■ V----- w News from Indian Country Page 8 ‘ Spilyay Tymoo ■ ■ ■ In a cave, counting up w hat Indians are owed LENEXA, Kan. (AP) - Sev­ enty feet beneath the prairie, the government is filling limestone caverns — protected by guards and a bomb-sniffing dog - with truckloads o f American Indian financial and cultural records. What is ground zero for an accounting that will take seven years and cost $335 m illion owes its existence to a bitter class-action lawsuit brought against the Interior Department a decade ago. Still, it’s only a short version o f the historical accounting that Indians de­ manded but no longer want - because they don’t think it can be done properly. The Indians say the govern­ ment mismanaged a trust in their names for 120 years and now owes them tens o f billions o f dollars. The dispute dates to 1887, when Congress made the Inte­ rior Department trustee for 145 million acres o f Indian lands. Indians were supposed to ben­ efit but the government gave most o f the land to white set- ders. Today, Interior manages 10 million acres o f trust land for individual Indians and 46 mil­ lion acres for tribes. In 1996, the Indians sued to reconcile their historical accounts. They, and Congress, demanded an audit. The Indians may be ow ed a century’s worth o f grazing rents, oil and gas royalties and timber sales from the land, plus inter­ est. Both the Indians and the In­ terior Department agree $13 billion was collected between 1909 and 2001. The Indians had claimed the unpaid interest could be more than $150 billion, but they’ve offered to drop the whole thing if the government coughs up $27.5 billion. That money would be spread among individual In­ dian accountholders, about a fifth o f the nation’s 2.5 million N ative A m ericans w h o live mainly in the West. N o way, the Bush adminis­ tration replied: The government has been forwarding most o f the rents and royalties to tribes and individual Indians all along. “ It could be just $30 million that’s owed to the Indians,” said Ross Swimmer, the Interior Department’s special trustee for American Indians and also a member o f Oklahoma’s Chero­ kee Nation. During a tour o f the Kansas cave, Swimmer and other Inte­ rior officials were eager to show that many more Indian records exist than people realize. They also wanted to demonstrate their ability to check the accuracy o f financial transactions with Indi­ The Indians’ biggest ally is embattled U.S. District Judge R oyce Lam berth, a form er Reagan administration official whose strongly worded rulings condemn the Interior Depart­ ment. After nine years presid­ ing over the case, Lamberth con­ cluded last July the agency is a “ pathetic o u tp o st” that has bungled its fiduciary duty. “ For those harboring hope that the stories o f murder, dis­ possession, forced marches, assimilationist policy programs, and other incidents o f cultural genocide against the Indians are merely the echoes o f a horrible, bigoted government-past that has been sanitized by the good deeds o f more recent history, this case serves as an appalling reminder o f the evils that re­ sult when large numbers o f the politically powerless are placed at the mercy o f institutions en­ gendered and controlled by a politically powerful few,” the judge wrote. N ot surprisingly, the Interior Department wants Lamberth removed from the case and an­ other judge assigned to it. Dow n the rabbit hole, trac­ tor trailers disappear into an ob ­ celed checks, and court docu­ ments attest to numerous de­ scure grassy knoll just o f f the Prairie Star Parkway. Situated in an industrial park a half hour southwest o f Kansas City, the cave offers few indications it houses a semi-secretive govern­ ment facility. Several minutes o f driving through the dark, and the corri­ dors get curiouser and curiouser. A faint dankness and dust fill the nostrils. Pocked walls climb in to shadow. Painters have brightened them, like gardeners painting red roses white. In dimly lit parking spaces, trucks disgorge box after box o f documents to be catalogued, computerized and stashed away. Two years and $120 million into the accounting, the archive has amassed 140,000 boxes with 300 million pages o f old leases, bills, ledgers, account statements, school records, maps, letters and black-and-white photographs. In a space the size o f Kan­ sas City’s Arrowhead