Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, March 01, 2007, Page Page 3, Image 3

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March 1, 2007
Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
Managers release salvage sale
document for public review
Dinner honors task force volunteers
B y L eslie M itts
Spilyay Tymoo
Volunteers with the meth task
force were honored in a dinner
at the Agency Longhouse on
Feb. 22.
The task force has approxi­
mately 39 volunteers, according
to Wayne Miller, coordinator for
the meth prevention program.
However, he added, that list
only includes the volunteers who
consistently attend every meet­
ing. In reality, Miller said, many
more attend on an infrequent
The meth task force meets
every two weeks and sponsors
events like “Indian Nite Out”
in addition to other programs.
Joyce Oberly, public health
educator, said the volunteers are
key in combating methamphet-
amine use.
“I think it is just outstanding
for the community o f Warm
Springs to take that action,”
Oberly said.
The task force, she said, has
been in existence for over a year.
They meet at the Community
Counseling Center and meetings
are open to the public.
Jim Quaid, human services
Leslie Mitts/Spilyay
Volunteers with the meth task force received certificates of appreciation.
coordinator, spoke at the event
and praised those involved with
the task force.
“This has been a big effort,”
Quaid said, adding that the
group has been very active in
their work to target the local
meth problem.
I t’s a problem, Miller said,
that is drastic.
“I t’s huge,” Miller explained.
“I ’m overw helm ed by the
amount o f people that do it.”
Because o f that, volunteers
are working to develop pro­
grams like a “Rez Watch” pro­
gram that would function like a
neighborhood watch.
“I t’s like a community within
a community,” Miller explained.
Miller is also organizing a
two-day conference in April that
will bring together all eight res­
ervations in Oregon to discuss
ways in which everyone is deal­
ing with the methamphetamine
At the conference, students
from Jefferson County Middle
School will give a presentation—
and Miller said he hopes to be
able to work with all o f the lo­
cal schools.
One o f the main focuses for
the task force, Miller said, is to
work with youth and those in
“I’m not here to judge,” Miller
W.S. Winter Nights Culture Club
The Warm Springs Winter
Nights Culture Club will meet
from 5 to 8 p.m. on Wednes­
day nights, March 7, 14, 21
and 29.
Everyone is welcome. For
more information call Char
Herkshan at 553-3205
Simnasho W inter Nights Culture club
The Simnasho Winter Nights
Culture Club will meet from 5
to 8 p.m. on Monday nights,
March 5, 12, 19 and 26.
T he Resource Manage­
ment Interdisciplinary Team
(R M ID T ) has released a
draft project assessment cov­
ering the Badger Butte Tim­
ber Sanitation Salvage for
public review. The document
was prepared by the Project
In terd iscip lin ary
(PID T) to provide options
for tim ber harvest in the
Badger creek watershed. The
salvage sale is expected to
yield approximately 520,000
cubic feet o f pulpwood and
780,000 board feet o f tim­
ber, assuming the recom ­
mended alternative is ap­
The recommended alter­
native was designed to sal­
vage trees killed or damaged
by mountain pine beetle. The
primary objectiv es are to
treat hazardous fuels and re­
duce the threat o f wildfire,
while returning an economic
profit to the Confederated
Approximately 459 acres
o f commercial forestland is
being proposed for salvage
harvest. No harvest is being
proposed for conditional use
T h e recen tly released
project assessment is divided
into sections explaining the
purpose and need for action,
Everyone is welcome. For
more inform ation please call
Char Herkshan at 553-3205.
added. “We’re here to help the
Miller also hopes that they will
be able to work with a zero-toler­
ance policy for methamphetamine
use in the community.
In the future they hope to
post signs throughout the com­
m unity— both fo r the Rez
Watch Program and regarding
the local zero tolerance policy.
It’s the work o f volunteers,
Miller added, the helps to cre­
ate a significant impact.
“You g o t to start som e­
where— and it starts little by
little,” Miller said. “I see us hav­
ing a big impact on a lot o f fami­
N ext deadline to submit
items to the Spilyay Tymoo
is Friday, March 9.
Ski d ay
M a rc h 9
details o f two management
alternatives, a description o f
the affected environm ent,
potential consequences re­
lated to management actions,
and measures formulated to
mitigate negative impacts.
There are maps showing
the areas where trees could
be salvaged, quick reference
tables to compare the alter­
natives, a transportation map,
statements on monitoring,
and the P I D T ’s re c o m ­
mended alternative.
The project assessment is
not a decision document. It
provides a summary o f the
tech n ical s t a f f ’s detailed
analyses, which are on file in
the corresponding depart­
For more information or
copies o f the Badger Butte
Sanitation Salvage PA stop by
the Forestry Branch office,
or call 5 5 3 -2 4 1 6 . T ribal
members have 30 days to
comm ent on the proposed
When the comment period
has expired, R M ID T will re­
view and respond to all o f the
tribal m em ber com m ents.
They will then complete a
decision document with their
recom m end ation on how
best to implement and miti­
gate the project.
M t. H ood M eadows will
host a tribal member ski day
on Friday, M arch 9, a n o ­
school day. For inform ation
co n tact Ju lie Quaid at 553-
3438; or Sue Matters at KW SO
at 553-1968. The bus leaves the
community center at 8 a.m. Sign
up before noon on Monday,
March 5 — Limit o f 50 youth
and adult chaperones.
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