9 V Page 3 March 16, 2 0 0 6 Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon Plan addresses important issues What kind o f public services would people want in downtown Warm Springs? What kind o f housing might citizens want? Rental houses, or apartments? What if you want to keep a horse in your backyard? The committee charged with formulating the plan to manage urban areas on the Warm Springs Reservation, the'Inte grated Resource Management Plan III, or IRMP III, seeks in put from the community. The committee invites com munity members to meet, as families or groups o f friends, and discuss the plan, which is promised to affect the daily lives o f citizens in the reservation’s community and industrial areas, including such places as Seekseequa and Sidwalter, as well as Warm Springs and Simnasho. “What we’re trying to do is get better public involvement in planning,” Lonnie Macy, a tribal planner, said. Tribal natural resources plan ners hosted a pair o f meetings at the longhouses in Simnasho and Warm Springs in January to glean com m unity input on IR M P I II. Bu t the turnout, Macy said, was sparse. So the group is looking to ward family-based meetings for increased public participation. These meetings could take any form, either with the traditional evening meeting following a potluck dinner in a hall, or as informal as a mid-day luncheon or evening dessert at a home. “We’ll provide the presenta tion, maps, surveys and hand outs,” Macy said. “We just need a place, som eone’s home or someplace in the community.” “Our goal is to have IRMP III done this year, hopefully by this summer, but definitely this year,” said Bill Rhoades, a mem ber o f the IRMP III commit tee. IRM P I I I , which follows IRMPs I and II, has been the subject o f meetings, both with tribal community members and technical sta ff from Warm Springs Natural Resources for about a year. IRMP I was com pleted in the 1980s, and deals with forest land. IRMP II fo cuses on non-forested range- land. When the third phase, IRMP III, is complete, the plan is to join the three components to gether and come up with a final zoning plan. The basic legal framework o f the plan IRMP III is in place. What remains for discussion is Meeting on meth prevention There will be a meeting later this month on a plan to fight methamphetamine on the reservation. The meeting will be from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday, March 27-28. The meeting will be facilitated by Rose and Barnhart, a Native American group specializing in methamphetamine prevention. All community members are invited. The plan is being organized by the tribal court in con junction with the Community Health Education Team. I f you have any questions about the plan o r the meeting, a “fleshing out” o f how 11 key areas addressed in the plan would be administered. And that’s where the community in put is encouraged. The 11 areas are as follows: residential, utilities, public facili ties, transportation, telecommu nications, cultural resources, natural resources, recreation, industrial facilities, commercial and retail facilities, and land use designations. “These are the points we’re wanting input on,” Rhoades said. “And those are the kind o f things that are going to have impact on people’s daily life, and that’s what we want them to talk about.” The 11 areas the plan cur rently addresses were in tro duced by community members, identified as the issues commu nity members brought up the most. “And we think that’s fairly complete. There might be some thing else out there, but those are the ones we’ve heard in the past,” said Clay Penhollow, a planner for the natural resources department and member o f the IRMP team. Anyone interested in setting up a family or group meeting on IRMP III is encouraged to co n tact Macy through the Warm Springs N atural R e sources at 553-2001. Warm Springs, Please support the businesses you see in the Spilyay Tymoo They give back to the local community! Automotive andTowina 24- Hour Towing 24- Hour a day rood service If you don't have AAA, we have applications Saining Warm Springs a n i Madras since 1975 CALL All M ajor & M inor Repair Import & Domestic 475-6663 Transmissions Computer Engine Controls Brakes Tune-Ups Alignments Electrical Air Conditioning-Heating 24-Hour Towing by Certified Operators Or stop by for an appointment 12-month/12,000 mile nation wide warranty. All w ork by certified technicians. All manufacture warranty maintenance available here with electronic record keeping 755 S.W. H w y 97, M adras, OR 97741 — v _______________________ y The Cobbler Shop >¥• j * S, Ï n~\ r < r \ A J r% , it S i i call 553-4354. ECEpowwow at Agency Longhouse Boot, Shoe and Leather Repair The Early Childhood Education Center is inviting the community to a powwow at 10 a.m. today, Thursday, March 16, at the Agency Longhouse. 475-2387 W LI S I r-O f jr ¿ i j r \j i 1 . J N C E 1 9 3 1 Anatomy of the Viberg Slileiidown Boot: it:« ? a Ota? us*» ¡»hi? tor seid 147 N.E. 5th Street, Madras X «ft istesi few1 Me SJiiS) t O S l« y e » » » Ä ä M C « Taco sale There will be an Indian taco sale from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Monday, March 27 at the Commu nity Center Social Hall. This will be a fundraiser for Teri Jo and Amanda Squiem phen-Y azzie to make the trip to Hollan in July to play for Team USA in the volleyball youth di vision. T hank you for your support. To advertise in the Spilyay, Call Sam at 279-9973. Raffle F o r Teri Jo and Amanda Yazzie to go to Holland with the Team USA V olle yball Team. Raffle items include Blaz ers tickets, 15”LCD TV, M P3 p la ye r, p o rta b le DVD player, $25 in gas at DMJ, and many other items! See Percy Yazzie, Teri Jo Yazzie, Amanda Y a z z ie , R ita S q u ie m p h e n or Val Squiemphen for tickets. Drawing on Sunday, April 16 at the Yazzie Youth Basketball Tourney. Please support the girls! P/ Authorized Dealer for NICKS Also for WILSON and VIBERG Boots 4 («? !Jr*ii :|nr n «•(*•. it 1»;oirs«ii«! sitie 'V i* CSAANSI 4 Vv.tfl skit- )>. Ä «.WIKS SM Mt gr«i tevraii1 ?«)«*•» Mon-Thurs 8:00 a.m. to 4:00p.m., Friday 8:00 a.m to 5:30 p.m. DROP OFF Ochoco Feed 201W 10th Prineville, PICK UP at Fair Feed 105 SE Lynn Prineville 8 Hi« Mi» <#S0tt iffl «WS«1 Mod WiS»!»»: wOX I» «SMI «fiiSft it: | Ms* mam Sto *)iWvtíW tests« «tllvîfi wmovifcfe cvvta» toca«] tNutsUWltì