E Coosb EEWA: The wgy it is P^ge 4- Spilydy Tymoo February 2, 2006 Letters to the Editor Retirement A thank-you We would like to say thank you to all that had helped us h o n o r our dad M arv in Meanus Sr. It was a lot of work for all of us and it was a nice turnout for the honor m eal and the presentation. Auntie Hilda, Annie, Betty N aso n , S h aro n , M arva, M ich ael, N eda, C h arlo tte Herkshan. I (Lou-el) would like to say thank for every­ thing that you did for us. This would not have been put to­ gether w ithout all o f your help and guidance. I (Lou-el) have always wished to honor Dad somehow and he doesn’t always expect this but he put in so m any years o f hard work throughout his life. He is very dedicated to his work and family. H erb, P aul and B ryan from U tilities, thanks for sharing all your m em ories with us and being a part of the p resen tatio n . C aptain Moody, thanks for coming in and sharing with family and friends at such a short notice. Thank you to the VFW Post 4217 for honoring dad with a P en d leto n b la n k et and marching him in to begin our day. Neda, thanks for speaking on behalf of the family and keeping everything moving forward throughout the day. Thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hunt for coming in and opening the floor for all. Thanks to the cooks, Priscilla Blackwolf, Josie M iller and boys, Cassie Katchia, Betty George, Sharon Katchia and Annie Kalama for preparing this meal, all the food was great and filling. Thanks to all that brought in food and do­ nations to help out. Our father is very loving and understanding. He always I would like to thank the people of the Warm Springs Nation who have generously kept me in mind as I serve the country in which our na­ tion is set upon. Over the four years I have been en­ listed, I have received numer­ ous care packages from Fire M an agem en t, C h arlo tte Herkshan and whoever else was involved, along with the Confederated Tribes. Thank you, VFW, for acknowledging me and my husband (as he is enlisted too) during Pi-Ume- Sha a few years back. It was an honor to be a part of the Grand Entry with the veter­ ans and to speak of my en­ listm ent and duties as the Grand Entry concluded. And thank you to KWSO as they interviewed me during that same summer. Furthermore, I would like to th an k m y F ath er and Mother, Harvey and Florene Scott, who have seen me through this new life. As a reb ellio us ad o lescen t and teen, without too harsh pun­ ishm ent, I was only given words to think about to pon­ der about my actions. I did not grow up to be spanked and whipped but suffered the consequences of my parents’ words that left me in guilt of what I did. They have taught me to think about my actions and how they affect people. I was selfish, stubborn, and spoiled - but they never gave up hope, they never shunned me, they never sent me to that boot camp in Bend. Mom and Dad, you have raised me well and I hope that I make you both feel like the best par­ ents in the w orld because that’s what you are — the best. I love you both with all my heart. This part of my life is for you. As I was preparing to de­ part my house with my re­ c ru ite r to re p o rt to the MEPS (Military Entry Pro­ cessing Station), I could see the happiness in their faces, th eir sm iles and th eir Advice “It’s better to be alone than in the wrong company.” T ell me w ho yo u r b est friends and I’ll tell you who you are. If you run w ith w olves, you’ll learn how to howl, but if you associated with eagles, you’ll le arn how to soar to g reat heights. A m irro r reflects a m an’s face, but what he’s really like is shown by the kind o f friends he chooses. The simple but true fact of life is that you become like those who you closely asso­ ciate with - for good or bad. The less you asso ciate w ith some people, the more your life will improve. An im portant attribute in successful people is their impa­ tience with negative thinking and has a lending hand to his chil­ dren, sisters, cousins, nieces, nephews, grandchildren and friends. We all love him with all that we have and wish him the best in his retirement (fi­ nally). We had this recognition din­ ner for him and he always says, “I live in Warm Springs, don’t be a stranger, come by and visit.” Now that he is re­ tired and hopefully relaxing, please stop in and say hello to him from time to time. I am sure for being a busy body all his life he has a hard time keeping himself busy being at home. A few in d iv id u a ls m ay have been forgotten when writing this, please don’t be offended. We all appreciate you for all you have done for us and hope that we all stay close. Auntie Hilda and Auntie Jeanette, we all love you both too. If it wasn’t for you three, who w ould we turn to for guidance. Thanks again to all and ta k e c are a lw a y s. M a rvin ’s ch ild ren B etty N a so n , A n n ie K a la m a , M a rv in M ean u s J r ., M ad e n e M e a n u s, M ichael M eanus, M arva Lawrence, Evelyn Gilbert and Louella H eath-jack- son. Sisters H ilda Culpus and Jeanette Meanus and all his grandchildren and family. negative acting people. As you grow , yo u r a sso ciates w ill change. Some of your friends w ill not w ant you to go on. They’ll want you to stay where they are. Never discuss your problems with someone incapable of con­ tributing to the solution, because those who never succeed them­ selves are always first to tell you how. Not everyone has a right to speak into your