E Coosh EEWA: The wy it is Pqge 4 Spilyay Tymoo May 26, 2005 Looking forward to summer powwow By Selena T. Boise A Idihi&tmtut Successor So, what do you think about the summer mouths finally ar riving? I wasn't sure we would sec warm weather with all the rain and gloomy weather. And doesn't gloomy weather make you feel that way, too, Spilyay Speaks gloomy? It does me sometimes. So what do wc have to look forward to this summer? I know one thing is the Pi-Ume-Sha scs iuiccntennial celebration com ing up. I am sure wc can expect something different at this an nual celebration. Ik-sides the fried bread, I al ways look forward to seeing the dancing and the colorful regalia that each dancer is wearing. 1 guess I like to look at the beadwork and the designs that families come up with. There is a lot of work that goes into these outfits, especially the beaded buckskin dresses that the women traditional danc ers wear. I saw this one dress a few years back and it had a de sign of several animals with a salmon background, it was so detailed. I really liked it and I always look for it now. Then there are the floral designs that are always pretty to look at. The contest dancing is a nice thing to watch too because there arc always many good dancers. The judges have a tough job some years. I judged a memo rial special once and it was a tough choice for me to make. There are usually a lot of other activities scheduled throughout the weekend and they are: softball, golf, boxing, running, endurance race, rodeo, and basketball. There are always stickgames and the annual pa rade. But this being the 150th anni versary of the signing of the treaty, there is something spe cial planned for this year. Other activities are in the works and we will see some different things going on. I know that the museum has activities also because of the anniversary of the signing of the treaty. It seems there is an ex hibit that will open up on that weekend. And there is a book signing by George Aguilar Sr. I am curious about the reen actment of the treaty signing and hoping to be able to see that during the Pi-Umc-Sha. In addition to all this excite ment the best part of it all is seeing old friends from the past that make a trip to Warm Springs to help us celebrate. Of course, I have a break from all that to take my daugh ter to her dance recital in Prineville. Hope to sec everyone there. Spilyay Tymoo CCoyote News, Est. 1976) Publisher Emeritus: Sid Miller Editor: Dave McMechan Management Successor: Selena T. Boise Advertising Manager: Sam Howard Staff Writer: Brian Mortensen Media Advisor: Bill Rhoades Spilyay Tymoo is published bi-weekly by the Confeder ated Tribes of Warm Springs. Our offices are located in the white house at 1 1 00 Wasco Street. Any written mate rials submitted to Spilyay Tymoo should be addressed to: Spilyay Tymoo, P.O. Box 870, Warm Springs, OR 9776 1 . Phone: (541)553-1644 or 553-3274. FAX No. (54 1)553-3539. E-Mail: spilyaytymoowstribes.org. Annual Subscription rates: Within U.S.: $15.00. Appreciation We would like to acknowi- i i cilue a lew ot our local estab lishments here in Warm Springs: 1)1". Composite, Warm Springs Forest Products, DMJ Automo tive, and Macy's Market for helping sponsor our co-ed bas ketball team "Rez Express" dur ing the 14 and under Coeur D'Alene tournament in April and the Chchalis 16 and under co-ed tournament in May. Many thanks, as we appreciate your generosity. Without the support from our community, we would not be successful. Thank you. Sammi O'Reilly, coordina tor. Our veterans With a lot of thought, and being around our community (and leadership) it brings me to express my own feelings, up bringing, love, prayer and a big thanks to our veterans, for the sacrifices they have done so we could have our freedom to wor ship, speech, vote, assemble. Also be ourselves. As a sister and wife of a veteran, I stand up for you also as president of our Ladies Auxiliary (to the Veter ans of Foreign Wars Elliot Palmer Post 4217). When a vet erans takes the floor we rise up for him (or her) to honor him, for the veterans placed their lives on the line for us. With that, I myself would like to thank you, our people, for the respect some of you show them. I myself would like to see our tribe put the VFW-Auxiliary on the bud get, for the little things they might ask for, maybe trips for their hospital or families, to help with their supplies. Other tribes have a budget set aside for the veterans. Why not us? Our motto is we honor the dead by helping the living. For so much of our money is spent foolishly. On this, our Memorial Day Weekend, I'd like to let my hus band, Harvey M. Jim, Vietnam veteran, know, myself and our children love him and pray for his peace of mind. We don't like to see the disrespect of any vet eran, like bad -mouthing, putting down and ordering around. Feel free to visit us. Visit a veteran. We'll sign off for now, Eliza Brown-Jim, Marella