Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, August 31, 2006, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    E Coosh EEW A : The way it is
almost over, still
time to have fun
Proud of team
To the sponsors o f the high
school Indian boys team, “Rez
Management Successor
Express,” Thank you for all of
your confidence in our kids for
So, w hat is go in g on out the two tournament in Phoenix
there? Today I wanted to share (NABI and Piestewa):
w ith everyone my
E rickson’s T hriftw ay; The
son’s address. He is /
\ Confederated Tribes of Warm
in Iraq right now
Springs; W SFPI; W SPE; DE
and has re c e n tly
Composite; Kah-Nee-Ta High
sent me his address
Desert Resort and Casino; Earl,
for anyone interested in writing R ita,
V al
E arlyn n e
Squiemphen; and DMJ Auto­
Boise, George
25th Infantry Division
The kids may not come to
31BCT D -Co 2-35 (FOB you in person to show apprecia­
tion, but they did appreciate the
APO AE 09338
help. W ith the m ost talented
From what I hear he’s doing basketball players in the coun­
okay, and he’s close to a place try present at NABI, the kids
where he has internet access did their best and had fun but
available to him, but for a cost. did not qualify for finals. The
I think his time is limited to what kids also played at Piestewa well
he can afford while he’s there.
and should have taken first place
I sometimes receive news of but one bad referee call, put us
other m ilitary personnel from in second place.
Warm Springs, but not that of­
Good, bad & indifferent, the
ten. It’s a hard thing to cope with team faired well and will come
and it’s hard to t^lk about it at back next season with a new
times. But with the support and perspective/attitude that will be
prayers o f family and friends I b etter. T he team m ade me
have been doing fine with all of proud and I hope the commu­
this. I just anticipate an email or nity knows how hard practice,
phone call from George.
commitment and loyalty is hard
We took a team to the Port­ to find in an athlete such as
land to Coast High School Chal­ these.
lenge again this year. We just
To co ach es A u d rey and
continue entering the same team W illie; to the parents who al­
the George started three years lowed their kids to participate,
ago. We m ake m istakes and thanks for being a positive in­
learn from them and make each fluence and your support for the
year better. Look for the team kids!
captain to write her thank you
Lastly, to those who encour­
letter to sponsors and support­ age and not tear down the ath­
ers of the team.
letes, I appreciate you. Thank
There really should be more you and L o rd B less. M any
teams becom ing involved be­ thanks, Sam m i O ’R eilly, co­
cause all the kids have a good ordinator.
time, and the finish line is at the
beach. W hat could be better? I
encourage more involvement in
On Thursday, Ju ly 27, the
this event and more o f our, ac­
tive young people participating. Wolfe Point II fire started along
the road betw een the W olfe
We will be entering a team
P o in t S u b d iv isio n and the
again next year, and hopefully
Culpus Bridge. The fire quickly
have another two days of fun.
spread up the canyon to Webster
There were also teams en­
Flats and across towards the
tered in the walking event and
D eschutes River. B y Friday
the Hood to Coast event, which
m orning the fire could have
are both a fun thing to do as
been renamed the South Junc­
tion Fire. We woke up to a
Another event still happening
house full of smoke with the fire
is the Oregon State Fair, if any­
burning in the hills behind our
one is still looking for something
house. During the day, despite
fun to do before school starts.
the efforts of all the fire per­
I’m sure a person can spend a
sonnel, the fire made its way
whole day there and still can’t
down the hill coming closer to
see everything there.
our house. Through the dedi­
If you haven’t done anything
cation and skill of all involved,
fun before school starts, besides
the fire was diverted away from
work, then you should. There’s
the house as it moved down the
school shopping, that’s always
can yon and up the W arm
fun to do.
Springs River.
T h an k you to the W arm
Springs Fire and Safety guys
Teacher: W hy do you have who parked their engines next
so much trouble answering my to our house until the early
hours o f Saturday m orning.
Student: If it was easy for
me, I wouldn’t be in school!
V._______________ y
Thank you
Toe Ness
Spiiygy Tym oo
(C oyote News, Est.
Publisher Emeritus:
Sid Miller
Editor: Dave McMechan
Management Succes­
sor: Selena T. Boise
Reporter: Leslie Mitts.
Advertising Manager:
Sam Howard
Media Advisor:
Bill Rhoades
Spilyay Tymoo is pub­
lished bi-weekly by the
Confederated Tribes of
Warm Springs.
Spilyay Tymoo, P.O. Box
870, Warm Springs, OR
Spilyay Tymoo
August 31 , 2 0 0 6
Letters to the Editor
By Selena Boise
Teacher: Can anyone tell me
how many seconds there are in
a year?
Student: 12! Jan u ary 2nd,
February 2nd, March 2nd
Page 4
Your friendliness and dedication
made us feel safe. Thank you
to Fire Management, Forestry,
Natural Resources and the fire
crews who came from out of
town to fight the fire. Thanks
to C ath erin e and Son ia for
house sitting, garden hoses in
hand, and giving updates all day
long. It’s a terrible feeling to
know that all you have could be
gone in an instant if it weren’t
for people like you. Thank you
so much!