life. You’re certain to get the worst bargain when you exchange ideas with the wrong person. Don’t follow anyone w ho’s not going any­ where. Be careful where you stop to inquire for directions along the road of life. Ray field M itc h e ll, No. 60839 -06 5. U.S.P. Hazelton, P.O. Box 2000, Bruceton Mills, WV 26525. Spilyay Tym oo CCoyote News, Est. 1976) Publisher Emeritus: Sid Miller Editor: Dave McMechan Management Successor: Selena T. Boise Advertising Manager: Sam Howard Staff Writer: Brian Mortensen Media Advisor: Bill Rhoades Spilyay Tymoo is published bi-weekly by the Confeder­ ated Tribes of Warm Springs. Our offices are located in the white house at 1100 Wasco Street. Any written m aterials subm itted to Spilyay Tymoo should be addressed to: Spilyay Tymoo, P.O. Box 870, Warm Springs, OR 97761. Phone: (541) 553-1644 or 553-3274. FAX No. (541) 553-3539. E-Mail: spilyaytymoo@ wstribes.org. Annual Subscription rates: Within U.S.: $15.00. \ High school A high sch o o l in W arm Springs? Is it just a whisper of something of such delicacy that if we said it any louder it would just whisp away in the wind. Time is trying all of us of Warm Springs. We are not rising to the chal­ lenges set in the future. The idea of going to school is something that the average Warm Springs child sees as an everyday hard­ ship. We have heard it time and time again, excuse after excuse, reasons why “I didn’t make it to the bus, my clothes weren’t dry, the bus comes too early, so- and-so teacher is a racist, I’m afraid.” A fraid of what? Violence? Things have happened in our schools that we the parents don’t ever hear about. There are divisions among our children o f one com m u­ nity, divisions that are the prod­ uct o f negligence o f the su­ p erv iso ry body to deal w ith the issues that our children get so involved in before they be­ come so much o f an issue that their ability to learn is compro­ mised and the child’s life spi­ rals out o f control in so short o f a time. It doesn’t take much any­ more, a dirty look, he said-she said. The values o f we as a people are not being taught. The ‘Down under’ tears. As my aunt and uncle Olivia and Fred prayed over me and my bro Ja y and sis Reese were there to see me off, I felt so proud of myself for becoming something. All I thought at the time was that I was making my parents happy and proud of me. I was do­ ing this more for them than myself. As my career flour­ ishes, it w ill soon becom e something for m yself and I will be working toward my life and family. Whatever I decide, I know they will always sup­ port me - no matter what. As time creeps up, I’m due to either re-enlist and transfer or be discharged from active duty in June. I do not know what I’m going to do at this time. It depends on what kind o f sea b ille ts th ey have available. If I get out of the military I plan on moving to my husband’s hometown of Lexington, Kentucky, with our daughter Kayla, as he would like to pursue college and be­ come a fire fighter and I will go to college and get a busi­ ness degree of some sort. We plan on returning to the Re 2 when she is old enough for grad e sch o o l b ecau se we would like for her to learn the lan guages. T h at’s w hat we plan to do, but you know how things change. As I end this letter, I would like to express my deepest thanks and respects to my Fa­ ther and Mother, family and friends and to those who con­ tinue to support the troops. PS3 Taylor, H. L. (Person­ nel Specialist Third Class Petty Officer), Personnel Support D etachm ent N aval Station Norfolk, Norfolk, VA. instructors at the schools we send our children to have no stake in our youths’ future. What they teach our kids will have no effect on their lives, w ill not have any effect on their kids’ future, so what do they care? “Kick them out of class and sus­ pend them, so I don’t have to deal with them.” This happens all too often. Those who do pay attention learn a simple white concept. Make as much money as I can as fast as I can. I’m not sure these are the things our com­ m unity needs “now.” Self-re­ spect, honor, pride — I’m sure these are. We are losing our people by sending them to another com­ munity to learn their values, not ours. We are losing them by en­ couraging athletes to compete for a town that is not theirs. Imagine, though, if we were to keep them here inside our own borders. Imagine what we could mold them to be. Imagine the sporting events. Imagine the headlines. Imagine a class o f 250 skins w alking down an aisle built by skins for skins. Imagine the pride, the in­ fluence of the whole commu­ nity. .. That’s what we would be, fi­ nally, a w h o le com m unity. Jerem iah Johnson. T hank you W arm Springs and supporters. Australia, wow. First of all I’d like to recognize the people who invited me to be a part of the Oregon-Washington wrestling team. Second, my fam ily for their continued support, and I’d like to thank the community of Warm Springs for their finan­ cial contributions and support, which I needed to make the trip “Down Under.” I never thought I would ever get a chance to do something like that. I didn’t know people did things like that for high school kids. Now that I have gone and had a great experience I still can’t believe I went and wrestled down under in Austra­ lia. It’s an experience I’ll always rem em ber. I never im agined sports and athletics would take me halfway around the world to compete. Australia is a nice place to go, if you ever