Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, January 19, 2006, Page Page 10, Image 10

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    Spilyay classified s
Page 10
Spilydy Tyvnoo
January 19, 2006
■ H
for sale
For sale to the general
public: Computer systems.
System includes: Dell PC
model GX1,17” monitor, key­
board and mouse. PC has
W ind ow s 98 and O ffice
2000, CD player and built-
in modem. Complete system
is $150. All equipm ent is
used and no warranty is of­
Contact Tribal Property at
553-3295 for more informa­
(The following is the recent
jo b opening list o f the Warm
Springs Tribes. See A m elia
Tewee in the Personnel Depart­
m ent to subm it an application,
o r call 553-3262. Also, you
a p p ly
o n -lin e
www.ctws.org. For more details
on the positions, call the con­
tact person listed on the ad­
vertisement. O r visit the tribes’
jo b a d v e rtis e m e n t lis t a t
Managed Care Program
Case Manager. Please send
letter of application and resume
to: Mike Marcotte, P.O. 1620,
W arm , Springs, OR. 97761
ATTN: Case Manager Position.
Mike Marcotte 553-2490. Open
Until Filled.
E a r ly C h i l d h o o d E d u ­
c a ti o n D a y c a r e Teacher.
Karla Patt 5 53-3241. Open
Until Filled.
F a m i l y S e r v i c e s C PS
Service Coordinator. Salary
Range $20,173. Yr. Rebekah
Main 553-3209. Open Until
Finance: A cc ou n t P a y ­
able Specialist. Salary Neg.
M ich ael C o llin s 553-3476.
Open Until Filled.
Forestry: Fire M a na ge ­
ment: Forest Crew Squad
Boss. Salary Range $13.58 hr.
A nthony H olliday 553-1146.
C lo ses 2/3.
Forestry: Fire M a n a g e ­
ment: Forest Crew M e m ­
b e r F u l l T i m e (2) p o s i ­
tions. Salary Range $10.82 hr.
A nthony H olliday 553-1146.
C lo ses 2/3.
Forestry: Fire M a n a g e ­
ment: Forest Crew M e m ­
ber Seasonal (2) positions.
Salary Range $10.82 hr. Anthony
Holliday 553-1146. C loses 2/
Natural Resources: Wa­
te r & So il: H y d r o p o w e r
Review Coordinator. Salary
Range $30,000. Yr. To $36,000.
Yr. R aw lin R ichardson 553-
3460. Open Until Filled.
P u b lic Sa fety : C o r r e c ­
tions Officer (female). Sal­
ary R ange $2 3,440. Yr. To
$24,340. Yr. Bruce Fones 553-
3272. Open Until Filled.
U tilities: E ngineering
T e c h n i c i a n . S alary R ange
neg. Randy Wallace 553-3246 .
Open Until Filled.
H ousing: HUD - RSS.
Personal C om puter skills in
word processing, spreadsheets,
and windows. Good communi­
cation skills both written and
oral. Knowledge of tribal poli­
cies, procedures, organization
and administration. Knowledge
or rules, regulations, and laws
governing Indian Housing in-
eluding HUD. Valid O regon
Driver’s License a must. Provide
ow n tran sp o rtatio n . S alary
Range DOQ. Danielle Switzler
553-3250. Open Until Filled.
H ousing: C ollections
Officer. Basic accounting skills,
P ersonal C om puter skills in
Word Processing and Spread­
sheet. Good com m unication
skills in oral and written form.
Knowledge of Tribal and LHA
policies, procedures, organiza­
tion and administration func­
tions. Valid Oregon Driver’s Li­
cense a m u st.S alary R ange
DOQ. Danielle Switzler 553-
3250. Open Until Filled.
The Confederated Tribes of
the Warm Springs Reservation
vs. Bruce Howtopat, defendant.
Case No. CR472-04. To Bruce
Howtopat: You are hereby no­
tifie d th at the above cited
case(s), as filed in the Warm
Springs Tribal Court, has been
scheduled for a show cause
hearing at 11 a.m. on January
30, 2006. You are hereby or­
M ail & R ecep tion :
Sw itchb oard Operator.
