Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, May 11, 2006, Page Page 10, Image 10

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Car For Sale
1974 Dodge cargo van,
318. Needs tune-up. New
battery. Very good shape.
$995, will finance $300 of
total. Phone 475-7354.
Puppies for sale
AKC registered N orw e­
gian Elk H ounds. $500.
For inform ation call 923-
For Sale
For Sale:
Jam and wam pum ne ck­
laces. For more information
call 553-5817.
(The following is the recent
jo b opening list o f the Warm
Springs Tribes. See Am elia
Tewee in the Personnel Depart­
ment to subm it an application,
o r call 553-3262. Also, you
a p p ly
o n -lin e
www.ctws.org. For more details
on the positions, call the con­
tact person listed on the ad­
vertisement. Or visit the tribes’
jo b a d v e rtis e m e n t lis t a t
M anaged C are P ro ­
gram Case Manager. Du­
ties include screening and
coordinating referrals, pre­
authorizing inpatient and
outpatient hospital visits, as
well as assuring quality and
cost effective care. Please
send letter of application
and resum e to: M ike
Marcotte, P.O. 1620, Warm,
Springs, OR. 97761 ATTN:
Case Manager Position1.
Mike Marcotte 553-2490
Open Until Filled.
Family Services Transi­
tional Caseworker. Educa­
tion: Associates degree in
Human Services or related
field. Prepare fam ilies for
court hearings and testify in
regard to tactual evidence
a n d /o r s e rv ic e s . S a la ry
$ 2 6,5 00 .
Rebekah Main 553-3209.
Open Until Filled.
Finance Treasury Con­
troller. Oversee all Trea­
sury, Budgeting and Grant
and C o ntracts functions.
Subm it com plete resume
and salary history. Back­
ground and credit check re­
quired. Salary DOQ. Ray
Potter 553-3546. Open Un­
til Filled.
Finance A/P Specialist.
Process invoices for pay­
ment. Must be able to work
well with departments, co­
workers and vendors. Good
attendance a must. Must be
able to maintain confidenti­
ality. Applicants will be sub­
ject to background check.
Salary Range DOQ. Judy
Johnson 553-3375. Open
Until Filled.
Forestry/Fire M anage­
ment Forest Crew Mem­
ber Full Time. Fights fire
under stressful conditions
with hand and power tools
from 8-16 hours. Must be
able to pass fitness test.
Preferred that applicant pos­
ses good oral & written kills
and be familiar with opera­
tion of fire fighting equip­
ment. Salary Range $10.82
A n th on y H o llida y/
Edmund Francis 553-1146.
Open Until Filled.
Forestry/Fire Manage­
m ent Forest Crew S ea­
so n al. F ights fire under
stre ssfu l co n d itio n s w ith
hand and power tools from
8-16 hours. Must be able to
pass fitness test. Preferred
that applicant posses good
oral & written skills and be
familiar with operation of fire
fighting equipm ent.S alary
Range $10.82 hr. Anthony
H olliday/E dm und Francis
553-1146. Open Until Filled.
Forestry/Fire M anage­
ment Engine Operator (3
p ositions) O perates fire
fighting vehicles and power
apparatus involved with fire
fig h tin g . F ights fire w ith
hand and power tools from
8 - 1 6 hours. Valid Oregon
Driver’s License is required.
Must have physical exam
within last 3 years and be
able to pass fitness test.
Preferred that applicants
have working knowledge of
4-wheel drive vehicles, pos­
ses good oral/written skills
and be familiar with reserva­
tion roads and landmarks.
Salary Range $12.14 hr.
Vernon Tias Sr. 553-1146.
Open Until Filled.
In the Tribal Court
of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
P ro b ate D epartm en t
In the m atter of the estate
o f L a to y a E . H e n ry , d e ­
ce a se d , estate file N o . 009-
P R 0 9 -0 6 . Notice is hereby given
that Latoya E . Henry, who at the
time o f her death resided in Warm
Springs, O re., died on May 31,
2005, and that the above entitled
court has appointed Richard Tohet
as the administrator to administer
the decedent’s estate subject to the
jurisdiction o f the court. Notice is
further given that all persons hav­
ing claims against the decedent’s
estate are required to present their
claims, with proper voucher, to the
Warm Springs Probate Court, P.O.
Box 850, Warm Springs, O R 97761
within 90 days from the date upon
which this notice was first posted.
This notice was first posted on
April 25,2006.