Stadium and managed by the Interior D e­ partment and the National Ar­ chives, boxes extend close to the ceiling and down aisles so long they fade into the caverns — reminiscent o f the fate met by Indiana Jones’ recovered ark. “ People com e in and ask, ‘Where is the Lost Ark?” ’ said Jeffrey Zippin, deputy executive director o f Interior’s Office o f Historical Trust Accounting. The shelves are coated with an electrostatically charged pow­ der to resist corrosion or chemi­ cal action. The air within the painted cavern walls is kept at 60 degrees Fahrenheit and 40 percent humidity. H ig h -effi­ ciency air filters catch 99 per­ cent o f all microscopic particles. The facility is leased for $900,000 a m onth from Minneapolis-based Meritex En­ terprises Inc. Its security and climate controls are matched only by the National Archives itself in Washington and an an­ nex in College Park, Md. T he cavern teems with a small army o f federal contrac­ tors — five accounting firms and stroyed trust records. 15 other businesses — assisting ans. “They’re finally going to get their accounting,” Swimmer said. “ For once we’ve gotten some­ thing right for the Indians.” In an iron y b efittin g an “Alice’s Adventures in Wonder­ land” legal war, the government is relying on the Indian-de­ manded accounting - actually, it’s a statistical sampling - to come up with figures that Indi­ ans claim lowball what they’re owed. “ It’s a number in the m’s, not the b ’s,” said Fritz Scheuren, who oversees Interior’s statistical sampling and was president o f the American Statistical Associa­ tion last year. The Indian plaintiffs now say too many records have been destroyed to com e up with an accurate figure. Before 1990, the Treasury Department routinely destroyed the Indian trust’s can­ < “The documents that the gov­ ernment has preserved are a fraction o f those that have been lost and destroyed,” said Den­ nis Gingold, an attorney for the suing Indians. “ Massive hard copy and electronic destruction ... make the accounting legally and factually impossible.” i about a dozen Interior and Na­ tional A rchives em ployees. Thirty students at Haskell Indian Nations University, in nearby Lawrence, use the documents for training. It is closed to all but federal workers, contractors, Indian tribal representatives and researchers; privacy laws protect the names of living accountholders. The boxes come from about 100 o f Interior’s Bureau o f In­ dian Affairs offices and National Archives’ record centers around the country. At a nondescript warehouse nearby, 100 workers sort through the boxes and log their contents into computers. The records are an eclectic mix: 1943 photographs o f Na­ vajo women cooking; a hand­ written appeal from a Great Plains Indian for compensation because some o f his cattle died; and a 16-page list o f Sioux In­ dians killed and w ounded — bearing ill-fated names like Black M oon, Sore Eyes Woman and Afraid o f Left Hand — on D e c. 29, 1890 at W oun ded Knee. Som e b oxes are tattered, faded or water-damaged. A few were decontaminated because o f animal droppings. Concerns about the how the trust accounts are managed are almost as old as the trust itself. In 1915, the Joint Commis­ sion o f Congress on Indian Funds warned o f “ fraud, cor­ ruption and institutional incom­ petence almost beyond the pos­ sibility o f comprehension.” In 1928, the Interior Department found Indian trust data unreli­ able and almost useless. Dozens o f other, scathing reports fol­ lowed. Finally, in 1994, Congress demanded Interior fulfill an obligation to account for money received and disbursed. A year later when account statements still hadn’t been reconciled, Elouise Cobell o f the Blackfeet Indian tribe joined with the Boulder, C olo.