Spilyqy Tymoo, Wqrm Springs, Oregon November 24, 2005 Page 15 THE CONFEDERATED TRIBES LANGUAGE LESSON- 1 Learner's Corner : Continuing what we started last issue, we'll be looking more at action words this issue. For Ichishkiin, and especially for Kksht, there are several ways of forming action words. We will explore more features in these regards later. For now, keep looking for patterns! Kiksht (Wasq'u) Sentence Numu (Paiute) Review- Ichishkiin (Sahaptin) Review Pull out your last issue of Spilyay Tymoo to review what we started with forming action words based on the subject! In this issue we will continue with more examples. Try filling out the section below and compare your results with the answers. Kwaba anglalama idatt'qtba itqwtf. Kwaba anglalama idatt'qtba itqwti. At that place 1 sing longhouse sing at the longhouse. Kwaba amglalama idatt'qtba itqwtf. Kwaba amglalama idatt'qtba itqwfi At that place you sing longhouse. You sing at the longhouse. ' Kwaba alaglalama idatt'qtba itqwtf. Kwaba alaglalama idatt'qtba itqwti. At that place she sings longhouse. She sings at the longhouse. Kwaba aliglalama idatt'qtba itqwtf. Kwaba aliglalama idatt'qt itqwti At that place he sings longhouse. He sings at the longhouse. Kwaba ashglalama idatt'qtba itqwtf. Kwaba ashglalama idatt'qtba itqwti At that place they (two people) sing longhouse They sing at the longhouse. Kwaba atglalama idatt'qtba itqwtf. Kwaba atglalama idatt'qtba itqwti At that place they (more than two) sing longhouse They sing at the longhouse. Kwaba antglalama idatt'qtba itqwtf. Kwaba antglalama idatt'qtba itqwti At that place we, the two of us, sing longhouse We sing at the longhouse. Kanawa anshglalama idatt'qtba itqwtf. Kanawa anshglalama idatt'qtba itqwti All we sing longhouse We sing at the longhouse. Now, try filling in the blanks, using a new action word (to dance): Using these jumbled words, write down the Numu version of the following English sentences: nu oodunobe me'akwe Match up the Ichishkiin and the English and see how much you remember from the "Learner's Corner" so far: oosoo nume me a umu poone oodunobewitoo ka Aq'iunushaash sapsikw'atpamana. Aq'inushanam kaatnamna. They go to work. You see the longhouse. Shehe goes to the longhouse. see the longhouse. We see-the longhouse. They see the longhouse. We go to the longhouse. Iwinaxa kaatnamyau. Pawinaxa kutkutyau. Winaxaatash nishayau. We go home. I see the school. He or she goes to the longhouse. 1enk sing dance walptaiknxsha waashaxasha Uenk Sentence sing dance tunekwuhu nuga Sentence .uwichgwa I dance at the longhouse. 2). uwichgwa You dance at the longhouse. 3). uwichgwa She dances at the longhouse. 4). uwichgwa . He dances at the longhouse. 5). .uwichgwa They (two people) dance at the longhouse. 6). .uwichgwa Get out your last issue of Spilyay Tymoo to look at what we started (forming action words based on the subject). In this issue we will continue with more examples. Try filling out the section below and compare your results with the answers. Nu oodunobekwei'yoo tunekwuhu. Nu oodunobekwi'yoo tunekwuhu I at the longhouse sing sing at the longhouse. Oosoo oodunobekwi'yoo tunekwuhu. Oosoo oodunobekwi'yoo tunekweuhu (S)he at the longhouse sing (S)he sings at the longhouse. Umu ka oodunobekwi'yoo tunekwuhuhkwe. Umu ka oodunobewei'yoo tunekweuhukwe They at the longhouse sing They sing at the longhouse. Nume ka oodunobekwi'yoo tunekwuhu. Nume ka oodunobekwi'yoo tunekwuhu We at the longhouse sing We sing at the longhouse. Now, try filling in the blanks, using a new action word (to dance): Pull out your last issue of Spilyay Tymoo to review what we started with forming action words based on the subject! In this issue we will continue with more examples. Try filling out the section below and compare your results with the answers. Walptaiknxaash kaatnampa. Walptaiknxa -ash kaatnam -pa Sing 1 longhouse at sing at the longhouse. Walptaiknxanam kaatnampa. Walptaiknxa -nam kaatnam -pa Sing you longhouse at You sing at the longhouse. Iwalptaiknxa kaatnampa. I- walptaiknxa kaatnam -pa (S)he sing longhouse at She sings at the longhouse. Pawalptaiknxa kaatnampa. Pa- walptaiknxa kaatnam -pa They sing longhouse at They sing at the longhouse. Walptaiknxaatash kaatnampa. Walptaiknxa -atash kaatnam -pa Sing we longhouse at We sing at the longhouse. Now, try filling in the blanks, using a new action word (to dance): 1 ) Waashaxa They (more than two) dance at the longhouse. D. .kwi'yoo I dance at the longhouse. 7). .uwichgwa 2). kwi'yoo We (the two ofus) dance at the longhouse. SheHe dances at tne onghouse. I dance at the longhouse. 2) Waashaxa You dance at the longhouse. 3) waashaxa 8). .uwichgwa We (all of us) dance at the longhouse. Answers: 1 ) Kwaba anuwichgwa idatt'qtba itqwtf. 2) Kwaba amuwichgwa idatt'qtba itqwtf. 3) Kwaba aluwichgwa idatt'qtba itqwtf. 4) Kwaba ayuwichgwa idatt'qtba itqwtf. 5) Kwaba ashduwichgwa idatt'qtba itqwtf. 6) Kwaba atuyuchgwa idatt'qtba itqwtf. 7) Kwaba anduwichgwa idatt'qtba itqwtf. 8) Kwaba anshuwichgwa idatt'qtba itqwtf. 3). .kwi'yoo They dance at the longhouse. 4). .kwi'yoo HeShe dances at the longhouse. 4) waashaxa They dance at the longhouse. 5) Waashaxa. We dance at the longhouse. Answers: 1 ) Nu oodunobekwi'yoo nuka. 2) Oosoo oodunobekwi'yoo nuka. 3) Umu ka oodunobekwi'yoo nugakwe. 4) Nume ka oodunobekwi'yoo nugakwe. We dance at the longhouse. Answers: 1 ) Waashaxaash kaatnampa. 2) Waashaxanam kaatnampa. 3) Iwaashaxa kaatnampa. 4) Pawashaxa kaatnampa. 5) Waashaxaatash kaatnampa.