VanPelt-Jim, Tony VanPelt Jim, Leonard Chester Jim. Values We as a Native people today all share the goal of working together as one people and put ting our shared values first. We teach our children to work hard, to respect our elders, to listen first, to give to others and pro tect our families. We believe that working and competing with pride and honor say far more about a person than wealth and awards. Those arc Native values that will guide us in the future. Anyone who knows of the history of federal policy towards tribes in ( )regon might ask if there are any prom ises left in those words pledging "good faith" towards the tribes. In the history of the Oregon tribes, there's massacre, there are confiscated lands and dev astated economies. There arc trails of tears in which the Na tives were wrenched from their homelands and were marched under the harshest conditions to new areas. There are mob lynch ings, mob raids, mob murders of innocent Native children. There's starvation and disease, religious persecution, desecra tion of sacred sites. There's fed eral termination. There's every human rights violation you can think of. There's "holocaust," but through this there's a per sistent and vital tribal culture, and determined leaders carrying it forth today. "Our ancestors understood that we are only borrowing this earth and its re sources from our children." For our tribal leaders, the trust re sponsibility towards future gen erations is heart felt. Tribal el ders and leaders of Tribal Coun cil go out to the rivers and they sing and pray for the return of the salmon, just as our ances tors did. Rayfield Mitchell, No. 60839-065, US Penitentiary Hazclton, PO Box 2000, Bruceton Mills, WS 26525. April incident To the community of the Warm Springs Indian Reserva tion, I'm writing this letter on behalf of myself. I know that I haven't been the role model that a mother would want to have her son take after. I don't know who all remem ber your nephew but I won't ever forget how you helped me out in the past, and I'll see you when I get back. All of my short life I've been known to have one too many for the road and I can't say that Graduation, Happy Second Anniver sary. Jason Tohet Sr., I'd like to say how much I love you. Would like to thank you for giving me that special son and another one on the way. I know we had some good times and bad, but yet we're Will together. Holding each other tight, walking hand in hand. You brighten my day and when my skies are cloudy and gray you know just what to say. Happy birthday Leona Addele on May 23. Love, Lovie and kids. .Happy belated birthday (May 9) Mary Stewart. Lovie Ike and kids. Happy birthday Fern Begay. Lovie Ike and kids. I lappy birthday to my No. 1 daughter-in-law Natalia Sam, May 25. From Robert Sam Sr. Happy birthday to my wife Marella (V.P.) Sam. Love ya lots. From Robert Sam Sr. May 26. Happy anniversary to Woody Picard Sr. and Sadie Sam Picard. From Robert Sam Sr. Happy birthday to Natalia Sam. From Big G and Neda Tias. Happy birthday to my mom Marella Sam. Love you lots. From Big G and Neda Tias. Happy anniversary to Woody and Sadie Picard Sr. From Big Letters to the Editor I'm going change over night but I'm writing this letter to apolo gize to Judith Kalama and her family for the incident that hap pened on or about April 6, 2005. I know that alcohol isn't an ex cuse for what happened and I'm kind of glad that I ended up in someplace like this. Who knows, maybe I'll get back to the reser vation a different person. You know Judith I haven't tried to contact you or phone you since that night in question and I hope that in your heart you will find forgiveness for what I did. I'm going to have a lot of time to do some soul searching and 1 hope that I'll be able to walk with my head up once more. I'm not going to say that I'm going to be instantly cured of the disease (alcoholism), but I'm taking the first steps of getting cured from it. I've been drink ing since I was twelve years old and I've been going for twenty three years. I've lost a lot of great relationships because of it and I'm finally beginning to see what it's doing to my life and to other things now. Well, Gomcr, how do you feel? Write me and let me know. I can't say that I'm sorry be cause you brought it on your self. I hope you had fun, be cause I sure did, but it should have happened someplace else because I was just starting to have fun. I couldn't believe that it was over so fast. Maybe next time, we'll just have to wait and see. Good luck on your fishing. When I get back we'll have to go and check out that one fish ing hole by the Shaker Church together. I heard that hole's pretty good year round. I guess that's all I have to j write about for now, but I'll keep , you posted about how life is treating me, and I hope that I will hear from some of you people. If you can't write just send a cash donation or give it to my sister Martha and she'll send it because she has