Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, February 17, 2005, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    E Coosh EEWA: The way it is
Page 4 Spilyay Tymoo February 17, 2005
Parents and
students receive
By Selena Boise
Management Successor
So, what do you think of this
weather? The mornings are still
too cold, and I could do with
out the fog. And did the ground
hog see its
shadow? I missed
that one.
. The kids at
school are getting
ready for spring sports, practice
and competitions. The winter
sports are still going a short time
more. I asked Sid if he was go
ing to the state tournament and
he said, "of course."
Sid still calls and shares a few
laughs with us a.t the Spilyay,
though I miss his Spilyay Speaks
sometimes. How did he do it?
He managed to have something
to say every time he wrote an
editorial. He always told me that
if people respond to what ever
he said that it meant they at least
read the article.
So, what issues are out there
now? I know that there are
people working on sharing in
formation to the Warm Springs
people regarding all the unan
swered questions spreading out
there. That will be a nice thing
for us to look for in the future.
Maybe we can put to rest
some of the rumors and talk
going around.
Citations given out
Did you read about the cita
tions being served to parents
whose children are not attend
ing school? That has got to be
hard on the parents with the laws
the way they are these days.
My husband told me that one
of his friends mentioned to his
child that they needed a good
whipping. His child had gone
and pressed charges on him and
he sat in jail. I guess it's not a
good thing to mention that a
whipping is needed and the child
knows what to do from there.
There is discipline and there
is abuse. The fine line in between
is hard to find, and if you don't
find it the kids have free reign
to do as they please, because you
can't displine them.
What do you think?
Birthday and other wishes. . .
4 -t-jn
To our very special grand
daughter Kaili Leanne Marie
Hicks-Wert, 6 months old.
Happy First Anniversary
to Laneile and Bobby
Warner. We loveyouguys and
Brianna. Hon-Buns, Jai.
mm i
if ,N
February birthday wish
to Daniel Greene, Blanche
Mitchell, Cassie Katchia,
Lyle Katchia, and Jose
Calica. We wish you all
the best and many more
birthdays. From Ramona,
Veronica, Brutus Baez and
Ramon Greene family.
I've lived in Eugene for
many, many years and I love to
share with everyone I can almost
everything I've learned since
I've lived way down this way
I know the most important
thing is to be responsible for our
actions, and the mistakes we
make. I know it can be hard for
some of us to be responsible for
what we do, or did in the past.
I know as we each get older
every year it may be easier for
a few of us to be in charge of
the decisions we make in our
lives. I don't know how it came
to be, but if I get accused of
doing something I know I didn't
do, I like saying, Thank you for
giving me all the credit!"
But, that's just me. Smile.
Well, in other words, what can I
really say? I just want you all to
be cool in the new year of 2005.
Evette Patt, 50 Kourt Dr.
No. 3, Eugene, OR 97404.
Phone (541) 607-8827.
A thank you
To my people and family I
would like to take this time to
send a thanks to all the people
who were there for us in our
time of need.
We would like to thank all the
people who were there for us in
our time of need. We would like
to thank all the people who
showed up at Dad's house for
prayer services, the drummers
who came to the house and
longhouse, Wayne Gilbert and
family for the use of his pickup,
the cooks for the meals, hunt
ers, all the elders, Pastor Rick
for his sermon, Auntie Hilda for
the dress, Nancy Gilbert Culps
for being the glue, Carol for tak
ing care of her dish. I would like
to add personal thanks to the
people who really showed their
support for my boys and my
self. I would like to thank Johnie,
Jasper, Leander Smith family,
Michael Wesley Teeman and fam
ily, Dustin Suppah and family.
I'm really grateful for your boys
showing your support for my
son Daniel. Daniel and the Smith
boys and Dustin, when they
Congratulations to the
Hicks-Wert family, Pare,
Tashna and Baby Kaili
Leanne Marie. Love, Dad and
Mom (Buddy and Maria),
LeRoy III, Stevie, Naydra,
Kenny and Jesse. Great Grand
parents Olney Patt and the
late Frances Patt, and the late
LeRoy Sr. and Corrine Hicks.