P^ge 10 Spily^y Tymoo May 11, 2006
Forestry/Fire M anage­
m ent A s s is ta n t Engine
O p e ra to r (5 p o s itio n s )
P eriodically operates fire
fighting vehicles and power’
apparatus involved with fire
fig h tin g . S a la ry Range
$10.82 hr. Vernon Tias Sr.
553-1146. Open Until Filled.
Public Safety
tions Officer. High School
diploma or equivalent. Must
pass DPSST physical stan­
dards and attend DPSST
academy and complete suc­
cessfully w ithin one year
from time of hire. Must be 21
years of age and possess a
valid Oregon driver license.
Must submit to pre-employ­
m ent drug te st. S a la ry
Range $2 3 ,4 4 0 . Yr. To
$24,340. Yr. Bruce Fones
553-3273. Open Until Filled.
R e p o rte r The S pilyay
Tymoo, biweekly newspaper
of the Confederated Tribes
is looking for a full time re­
porter, Competitive salary.
In the m atter of the estate
o f L a s c o G ilbert, d eceased ,
e state file N o . 0 0 7 -P R 0 7 -0 6 .
Notice is hereby given that Lasco
G ilbert, who at the time o f his
death resided in Warm Springs,
Ore., died on April 3, 2006, and
that the above entitled court has
appointed Richard Tohet as the
administrator to administer the
decedent’s estate subject to the ju­
risdiction o f the court. Notice is
further given that all persons hav­
ing claims against the decedent’s
estate are required to present their
claims, with proper voucher, to the
Warm Springs Probate Court, P.O.
Box 850, Warm Springs, O R 97761
within 90 days from the date upon
which this notice was first posted.
This notice was first posted on
April 25,2006.
Tribal Gaming Commis­
sion Executive Director.
C o n fe d e ra te d T rib e s of
Warm Springs. Salary de­
pending on qualifications.
Large N .W .Ind ia n T ribe
seeks accounting profes­
sional with Bachelors de­
gree in Business Thorough
knowledge of accounting
and auditing principles and
p ra c tic e s ; k n o w le d g e of
Tribal/State Compact Ordi­
nance. Experience in work­
ing with Native Americans
Tribes is highly desirable.
Position will direct and over­
see the activities of the of­
fice staff, surveillance per­
sonnel. Immediate responsi­
bility for on-site regulations,
control, and security of the
Gaming as authorized by the
Inter-Industry Conference
On Auto Collision
Repair (l-CAR)
Tribal State Compact and
Tribal G am ing ordinance
class II and III games. Must
be able to obtain gaming li­
cense and pass b a c k ­
ground investigation check.
B a ckgrou nd and c re d it
check required for applica­
tions. Charles Calica 553-
3212. Closes 5/19.
T h e re a re m a n y
jobs open at Kah-Nee-
Ta High Desert Resort
and C a s in o , as the
sum m er m onths are
fa s t
a p p ro a c h in g .
T he se are e x c e lle n t
jo b s fo r y o u th and
adults. For information
c a ll K a h -N e e -T a at
553-1112, and ask for
Personnel or the Hu­
man R e sou rces D e­
Automotive Service
Excellence (ASE)
Miller Ford-Nissan
Collision Center
Como see us tint
36 S.E. 6th, Madras, OR 97741
We repair all makes
and models!
24-Hour Towing
Rental cars
5 4 1 -4 7 5 -6 1 5 3
N otice to C red ito rs
In the m atter o f the estate
of Irene Towe, d eceased , es­
ta te file N o . 0 0 8 -P R 0 8 -0 6 .
Notice is hereby given that Irene
Towe, who at the time o f her death
resided in Warm Springs, Ore., died
on April 10, 2006, and that the
above entided court has appointed
Richard Tohet as the administra­
tor to administer the decedent’s
estate subject to the jurisdiction o f
the court. Notice is further given
that all persons having claims
against the decedent’s estate are re­
quired to present their claims, with
proper voucher, to the Warm
Springs Probate Court, P.O. Box
850, Warm Springs, O R 97761
within 90 days from the date upon
which this notice was first posted.
This notice was first posted on
April 25,2006.
C all 5 4 1 -5 5 3 -2 0 1 3 (B ill
Rhoades, email brhoades
97741@yahoo.com) for de­
ta ils . S u bm it resum e to
Spilyay Tymoo, PO Box 870,
Warm Springs, OR. 97761
Call Bill Rhoades 553-2013.
Closes 5/16.
Let us help n e g o tia te y o u r v e h ic le d a m a g e c la im
We honor all insurance company estimates. Factory trained technicians, factory quality
repairs & craftmenship, frame straightening rack, with laser precision body alignment.