Edward H eath, H eather
Alford, Krysten, Dylan and
H ayden.
Made my day
T h an k
yo u , A n th o n y
Andrews for making my day.
Anthony Andrews is 14 years
old and has taken a great inter­
est in the rodeo circuit.
On August 13, 2006 he rode
here in the Warm Springs Ro­
deo in the wild bucking horse
and a couple of other events.
He had dedicated his ride to his
grandpa E lliott Switzler. A n­
thony Andrews is the son o f our
daughter Sally and Darrell Ar­
mor. His father Gilbert Andrews
is a great teacher for our grand­
Anthony, we’re all very proud
o f you and know G rand p a
Elliott is looking down and very
proud too! I want to take this
time to say I’m proud o f all my
children, Lucille Ike, Sally Ar­
m or, L ean d a Jim , M aria
S w itzler, N o rm a S w itzle r,
G erald in e S w itzler and B ill
Switzler III. I thank God for all
m y g ra n d c h ild re n b ecau se
you’re what keep me going on
ev ery day. L ife on ly com es
around once and we take one
day at a time. Love, G randm a
L au ra.
Ready now
To my family, friends and the
As I am near the end of my
prison sentence, I have been
wanting to write or say some­
thing but I felt the time wasn’t
right or I wasn’t ready. Now I’m
I know and understand a lot
of people are hurting. A lot of
people are mad. A lot o f people
are hating (especially me). I want
to apologize to Andres Sarago’s
(biological) family for the pain,
suffering and the emotional ride
they have been on due to my
negligence. And I pray with all
my heart that you will find it in
your heart to forgive me one day.
And to my family, I thank the
Creator that I have such a big
and strong family that has stood
beside me. You may never un­
derstand the numerous times
you have picked me up. The
words o f encouragement, the
letters, cards, the love and sup­
port you have given to me. The
kind w ords I hear over the
phone or the songs you sung to
me. Thank you.
I have cried num ero us
nights, wishing, hoping, praying
this was just a nightmare and I
would wake up and have my
family back. To my friends, a
big hug and thanks to you all
for putting your necks on the
line and for having the courage
to say I am still your friend and
not judge me o f my wrongdo­
The tremendous support has
lifted my spirits, even today,
knowing I could write you and
receive a letter addressed to my
friend. Thank you with all my
To the community, I hope
and pray that you will accept me
and let me be part of the com­
munity once again. And may you
not judge or hate and that one
day you will find it in your heart
to forgive me, as well.
T a m e ra
C o ffe e ,
64719065, 501 Capital Circle,
Tallahassee, FL 32301.
To the Full Gospel Church,
since the 12th of June (the day
o f my salvation) m y life has
From the 16th I’ve been go­
ing through trial after trial. I’ve
been h o sp italized , d iab etes,
pancreatitus, abscess on my life.
I ’m still lean in g on God.
Praise God! Thank you Jesus!
The pain I feel let’s me know
I’m still alive.
Before I go any further I’d
like to thank Susan Guerin for
getting me to where I needed to
go. If there were more people
like you, the world would be a
m ore beautiful place. Thank
Anyway, I’m asking for help.
I’m not eligible for Medicare or
Medicaid because I’m in a men’s
program . I d on’t even have
money to buy a state ID card.
The assistance I’m eligible for
caters to illegal aliens, even In­
dian Health Services won’t help.
I pray. I pray you can find it
in your heart to help a brother
out. Whatever you can send will
be appreciated. Other than that
I’m sober alive and learning and
doing G od’s w ill. You don’t
know how hard it is for me to
ask for help. I know it was a lot
easier doing it at Rainbow. I’m
asking so I can stay here and
keep the collection agency from
coming, while I learn about the
ministry. Let me tell you it won’t
be some guy that looks like me
preaching, it will be me preach­
ing! I’ve been delivered.
Signed, sealed and delivered,
post marked to heaven. Here’s
my parting thought from the
Ecclesiastes chapter 11, verse 1:
Cast your bread upon the wa­
ters for you w ill find it after
m any days. S in cerely, J o e
C raig, 325 N. Main St., Sali­
nas, CA 93901. P.S. To the
snake pit, what’s happening?
To holdouts
to obey Him. The Bible says
that church members “walk ac­
c o rd in g to H is co m m an d ­
m ents...”
How long has it been since
you’ve attended the church you
say you’re a member of? Warm
Springs Baptist Church would
like to invite you to come wor­
ship the Lord. We meet every
Sunday at 10 a.m. and Wednes­
days at 6 p.m. All are invited,
members are expected. D on’t
hold out; give your excuses to
the coach. His name is Jesus and
He already knows.
Jo n ath an R. Sm ith.
Are you ready for some foot­
ball? I can remember how ex­
cited I was for football season.
I don’t care much for watching
it, but I do enjoy playing foot­
ball. Unless you’ve played your­
Cancer is so limited. It can­
self, you can’t fully appreciate
the effort and work involved in not cripple love. It cannot shat­
competing against the opposi­ ter hope. It cannot corrode
faith. It cannot eat away peace.
