Pqge 2 Spilyay Tytrioo, Wqrm Springs, Oregon June 9, 2005 Television show features the reservation A show about the reserva tion, called Warm Springs Coun try, is scheduled to air at 9 p.m. on Monday, June 13 on Oregon Public Broadcasting (( )PH) Tele vision. The program is an informal, ofien lighthearted look at every day life on the reservation, ac cording to OPB. The statement regarding the show reads as fol lows: "Warm Springs is a sovereign nation, located smack in the middle of Oregon, and home to 3,500 members of three differ ent tribes. Yet most Oregonians have little contact with, or know much about these descendants of the first Americans," The show H"rw Springs Country opens the door into the reservation community, and portrays several of its uniciie "regular folks." The statement continues: "I lang out with the crew at the tribal radio station KW'SO, and meet a world champion rodeo cowboy who breeds wild horses. Follow a traditional drum and dance group to a Portland Trailblazer game ami join tribal officials for a round of golf at Kah-ee-Ta. Sit in on an ancient language class for 4-year-old kids and enjoy "front row seats" at the Lincoln's Birthday Powwow." s - Pitt receives First Peoples fellowship Lillian Pitt of the Confeder ated Tribes of Warm Springs has been named a recipient of a First Peoples Fund Cultural Capital Fellowship. Pitt is among four artists across the country who met the stringent review process of the Cultural Capital Fellowship pro gram. Pitt is artist working in Port land. She is Wasco, Warm Springs and Yakama heritage. Other tribes represented in the program arc the Northern Cheyenne, llaida, and Yurok KarukHupa. The First Peoples Fund was Lillian Pitt founded in 1995, with the mis sion of honoring and support ing the creative community-centered First Peoples artists, and nurturing the collective spirit that allows them to sustain their people. Artists selected for the fund's programs demonstrate a strong desire to "give back" through teaching and sharing their knowledge. With the Cultural Capital fel lowship, the First Peoples Fund also named four recipients of the Artist in Business leadership fellowship. These recipients rep resent the Blackfeet, Oglala Lakota, and Sisseton Wahpeton. Applications for the 2006 Artist in Business Leadership and Cultural Capital fellowships will be available by August 5. Kids' Day Powwow happening this Friday The Boys and Girls Club TRAIL Program will host the Kids' Day Powwow this Friday, June 10, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. The powwow will be at the track and field area by the Warm Springs Boys and Girls Club, at the F.lementary School. There will be mini competi tions with prixes. The Boys and Girls Club TRAIL program is dedicated to its motto: Together Raising Awareness of Indian life. For more information on the program or the upcoming pow wow, contact Jocclyn Moses at 553-3161. CloitJidbnig smudL (GdLffTifc (Right next to Bi-Mart) 7F, n .Children's 1 Clothes Ladies Dresses Toys, Gifts Pants, Shirts Men'sWomen's Shoes Watches IoTm S.W. IIWY 1)7, MADRAS, OR 07741 (541) 475-:$474 25 years ago this week News from the June 13, 1980 edition of the Spiljay Tymoo. The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs and the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission are accused of discrimination ifi a petition circulated by Prineville sport fisherman Bill Moncricf, regarding Warm Springs' own ership of Sherar's Bridge. Moncrief said sport fisher men at Sherar's Falls have not had any problems yet with any of the parties mentioned in the petition, nor with Indian fisher men, but that the petition was protective measure in the event sport fishermen were charged additional fees for use of the falls area or "if they close us off and try to restrict us in any way." In other news: The Community Center and Tribal Administration Building were broken into June 1. An estimated $2,300 worth of dam age was done. There were bro ken windows and broken vend ing machines as a result. And this: Debbie Quinn, 19, Annette Jim, 18, pydie Switzler, 17, and Angela Goudy, 15, arc candi dates for Pi-Ume-Sha Queen in 1980. Elsewhere: Plans to step up fire protec tion for the Warm Springs Res ervation has gotten off the ground with the tribes hiring of a fire captain and five full-time firefighters to make up Warm Springs' first full-time fire de partment. Jerry Muff of Madras was hired as the first fire cap tain, and Fred Muniz, Nelson Zomont, Vernon Kennedy, Oswald Tias, and Danny Martinez, are the firemen. In sporting news: Fox Leonard earned special recognition and was presented with a certificate for baseball, lie was MVP, and 2ml team All League infielder. MS 170 Chain Saw '15995 FS 45 Trimmer 12995 Offer valid 21805 - 63005 0 Lightweight, powerful saw. Includes many excellent design features. Offer valid 11705 - 63005 t r Lightweight, i homeowner s trimmer! STtlfL 14" bar STIHL Madras Marine 1810 SW Hwy 97, Madras, OR 97741 (541)475-2476 RUCE Auto 98 Dodge Durango purple, 4x4 40 NW 4th Street, Madras 475-8100 . $10,995 90 Daihatsu 5-speed, 4x4 93 GMC 4x4 x-cab, auto . Krj . hPA& " - 'f(ij Many other models to chooso from. Stop and take a look! 95 Nissan Pathfinder 05409 OOFordWindstar red, auto 0f,995 96 Toyota Avalon 06,495 94 Jeep Cherokee 4x4 $3,995 69 Ford Mustang $6,995 95 Lincoln Continental $4,995 95 Chevy Blazer $5,495 97 Toyota Celica $6,995 98 Ford Ranger extra cab, 4x4 $6,995 99FordWindstar $7,495 00 Dodge Cargo Van $8,995 I 4