Jgnugry 18, 2007 Spilydy Tym oo, W grm Springs, Oregon Pgge 13 THE CONFEDERATED TRIBES LANGUAGE LESSON L a sst» Walasakas Anm, Wawaxam, Shâtm, ku Tiyâmki , ~ 1 Tt’aaxw auku ishanxana tich^m anaku yi. Ku anch’axi anch’axi Anm y tq ’nukwt iwiyanawixama Winter month. Wawaxam Shâtm Tiyam Walsakas Walsakta auku papak’unxana ku papalaxsimixana anitah xtuyai tamanwitai naknuwitash. Spring month. Summer month. Fall month. Legend ï $ P3yu k’s t itxSnaxana anakumun puui $ itwananaxama Sometimes the snow came and » it was cold. t They had many council meetings together, many rules were made at this time. Legend teller Tmnanäxt iwä Änm Wawaxam Shätm ku Tiyämki. This legend The frost would come and all earth would freeze. is the Ku anch’a patxtaimmaxana taaminwa apn tam anwit story of the four seasons. V Miimi pawacha tunxtunx anwichi wariichi Anm ft Wawaxam Shatm ku Tiyam anakush pawacha tananma " ft Ï They changed their rules or laws all the time. Anakumun iwacha kutkut ku anamish patmiyunxana anwicht wanichima ku kush patmiyunxana * Au pasnwixana kushxi patiyaxana ku patqTiwixana tqfiw it wacmaik’a pakutkutnxana day we bring you a Paiute Legend , t ,woakuse. Today “ The Wolf, Coyote and the Stars”. Enjoy the legend! f t Ka Esa No Etza’a Paatosooba Natugooyoonakwe 6:00pm-8:00pm Homebase'With Suzie Slockish YY Ha’o tu ;wa u mani? Ka mago’o tsakonal ft Oonow habes’e u’uweka. '^ S o he lied down and fell asleep. ft • J The wolf made the earth. * ' i Ci Now you’ve let the stars out. ■ftnonotse u koomeba tam etoo poo'neyina ! faEverytime that you look up into the sky W I'U tu ’tu ’ha n f t You will ^7} ^ f !■ t Osoo oo sqopedakwa f t patoosooba^b“'‘,'■ ■ ' — i The coyote wasn’t listening went ahead and looked inside the bag. ., . .„. ^ ,T h e moral of this story is: always listen and vou won't be sorry for ^ doing so m e thin g w rong. W. mm WEDNESDAYS Raccoon and his grandmother By English Q|acjy S Thompson and Madeline Mclnturff, Jan 07, 1993 Gangadix ik’alalash kwadau ayak’ish gashdutainj/ Ayak’ish gagiulxam, “Aga ‘muya itxakw’ayat qw’ap c’nigasba. Kwapt ixtba wigwa walu f t yam t. Kwaba alma aixt ak’un gagiux. Gachiaxgemchxuga dan ithclem bama ft* shit’ix agulul alemxelmuxma,” “Aah, ayak’ish, alemxelmuxma. V alanxelmaxma aixt kwadau sh it’ix agulul,” Long, long ago Raccoon and his grandmother lived at -J ik’alalsh galikim. Kwapt tt’aq gayuya. C’nigas. One day Raccoon became hungry. He asked T> Then Grandmother said, “ You may go to our p it and eat *his grandmother for something tg eat. _ Gagiugemchxuga, “ K’axsh gm uxt chi alagamin?” K’aya k’axsh gachiux. Gagiugemchxuga, “ Qengi ibiaxi?” “ K’aya,” galikim. “ Qengi ik’apaksh?” “ K’aya.” galikim. ' j only one and a half acorns. ” “ Yes, Grandmother, I will f ti eat only one and a half acorns. ” Raccoon set out. f t Gayuyaaa, gayuyam. f t Saqw gadixelmux f t 1 itshdagulul ikw’ayatba. f t K’aya aixt ak’un sh it’ix U agulul galaixelmux f t ayak’ish diwi gagiulxam. l ) Kwapt galixkw’a. Ï Kwapt ayak isn gagiunaxttam. Galuyambet ikw’ayatba, gagilqtaxit Iqushdiaxa saqw gadixelmux itshdagulul. Aga kwapt ikmak^n achuxa. K’aya idiaxichemlit qengi gagiulxam ayak’ish. went looking for him. She went A to Then the his pit. grandmother She saw that Raccoon had eaten all o f the acorns in the pit. She became very angry. i i i Nawit galaxkw’a. Galaxkw’ayaitam bt gagigelkel ixpshut ishqatbcachxba. she got home she saw her grandson hiding by the fireplace. ( eat one and half acorns as his grandmother told him. 