Spi'Iyay Tyrooo, Warm Springs, Oregon November 10, 2005 Pqge3 Early VOCS director recalls challenges By Sarah Frank Victims of Crime Scrvicci spoki recently to Mona Bat who was tht second director of tbt Victims of Crimt Strvictt (VOCS). Sht bad tht following to say about htr work with tbt pro gram: I started in 1990 as a volun teer trying to help with filing and correspondence. The program received a grant for a children's advocate. No one applied for the position so Deborah Jack son asked me to if I wanted the position. In JulyAugust 1991 Deborah left the program. Another temporary director re placed her for a month or two. I was asked to apply and reluc tantly did, and worked till Au gust 1997. I worked as a volunteer, ad vocate and I helped with Na tional Indian Justice Confer ences on the planning commit tee. At that time we had 30 vol unteers, with 20-25 active. We trained them to respond to cri sis calls, mainly domestic vio lence calls. Some of the volun teers wanted to do more in 1994 so they began doing child advo cacy and rape crisis. This is when we first start talking about the need for a Transitional I lome. Sister Pauline, Laura Switzlcr, Patty Gabriel and Lillian Brunoc went to visit places for a safe home. The first place was at the present Small Business Center. Pam Keo was the first director of the Women's Shelter. After Pam were Corinna Sohappy and Barbara Jim. This was a time of maturity and I saw what was happening to victims, both tribal members and non-tribal members that were on the reservation and off of the reservation. We worked closely with Prosecution. Pros ecution assisted with custody is sues. I was fortunate to have my mom and sister to support me because sometimes my back bone would gel. My Mom would pray for me all the time. Mom would tell me, "You have a very hard job and there are a lot of people that don't like what you are doing, with the changes that you are all making. It's not just these individuals, it's the whole community." She'd tell me I'd have to be in prayer all the time. I'll never forget what my mom and sister did for me. I know wc stepped on a lot of toes. We'd have to mentally, emotionally and spiri tually prepare ourselves for our job. Wc helped those off the res ervation with referrals andor assistance to get them home. Recommending them to work with other programs, and net work with other tribes through out the United States. I loved my job, but I had to step out and take care of a family mem ber. Tht Victim's of Crimt Staff and tht many tvlunfeer's know tv bard work and dedication that Mona did for tht program and tht clients. U"t would like to recognise htr forth aur somt work sht did and continues to do at her present job. Santos recognized for community spirit F.ach year the I'irst Peoples Fund recognizes art ists for their unselfish work to bring spirit back to their communities through their artistic expression, commit ment to sustaining cultural values and, ultimately, service to their people. This year tribal member Apolonia Susana Santos is be ing honored with the Com munity Spirit Award of the I'irst Peoples Fund. The award will be pre sented to Santos on Decem ber 3 at the Journey Museum in Rapid City, South Dakota. Santos works in painting and sculpting, and is the art director of the exhibits at Kah-Nec-Ta High Desert Resort and Casino. "Susana has always been so generous with herself," said Su san Balbas, who nominated Santos for the Community Spirit Award. "Through sharing her skills and talents with others, especially with youth, she has assisted directly in the transfor mation of many lives through artistic expression and cultural teaching." The First Peoples Fund each year recognizes four exceptional American Indian artists with the prestigious Community Spirit Award. The recipients receive a gift of $5,000. Along with Santos (Tygh, Vakama), recipi ents this year arc David Moses Bridges (Passamaquoddy Wabanaki), Nellie Two Bulls (Oglala I.akota), and Lois Chichinoff Thadei (Aleut). "Recognized as culture bearers within their commu nities, the artists arc nomi nated by members of their communities," said I.ori Pourier, president of the First Peoples Fund. "Those that exemplify the idea of community spirit are selected by an independent panel of American Indian re viewers." Works by the four award recipient artists will be fea tured in an exhibit, "Collec tive Voices from the Four Directions," that will open at the Journey Museum on Dec. 3. Domestic violence myths and truths The following information is from tht Victims of Crimt Str victs offict: Myth: The victim is at fault if she is intoxicated. Truth: The victim may have made better choices if were not under the influence, but this does not make them personally responsible for the fact that the perpetrator chose to commit the crime. Myth: It's the alcohol andor drugs' fault Truth: Drugs and alcohol do not cause the crime, but they makes the crime more likely to happen. It predisposes the perpetrator to act out, and it predisposes the victim to be more vulnerable. fThe victim is less aware of what is going on and less able to re spond appropriately while under the influence. Criminals by their sociopathic nature take advan tage of both of these issues). Myth: Domestic violence is just about physical abuse. Truth: Domestic violence is about power and control. Myth: She should just leave him. Truth: Survivors face many barriers to leaving their abusive partners. This is especially true on Indian Reservations due to the lack of resources and the survivor's desire to remain with family and friends on the reservation. (Mort domestic violence myths and truths in the next Spilyay.) If you or someone you know is suffering from abuse please call us at 553 2293, or call the Warm Springs Police Depart ment at 553-1171. No one deserves to be beaten or as saulted in any manner. IRA'S SALES & SERVICE 181 SV MERRITT LANE JUST ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF MILLER FORD DEALERSHIP "Vou Trash-Gin, Cfe Smash-cm" Now buying salvage cars and taking in old junkers. Rates, prices negotiable, hauling available. .... i I T -M N '. lilt . ' ) ! Micro-Grant program helps small businesses By Brian Mortenaen Spilyay Tymoo One plans to do a reforesta tion project. One needs an up grade of her accounting soft ware after four years. Several need art supplies. Each is among the 1 1 people who received $2,500 Micro Grants through the Warm Springs Small Business Center in a ceremony and meeting Nov. 1. Because of tribes-wide em phasis on accountability in fund ing, the $27,500 granted was removed from a $100,000 fund that had been frozen in June. The Small Business Develop ment Center staff had to pro vide evidence in the form of financial records, that showed past funding had been responsi bly spent and that tribal mem bers who had received the grants are still in business. "We had to do a financial report of how the funds were used since the inception of the granting, and how we are going to account for the funds," said Maria Godines, a business coach at the Small Business Development Center. Godines worked directly with the pro spective grant recipients. She and Jolene Atencio, di rector of the business center, stated their case before a man agement group that included Chief Operating Officer Lauraina Hintsala, Secretary Treasurer Charles "Jody" Calica, and Chief Financial Of ficer Ray Potter. Hintsala ap peared at the Nov. 1 ceremony to release the funds. "It was a challenge, and per sonally I think that Jolene and Maria have done a good job on this," Hintsala said. "I'm glad we finally got to the point where we can unfreeze the funding for the 1 1 recipients. I'm hoping that it can be more than that, and I think it will be." For now, though, the remain der of the $100,000 designated for projects such as the Micro Grant is on hold, Godines said. The committee in charge of the Micro-Grant program also includes Lori Fuentes of the Tribal Credit office, Bobby Macy of the Warm Springs Market, and Warm Springs Business and Economic Devel opment Department Director Mike Clements. The committee had to agree to make the Micro-Grant checks out to vendors of products and for items the recipients planned to buy and use for their business ventures. "The primary reason for that is accountability from the tribe's side," said Atencio. 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