Pdge 2 April 13, 2006 Spily^y Tyrnoo, Warm Springs, Oregon Gaming board elects officers The Warm Springs Gaming Enterprise Board o f Directors has selected new officers for the 2006 year. The gaming enterprise over see Kah-Nee-Ta High Desert Resort and Casino, and the gam ing expansion project at Cascade Locks. The newly appointed officers o f the e n terp rise are K en Smith, chairman; Ed Manion, vice-ch airm an ; and A urolyn Stwyer, secretary-treasurer. Together, the three individu als will provide the enterprise with experience and knowledge in the gaming and resort fields, said Je ff Ford, gam ing enter prise chief executive officer. Gaming enterprise chairman Smith also serves as chairman of the Coquille Economic De velopment Corporation, which includes the Mill Casino. Smith is also a former assistant Secre tary of the Interior for Indian A ffairs, and form er gen eral manager and secretary-treasurer of the Confederated Tribes. G am ing en terp rise v ice ch airm an Ed M anion has served on the Kah-Nee-Ta and gaming enterprise board since 1998. Prior to retirement in 1996, Ed worked for many years for the Confederated Tribes. Posi tions included construction man ager, Utilities manager and com munity services manager. His affiliation with Kah-Nee- Ta has been a long one. When the resort was still in its infancy, 2006 Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation Presents Manion was Kah-Nee-Ta’s Vil lage manager. Gaming enterprise secretary- treasurer Aurolyn Stwyer was appointed this year by Tribal Council to the gaming board. She brings extensive gaming experience from work at Mys tic Lake, and at Indian Head during the early years. Stwyer’s recent entrepreneur ial work includes Red Skye As sociates and Mistletoe Logging. For six years Stwyer was an ad junct professor of Business at Heritage University. She also serves on the Na tional Indian Gaming Associa tion A dvisory Board for the American Indian Business Net works. Day at the park raises abuse awareness Last Friday was a day off school for kids in the 509-J School District, and the Warm Springs C hildren’s Protective Services made it a day children to have fun at Elm er Quinn Park and raise awareness for Child Abuse Prevention Month. Nearly 100 youths gathered at the park under w arm and m ostly sunny skies and com peted in either a skateboard skills competition on the wavy skate board course, or a three-on-three basketball tournam ent, half court shooting contest or free throw contest. The younger chil dren had a coloring contest. A couple tables full of prizes, including items like sports cloth- ing, skateboards, sporting goods and wireless telephones were available as prizes during the day. Warm Springs CPS director Rebecca Main said the event was meant as a positive event for kids on the reservation to play and participate while rais ing awareness for Child Abuse Prevention Month. She said the “door prizes,” most of which were purchased by W arm Springs CPS w ith some donated item s, were of such variety the kids could pick out whatever kind of prize they each wanted. Skateboard contest winners were as follows: 15-17 year-old Memorial and Stone Setting A H ealth and Safety Education Day & Diabetes Conference for Em ployees & C om m u nity ^Diabetes Education ^Prevention Education ^Workplace Safety Education ^Health & Safety Exhibits ^Entertainment by Native Duo HA d iv isio n , 1st, L eigh to n Pennington (skateboard and shirt); 2nd, Marten Smith ($50 g ift c e rtific a te ); 3rd, C arlos Reynoso, (helm et, kneepads, shirt, $25 gift certificate); 4th, Lawrence Caldera (backpack, $25 gift certificate); 5th, Anthony Caldera, (shirt, $25 gift certifi cate); 6th, Ford Fuiava (back pack). 12-14 year-old division: 1st, Israii M. (bike skooter, shirt); 2nd, Damien Reynoso ($50 gift certificate); 3rd, Andrew Lujan (helmet, kneepad, shirt, $25 gift certificate); 4th, Coder Clements (backpack); 5th, Joe Willis (shirt); 6th, Christopher Lay (backpack); 7th, Soraya M. (shirt). X WfLLNfiS CPNRM NCf James & Ernie ^Prizes, Raffle, & Lunch during the event. “~N N ex t deadline to subm it item s to the Spilyay Tyrnoo is Friday, A p ril 21. — April 29, 2006 — Silas M. Poitra Robert W. Williams All friends, family, relatives and warriors are invited. Agency Cemetery 10 a.m. Dinner and Giveaway to follow Warm Springs Shaker Church All Products Prepared Fresh Dally Entrees Roasted Daily Featuring Hand Cut USDA Choice Steaks Warm Spring# M arket Indian A rts ànd Craft# 2132 Warm Springs $$, Whm Springs, 02 $776! (54!) SS3-1597 Served Ail Day fill Major Credit Cards BricÌRSoiAs's, 475-6632 No kidding - The Best Food in Town! “Thriftway” “C o m in, an,d play Bncksovi's. Th riftway l>ask for Cash gaM* 'T housands of tsollnrz W oia , - A iv d E v e r y o m ' s . a w L k m er!" OM 6 am -to pm