get a chance I suggest to you go. It w ill be worth your time and money. Our first stop was Hawaii. We did our official weigh-ins upon arrival there and never looked back. This was fine with me due to all the buffet style meals we were treated to m orning and evening. I also was able to visit Hawaii, another place I didn’t think I would ever see. It was one o f the coolest places I’ve ever been. Besides seeing hoola girls, I went boogey boarding, snorkeling in the warm ocean by Waikiki beach, checking out sea turtles, ocean eels, sea coral and exotic fish. Ate native Ha­ waiian foods, experiencing their beauty and culture during a Polynesia show put on by local natives. I was able to take a boat out to Pearl Harbor and see the sunken Arizona battle ship. We flew into Sydney, Austra­ lia and on to Brisbane where we stayed for the wrestling tourna­ ments. I wrestled four dual style matches and four tournament style matches against guys from Pennsylvania, New Zealand and Tennessee. My record was four and four and I came home with a competition medal. I met and made friends with people from all over the United States, including other Native athletes competing in wrestling, volleyball, football and track and field. I still keep in contact with some of my Oregon-Washing­ ton teammates as well as some of the other Natives. In talking with some of the other kids, I found out there were a lot of others invited, but couldn’t make the trip due to lack of funding. I feel very humble and grateful that my family and Tribe helped make this trip possible for me. While there, we were able to swim in the Olympic pools, vis­ ited an opera house, and went to “Dream World” theme park. We were able to walk downtown Brisbane and check out the lo­ cal stores and shops. We visited the “Currumbin Wildlife Sanc­ tu ary,” w here we saw koala bears, birds o f prey, Tasmanian devil, wild dingoes, kangaroos, crocs, tigers, white tigers and python snakes. We were even able to hold baby alligators. I would encourage other Na­ tive athletes to keep their grades up in school so they can keep competing in high school sports. If your grades are in order, the rest falls into place. You just have to do the work. My par­ ents told me if I wanted to do high school sports, my grades would have to be there. When things were hard in the class­ room, it made it easier for me to keep trying, knowing I would still be able to compete. I know plenty of kids who started out playing sports at the high school, but had to drop due to grades. I am trying very hard to keep my education the number one pri­ ority, because I know for a fact it enables me to com pete in sports and has opened up a whole new world for me. I look forward to my senior year in high school and compet­ ing again for the White Buffa­ los in football and wrestling. Thanks again for helping me achieve a once in a lifetim e chance to travel “Down Under.” B laine Cole Begay. (Note: Since his return home, Blaine has been invited to play foot­ ball in England in March fo r the USA All-stars and is currently do­ ing fundraisers.) 3 Warriors The 3 Warriors Market em­ ployees would like to extend our sincerest appreciation to the crowd o f over 200 grandpar­ ents, parents and children that made their way to Simnasho for our birthday celebration. We had a great meal with a lot of food. Thanks to the newly crowned M iss W arm Springs Nicola Stwyer for joining us for the evening. We had about 30- 35 little people dressed in their regalia and for their efforts for getting ready each received a toy and a birthday shirt. We also shared a birthday shirt with those that brought the good food, the Washut Drummers, the drum­ mers on the big drums, and our Elders. The evening was organized to celebrate the existence o f the store and to give the commu­ nity a chance to gather in a good way and enjoy each other’s com­ pany. By listening to the people and all their laughter, we feel that the evening was a hit. In 2005, the store was open 364 days from 7 a.m. till 8 p.m. and ready to do business with any individual that entered the building or pulled up to the fuel pumps (In 2005 we closed on Pi Ume Sha Sunday so the staff could Pi Ume with the rest of the tribe). We understand the fact that we must provide our customers with the groceries/ , fuel that they need and that we must provide it as a reasonable « cost while yet making enough p ro fit to su it trib a l management’s expectations. We do the best that we can. We have no control on traffic, fires, winter storms or other hurdles yet we have continued to make our own way. We have contin- ' ued to increase our customer base not only on the reservation but also Wapanitia, Wamic, Pine Grove and Maupin. This is all done on a daily basis with only a staff of 2 full time and 6 part- time employees. We would like to thank all those that continue to support the store with your business and your verbal support and we look forward to another busy year. , We have included a list of the door prize winners (you had to be present to win as we had sev­ eral leave a little early and they lost out) and we have included a list o f those that helped to make our birthday celebration a good time. Thanks, from 3 W a rrio rs M a rk e t S ta ff, R oy, L e v i, P atrick , K atie, A lved a, Ivy, M ary and C aptain. B-day wishes... H appy birthday Rome lie on February 14. From Dante, Joe, M att and Ang. H appy birthday Dena on F eb ru ary 12. From D ante, Joe, M att and Ang.