Spíly^y T y m o o P^ge12 Judge continues spills to help salmon (AP) - A federal judge last week ordered the federal gov­ ernment to continue spilling ex­ tra water over dams on the lower Snake and lower Columbia riv­ ers to help young salmon and steelhead migrate to the ocean. The order from U.S. District Judge James Redden in Portland came as a result o f his ruling last year that the Bush administration’s latest plan for operating the federally owned hydroelectric dams in the Co­ lumbia Basin jeopardized the survival o f threatened and en­ dangered salmon and steelhead. NOAA Fisheries, the U.S. Army Corps o f Engineers and the Bonneville Power Adminis­ tration had proposed putting about half the young fish in barges and tank trucks to get them around the dams on the lower Snake and lower Colum­ bia rivers and relying on spill for the oth er half. T h a t would spread the risks for the salmon and avoid the loss o f tens o f millions o f dollars in electricity revenues. T h e judge approved the government’s plans for spring and summer spills over the dams, but extended it during both seasons, saying that the sci­ entific justification for barging and trucking the fish was not conclusive. ‘W e are a long way from solv­ ing this problem from bringing back salmon for all the commu­ nities and people that depend on them ,” Earthjustice attorney Todd True, who represents the conservation and fishing groups that won the lawsuit, said in a statement. “But once again, the court has recognized that doing nothing is completely unaccept­ able. “The ball is squarely in the federal agencies court to come up with a plan that makes the major changes in dams and dam operations that our region needs. We will see in the com ing months if they can meet the challenge.” Bonneville Power Adminis­ tration spokesman Mike Hansen said the agency that markets power produced by the dams would continue to focus its ef­ forts looking for ways to oper­ ate the dams without harming salmon that are agreeable to all interests, including the govern­ ment, Indian tribes, the fishing industry, and utilities. BPA will have an estimate in a couple weeks on the cost o f the spill ordered by the judge, H ansen said. H ow ever, the amount o f water spilled over the dams last sum m er under Redden’s orders amounted to $75 million in lost revenues, ac­ counting for a 2 percent to 3 percent increase in wholesale power rates for BPA customers. N OAA Fisheries and the Corps o f Engineers did not im­ mediately return calls for com­ ment. Meanwhile, NOAA Fisheries, the Army Corps o f Engineers and BPA are appealing Redden’s May ruling to the 9th U.S. Cir­ cuit Court o f Appeals. Dams affected by the order are Lower Granite, Little Goose, Lower Monumental and Ice har­ bor on the lower Snake and McNary, John Day, The Dalles and Bonneville on the lower Columbia. Snake River spring/ summer chinook and Snake River steelhead are the species that benefit most from spilling extra water and carrying young fish around dams in the spring. Snake River fall chinook are the species helped most by summer spill and transportation. i f January 5, 2 0 0 6 GUNS - GOLD - JEW ELRY Meth problem focus of gathering Community members are invited to a community meet­ ing on methamphetamine at the Sim nasho Longhouse Jan. 11, from 5 to 10 p.m. The meeting begins with the Washat at 5 p.m., fol­ lowed by supper at 5:30 p.m. Tribal Council Chairman Ron Suppah opens the meet­ ing, followed by an invoca­ tion by Lydia Frank. T h e m eeting includes three main speakers, includ­ ing Mitzi Allen on Meth as a com m unity issue, Leo at Stew art o f the U m atilla Tribal Council on tribal lead­ ers’ perspective on the drug, and William Etter from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Ad­ ministration on practical so­ lutions. A ttendin g com m unity members will have opportu­ nity to discuss the problem and possible solutions for an hour following the speakers’ time. For more information on the meeting, contact ei­ ther Char Herkshan or Guy Wallulatum at 553-3205. 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