Spilyay Tymoo Page 11 April 13, 2 0 0 6 Fond memories o f the Prom Coach W orks \ By Sid M iller Spilyay Publisher Emeritus This is an event all high school kids will always remember, a formal school dance held during the spring term. Everyone looks forward to the Prom. The boys dress up in tuxedos or their best suit and the girls dress in formals and gowns, and they look like they just ftepped out o f a fairytale book. The only way to describe them is “beauti­ ful.” I can remember my Junior Prom very well, because my high school sweetheart fcnd I were chosen to represent our class as Prince and Princess. To me it was a great honor to be chosen to represent my class and also one o f the highlights o f my high school days. My parents took me out and fitted me with a new suit just for the occasion, and my girlfriend wore a gown and she looked beautiful. The Prom brings back a lot o f memo­ ries o f those good ole days in high school. Everyone looks nice and dressed to a “T”. I felt great but very nervous and shy, be­ cause I was not used to being seen with a girl. Even though she was my high school sweetheart, I felt uneasy being in public with a girl. It was because we were popu­ lar with the rest o f our classmates, they sort o f put us together as boy and girlfriend. In a way that made things easier for me because I liked her and I didn’t have to chase after her. It was like out o f the world just to hold hands with her, because at that time I would rather hold a football, or bas­ ketball or something in sports. Yes, it was a good feeling to come march­ ing in followed by the sophomore and fresh­ men representatives. Everyone anxiously waiting to see who would be crowned King and Queen for the Prom. Even though we didn’t make King and Queen it was just exciting to be class representative and it didn’t matter. That was one o f the best school dances I had attended, and we danced the night away. I was sorry it all came to an end. As time passes on, things change, people change and new people cofne into your life. My girlfriend’s parents came from a differ­ ent part o f the country and they moved back to where they came from. After that I never had a high school girl­ friend like she was, but the memories are still there. Even today I think o f those mo­ ments o f my Junior Prom, very happy mo­ ments o f my high school days. “And that’s all I have to say about that.” Your finish is our pride BODY, FRAME, UNIBODY, PAINT Hand matched colors Remember, we work for you - not the insurance company! You can choose any body shop of your choice. Auto glass replaced and rep aired ASE C e rtifie d M a s te r Technicians 1-Car Gold Class P rofessional Tom Brown, Owner 84 S.W. “H” Street P.O. Box 668 Madras, OR 9 7 7 4 1 Phone: (541) 475-6707 FAX: (541) 475-6476 Emergency: (541) 475-4590 loneagle@madras.net Toe Ness As the ball flew off the sand lot base­ ball diamond one kid yelled, “Jeepers, it's a run home!” The batter yelled, “You mean a home run!” “No, a run home! You smashed someone’s windshield!” Yikes. Pollution may be factor in sturgeon decline, studies say (AP) — Chem ical pollution may be a factor in the decline o f Columbia River white stur­ geon, researchers say. The chemicals include the in­ secticide DDT and polychlori­ nated biphenyls - or PCBs, ac­ cording to Oregon State Univer­ sity scientists. Their studies have shown that white sturgeon living in the Co­ lum bia R iver in som e areas above B onneville Dam have high amounts o f toxic contami­ nants in their livers, sex organs and muscle tissue. “We don’t know the exact s[ource of contamination,” said Carl Schreck, an OSU biologist. “The fish move, the stuff they eat moves and the water and • sediments bearing the contami­ nants moves.” i In the past, such decreases \yere thought to be linked to Columbia River dams. Despite fish ladders for salmon, the bot­ tom -dw elling w hite sturgeon rarely navigate dams, making it difficult for them to expand their fiabitat. Schreck and fellow biologist Grant Feist studied white stur­ geo n from th ree reserv o irs along the Columbia River and from areas d o w n stream o f Bonneville Dam, the first one Collision Repair since 1976 encountered by fish swimming upriver. The researchers found some of the fish in reservoirs behind the dams had concentrations of chemicals up to 20 times higher than the fish below Bonneville. “We believe that some con­ taminants are accumulating be­ hind the dams by settling out in the sediment as the water slows,” Feist said. D uring the last 25 years, white sturgeon have experienced a sharp drop in population in the upper reaches of the Columbia River. In 1990, the Committee on the Status o f Endangered Wildlife in Canada designated the white sturgeon as “vulnerable,” only to reclassify it as “critically imperiled” in 1994. S tu rgeo n are the larg e st fresh w ater fish in N orth America. They can grow to 20 feet in length, weigh more than 1,500 pounds and live for more than a century. As salmon runs decline, stur­ geon are an increasingly impor­ tant food source for American Indian tribes. But because of their potentially high contami­ nant levels, researchers warn against making the fish a regu­ lar part o f the diet. The stur­ geon research has been pub­ lished in the journals Environ­ mental Health Perspectives and A rch ives o f E n viro n m en tal Contamination and Toxicology. Next deadline to submit items to the Spilyay Tymoo is Friday, April 21. More Than Just an Equipment Store! Wrangler Clothing Work Clothing Justin Boots Feed Supplies Ag West Supply Hardware Tack 4-H&FFA Supplies Farm Equipment 475-2253 36 NW ‘A’ Street in Madras Part - Service - New & Used Farm Equipment Palm Harbor Homes Little League season beginning soon The Little League Jambo- ree is on Saturday, April 22. The Little League Season be- gins on Monday, A pril 24. O th er u p co m in g yo u th events include: The Lil’ Springers Heart Y outh B asketball Tourna- ment and Health Education at the Community Center. The Early Childhood Edu- cation Center Parade is at 10 a.m. on Friday, April 28. For a fu ll schedule events, see the KWSO Community Calendar on page 14. Customer order fell through! Save thousands on stock home!! Only one available, CALL TODAY FOR APPOINTMENT! r Memorial Contest Men’s Traditional 18 and Over In Honor o f the Late Harvey Paul April 21 and 22 at the Toppenish Longhouse 541504-1402 □ 1357 N Hwy 97 Redmond, OR 97756