No matter what happens to your car, you can count on the Autobody Repair
specialists at Miller Ford Nissan collision center to take care of it from the smallest
scratch to the biggest dent.
Buy - Sell - Trade - Consign
Notice to serve as morning juror
To the following people, you
are hereby notified to appear be­
fore the Tribal Court at 8:45 a.m.
on the following Thursday
mornings: May 11,18 and 25;
and June 1, 8 ,1 5 , 22 and 29.
I f you fail to appear on the dates
and time listed, you may be
charged with contempt o f court.
This notification to serve as
morning juror is to:
Frances A. A llen, Teresa
Avolos, Lance H. Boise, Frank E .
Brunoe, Melva A. Charley, Marcella
M. Clements, Esmerelda Craig,
Virgil Culps, G ibson Danzuka,
Sand ra L. D an zu k a, K im S.
Estimo, Celia C. Greene, Anthony
T. Guerin, Delvis N. Heath, Lucinda
Heath, George Ike, Melinda Jim ,
Myra S. Johnson, Vesta Johnson,
Ross R. Kalamajr., Lonny D. Macy,
E d w in D. M an io n , R oxan n e
M cln terff, Harry D. Miller III,
Jonas A. Miller, Eric Miller Jr.,
Jo an n M. M oses, Sammi G.
O ’Reilly, Evaline Patt, Yvonne
L. P e n n in g to n , Isa b e ll M.
Popoca, Dawn A. Rowland,
Samual L. Scott, Joseph P. Scott
Jr., Rose M. Scott, Jam es A.
Smith, Dorian A. Soliz, Leslie
J. Squ iem p h en, Sheena M.
Stevens, Sharissa C. Thom p­
son, Charles R. VanPelt, Will­
iam Wolfe-Esquiro.
Notice of hearing for change of name
In th e m a tte r o f T h a lia
R ose M o n toya, m inor child,
Ju lia R o w lan d , p e titio n e r ,
case N o. D O 27-06.
The above individual has filed
a petition with this court to change
above minor’s name from Thalia
Rose M ontoya to Thalia R ose
Culpus. A hearing on this matter
has been set for 9 a.m. on June 2,
2006, at the Warm Springs Tribal
Court. Any person who may show
cause why this petition should not
be granted must file such objection
in writing on or before May 26,
2006. This shall be done in writing
and filed with the court.
In the m atter o f D eon icio
L o r e n z o M o n to y a , m in o r
ch ild , Ju lia R ow land, p e ti­
tioner, case N o. D O 26-06.
The above individual has filed
a petition with this court to change
above m in o r’s nam e fro m
D eonicio Lorenzo M ontoya to
D eon Lorenzo Culpus. A hearing
on this matter has been set for 9
a.m. on June 2, 2006, at the Warm
Springs Tribal Court. Any person
who may show cause why this pe­
tition should not be granted must
file such objection in writing on or
before May 26,2006. This shall be
done in writing and filed with the
Order to show cause
Joannie Selam Gonzales, pe­
titioner, vs. Kathy Danzuka, re­
spondent. Case No. RO44-06. To
Kathy Danzuka: You are hereby
ordered to appear before the Warm
Springs Tribal Court at 11 a.m. on
May 1 8 , 2006, to show cause why
this restraining order should, or
should not remain in effect. Based
upon complaints/petitions filed
with this court, this court hereby
orders Kathy Danzuka to restrain
h e r s e lf fro m Jo a n n ie Selam
Gonzales and from any manner o f
communication or contact in any
public or private place including:
Residence located at 2466 Kuckup
St. and other: public. There is to be
no phone contact. This order shall
remain in effect until: show cause
hearing. Both petitioner and re­
spondent are subject to contempt
o f court if fails to comply with the
court restraining order. I f you fail
to appear as so ordered, the hear­
ing will proceed and a decision will
be rendered.
Tom Gies Bob Branson
1 - 541 - 475-3666
Anything of value:
Jewelry, guns, Old W est items, beaded items,
bags, powwow regalia, cornhusk, and we do
Small Engine Repair
Legal Aid in Warm Springs on Mondays
Legal Aid Services of
Oregon, which provides
free legal advice and rep­
resentation to low-income
Oregonians, is in Warm
Springs the first Monday of
every month, from 1 to 4
p.m., at the Family Resource
Center, 1144 Warm Springs
To contact Legal Aid Ser­
vices of Oregon, write to it at
Legal Aid Services of Or­
egon, Central Oregon Re­
gional Office, 1029 N.W.
14th Street, Bend, Ore.,
97701; or call (800) 678-
6944, or (541) 385-6944.