'm''" Kwapt gagiugwililxlchk, iyagech-yamt nawit axemkitba ayaich iqatbcachx engi. Qidau- yam t yaxdau ik’alalash d at’sip iyak’inulmax. acorn pit. He ate all o f the acorns in the pit, he did not lakamin?” He didn’t want it. y She quickly returned home. When ft, He went on, he go t to the She asked him, “Do you want She asked, “ What about piaxi?” 3:30pm - 5:00pm Language Trailer (Located Behind Education Bldg.) ----- KiRsht Lesson— ¡n Wasco by Phillip Kahclamat, Translated to numu LANGUAGE CLASSES the bag> out, came the Told i tunaka, ka wrong to let the stars He cries, beca f*\out. ^ v stars / T ^ i s J i i i L ^O soo Esa ka tuboonese meo ka Etza’a nema’e When the wolf woke up he told the coyote.. Ik alalash kwaciau Ayak isn e sky he f t ' So eve, : i cries. H JjMgpm Oosoo ka mago’o - Obenakwa osoo patoosooba ka koome ana9a T f i n Ste^tsakonase ^ * * V * namatapooekwe. Ar . . ft A patoosooba Ku’owke! Afterwards he was go,ng to place th e sta r^m the sky. ■ . ^ a tam etoo ft.M eno’o f t poone; 'W &x: ...via»— M M rt*»»»:*:. . . . ft,Osoo Etza’a ki tunakana ka mago’o kwitoo ftp o o ’newunne. Ka onosoo A long time ago Osoo Esa ka teepu matapooe. What have you done? You opened the bag! y Yise u ka patoosooba tsakua! his work. The wolf was very tired from his Wolf, Coyote, and Stars Legend[ i jft Then he headed for home. He said, “No. ” “ What about fishhead?” “No rf She picked up a burnt stick and X whipped him from his nose right to the That is how the raccoon go t its Gagiugemchxuga, “ Qengi wakuch kwadau asapqwix?” “ K’aya,” galikim. “ Qengi agulul? K’axsh chi gm uxt?” “Aah,” gachuxa, “ k’axsh gnu«t agulul.” “ What about salmon and dumplings?” “No.” Then Grandmother asked, “How about some acorns? Do you want that?” “ Yes,” he said, “I want acorns.” KIKSHT LANGUAGE CLASSES MONDAYS Galixkw’ayaitam bet galixpshut ishqatbcachxba. 3:30pm - 5:00pm when he go t home, he hid by the fireplace, Language Trailer 4 For more information on language classes. Please call Culture & Heritage Language Program at 541-553-3290 Come to craft classes at the Culture & Heritage Cultural Room. Thursday’s 5:00pm to 8:00pm Friday’s 1:00pm to 5:00pm ■É*£llt is open. Start a new project or complete your incompletef projects. ....-4V- p i s Esa Osoo Etza’a oonow kemowgese, yise, hemma matapooe u hane? Meoo tubengu? patoosooba Coyote came along, and asked what are you doing? koomeba tubenguse ise, ooka oo mago’o kwitoo nepoonewunu. mago’o 'A n d w anted to see w hat was in the bag. woakuse Ku’owka ,ft,Osoo Esa Ka Etza’a meo “ Ki maka mago’o Tupoonese f t kwitoo poonepana” . W77?e wolf told Coyote “Don’t look into the bag”. Yaga Soopedakwatoo Ya tamme natugooyoonakwe! Te nakapunne! i j O soo Esa u’nutse’e pahona'yina, ka unu ^ MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS i Wimm Lesse» Y y 4:00pm - 5:00pm 1 st floor tmg. rm. of Education Bldg. With Arlita Rhoan <§> When it came time to work, each season did what he wanted to do. They could talk and laugh, play games and worked with each other. He kept them m a bag § TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS Long,long ago there were many T kind of seasons, They were very much like people. Ooka mago’okwi mu h a n e n a ^ / ICHISHKIN LANGUAGE CLASSES \ tT s t t t t: tT i t t (Located behind the Education Bldg.) TUESDAYS Home Base Language At Lola Sohappy residence THURSDAYS 4H DANCE PRACTICE 3:30pm - 5:00pm Community Center Aerobics room (Must fill out registration slip)