P^ge 14 Spilyay T y m o o O cto b e r 26 51H A M KJW A L TRAD1HJÇ AT THÉ RIV ÉR A Gathering of Tribal Enterprises and Native American Businesses Members encouraged to vote Tribal members can vote in the November 7 general elec tion by bringing their ballots to the Warm Springs Library in the Family Resource Center. A ballot box will be at the li brary by the end of this week, and will be available until the election deadline, which is 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 7. On E lection D ay from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. there will be an all-day event at the Resource Center, encouraging voter par ticipation. Lunch will be served at the center on Nov. 7 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. If people have not yet filled out their ballot by Election Day, they can come to the Family Resource Center, where voter inform ation m aterial w ill be available, said Julie Quaid, of the W arm Sp rin gs G et O ut To Vote Committee. A recent voter registration drive on the reservation was a success, said Quaid. The reserv atio n now has about 1,020 registered voters. A bout 850 are in Je ffe rso n County, and another 210 are in Wasco County. “We have many voters, and ; 4 ": < 1 | m n we want to help make sure they vote,” said Quaid. Among the items on the bal lot is the U.S. House of Repre sentatives Second Congressional District of Oregon, which in cludes the reserv atio n and ceded lands. The position of governor is on the ballot, and the Oregon House of Representatives 59th D istrict seat, w hich includes Warm Springs, as are local posi tions such as two county com missioner seats, and sheriff of Jefferson County. ¡ A ! .. J J V j i f h % f I | | | - ; f i ■ *, » H \ ■ ;| i 1 November 1 - 2, 2006 RED LION HOTEL O N THE RIVER AT JANTZEN BEACH Portland, Oregon WHO GATHERS? Indianpreneurs, tribal enterprise managers, planners and policy makers, tribal leaders, corporate, public, and non-profit representatives, small business coaches, counselors and teachers in community discussions Births Noah Hokai Jim Paul Ace Jim III and Ayrian Renee Schjoll of Simnasho are pleased to announce the birth o f their son Noah Lokai Jim , born September 28, 2006. Noah joins brother Gregory, 13, and sister Mariah, 12. The father’s parents are Ed ward and Eleanor Jim of New Mexico. The m o th er’s parents are Melinda and Dan Lupinacci of Madras, and Wayne Schjoll and Feeders Start at Noon Jan Six of Madras. Great grandparents are Wes Graves, and Aggie and Casey Schjoll. Teshawn James Sorrel horse Francis Sorrelhorse and Eliah Squiemphen of Warm Springs are pleased to announce the b irth o f th eir son Teshawn James Sorrelhorse, born Octo ber 18, 2006. PRESENTED BY O R S E S T E R L I N G 5F @ SAVINGS BANK r 5 1 B O N N EVIE. |c « t s o « i I E c a s i P ro v id en ce j Health System KeyBank J M o jf o r é îit j! 4 Q. 0 -TT A caring difference you can feel Chmool< Winds ^€ 0 €O u CASWOWSORT W a s h in g t o n M u tu a l f Q C C i f í r í í i 2 i[ Gxmllt Écwwœjc DcvckfttKst '"■** 'w Lewis & Clark College Portland, Oregon USA Cattle Sold by the Northwest’s “Premier Auction Team“ Trent Stewart & Erie Duarte IH TRACTION RADIAIS 1006 WLAC R esen e Champion 2005 International Lvst. Auctioneering Reserve Champion 2005 International Lvst. Auctioneering Finalist STA RTIN G A T STA RTIN G A T 2002 WLAC Reserve Champion & 2002 - 2006 WLAC Finalists ôufM around traction in alt adverse conditions. SUPERMARKET PRICE 155 R- 13 BW 165/80R-13BW P185/80R-13 P185/75R-14BW P195/75R-14BW P205/75R-14BW P205/75R-15BW P215/75R-15BW P225/75R-15 P235/75R-15BW 175/70R-13BW / ¿m U I kcíím , %c, Clay Tanler Trent Stewart 541 - 419-6060 541 - 480-5540 Eric Duarte HOTEL ACCOMODATIONS Red Lion Hotel on the River at Jantzen Beach 909 N Hayden Island Drive Portland OR 97217 800.RED.LiON i 2 other workshops in three tracks Tradeshow and Exhibits Evening Reception/Networking Event i 1 - 8 7 7 -4 7 5 -3 8 5 1 toll free Field Reps: Plenary sessions 'H o w D o You Say “Business Friendly" in Your N ative Language? 