-based Native American Rights Fund and oth­ ers in filing suit. So-called “ fractionalization” o f accounts is a major obstacle in managing the trust. As own­ ership o f the 160-acre and smaller land parcels transferred from generation to generation, proceeds from the trust accounts May 11, 2006 had to be divided among more and more descendants. Interior officials say 90 percent o f the transactions are for less than $ 100 . “ In every category it has cost us more to find the errors than the total amount o f the errors we found,” said departing Inte­ rior Secretary Gale N orton . “ When you consider that we have millions o f transactions under $1, y o u ’re spending $3,500 to find out if we handled $1 correctly.” N o rto n ’s plan for the ac­ counting includes checking half the 57 million transactions and a quarter o f the $5 billion at stake between 1985 and 2000. “We don’t have every single record o f every single transac­ tion that has occurred since the 1800s. We certainly do have enough records to do a com ­ plete accounting,” she said. Accountants are examining nearly all financial transactions over $100,000 in the 1985-2000 window. That represents $276 million _ or about 5 percent o f all the money at stake. Also be­ ing checked is nearly every pay­ ment an Indian tribe made to its members or resulted from a lawsuit or settlements. They to­ tal $784 million - or 16 percent o f the transactions. A nother 4 percent o f the money —19 million transactions, most for less than $1 — is con­ sidered interest. That represents $177 million. All those transac­ tions are checked, too. For the other half o f the transactions — three-quarters o f the $5 billion at stake — the de­ partment uses statistical sampling to the check the accuracy. It’s a m eth od the Indians and Lamberth rejected, but a federal appeals court approved for use as a tool. The courts must sign o ff on any final accounting. After 10 years o f battling in court, no one knows exactly how much was collected or paid out to the Indians. “ The previous administration as well as ourselves tried in good faith to tackle this problem. It was a much larger undertaking than anyone imagined,” Norton said. Early in her tenure, Norton half-joked about how she di­ vided her time. “ Indian trust, Indian trust and Indian trust,” she told the AP. Geoffrey Rempel, an accoun­ tant working for Indian plain­ tiffs, said the evidence is undis­ puted that trust records were de­ stroyed over the past century, so there is no way Interior offi­ cials can claim to have enough o f them for a proper account­ ing. “All they’re doing is match­ ing bad documents to bad docu­ ments, showing you what they ' want you to see,” he said. “ People would be thrown in jail if they audited banks like this. This is completely unacceptable — unless it’s for the Indians.” Most people agree the only acceptable solution will com e from Congress. Senate Indian Affairs Committee Chairman John M cC ain, R -A riz., and H ouse Resources Committee Chairman Richard Pom bo, R- Calif., co-chaired a recent hear­ ing to find the quickest and fair­ est way to end the dispute. Experts urged them to study the legal arguments — then arbi­ trarily pick a settlement figure. Stuart Eizenstat, a form er deputy Treasury secretary in the Clinton administration, believes Congress should create an In­ dian claims settlement commis­ sion to process claims, similar to the reparations made after World War II. “ It would be a disaster to go back to court. It would just re­ sign the Indians to another de­ cade o f fruitless litigation,” he told the AP. “ This cries out for an administrative, rough justice solution.” Eizenstat negotiated the his­ toric agreem ent with Switzerland’s two largest banks to pay H oloca u st survivors $1.25 billion. He said Congress should pick a figure that errs on the side o f overpay to handle both accounting claims and an­ ticipated claims from Indians challenging how the government actually managed the lands. “ You presume that i f the records weren’t there, it’s be­ cause o f mismanagement,” he said. “ I f they themselves as trustees mishandled records, then they have to handle the burden.” Even Swimmer, who wants Congress to give Interior some “ clear direction on its responsi­ bilities,” agrees with the concept o f a big, somewhat arbitrary payout. “Just pick a number,” he told the AP. “ It’s reparations, not repayment.” ‘95 Saturn Sedan 4-dr, auto $2,698 “94 Mercury Sable Wagon, V-6 $2,498 “91 Jeep Cherokee 4x4 Ltd. $2,498 “90 T-Bird 2-dr coupe, auto $1,998 “88 GMC Custom Van TV, VCR, CD $2,498 “94 Cadillac Deville 4-dr, loaded $2,998 “03 Chev Suburban 271, loaded $26,695 “90 Lincoln Continental 4-dr, nice $1,998 CODE ALARM DOOR LOCK SYSTEMS AVAILABLE C onte on m & See (/(S JUNIPER AUTO SALES 684 SW 4th Madras, OR 97741 Office 475-7137 Includes all mechanical, exhaust, Hi-Tec Alarm, remote car starters Open 8 to 5 /tfondau thru. 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