Tashna is now a corporal in
the Marines.
She signed up for four more
years of service in the United
Happy birthday to my pre
cious grandson who is 5 years
old. I only wish the best for you
every single day. Jake Frank, I
love you and want you to be a
good boy for Anna and Rudy,
Shayla and Frankie and the ECE
staff. Love, Ulla Mona.
Happy birthday to our little
nephew, Jake Loren Frank. You
mean the world to us and we want
only the best foryou little guy. Hope
all your dreams come true home
run slugger - Love, Auntie
Veronica and Uncle Brutus.
My dearest son: Jake Frank,
I love you and hope your day
was the best. You deserve ev
erything you wish for and I
hope you had a wonderful time
round dancing. Even though I
am not there you are in my
heart, mind and prayers every
single day. I miss you but I know
your grandparents take good
care of you and you take good
care of them okay. Love, Dad
Ramon Greene and Plyza.
would go riding they would ride
up to her house and check on
her. She was happy for Daniel
and the boys for doing that.
I would like to thank Pedro
for the gas money and for let
ting Itta come home with me in
my time of need, Aunt Eliza
and Harvey, Neda and Jimmy
Wesley, Lil Eliza Kalama and
Tyrone Itta and her family and
all my aunties and uncles.
I would like to thank the per
son who told my boys and my
self you don't need any mate
rial things to remember your
auntie and sister, you have all
the memories and love she gave
you. This means a lot to us. Be
cause since the day I brought
my boys from the hospital she's
been there for them emotion
ally and physically. I'm very
grateful to her for helping me
out with my boys. They're really
going to miss her. So is our dad.
We would like to encourage
people to stop by if you're in
his area to visit with him, and
share a memory or two.
We would also like to thank
the people who couldn't make
it to the services. Some of them
sent their prayers and love to
the family, by word. Thanks to
everyone else who support the
family. If I forgot anyone please
forgive me.
Allen Gilbert Sr., Daniel
Gilbert, Elias, Douglas
Gilbert and Evelyn
"Plum" Gilbert.
(From a statement made at
the hearing on the McQuinn
blowdown-HeHe fire settlement:)
Our tribal coffers are made
up of revenue generated from
various enterprises, trust funds,
accounts, the rainy day fund, the
annual operating budget, the
mysterious general fund, or
these monies from the
McQuinn blowdown and HeHe
fire settlement. Use of the
money rests with the people, has
and always will. I say to you, the
casino negotiating team, manage
ment team, Tribal Council, we
are watching you. I expect the
secretary-treasurer to act as that
States Marines. She is at
Miramar, Calif. Congratula
tions. We love you guys and
miss you.
Hey bro "Ya Ya Jake
Frank," we miss you, love
you and hope you had the
greatest day on Feb. 10.
Wow, the big 5. Love ya
lots bro. Your sisters Ver
bena and Lawrencia
Greene from Crow
Agency, Mont.
Happy birthday to our grand
son Jake Frank. Hope your day
was the best. You deserve it.
Grandpas: Mike, Daniel, Roscoe
and Tim Greene. Grandmas:
Geneva, Celia, Sarah, Delsie and
Paullee Greene.
Happy birthday, Stormy
Spino. Love you very much. Love,
Charley and Kiya.
Happy birthday to my
lil' Angel, Niya Nellie
Anna. You're my world,
my hopes and my dream
come true. I love you very
very much, always and
forever. Love, Mommy.
Letters to the Editor
check-and-balance in all of our
Tribal Council: Your job is
not to spend money like it is
going out of style. Those annual
operating funds are all you get
for the calendar year 2005. If
you spend yourself broke, you
will not allocate yourself an
other budget at the half-year. If
you go broke, tough. Stay home
and mind the home front. You
have homeless people, children
going hungry, old people who
have to lock themselves up for
fear at night, drug addicts steal
ing firewood from old folks and
reselling it to keep their high
going. What are you doing to
take care of your people? Cor
rect yourself.