'W h en Sh ould th e Tribe 'Le t th e Private S ecto r D o tt? V We are currently the only West Coast Livestock Market offering International Exposure for your cattle. We have a webcam installed in the sale ring, and interested buyers can view the cattle live at wwvv.lmaauctions.com. This fall buyers will be able to purchase directly over the web or call in to the buyer lines. ßentul Pre-Registration Ends October 10 vwvw.onaben.org Join us for: T eshaw n join s b ro th er Jaedon, 2, and Jenilee, 4. The father’s parents are Lee S o rrelh o rse o f T igard , and Cheryl Heath of Warm Springs. The m o th er’s parents are L aw rence Jr. and L eslie Squiemphen of Warm Springs. G reat g ran d p aren t is M arceline LeClaire o f Warm Springs. Jim Stafford SIZE 155R-13BW SUPERMARKET PRICE 185/70QR-13BW 175/70R-14BW 185/70R-14BW P195/70R-14BW 205/70R-14BW P205/70R-15BW P215/70R-15BW P225/70R-15BW 175/65R-14BW 185/65R-14BW 185/65R-15BW SIZE W INTER TRACTION H A R IA IS P155/80R-13 SUPERMARKET PRICE P155/80R-13 PI 65/80R-13 P175/80R-13 P185/80R-13 P185/75R-14 P195/75R-14 P205/75R-14 P215/75R-14 205/75R-15 P205/75R-15 P215/75R-15 P225/75R-15 195/65R-15BW 72.47 205/65R-15BW 76.10 215/65R-15XLBW 07.90 215/65R-16BW 96.69 195/60R-14BW 71.52 195/68R-15BW 75.82 205/60R-15BW 80.12 215/60R-15BW 83.34 215/60R-16BW 96.14 225/60R-16XLBW 100.15 52.07 55.65 60.90 63.56 61.60 63.41 65.84 70.24 76.20 74.33 77.01 78.82 P235/75R-15 P235/75R-15XL P175/70R-13BW P185/70R-13BW 175/70R-14BW P185/70R-14BW P195/70R-14BW P205/70R-14 P215/70R-14 P205/70R-15 P215/70R-15 P225/70R-15 83.39 85.03 57.25 57.20 61.70 63.28 65.75 67.56 79.48 77.33 81.56 82.93 175/65R-14BW 67.80 P175/65R-14BW 67.80 185/65R-14BW 71.00 P195/65R-14BW 75.65 185/65R-15BW 75.83 195/65R-15BW 81.99 205/65R-15BW 88.13 P215/65R-15BW 92.65 205/65R-16BW 103.39 215/65R-16BW 104.66 P185/80R-14BW 69.01 P195/60R-14BW 82.89 P215/60R-14BW 81.74 185/60R-15BW 79.29 195/60R-15BW 82.S1 P205/60R-158W 88.03 P216/80R-15BW 89.73 P225/60R-15BW 90.07 215/60R-16BW 101.43 195/55R-15BW 96.51 205/55R-16BW 103.27 225/55R-17BW 129.99 THE STUDDED TIRE ALTERNATIVE Gene Engblom SIERRA CABLE LINK TIRE CHAINS STARTIN G A T STARTIN G A T An economical choice! STARTING AT: R ñ É A ñ É Young Achiever Congratulations Leslee Henderson Sponsored by Les Schwab Leslee Henderson is one stu dent that enjoys learning-and looks forward to going to college to study even more, she said. The 13year-o Id eighth grader at Jefferson County M iddle School has hadperfect attendance so fa r this year and maintains a 3.8 grade point average. Her favorite subject is alge thought she could learn something bra, Heslee said. “I t’s the same all over the from her. ‘I like volleyball because its world and it’s fun to use num bers, ’’she explained. ‘Sometimes a new thing I ’m doing, ” Heslee said. This is herfirst yea r play its challenging. ” Her future goals, Heslee said, ing volleyball. Her coach Huanne Fo/t% said are simple: ‘To go to college and Heslee’s skills have improved a lot develop a good life. ” Her parents are her heroes, over the season. “Her serving has improved Heslee said, because “I can look up to them. They can teach me and she is working at getting 100 percent serves each match, ” Folt% a whole bunch o f stuff. ” In fact, Heslee joined the vol said. In addition, Fo/t% said, leyball team because her mother Heslee never misses practice and is used to play volleyball and she a very hard worker. 165/65TR-14 Recommended bb a il 4 wheel m itie n s , this lire LES SCHWAB RUIGK EIT DIAMOND TIRE CHAINS with m ierehil tech Beings traction w it heat tire studs. 