Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon March 30, 2006 Page 11 . THE CONFEDERATED TRIBES LANGUAGE LESSON Sapsikwat Ichishkiin Snwit - Paiute Language Lesson------ Today we will be listening to some everyday Nume ka Numu Nadyaooana pose, mudyise mu Wasco Language Lesson- expressions used and some of the greetings that nobekwi a matsapeku. Maadooe mu matsapeku everyone enjoys hearing. onoo mu pesa natunedyooekwe, onoo mu pesa oo mesoo neakwe! Key word: Tkwatat (time to eat) We are going to fix some Paiute words to label your home,this will help you to learn. 1. Au iwa tkwatat. It is time to eat now. Natsakona'a -Door Gangadix Idelxam Long ago People Itbdem Food ltqw+i Home Key word: Niix maicqi (Good Morning) 2. Atgugixanaunxma Niix maicqi naimuma ku xtwaima Good Morning my relatives and friends. Key word: Niix PachwaiH! (Good Afternoon) Respect Gangadix idelxam gatgia qadamt itbdem auxaxa bama châxellix. Napoone'e -Window 3. Niix pachwai inmima naimuma. Good Day!! My relatives. Key word: Niix Kwlaawit!!! (Good Evening) 4. Nobepedakwana -Wall Katuno -Chair Niix kwlaawit tlaaxw xtwaima. Good evening all my friends. Key word: Ashm (come in.) 5. Ashm!! Come in! Tebo -Table Key word: Chchu (quiet) 6. Chchu txanati!!! Quiet everyone!! T ugootapuakuna -Light Key word: Ni'iix (care­ ful) 1. Long ago people left their homes to go gather food for the winter. r a f t * 7 l\ Sutove -Stove Ni'iix k'a kwai. Be extra careful now. Nobe Key word: Luwuwai (slowly) -House Paa 2. Maik luwuwaik'a kwai winak. Go very slowly now. -Water — Key word: Laxwaixt (hot) 3. Laxwaixt iwa ilkwsh. The fire is hot. Key word: iyiya (dangerous) —A, (f * " ' * 4. Iyiya nam ai Iq'iwisha tuniski. It is dangerous to play with matches. Key word: ichushamsh (its sunshining) Natukana Nobe -Kitchen Natukana -Food Kope'e -Coffee Sooga -Sugar Qiwava dala’ax shan aldimama kwaba abcuguya k’aya kwash. Sometimes people would come to stay the night and were never in fear (o f anyone bothering their valuables). Koona -Wood Aakusa -Axe Ongabe -Salt 5. Niix ichushamsh chikuuk!!! The sun feels good today. - r << Key w ord: It'uxt'uxsha (raining) 6. It'uxt'uxsha kwna P utlnpa chikuuk. It is raining in Portland today. Key word: Itwananasha (snowing) Tseda Matsua -Dish Rag Tu'egeena -Spoon Tsano -Pot Tuupe Tseda -Iron Skillet Tuutakoo'nana -Iron Nl 11 Engugidimam aduguya qengi dan ayaptxia adelxam gangat atgugixanaunxma kanawi dan itqwliba. People respected everything in the homes when they came to stay. Itugaguiyamxat adugwitbga k’aya lakli akduxa. They didn’t lock their homes. * 3:30pm - 5:00pm YOUTH Language Trailer (Located behind the Education Bldg.) 5:30pm - 7:30pm Language Trailer (Located behind the Education Bldg.) THURSDAYS 4H DANCE PRACTICE 3:30pm - 5:00pm Community Center Aerobics room (Must fill out registration slip)