Today non-Indians not even
married into the tribes or any
other MIT have the same rights
as us. They cannot speak for us;
they can only be employed by
the people. Today we have non
sovereigns in key positions. This
is a big no-no to people like me.
Again correct yourself or we the
people will.
These are not my standards:
These the gold standards called
by our ancient ones and our
ancestors as the law of the land
Uphold these and it will carry
us into many tomorrows.
I close by invoking the
prayers of my ancestors who
are Treaty Signers: Charley,
Culps, Lahoom and Owhi.
Thank you. Frank Peters
Charley, Lahomsh,
(Note: The following message
is submitted by the Warm
Springs Community Counseling
Center. It was written by George
The paradox of our time in
history is that we have taller
buildings but shorter tempers,
wider freeways, but narrower
viewpoints. We spend more, but
have less, we buy more, but en
joy less. We have bigger houses
and smaller families, more con
veniences, but less time. We have
more degrees but less sense,
more knowledge, but less judg
ment, more experts, yet more
Happy Valentines wishes...
Happy V-Day to my
wife and my son Kristy
Switzler and Jasper Jr. I
love you both very much.
Love, your other half, Jas
per Switzler Sr.
Happy V-Day to my sister
niece, bro-in-law, Margaret
Switzler, Alison Sydney Medina,
Thomas Medina. Love, Jasper
and Jasper and Kristy.
Happy V-Day to my dad
Wendell. Thanks for not ditch
ing on mom when she needs some
one the most during her cancer
illness. Love, your son, Jasper,
Jasper and Kristy.
Happy V-Day to my grandpa
Alvin-Mona Shon-Charlie. Love
you all. Jasper, Jasper and Kristy.
Happy V-Day to Uncle
Joe. Hey give us a shout
sometime. Miss you. Love,
Jasper, Jasper and Kristy.
Happy V-Day to Uncle Allen,
Mayanne, Allena. Love, Jasper,
Jasper, Kristy.
Happy V-Day to Watkins,
Jenna Lee. From Jasper, Jasper,
Happy V-Day to my little big
bro Victor Lee. Jasper, Jasper,
Happy V-Day to Ben
Shon, Joe, Carolyn, Carlos,
Sarah Lee, Cain. From Jas
per, Jasper, Kristy. Mom-Dad-Margie,
Baby Alison,
Happy V-Day to Auntie,
problems, more medicine, but
less wellness.
We drink too much, smoke
too much, spend too recklessly,
laugh too little, drive too fast,
get too angry, stay up too late,
get up too tired, read too little,
watch TV too much, and pray
too seldom. We have multiplied
our possessions, but reduced our
values. We talk too much, love
too seldom, and hate too often.
We've learned how to make
a living, but not a life. We've
added years to life not life to
years. We've been all the way to
the moon and back, but have
trouble crossing the street to
meet a new neighbor. We con
quered outer space but not in
ner space. We've done larger
things, but not better things.
We've cleaned up the air, but
polluted the soul. We've con
quered the atom, but not our
prejudice. We write more, but
learn less. We plan more, but
accomplish less. We've learned
to rush, but not to wait. We build
more computers to hold more
information, to produce more
copies than ever, but we com
municate less and less. These are
the times of fast foods and slow
digestion, big men and small
character, steep profits and shal
low relationships. These are the
days of two incomes but more
divorce, fancier houses, but bro
ken homes. These are the days
of quick trips, disposable dia
pers, throwaway morality, one
night stands, overweight bodies,
and pills that do everything from
cheer, to quiet, to kill.
It is a time when there is
much in the showroom window
and nothing in the stockroom.
A time when technology can
bring this letter to you, and a
time when you can choose ei
ther to share this insight, or to
just hit delete.
Remember to spend some
time with your loved ones, be
cause they are not going to be
around forever. Remember to
say a kind world to someone
who looks up to you in awe,
because that little person soon
will grow up and leave your side.