the ad dress where cash donations can anniversary We '11 stay together, and I know that's how we belong. Love, your wife and son. G and Neda Tias. Happy happy birthday May 26 to our best grandma Marella Sam. We all are so happy to have you, grandma, and you have all the love from us. We all love you a lot and we hope your day is a good one. Love from Woody, Dartanian, Kaylob Picard, Anessia and Decimus Sam, Clarence Vernon Sam. Happy birthday May 25 to our mom and dad's wife, Natalia Sam. Love you mom, from Decimus and Anessia and Dad, Tracy Sam. Happy anniversary to our Mom and Dad, Sadie and Woody Picard Sr. Love you. From you three boys, Woody Jr., Dartanian and Kaylobe Picard. Congratulations Jaylynn Suppah, Lee Ann Wolfe, Ca rina Miller and Sally Polk. Lovie and kids. i KlUW iJlfiniiiiiiii J be sent (ayes). I'm going to sign off now. I-ater. If anyone wants to write to me my address is: Johnson Heath Sr., No. 68697065, Federal Detention Center, P.O. Box 6000, Sheridan, OR 97378. Chemawa grads Congratulations Chemawa graduates and students. The beginning of Chemawa Indian Sc1kx1 - the first day and the first classes - txk place 1 25 years ago. During those 125 years, boys and girls from many tribes have been enrolled at Chemawa. Chemawa has helped many students learn and grow, and many of them have been suc cessful. Some have become outstanding leaders in Indian Country. This has always been, and still is Chemawa's purpose - to help students become good and successful people. To the graduating class of 2005, you came to Chemawa Indian School to learn and you have stayed to finish the course. Anyone who has already gradu ated realizes that it took cour age and perseverance. You have Letters of apology To the Confederated Tribes and Scott Moses, I'm sorry for driving under the influence that night. Driving like that is dangerous, and I'm glad that no one was injured except for the damage to your car. Again I'm sorry and will see that it doesn't happen any more. Thanks. Robert Miller. To the people in the community of Warm Springs, for give me for my wrongdoings on April 10 at 1 a.m. I am so sorry for my actions I made on this night. This will not hap pen again. Paulette R. Henry. I would like to take this rime, tq :apqJogize for case No. CR281-05. This incident occurred at High Lookee Lodge. To the manager, the tribes, and especially our elders, tliis was supposed to be 35 words plus so this one's for my elders: yook-da-un ela-xi-xee shums tee-chum yook-da-une la-xi-xee shumste-chum coo-neen xush-ta coo ee pxi-na-ma ow-nuxh e-na-me-na me-a-nush-na la-xi-xeet a-ta-nee-i-sha coo-neen xlax te-chum e la-xi-xee wow-a-nuk-shush ka-nee coosh-xush e pxew-na-ma. Eiy Hul-ish-qwat-knot. Wendell Greene. and birthday Happy Birthday in May to our family On May 4,h - Charlotte R. Shike, 17,h -Helena Jackson, Mina Estimo, and Yerlonda Chase, 25 - Natalia Sam, 26"' -Marella Sam, 31" - Levi VanPelt, and Thomas Williams. May you all have many more all our love, Harvey & Liza Jim, Tony, Leonard & Marella Jim, Wolfman & Farrell and family, Rego, Eliza and Tyrone. Happy 16th Birthday to our "wittle girl" Tonya Leigh. We love you and we are proud of you and your ability to overcome all that you have. Love, Mom, Dad, Jackson, Leanna, and George. endured the test of academic endeavors, the trials of close relationships in dorm living and the stress of social conformity. In having attended Chemawa Indian School, you can never be quite the same again. Commitment to Our Stu dents: I Art me, through good use of my time, carry on the good name of Chemawa. I At me re member Chemawa's purpose and standards. Iet each of us try, not only to set higher stan dards for ourselves, but to keep the high standards of our school, make Chemawa a better place because we are here. Cheryl Sutterlce-Stinnett, Chemawa Indian School. ' Regarding letters Thank you for writing to the Spilyay Tymoo. Please, when writing, keep in mind that letters should be of no more than 350 words. Unfortunately, there can be no exceptions to this guide line. Also, no statements that arc libelous against another '. person can be published in the paper. The deadline to submit items is late in the afternoon of Friday of the week before publication. wishes... 7 would like to con gratulate my two older kids Walsey and Raylene Ike-Thomas, who are about to graduate high school. I'm very proud of you both. Love, your mom Lovie, Dena and Daisy. iiimirujYn ,r7 . tin if B mmm 11 1 if - mnJk I iM Congratulations to George Boise, Cecelia Brunoe, and Ashley Thompson for your ac complishments this year. Have fun on your trip. Selena t 1 Happy belated Birthday to my brother Tony and my nephew Curtis Jr. on May 18, Love Selena. ; Happy Birthday to Dave, from all your friends at Spilyay Tvmoo. ! Congratulations Tashina Rae Johnson on your gradu ation. From Auntie Juleigh, cousins Kalija, Diameile and Alfred, Amberae, Stetson, nephews Jacob and Jermaine. t