Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, February 17, 2005, Page Page 6, Image 6

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    Spilygy Sports
Pqge 6 Spilyay Tymoo February 17, 2005
Begay wrestling in
By Brian Mortenaen
Spilyny Tymoo
You could say Blaine Begay
is tough.
He broke his collarbone
while riding a horse at age two.
Before he turned 10 years
old, he lost his right thumb while
team roping.
Bearing the broad shoulders
of one who alternates between
physical high school sports dur
ing the school year and the ro
deo arena in the summer, Begay
spends his winters on the wres
tling mats for Madras High
This weekend, Begay com
petes in his second OSAA-U.S.
Bank Class 3A State Wrestling
Championships in the 275
pound (heavyweight) division.
He won the Tri-Valley League
championship in his weight class,
winning both of his matches at
the league meet in Gladstone last
As the new Tri-Valley League
champion, he comes into the
state meet as almost a seasoned
veteran, amassing a 26-8 record
Charlene Moody, the Class
3A shot put champion from
Madras High, is traveling this
summer to Australia, where
she will compete in an inter
national track meet.
Moody qualified for the in
ternational competition by tak
ing first place in the shotput
at the 2004 Class 3A Oregon
Track and Field Champion
ships last May.
In Australia, Moody will
compete in the shotput and
the javelin categories.
Blaine Begay of Warm
Springs is also competing in
Australia. Begay is compet
ing at the Class 3A Wrestling
Little League meeting on Feb. 27
Parents and coaches meet The meeting is scheduled at
this month to discuss the Warm the Warm Springs Community
Springs Little League season and Center Social Hall Sunday, Feb.
sign-ups. 27, from 6 to 9 p.m.
Youth invited to dance competition
The Empyrean Movement
Dance Studio of Portland hosts
auditions for anyone ages 15 to
22 for North Star, a dance com
pany that seeks to spread cul
tural awareness by combining
traditional Native American and
contemporary styles of dance
from noon to 3 p.m. Feb. 21.
The auditions are at Empy
rean Movement Dance Studio,
located at 8208 North Denver
Ave., in Portland.
The auditions are open any
one in the suggested age range
with some understanding of
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Madras, Oregon
We file electronically!
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'J; u .
Madras junior Blaine Begay,
this season and having already
experienced the three-ring cir
cus atmosphere of the state
tournament last year.
"Last year, I was pretty ner
vous. I was back after a year or
two off from wrestling, and I
was pretty nervous," he said of
his state meet experience last
year. "I think it made me over
come some fears."
to compete
Charlene Moody
Championships this weekend.
It will cost close to $4,000 to
make the trip to Australia, and
their own cultural heritage and
who are able to communicate in
front of groups of different
Candidates should have at
least intermediate to advanced
training in either Traditional
Native American, Women's
Shawl, Jingle Dress, Men's
Grass, Fancy or Traditional,
Hip-Hop, House, Jazz, or Lyri
cal dance styles. There is a $5
audition fee. For directions to
the Empyrean Movement
Dance Studio or additional in
formation, call (503) 998-4288.
state championships
top, practices against teammate
The state meet for all three
high school classes, 4A, 3A, and
2A-1A, convenes at the Pavil
ion at the Oregon State Fair
grounds in Salem these days, but
up until last year, the state meet
was held at the Portland Memo
rial Coliseum. Thousands of
fans, hundreds of wrestlers, and
mats and matches all over the
floor of the arena create a fre
in Australia
the Moody family is planning
fund-raisers to help cover the
A mini-powwow and a film
night have been planned, both
at the Simnasho Longhouse .
Dates for these events will
be announced in the near fu
ture. Moody is also selling raffle
tickets. The winner of the raffle
receives a trip to Australia to
watch the international track and
field meet. '
Tickets are $2. For informa
tion call 553-7014.
Moody is a senior at Madras
High School and is hoping to
attend Portland State University.
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Bnan MortenMtVSpilyay
James Rodriguez last week.
netic atmosphere.
Begay said he's glad to have
gotten a chance to compete
there last year with a year of
experience. "It's a pretty good
feeling, going in there, in a big
arena, with all those mats, wait
ing around to warm up, hopping
around, getting ready for the
match," he said.
See BEGAY on page 8
She has received about 30
letters of interest from col
leges offering track and field
Moody has been throwing
the shot put since the seventh
She has many track and
field medals and ribbons
won during competition.
Moody has won Tri-Valley
League titles in her event
Moody also throws the dis-1
cusV ?' fV ?M i :r: r:i tyi
She lives in Simnasho with
her father and mother, Cap
tain and Winona, and three
brothers and one sister.
1-flOO 554-4SUN - LahrwMacom
KKT Mmagcnwnl moves tfx fht
operated fry e Confederated fltws
MHS bowlers place
third at district meet
Tvo players are from Warm Springs
By Selena Boise
Spilyay Tymoo
The Madras High School
boys bowling team placed
third at the district meet at
Lava Lanes in Bend Jan. 29.
The team will know by the
end of this week if it will
compete in the state meet.
The girls team competed
and placed eighth in the final
standings at the
district meet.
The high
school bowling
teams prepare
for competition
by . attending
practice every
week at Madras
Bowl beginning
the first of De
Robert Thomas Jr.
Tina Heinrich and Christie
Young, both of Madras, are
the coaches, who
help the team
with form, ball
control and con
sistency. There are also
helpers during
competitions and
volunteers who
help out the
The team played in one
other competition this season,
but next year there are more.
The team prepares for the
district meet each year, along
with other competitions
scheduled each year.
Members of the boys
team are Mychal VanPelt, Joe
Young, Robert Thomas Cory
Heinrich, Nick Hamilton, Ja
son Stewart, and Jakob Hair.
These bowlers return from
last year.
T A i U N B E AXA B LE .
rv TW WrU-v
Five bowlers actually com
pete at a competition
throughout the year, and the
team is allowed three alter
nates. Madras Bowl' owner
Christie Young said that there
has been a bowling team from
Madras High School for
three out of the four years
she has been in Madras.
Young said the high school
doesn't yet recognize bowling
as a sanctioned
sport, and the tro
phy the boys team
won is on display at
Madras Bowl, in
stead of in the high
school trophy cabi
net In preparation
for next year, ef
forts to officially recognize
bowling by the high school
are in the works, as is infor
mation about the
competitions the
team was not able
to participate in
this year.
Next year the
bowling team will
have more prac-
tire time hpoin-
Mychal VanPelt . ' ' T
' ning in October
instead of in December.
Two members of the boys
team are from Warm Springs,
Mychal VanPelt and Robert
Thomas, Jr.
VanPelt is the son of Chet
VanPelt and Rebecca
Danzuka. i
Robert Thpmas Jr. is the
son of Robert and Sheryl
Thomas;, t'J ' J' :' -o r.
! Both competed on the
bowling team last year, and
both bowl in the youth league
after school on Wednesdays.
Every FritySSiiiy k
TOicrNriovERS I