M an d ato ry V alid O regon
Driver’s License. Basic Account­
ing skills, perform all aspects of
receptionist and switchboard
duties, sort and distribute in­
coming/ outgoing mail from de­
partments. US Postal services
for organization. Backup for
repair and maintenance of tele­
communications systems. Oper­
ate computer (Word/Excel/Ac­
cess). General office equipment,
assist in managem ent area as
needed. Schedule conference
rooms, basic -filing and records
m an agem en t sk ills needed.
Knowledge o f Tribal Organiza­
tion would be preferred. Open
and close the adm inistration
building as scheduled (Three
shifts are assigned) Person must
be dependable, punctual, posi­
tive attitude, willing to learn and
work as a team player, current
liability insurance vehicle. Three
shifts, 6:45 am — 3:45 pm, 8am-
5pm, 9am-6pm (Monday-Fri-
day). Salary Range 16,984. Yr.
To $20,000. Yr. Danica Greene
553-3334. Open Until Fined.
on Feb. 22, 2006, at the Warm
Springs Tribal Court. All of the
facts of the case will be heard
at this hearing, including evi­
dence you wish to present. You
m ust appear to present your
argument or the other side will
autom atically win. The p eti­
tioner, Marie Calica, may then
be given all that is asked for in
the petition for civil complaint.
The following positions
were advertised recently by
the Human Resources De-
partment at Kah-Nee-Ta
High D esert Resort and
S a la ry : $ 6 ,4 6 9 - $ 9 ,5 4 3 /m o n th
T h e R e g io n 1 M a n a g e r is re s p o n s ib le fo r le a d in g
a n d d ire c tin g a s ta ff o f m o re th a n 6 0 0 in th e d e -
s ig n , d e v e lo p m e n t, a n d im p le m e n ta tio n o f c o m p le x
m u lti- m o d a l tr a n s p o r ta tio n s y s te m s fo r th e m o s t
d e n s e ly p o p u la te d a n d fa s te s t g ro w in g g e o g r a p h i-
c a l re g io n in th e s ta te .
C a n d id a te s m u s t h a v e a m in im u m o f 6 y e a r s ’ p ro - *
Lounge manager. If
»interested contact Kevin
Climer at (541) 553-1112,
ext. 3357.
g r e s s iv e ly r e s p o n s ib le m a n a g e m e n t e x p e r ie n c e
re la te d to th e tra n s p o rta tio n in d u s try , in c lu d in g re -
s p o n s ib ility fo r s ta ff a n d b u d g e t m a n a g e m e n t a n d
o v e ra ll p ro g ra m o p e ra tio n s .
A G ra d u a te -le v e l d e -
D r o p / C o u n t team
mem ber. I f in terested
contact D ebbie Palm er,
553-1112, ext. 3429.
b e s u b s titu te d fo r u p to 1 y e a r o f th e re q u ire d e x ­
p e rie n c e .
C a n d id a te s w ith p r o g re s s iv e ly re s p o n s ib le tra n s p o r-
ta tio n in d u s try e x p e rie n c e a re p re fe rre d . To a p p ly ,
v is it w w w .o d o tjo b s .c o m
Slot tech. If interested
co n tact D avid D ieker,
553-1112, ext. 4895.
fo r A n n o u n c e m e n t
#OCDT5949 a n d a p p lic a tio n r e q u ir e m e n ts . Po-
s itio n c lo s e s a t 5 p m o n J a n u a ry 16, 2 0 0 6 . E O E /
R estaurant man-
ager. If interested contact
Kevin Climer, ext. 3357.
Interindustry Confer-
ence On Auto Collision
Repair (l-CAR)
A u to m o tiv e S e rv ic e
E x c e lle n c e (A S E )
C e rtifie d
Miller Ford-Nissan
Collision Center
36 S.E. 6th, Madras, OR 97741 (Across from the Post Office)
Let us help n e g o tia te yo u r
ve h icle dam age claim
We repair
all makes
and models!
Come see
We honor all insurance company estimates.
