April 27, 2006 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon P T ^ e 11 Housing policy regarding meth (The following is the Housing A uthority resolution regarding methamphetamine inspection.) Whereas the Twenty-Second Tribal Council of the Confed erated T ribes o f the W arm Springs, pursuant to Article V, Section I (1) and (s) of the Tribal Constitution by enactment of the Warm Springs Tribal Code (WSTC) Chapter 400; and Whereas the Tribal Council, pursuant to the Native Ameri can H ousing A ssistance and S e lf-D e te rm in atio n A ct (NAHASDA) continues to rec ognize the Warm Springs Hous ing Authority, as the Tribally D esign ated H o usin g E n tity (TDHE); and W hereas the H ousing A u th o rity has d eterm ined that methamphetamine use and/or manufacture is a significant and growing problem on the Warm Sp rin gs R eserv atio n and in W arm Sp rin gs H o u sin g Authority’s units in particular; and W h ereas the use an d/o r m anufacture o f m etham phet amine in Warm Springs Hous ing Authority units poses a sub stantial public health and safety risk; and W h ereas the use an d/o r m anufacture o f m etham phet amine in a housing unit can leave residue in that unit which may pose a significant health and safety risk to the individuals liv ing in that unit; and Whereas the Warm Springs Housing Authority undertakes periodic inspections of its units; and Whereas the Warm Springs Housing Committee has deter mined that it would be in the interest o f public health and safety if those periodic inspec tions also involved testing the units for the presence of meth amphetamine residue, in order to identify those units that re quire decontamination to pro tect public health and safety; and Whereas the Warm Springs Housing Committee has deter mined that if a test of the unit indicates the presence of one or more locations where the level o f methamphetamine residue detected exceeds 0.1 ug/100 sq. cm., the unit shall be deemed un safe for human habitation and must be decontaminated; and Whereas, if a unit has been deemed unsafe for human habi tation and must be decontami nated, the resident of such unit must vacate the unit, which shall include removing all personal property from the unit; now, therefore Be it resolved, the Housing Committee hereby adopts the following policy: Methamphetamine policy T esting for m eth am p h et amine residue (a) When the Housing Au thority conducts a periodic in spection of a unit of the Warm Springs Housing Authority unit, such inspection shall involve testing the unit for methamphet amine residue. When notice of an inspection is given, such no tice shall include notice that the inspection will involve testing for methamphetamine residue. (b) The Housing Authority shall also conduct testing for methamphetamine residue in a unit outside o f the periodic test ing conducted if Housing Au thority receives information that there is probable cause to sus pect that methamphetamine is being used and/or produced in the unit. Such testing shall oc cur within the existing notice requirements for entering the housing units, and notice shall be provided that the W arm springs Housing Authority will be testin g for m etham ph et amine residue. (c) If the testing for meth amphetamine residue indicates the presence o f one or more locations in the unit where the level of methamphetamine resi due detected exceeds 0.1 ug/ 100 sq. cm. the unit shall be deemed unsafe for human habi tation and must be decontami nated. (d) If a unit has been deemed unsafe for human habitation and must be decontaminated, the resident of such unit must vacate the unit, which shall in clude rem oving all personal property from the unit. (e) If a unit must be decon taminated, the resident shall be assessed with the cost of decon tamination, unless the resident can demonstrate that metham phetamine residue was present in the unit prior to the resident’s assuming occupancy and control of the unit. Be it further resolved, this new policy shall be announced to all residents o f the Warm Springs Housing Authority, and shall be posted in a conspicuous p lace in the W arm Springs Housing Authority’s office. Be it further resolved, any prior resolutions and/or policies regarding the W arm Springs Housing Authority’s programs, to the extent they are inconsis tent with this policy, are hereby rescinded and superseded by the terms of this resolution. (Warm Springs Housing A u thority Resolution No. 06-01.) K O R E A N PLUSH B LA N K ET S knvs \01 0*7 •i M € ASSORTED STYLES O O Q "Y O U R C H O IC E " O S to c k P o ts -5 2 q t $ 3 5 .0 0 4 0 q t $ 3 0 .0 0 3 2 q t $ 2 8 .0 0 2 4 q t $ 2 6 .0 0 2 0 q t $ 2 2 .0 0 http://wviva.tbeoutpoststore.6om/ Toys-Tools-Housewares-Clothing-Crafts-Gifts- Buckaroo documentary at Tower Theatre Tapadero , a feature-length documentary about the world’s greatest horsemen, will be shown at 7 p.m., Saturday, Ma6 at the Tower Theatre in Bend. The documentary takes the viewer on the 300-year journey of the High Desert buckaroo. Few people realize that bucka- roos have a tradition that goes back even before the Lewis and Clark Expedition or the Oregon Trail. Most of the early vaqueros, or buckaroos, in California were Native Am ericans, trained by p ad res and v aq u ero s from Mexico. Today there are still many Indian vaqueros and buckaroos in California, Nevada and Or egon. Present day Indian buckaroo Buddy M ontes o f the Tejon tribe is featured in the documen tary, as he and his wife move cattle in the foothills of the Si erras. The film is entertaining, filled with beautiful music, scenery and wonderful story telling. Tapadero traces the evolution o f the California vaquero and how he became the Great Ba sin buckaroo. T his jo u rn ey through history takes the viewer to several of California’s land grant ranches, like the Santa Margarita, once the rancho for Mission San Luis Obispo. Here, they still ride fin ely trained horses and rope wtih the 60-foot hand-braided rawhide reata. Tapadero is produced by J&S Productions of Santa Barbara, Calif. Ticket prices to the show ing of the documentary at the Tower T heatre are $12. For those who cannot m ake the event, DVDs are available at the High Desert Museum Store. y o u r P aw rife Thome Pum ism m s POH T Desks, Living Room, Dining Room, Tables, Lamps, * Recliners, Mattresses, Bedroom, Daybeds, Sleepers, Bunk Beds, Leather, Entertainment Centers, and MORE! DELIVERY to MOST Central Oregon areas. mm Open 7 Days a week 10-6 Mon.-Sat. TRAILS END FARM SUPPLIES P A T & L E A H SH AN N O N Condon, • 11-5 Sun. OR-Roardman, O R-M adras, Or HOME FURNISHINGS - REDMOND Locally Owned & Operated since 1980 SMALL P ET SU PPLIES . p * f fw m T %1 §M i # m 0 923-4155 ' • ' ' 7 ■vmê- -m0 V ETSU P P LIES . TACK 732 SW 6th St., at the “Y ” * r PAYBACK, NUTREINA AND KROPPS FEEDS AVAILABLE Cheryl Taylor 1327 N.W. Harris Madras, OR 97741 541-475-7900 Hair Stylitf Free Forage Analysis Mol -M ix Protein Tubs Mineral Supplements 162 SW 576 S tr eet Madras, OR J T T i 1