175R-14 185R-14 P185/75QR-14 P195/75QH-14 P205/75QR-14 P205/75QR-15 P215/75QR-15 P225/75QR*15 P225/75QR-16XL 175/700R-13 185/70QH-13 175/70QR-14 185/70QR-14 195/70QR-14 215/70QR-14 205/70QR-14 205/7ÛQR-15 215/70QR-15 265/70QR-15 215/70QR-16 P255/70QR-16 175/65TR-14 63.91 57.10 80.55 84.55 88.82 93.96 100.56 103.65 162.34 67.22 69.48 67.68 67.95 71.76 79.83 76.03 84.30 94.71 117.87 132.36 111.35 78.50 They take the work and frustration out of using tire chains. They go on and off quickly and fit right to provide excellent traction during tough winter driving conditions. SUPERMARKET PRICE SUPERMARKET PRICE 225/60TR-17 225/60TR-18 195/55HR-15 2Q5/S5HR-15 205/55HR-16 215/55HR-16 225/55HR-16 215/55HR-17 Z25/55HR-17 235/55HR-17 235/55HR-18 205/55TR-15 195/50HR-16 205/50HR-16 225/50HR-16 205/50TR-17 215/50HR-17 225/50HR-17 235/50HR-17 215/45HR-17 225/45HR-18 185/65TR-14 195/65TR-14 185/65TR-15 195/65TR-15 205/65TR-15 215/65TR-15 205/65TR-16 215/65TR-16 225/65TR-16 215/65TR-17 265/65SR-17 185/60TR-14 195/60TR-14 185/60TR-15 195/60TR-15 205/60TR-15 215/60TR-15 205/60TR-16 215/60TR-16 225/60TR-16 235/600R-16 215/60TR-17 135.98 180.46 127.17 125.31 133.41 137.97 141.93 2C4.51 210.65 195.45 227.85 114.74 139.13 150.55 148.05 130.01 204.51 210.61 229.62 191.27 259.28 PASStNGttt f l f l Q C STARTING AT: M m M m U U l l t f — t J PASSENGER j F SUPERMARKET PRICE J Q, f fjW EIGHT T R U C K l STA RTIN G A T P155/8ÖR-13BW fin txeellent Vaine On Highway and All Season Radiala. Ottering fi Smentii Quiet Ride And Tough Steel Belt Constmetinn, It Comes With The les Schwab Written Warranty At Mo txtra Charge. i ....................... SUPERMARKET PRICE SUPERMARKET PRICE 215/55TR-16XL 225755TR-16 225/55TR-17 255/55TR-17 275/55TR-17XI 255/55TR-18XL 2Ö5/50TR-1B 225/50TB-16 235 / 50 TR- 18 XL 255-58TR-19XL 225/45TR-17 275/40TR-20XL PICKUP/SUV TRACTION RADIALS STA RTIN G A T SIZE SUPERMARKET PRICE 185/B0TR-14 195/60TR-15 205/80TR-15 205/60TR-16 225/60TR-16 235/60TR-16 275/80TR-17 235/60TR-18XL 255/60TR-18XL 185/55TR-15 195/55TR-15XI 205/55TR-16 Return program does not apply to spikes spider device LOW COSI ALL SEASON PASSENGER CAR RADIALS * ] P155/80R-13BW ■ P165/80R-13 9 P175/80R-13 P185/80R-13 U P185/75R-14 I I P195/75R-14 I I I P205/75R-14 ¡81 P215/75R-14 LT215/85R-16 LT225/75R-16 LT265/70R-17 1S5/B5TR-14 175/85TR-14 P185/65TR-14XL 185/65TR-15 P195/65TR-15 P205/65TR-15 P205/650R-15 P215/65TR-15 215Æ5TR-16 If you don’t use your passenger/light truck chains, return them for a full refund by April 1,2007. : iW BBdiy, w eiß snowy reads. i| PASSENGER/LIEHT TRUCK RETURN PROGRAM ......... SIZE aiPER MARKET PRICE 19.99 P215/75R-14 34.59 P205/75R-15 35.03 P215/75R-15 37.02 P225/75R-15 37.91 P235/75R-15 39.02 I 165/70HR-13BW 40.54 ! 175/70HR-13BW 44.04 | ¡ 185/70HR-13BW 44.04 42.94 44.45 47.16 48.17 30.97 30.69 33.56 SIZE i i i ! StFER MARKET PH,CE 175/7DHR-14BW 185/70HR-14BW 195/70HR-14BW 205/70R-14BW 205/70R-14 P215/7BSR-14 P205/70R-15 P215/70SR-15 34.45 35.90 38.09 48.15 47.86 50.26 48.93 51.62 P235/75SR-15 •STEEL BELTED RADIAL • ALL SEASON TREAD DESIGN This lew Cost All Season Radial features nut li ned white letters, a smooth ride and Is economically priced. SIZE & L0 A 0 RANGE LT235/85R-16BW P235/75SR-15 P245775SR-16 P265/75SR-16 LT215/75R-15 LT235/75R-15 SUPERMARKET PRICE E B B B C C 87.47 69.58 79.10 99.11 71.99 74.50 SIZE & LOAD RANGE LT225/75R-16BW LT245/75R-16 LT255/70R-16 30/9.50R-15 31/10.50R-15 SUPERMARKET PRICE D 80.84 E 86.99 C 86.27 C 82.38 C 85.82 PLUS FET I 'TtIJ 1 IlifJLL }¡J h I\ l A I / l/i lumjTTTiiH ll iliubinilwl'ftluM illiuLl u i 111 —t TRACTION TIR ES — *S N 0 W W HEELS Thank y o u f o r supporting the businesses y o u see in the Spilyay Tymoo They giv e back to the loca l com m unityl STUDLESS COMPOUND PINNED FOB STUDS BA TTERIES 200B LEGAL STUD BATES: California - NOV 1 • Idaho - BET 1 * Montana - BET 1 • Npvada OCT 1 • Oregon U O V I * Utah - BET 15 • Washington - HOT 1