Factory trained technicians, factory quality repairs &
craftmenship, frame straightening rack, with laser
precision body alignment.
No matter what happens to your car, you can
count on the Autobody Repair specialists at Miller
Ford Nissan collision center to take care of it from
the smallest scratch to the biggest dent.
24-Hour Towing Service - Rental cars available
541 - 475-6153
dered to be and appear at the
Warm Springs Tribal Court at
the time and date shown, to
show cause why the suspended
sentence should not be imposed
for your failure to comply with
the sentence imposed against
you. This hearing will not be a
full hearing on the merits of the
case; you must appear and de­
fend against a complaint that
you failed to obey the order of
the court. If you fail to appear
as so ordered, the Tribal Court
shall enter a complaint for con­
tempt of court and issue a war­
rant for your arrest. If you have
any questions, you should seek
legal assistance immediately.
In the Tribal Court of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
M arie C alica, p e t i ­
tioner, vs. Chasen Walker,
re s p o n d e n t. C ase No.
C V 2 3 5 - 0 2 . To C h a s e n
Walker: You are hereby noti­
fied that a petition for civil com­
plaint has been filed with the
Warm Springs Tribal Court. By
this notice you are summoned
to appear in this matter at a
hearing scheduled for 2 p.m.
P rin c ip a l E x e c u tiv e /M a n a g e r
g re e in M a n a g e m e n t o r a c lo s e ly re la te d fie ld m a y
Orders to Show Cause
complaint that you failed to obey
the order of the court. If you
fail to appear as so ordered, the
Tribal Court shall enter a com­
plaint for contem pt o f court
and issue a warrant for your
arrest. If you have any ques­
tions, you should seek legal as­
sistance immediately.
(O D O T )
R e g io n 1 M a n a g e r
In the Tribal Court
o f the Confederated Tribes o f Warm Springs
The Confederated Tribes of
the Warm Springs Reservation
vs. Aaron Scott, defendant. Case
No. CR349-05. To Aaron Scott:
You are hereby notified that the
above cited case(s), as filed in
the Warm Springs Tribal Court,
has been scheduled for a show
cause hearing at 11 a.m. on
January 30, 2006. You are
hereby ordered to be and appear
at the Warm Springs Tribal
Court at the time and date
shown, to show cause why the
suspended sentence should not
be imposed for your failure to
comply with the sentence im­
posed against you. This hearing
will not be a full hearing on the
merits o f the case; you must
appear and defend against a
E m ploym ent
at Kah-Nee-Ta
The petitioner will be present at
the hearing. If you desire to
personally argue your side of the
case, you may have a legal aide,
spokesperson or attorney ap­
pear on your behalf at your ex­
pense. If you have any ques­
tions, you should seek legal ad­
vice immediately.
Buy - Sell - Trade - Consign
Licensed Firearms Dealer
7 8 0 SW 4th St.
Madras, Oregon 97741
Tom Gies Bob Branson
1 - 541 - 475-3666
Anything of value:
Jewelry, guns, Old West items, beaded items,
bags, powwow regalia, cornhusk, and we do
Small Engine Repair
Announcement of the Tribal Court
The Warm Springs Tribal
Coutr will have some changes
in 2006. First, Tribal Court
no longer accepts personal
checks for any type of pay­
m ents through the Tribal
Court. This includes but is
not limited to restitution, child
support and/or fine payments.
Secondly, payments are accepted
on a daily basis from 9 a.m. until
12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Also: Checks will be issued
on Wednesdays, and are made
available for pick-up after 3
p.m. or will be mailed out on
these days. If you have any
questions, you may contact
the Tribal Court at 553-3278,
M onday through Friday, 8
a.m. to 5 p.m.
Need help w ith a legal problem ?
Legal Aid Services of Oregon
provides free assistance to low-
income Oregonians in many civil *
cases. Speak with an attorney
during drop-in hours 1 to 4 p.m.
on the first Monday of the month at
the Family Resources Center in
Warm Springs. Or call us at 385-
6944 Monday through Wednesday
between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.