43-07. N otice is hereby given that Caroline Torres, who at the time of her death resided at Warm Springs, OR, died on February 15, 2007, and that the above entitled court has ap­ pointed Richard Tohet as pub­ lic administrator to administer the decedent’s estate subject to the jurisdiction of the Tribal Court. Notice is further given that all persons having claims against the decedent’s estate are required to present their claims, with proper voucher, to the Warm Springs Tribal Probate, PO Box 850, Warm Springs, OR 97761 within 90 days from the date upon which this notice was first posted. This notice was first posted on March 8, 2007. Page 12 Spflyay T ym oo Periodically operates fire fighting vehicles and asso­ ciated equipment involved with fire fighting. Fights fire with hand and power tools from 8 - 1 6 hours. Valid Or­ egon Driver’s license is re­ quired. Must be able to pass annual physical exam and arduous pack test. Pre­ ferred that applicant have working knowledge of 4- wheel drive vehicles, posses good oral/written skills and be familiar with reservation roads and landmarks. Sal­ ary Range $11.01 hr. To $12.36 hr. Vernon Tias Sr. 553-1146. Vocational Rehab D i­ rector. To administer a fed­ eral program to assist cli­ ents with disabilities to main­ tain or be redirected with employment opportunities through rehabilitation, train­ ing and case management. Direct supervision of as­ signed staff. Manage fund­ ing, cost services, and grant maintenance. A.A. degree with 5 years case manage­ ment or Bachelor’s degree with 2 years case manage­ ment experience required. Valid Oregon d riv e r’s li­ cense required. S alary Range $32,000. Yr. to 39,000. Yr. Rick Ribeiro 553-5415. Social Services Driver Part Time. Hiring for drivers to operate a public transit bus. High School diploma or equivalent. Valid Oregon CDL and clean driving record. With passenger en­ dorsement. Positive people to work with the community and co-workers. Must be able to lift 50 lbs. First Aid/ CPR required. To drive a 12 person bus with two wheel­ chair seating. Job includes maintenance logs for bus. Cleaning bus. Assisting per­ sons getting on and off the bus. Clean and sober for minimum of six months. Sal­ ary Range $13.00 hr. Rick Ribeiro 553-3415. Fish & Wildlife Parks Man­ ager. R equires S alary Range 52,120. Yr. To $56,020. Yr. Robert Brunoe March 15, 2 0 0 7 553-2002. Natural Resources: P la n n in g /ln te rg o v e rn - mental Policy and Plan­ ning Manager. Evaluate in­ te r-g o ve rn m e n ta l policy compliance and make rec­ om m endation for policy, regulatory, and operational modifications that will secure the Tribes’ current and future natural resource manage­ ment goals and aspirations. Compile, analyze and brief appropriate tribal officials of legislative, regulatory and judicial policy developments. Recommend im plementa­ tion strategies for legisla­ tive, regulatory or judicial policy developm ents and monitor compliance. Salary Range 42,000. Yr. To $47,000. Yr. Robert A Brunoe 553-2015. Fisheries R esearch and Monitoring Supervi­ sor. Supervise tribal re­ search and monitoring pro­ grams and staff related to fisheries on the reservation and throughout the ceded territory. S alary Range $44,000. Yr. To $55,000. Yr. Brad Houslet 553-2039. Public Safety Correc­ tions Officer (1 Female). High S chool diplom a or equivalen t. M ust pass DPSST physical standards and attend DPSST academy and complete successfully within one year from time of hire. Must be 21 years of age and possess a valid O regon d riv e r’s license. Must have no felonies or do­ mestic violence convictions. Must have no misdemeanor convictions within one year of employment. Must main­ tain all minimum require­ ments during employment. Physical exam required. Must submit to pre-employ­ m ent drug test. S alary Range $23,440. Yr. To $24,340. Yr. Bruce Fones 553-3273. Public Utilities Mainte­ nance man. Valid Oregon driver’s license, proof of in­ surance. Must have reliable transportation and tools. To perform building m ainte­ nance on Tribal buildings and/or private homes. Per­ form all functions of a jour­ neym an ca rp e n te r and painter, and all other job duties as assigned. At least two years “verifiable “expe­ rience in Maintenance and/ or Carpentry (Note: Applica­ tion must be filled in com­ pletely, applications which are considered incomplete will not be subject for review or interview. Salary Range $24,514. Yr. To $25,480. Yr. Cecil D. Brunoe Jr. 553- 4962 or 553-3246. Public U tilities G roundskeeper. Mow Lawns and irrigate land­ scaped areas. Maintain and re p a ir groundskeeping equipment including mow­ ers, sw eepers, pumps, sprinkler systems and auto­ matic controls. Prune trees and shrubs. Applies chemi­ cals and fertilizers. Clean grounds, sid ew alks and parking lots including snow removal. Assist in other ar­ eas of the Utilities Depart­ ment as necessary. Valid CDL. S alary Range $24,160. Yr. To $25,460, Yr. Bryan Lund 553-3246. Kah-Nee-Ta T h e re are jo b s open at Kah-Nee-Ta High D e sert R e sort and Casino. For information call Kah-Nee-Ta at 553- 1112, and ask for Per­ sonnel or the Human R e s o u rc e s D e p a rt­ ment. I Buy Indian Baskets Call 475-6317 A-l Traders Now Offers SAFE GUN STORAGE! Are you concerned about firearms theft in your home? Talk to us about our new program that offers you safe and secure storage for a low monthly fee. Other basic service available for additional one-time fees. NO background checks or fees required when you redeem your firearm!!! When using this service Licensed Firearm Dealer ^RADERs Call (541)-475-3666 Tom - Curt - Suzie - Terry . At Your Service ST., We are not a Pawn Shop so We pay more for items that we buy: Jewelry, guns, Old West items, Beaded items, Bags, Cornhusk, Powwow Regalia, Baskets, Vintage Preferred & Will pay top Dollar! Small Engine Repair, Same store different name Legal Aid in Warm Springs on Mondays Legal Aid Services of Oregon, which provides free legal advice and rep­ resentation to low-income Oregonians, is in Warm Springs the first Monday of every month, from 1 to 4 p.m., at the Family Resource Center, 1144 Warm Springs Street. To contact Legal Aid Ser­ vices of Oregon, write to it at Legal Aid Services of Or­ egon, Central Oregon Re­ gional Office, 1029 N.W. 14th Street, Bend, Ore., 97701; or call (800) 678- 6944, or (541) 385-6944.