It cannot destroy confidence.
A football team is made up
of many members with differ­ It cannot kill friendship. It can­
ent gifts and talents. The Bible not shut out memories. It can­
says that the church is made up not silence courage. It cannot in­
o f “many members” or parts. vade the soul. It cannot reduce
Each member is important, and eternal life. It cannot quench the
just like a football team, suffers spirit. It cannot lessen the power
when members are hurt or ab­ of the resurrection.
(A poem by Van Richardson, a
sent. It’s a sham e w hen one
who lost his battle with cancer,
member of the team holds out
and refuses to join the necessary submitted by Linda M'eanus, cancer
training and exercises that build survivor.)
and develop the whole team.
A holdout is someone who is
overcome with pride. They be­
lieve they are worth more than
To the Confederated Tribes
the other members and so they
refuse to be a part of the team o f W arm Springs, I, W atkins
until they get what they want. Johnson, an enrolled member
They aren’t interested in what’s of the Warm Springs Reserva­
best for the team and they dis­ tion, would like to apologize to
obey the instructions o f the my daughter Maxine Johnson
for all the pain that you were
The church is made up of put through. I would also like
followers of Jesus and His in­ to apologize to the community,
structions. Jesus said, come “fol­ this reservation, and an anony­
low me.” He is like a coach and mous party. Sincerely, Watkins
those who follow Him continue Johnson. Stay good.
Cancer cannot
Great job at school
We would like to take the
time to thank our kids for do­
ing a great job in school! We
are very proud of you in your
efforts to finish the 2005-06
school year by m aking the
honor roll list at Madras High
School with GPA’s of 3.6,3.4
and 3.6. We are so proud that
you were able to accomplish
this while playing school golf
and track as w ell as being
major participants in the mak­
ing o f the movie “Silent Mes­
The next coming school
year 2006-07 will be the final
year you will all be together
in high school and we hope
you each make the most of
it as you’re off to a helpful
start by all playing the same
sport (football) and making
rf 1
The Katchia kids: Nicolas
(junior), Victoria “Toya”
(sophomore), and LaRonn
our lives a little less hectic in
the fall. A s each o f you
graduate the next three con­
secutive years we hope you
continue to strive for the
best, as that is what will truly
make you happy.
We love you (M om and
D ad)
( A u n tie
U n c le ); S a p h ro n ia and
Sky K atch ia.
Happy birthday and other wishes ...
From the W arner
W illiams children:
H app y b irth d ay to
Leander Sr. on August
24. We are grateful we
h ave such a s p e c ia l
uncle with a big heart
to love all of us.
God bless all that out
our fam ily during the
lo ss o f our g r a n d f a ­
Thank you, g ra n d ­
children Warner W ill­
iam s Jr., H ilbert Will­
iam s, Raym ond W ill­
iam s, H arriet Williams,
Delberta Williams, p ar­
ents Warner W illiam s
Sr., an d Jo s ie P ayn e
W illaim s.
\ ________________________ y
On September 10, to the great­ Jade and Tatum,
est grandma who came into my life.
It’s been six long weeks since
I know y o u will always treat me we have seen you.
right. I love y o u so much! Espe­
cially when you always squeeze and m iss you
hug me so
girls; you
tigh t... L ove
you, Grandma
lig h t o f
C arolyn A.
our life.
W inishut —
We are
Have the great­
thinking of you all the time. (Sis­
est Grandpar­
ters miss you, too.)
ents Day! From
Every passing day that we
Kara-Lynn LoRae Renfro.
don’t get to see you,
A lso a happy Grandparents
hold you, hug you, laugh with
Day to my Grandpa Joe Winishut you only makes
in North Carolina.
our love grow stronger.
To Grandma Girlie, I love you !
Som eday w hen we are re­
Have a great Grandparents Day. united
Love, Kara-Lynn LoRae Renfroo,
we will make it up to yo u ...
Roshone A ngelina, and Forest
— cotton candy, kisses, kit­
ties, sunshine,
A very Renfro.
rainy days... fade, congratula­
On Septem ber 1, 1998, y o u
tions on your
cam e in to ou r
graduation from Headstart— liv es and h ave
Aug. 23, 2006 @ 2:30 PM.
been keeping us
Love, G randm a Bunnie & b lessed and on
Grandpa Harry
our toes ever since
honey. You are a
g r e a t d a u gh ter
and w ill always
H appy
be ou r “B aby
8th B irth­
G irl” now and fo r ev er . H ave
day to my
a grea t and very happy 8th birth­
N a - N a
day L il’ M iss Temma Rudder,
T e m m a
with many more to come. Love
on S ep ­
y o u lots, Momma and Daddy.
tember 1.
You are
g reat
and wonderful big sister.
I hope you have a great
B-D ay N a-N a. Love you
lots. “S issie” Tiffany.
Happy Birthday Jarryn
We love you, G randpa,
G randm a, T onya, L eann a,
Jackson, Devyn, and George
V_____________________________ )