Spiiyay T y m o o A u g u s t 3, 2 0 0 6 Pdge 11 i ' F I /f y i i » ** J * i.f « j *■ * 1 1 ■ f ft* Shriners gathernig at Kah-Nee-Ta S ta ff m em bers o f the Shriners Hospital will be at Kah- Nee-Ta Resort next month to present information regarding the Shriners Hospital for Chil­ dren in Pordand and the free health care that is available at the hospital. The gathering is set for Sep­ tember 16. The Shriners Hospital pro­ vides the highest quality medi­ cal care for children suffering from orthopedic, spinal, burns and cleft lip and palette prob­ lems, at no cost to their parents or to any insurance earner. The hospital is currendy see­ ing approximately 60 children from the Warm Springs, Bend, Redmond and Sisters areas. Many have had surgery to correct their problems and are under ongoing therapy or will receive further surgical interven­ tions. The operating budget for all 22 Shriners Hospitals for Chil­ dren through North America, including Canada and Mexico, is $650 million dollars in 2006-07, supported mainly through the fundraising efforts o f Shriners fraternal members and their la­ dies, or by donors (endowments, wills and gifts). There will be a free presen­ tation about Shriner’s Portland hospital at Kah-Nee-Ta at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 16 in one o f the resort’s large meeting rooms. Bill McMillan, hospital ad­ ministrator, will be in atten­ dance. H osp ital s ta ff will present information about how children are referred to services, including the annual screening clinics in the Redmond area. 732 SW 6th St., at the “Y ” in Redmond Desks, Living Room, Dining Room, Tables, Lamps, Recliners, Mattresses, Bedroom, Daybeds, Sleepers, Bunk Beds, Leather, Entertainment Centers, and MORE! FREE D E L IV E R Y to M O ST Central Oregon areas. Open 7 Days a week 10-6 Mon.-Sat. Raffle results for Hood to Coast run T he 2006 co-ed H ood to Coast team raffle results have been announced. The following people won items donated by Earl and Rita Squiemphen: Jasmine Graybael, electric griddle; Pam Garney, jig­ saw puzzle; Wissie Smith, jigsaw puzzle; Cheryl Bartz, Chinese checkers; Jeston Leonard, set o f toothbrushes; Sam Starr, lite and write spectrum; Robert Lewis, lite and write spectrum; Beulah Tsumpti, kids dolls; Teri Jo Y azzie, Folg ers c o ffe e set; Cheryl Kissler, 42 piece .set con­ tainers; N. Hepner, men’s gift set; Yolanda Yallup, Western tote bag; Bambi Lopez, purse. Earl Squiemphen and Mickey Brunoe each won a giant pizza donated by Abby’s Pizza. Gordon Cannon won a 20- inch television donated by Rich, Val and Twink. The following people won items donated by Angela and Ray Anderson: Topaz O ’Reilly, Sirrius radio; Norma Galloway, $50 Safeway gift card; Sharon Jones, pair o f shoes; Dennis Sm ith , N ike w indbreaker; Redine Kirk, Nike jacket. JR Smith won a golf bag do­ nated by Shawn Harry. Gene Keane won an Avon g ift pack donated by Val Squiemphen. School: need for choice (Continued from page 1) “Students need to feel like they have a choice in what they’re doing. They need to feel like they’re comfortable and they need to feel like they’re in a place where they can progress.” Students will apply to be part o f this school, Lafayette said, mainly to judge the student’s commitment level. In addition, the school will help students get college ready or prepare them for the workforce. Students are expected to ap­ ply to at least one college, Kia Donahue won a half-case o f pop and Jeston Leonard won a movie, both donated by Lex Anguiano. Earl Squiemphen won a por­ table D V D player donated by Juanita Simpson. Sheridan Hale won a movie rental donated by M onica L eon ard . E arl Squiemphen won four swim/ slide passes at Kah-Nee-Ta do­ nated by Robin Smith. Aiken Jimmy won a portable cd player donated by Monica Leonard. Sharon Jones won $100 donated by Kaipo Akaka. Gary Gassner won a gas card donated by Monica Leonard. Dorian Soliz won $25 do­ nated by Earlynne Squiemphen. Jeri Smith and Marie Benham each won a $25 gift certificate donated by Zena Bartz. Tyler Anderson won a gift bag donated by the Museum at Warm Springs. M. Morphet- Brown won a denim shirt do­ nated by Warm Springs Power Enterprise. Teri Jo Yazzie won a gas card donated by Ina Wainanwit. Gwen H., Arrita Sampson and Theresa Morris all won wa­ ter bottles donated by Jermaine Sampson, Jordan Leonard and Arrita Sampson. Glendon Smith won a plas­ tic container donated by Jeston 11-5 Sun. HOME FURNISHINGS - REDMOND Locally Owned & Operated since 1980 Leonard. Jasmine Graybael won a purse donated by K alyn Leonard. Jo Blood won $50 donated by Jeremiah Johnson. 923-4155 your favorite 7-Îome To pick up your item, call Val at 553-1131, extension 223. 'T o r The team thanks everyone for their support. Printed & Em broidered Apparel Promotional Products Phone 541/475-8700 Fax 541/475-8703 www.theidzone.com T-Shirts, Hats, Ink Pens, Polo Shirts, Jackets & MORE! Nike ♦ Carhart ♦ Adidas ♦ Columbia Sportswear ♦ Ping Cutter &.Buck t Sorel ♦ Dickies Wear so Give us a call today! ca Lafayette said. They will take at least one college course while at the high school, and their fami­ lies will be educated about schol­ arships or internships in order to help cover the cost o f higher education. “All students will spend two days a week at an internship,” Lafayette added. “So they’ll be at local organizations and jobs, and they’ll learn some work skills. Most o f what we’re try­ ing to get them to do is apply the curriculum.” Information will be distrib­ uted in early spring for students who wish to attend the new high school. C o p ie s ! y & M o re , W t. Kent Wright X Owner 380 SW 5th Street-Madras, OR 97741 Ph: 541-475-5656 Fax: 541-475-5662 y o u S H O U L D BE HERE Win up to $ 2,500 in Our Lucky Cash Envelope Drawings Every Friday and Saturday at 8 ,9 & 10 pm See casino for complete details. M ust be present to win at all drawings. Cheryl Taylor Hair S'hjlkt Seafood Buffet with Prime Rib Every Friday in the Chinook Room 5-iOpm, $25 Ride the Central Oregon Fun Bus Wednesday, Aupust 9 & 23 and Saturday, Au$ust 19 Call 388-6789 for reservations. With over 3o o slot machines, blackjack, poker, a full-service spa, scenic 90H course and a natural hot sprin9s pool all located in a picturesque desert settin9, you can be sure it's better here than anywhere you mi9ht be ri9ht now. 5 - 4 1 - 4 7 5 - 4 677 162 SW 5th S fr e e f oj>aldaySf>a.coM Madras, GK ?7741 C A S IN O • GOLF • SPA * P O O L • D I N I N G • LODGE Kahneeta.com » WarmSprin9$, OR » 8o o -554-4 SUN A . KAHNttTA HIGH DESERT RESORT & CASINO