Spilyay Tyrooo February 2, 2006 Pa^e 5 G U N S - G O L D -JE W E L R Y at Popular Heart Smart dinner Feb. 15 The first Heart Smart dinner was held in 1994 to promote “h eart sm art eatin g ” to the W arm Springs com m unity. There were 54 community mem bers at the very first H eart Smart dinner. Throughout the years atten dance has grown to as many as 350 community members. This event is an evening with food, blood pressure/b lood sugar screening, diabetes education, entertainment, an adult raffle, and gifts for elders and children. The date has been set for the 13th Annual Heart Smart Din ner: Wednesday, Feb. 15 at the Agency Longhouse from 4:30 to 8 p.m. Washut begins at 4:30 p.m., a salmon dinner prepared by ch ef M ich ael S p au ld in g is served, education is presented by the Community Health Edu catio n Team (CH ET) on “H onor the G ift o f H eart H ealth,” entertainm ent is by Queen Loreen and the Skillet L ickers, blood pressure and blood sugar screening is avail able throughout the evening. There is an adult raffle and a gift for the elders and children present at this event. Don’t miss out, b rin g you r fam ily and friends to this great community event. The dinner is sponsored by the Warm Springs Health and W ellness C enter, the W arm Springs Diabetes Program, the Warm Springs N utrition D e partm ent, the W arm Springs Senior Center and the Diabetes Prevention Program. If you have any questions, call Kat Spaulding at 553-2478. CASH AND RELEASE Jay 1-541-475-3157 579 S.E. 5th Street Madras, OR 97741 We consign Hat Bed Trailers, Horse Trailers, Tractors, and Boats Cultural Trust has available $6,500 in funding The Jefferson County Cul tural Trust is beginning a new grant cycle. The cultural trust supports projects relating to arts such as painting, draw ing, sculpture, music, and more; heritage such as local history, conservation of historic sites, geneology, etc.; and the humanities. Humanities is a big category which includes law; political science; international studies; archaeology; history; his tory theory, and criticism of art; linguistics; ethics; literature; phi losophy; anthropology; compara tive literature; and folklore. The trust has about $6,500 to give out and will be giving it out in variable amounts. This means you could apply for the w hole $6,500, or for a sm all amount like $50, or anything in between. Applicants must be able to provide a 10 percent match to the grant either in money or in- kind donations. The trust is par ticularly looking for projects of lastin g v alu e to Je ffe rso n County. Applications are available at the Jefferson County Library, the chamber of commerce, Willow Creek Books, Mail Copies and More, Great Earth, and Art Ad venture Gallery. Completed ap plications MUST be mailed to the P.O. box listed on the appli cation and must be postmarked by Feb. 17. For more information con tact Jodi Eagan at 475-3082. 4 #» . ;"jH ,"1 ■, *, ■ A. m ‘V F Spa Casino Pool Golf Dininç Lodçe Win a Lincoln on President's Weekend Don't miss our cash d r a w l s every W ednesday at 8 & 10pm , and Friday and Saturday at 8, 9 ,1 0 & 11pm. A dditional drawings w ill be held Nathan’s offering tax services Nathan’s Business Services is offering tax/services. Nathan’/Business Services is located at.2197 Highway 26 in Warm Springs, by D eschutes Crossing The phone number is 553-12C Nathan’s Business Services is available for services Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., and from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday. N athan’s offers tax. preparation advice, electronic fil ing, and refund anticipation loans. Y</uth group hosting Winter Fest ‘06 ex trao rd in ary Y outh )ple and the Spechtrum >uth C en ter o f W arm springs are sponsoring Win- ter Fest ‘06 on Saturday, Feb. 11. The activities begin at 12 M ore Letters to the Editor noon at the center. There will be hip hop artists. The fea- tured guest speaker will be Jessica Rivera from Transi tional Youth. For information call 553-5333. February 19 at 1,2 , 3, 4 & 5pm. A ll draw ing w inners get $250 and qualify for the 2 0 0 6 Lincoln Z e p h yr giveaw ay or the car of your choice. Join us on Thursdays for Tournament Action W in $250 cash & be entered for a chance to win a Lincoln Zephyr every Wed., Fri. & Sat. Blackjack Tournament 7pm ($12 Buy-in) Slot Tournament 7pm ($10 Buy-in) Poker Tournament 630pm ($22 Buy-in) Earn your entries by playing 9ames at Kab-Nee-Ta KAH-NEETA Warm Springs, p lease support the businesses y o u see in the Spilyay They give back to the community! Kahneeta.com HIGH DESERT RESORT & CASINO 8 0 0 - 5 5 4 4 SUN Must be present to win at ait drawings. — Rootdiggers Dear Rootdiggers, I’m concerned about where the burned area is. Is land man agement going to replant some kind of plant to prevent erosion of our hills? In the past, I’ve seen our root digging area re-seeded with some kind of plant to help the trees and meadows, and the plant choked out our suwiuqkt roots as well as the purple on ions. I’m one that appreciates our M other E arth for all plants, choosh, yam ush, m u-ux. We must be gentle with her and hear her name in our songs of life. Sincerely, Qu-yi-yat. Car trouble To the p eo p le o f W arm Springs, I am writing a letter to say thank you to all the nice people who cam e to my aid when I had car troubles. Not only did it happen once, but it happened twice. The car god in heaven is re ally frowning on me. And thank you to the nice people who gave me a ride when I was hitchhik ing on the road. Please accept my sincere thanks. And my best wishes to you good sams. Thanks to Bear and his part ner. Cordially yours, Lois A. EAGLE-TECH Eagle-Tech Systems now offers cost effective on-site business PC and Network Services in the Warm Springs and Madras area. PC installation and service for most PC desktop and laptops Network Installation and Management Office Wireless systems Peripheral Service Data backup and recovery service Network Security Microsoft Office Support Internet Security Planning to Protect Against Online Threats c0*L\ct$ $t* Certified staff including Microsoft Certified Professional. A+, Cisco, Linux,.. T E C H N IC A L S E R V IC E T O T H E W A RM S P R IN G S & M A D R A S A R E A S EA G LE-TEC H SYSTEM S Warm Springs (541 >553-3501 Madras (541 >460-0192 Hours: M-F, 8 am to 5 pm Knight. rift«