Remember to give a warm hug
to the one next to you, because
that is the only treasure you can
Debbie-Jermaine. Love, Jasper,
Jasper, Kristy.
Happy V-Day to my grand
mas Beulah, Leota. Love, Jas
per, Jasper, Kristy.
Happy V-Day to Jasper-Margaret
Switzler. I'm so proud of
you both. I love you both very
much. Love, Mom Alison.
Happy V-Day to my per
fect grandchildren. Jasper
Jr. and Alison Sydney
Medina. You have com
pleted my life. I love you
so, so much. Love, your
grandma Alison.
Happy V-Day to my Dad,
Alvin and Mona. Thanks for
always being there for me. Love,
Happy V-Day to Wendell.
Thanks for always being there for
me. Love, your other half Alison.
Happy V-Day to Abe, all his
kids and grandkids, to Harriet
and her kids. We love and miss
you. Love, Alison, Wendell, Jas
per, Jasper, Kristy, Margaret,
Thomas, Baby Alison.
Happy V-Day to our
Kristy T and Baby Jasper.
Love, Mom Alison,
Happy V-Day to Ray and
family, Archie C and family,
Larry Sr. C and family, Cindy
and boys and grandma Blondie
and popcorn. Love, Alison
Wendell and family.
Happy V-Day ft Auntie and
give with your heart and it
doesn't cost a cent
Remember to say, "I love
you" to your partner and your
loved ones, but most of all
mean it. A kiss and an embrace
will mend hurt when it comes
from deep inside of you. Re
member to hold hands and cher
ish the moment for someday
that person will not be there
again. Give time to love, give
time to speak, and give time to
share the precious thoughts in
your mind.
Life is not measured by the
number of breaths we take, but
by the moments that take our
breath away.
Reaching out
Shirley Joy Hoptowit, I am
reaching out to you to receive
some correspondence. I want to
know what is going on with my
son Quinten. I am doing a nine
month sentence. I have five
months left and I am hoping I
can talk with you in those five
months, so I can get to have
contact with Quinten. You can
reach me at this address: Rob
ert Boise, Federal Detention
Center, No. 64210-065, unit
FB, PO Box 13900, Seattle, WA
Your health
Everyone, young and old and
in between, is invited to break
fast prepared by Sara with em
phasis on tasty, delicious, healthy
food. The breakfast will start at
8:45 a.m., Tuesday, Feb. 22 at
the pod A kitchen at the clinic.
In recognition of National
Health Month, I will talk about
the heart. The discussion will be
"a guide for selecting and pre
paring your food" to keep the
'old ticker strong and healthy. All
or most of he food is from
scratch and copies of the reci
pes will be available. So come
and enjoy some delicious and
healthy food. Elsie B. Howard
and Sara Thomas, Warm
Springs Clinic.
Thank you for writing to
the Spilyay. When writing,
please keep in mind that let
ters to the editor can be of
no more than 350 words.
our grandma Sarah. We loveyou lots.
Love, Alison-Wendell and family.
Happy V-Day to my dear
friend. Thanks for always being
there, Paulette H. From your
bud Alison.
Happy V-Day to Sena the
whole family. Love, Alison
Wendell and family.
Happy V-Day to Missy Wolfe
and family. Love, Alison
Wendell family.
Happy V-Day to LaDonna
Vernon and family from your sis
Alison, Wendell and family.
Happy V-Day to George and
family. Love, your sis Alison,
Wendell and family.
A late Valentines wish:
To my precious grand
daughters all the way over
in Crow Agency, Mont. I
love you two and miss you
especially these growing
years you two are going
through. Lots of love and
kisses from Warm Springs,
Oregon. Love, Ulla Mona.
To our nieces: Happy Valen
tines Day and lots of love, hugs
and kisses. From Veronica and
Happy, happy Valentines to
Ramon and Plya. We miss you
all and hope you are all doing
fine. Hugs from all us in Warm
Happy Valentines to my pre
cious Vero, Brute and Jake. Love
all of you forever and always.
Mom and Ulla.