Spilyqy Tymoo, Wqrm School Negligent parents face penalties To the parents of Warm Springs students ages 7 and 18 years old: The Juvenile Coordinators Office is getting concerned par ents and grandparents coming into our offices informing us, that their children are not get ting their education. The Law and Order Code specifically states that all juveniles between the ages of 7 and 18 are required to attend school full-time. We are now informing the students and their parents that we are going to be enforcing the Warm Springs Juvenile Law and Order Code 360.500, Compul sory School Attendance. Which means that if you are not in school full time you will be held accountable for not going to school. This includes students that are truant, dropped for lack of attendance, or students that just fail to enroll (juvenile out of controljuvenile in need of supervision.) Parents, if your childchil dren are not in school and you are not doing anything about it, you will be held responsible and cited for 305.439, failure to send children to school. Which is a crime, which carries a sentence of one year or $5,000 fine or both. Letters of apology To the Indians of Warm Springs. My apologies for a DUII plus having less than an ounce of marijuana. I was driv ing home from Elliot Heights to Kuck-up St. This was a bad choice made driving while J was intoxicated, I knowit .was wrong getting behind the wheel driving without the knowledge of my actions. To the court sys tem I appreciate your time and efforts to protect the people of our tribal nation, for now I'll appreciate the values of life that the courts are helping me to understand. Kyal King. To officer Dennis White I apologize for the actions that happened on the night of Jan. 16 for I was under the influence of booze. And I did not mean a thing toward you, for you were right and just doing your job. So once again no hard feelings cause words can be hurtful. Eldred Heath. I, Dereke Greene, would like to apologize to Consuelo Daniels, Hopi Tillequats and also to officer Matt Sherwood for my actions on Dec. 7, 2004. I was highly intoxicated that night. But that is no excuse for my actions. Now I'm paying for my actions, sitting in the Warm Springs Correctional Facility. Again I would like to apologize to these individuals. Derek Greene. To the Tribal Court and the Confederated Tribes I apologize for my actions and reactions to the people it may concern while I was under the influence. I re alize you're here for our people's protection and well being. I will try to make a difference in me and the people around me. Samuel Scott. It pays to advertise in tell I UlY& mm Springs, Oregon attendance laws Now we all don't have that kind of money to pay or time to sit in jail, so get off those bottoms and get those kids off to school. Then when they do get on the bus to go to school, call the school and make sure your kids are attending classes. We all have to work together to get our kids educated. The following is the Juvenile Code 360.500 sections 1-4, Compulsory school attendance: 1. Except as provided in sub section 2, all juveniles between the ages of 7 and 18 years who have not completed the twelfth grade are required to attend school full-time. Full-time attendance means attendance each school day unless excused from attendance for that day by the school au thorities or by mutual agreement of the school authorities and the Warm Springs Tribe. The school attended may be either a regular public school, a Bureau of In dian Affairs or other federally operated school, an alternative school or alternative course of instruction certified by the Warm Springs Tribe for attendance by tribal members, or a private or parochial school accredited by the State of Oregon or certified by the Warm Springs Tribe for at tendance by tribal members. 2. In the following cases, ju veniles shall not be required to To my family and people of the community of Warm Springs, I would like to apolo gize for my wrong-doing on 12-17-04. Being under the influence of drugs (meth). I'm truly sorry for, my actions, I'm, trying my best to get my life back on track and I'm grateful to be here to day. Simon Jim. To whoever it may concern: I was told to write a 50 word apology letter so here it is and I will try to do my best. I'm not real good at this. I did a very dumb thing a while back and got in trouble and caused myself a lot of problems. I am trying to deal with these problems. I apologize to everyone. Loreen Dennis. To the community of Warm Springs, I'm writing this apology for driving infractions almost a year ago. I was cited for reck less driving, failing to do duties of a driver. I was wrong but being a father I was worried about one of my children. Again I apologize for the actions. Jerry Clement. To the people of the Warm Springs community and the visi tors, I would like to take the time to apologize for my actions on the first of January, 2005. I should have had my tail lights on. I thought I did. In the fu ture I will be more cautious. Thanks for your time. John Bull. J'd like to say I'm very sorry to all of my beautiful children who could have been seriously hurt with me when instead could have been safe at home. But I was too impatient to go, and endangered our lives. Sorry. the Spilyay Tymoo. February attend school full-time: (a) Juveniles between thi ages of 16 and 18 years who art law fully employed full-time, who are lawfully employed part-time and in school part-time, or who are engaged in activities equivalent to the preceding. (b) Juveniles between the ages of 16 and 18 years who have the mutual consent of the school administration of the public school district in which they re side and the parent or other in dividual having custody or legal guardianship over the juvenile, and who have been formally ex cused from attendance by the dis trict school board of the public school district in which they re side, and who have been excused from attendance by the Warm Springs Tribal Council. 3. Except as provided in sub section 2, every person subject to the jurisdiction of the Warm Springs Tribe having control of any juvenile between the ages of 7 and 18 years who has not com pleted the twelfth grade is required to send such juvenile to and maintain such juvenile in regular full-time school. 4. Any person who fails to comply with subsection 3 shall be subject to petition and hearing before the Juvenile Court to show cause why the juvenile under his or her control is not attending school. Following hearing, the Love you boys a lot. Also to the community, sorry. See you all later. Denise Miller. To the tribal people of Warm Springs, I, Lance Boise, was court ordered to write an apol ogy to the community. I was picked up on Jan. l .at about 7:21 a.m. for driving a vehicle . that had defective equipment. Me and four other passengers were in the vehicle. Three of the five were taken into custody by the Warm Springs Police Department. I know the actions I have committed on the reser vation were wrong. I deeply re gret driving that morning so early, especially with a defective vehicle. I just wanted the people of this community to know that I realized my mishap that day. But since it was my first offense for possession, I received a $1,000 fine suspended, 120 days with 110 suspended, three months added to my probation, and 25 hours of community service. And a restart on my counseling sessions. I do hope that justice has been served be cause that is what they do, jus tice. Lance Boise. Cliffs Repair &Auto Sales Complete Exhaust shop, im- j - Ifell Tire Sales, & Service L UK j Muffler Installed I '(0 & Parts and Labor J c - $69.95 I q5H a r c' Most Vehicles tJ r f r. ' l ? W Towing, Auto Sales, Diesel " i y ATV, Motorcycle, Repair, RV Repair, Lawnmower, Snowmobile, Domestic & Foreign Cars Watercraft Interstate and AC Delco ESZSZT 475-6618 I Batteries 3, 2005 to be strictly enforced Juvenile Court may, in its discre tion, enter an Order compelling the person to send the child un der his or her control to school, which order may be enforced by the contempt power of the Court. Contempt powers (Code 200.600): 1. The Tribal Court has in herent power to enforce and main tain dignity and respect for the judicial process. In the reasonable exercise of such power, the Court may punish or compel obedience of those persons who obstruct or interfere with the orderly admin istration of justice on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation. 2. Contempt of Court is lim ited to the following: (a) Maintenance of order dur ing the conduct of court proceed ings. (b) Enforcement of court or ders and decrees. (c) Punishment of out-of-court acts, which tend to obstruct the orderly administration of justice. Now, as responsible and knowledgeable adults, we know that this carries a sentence of a $180 fine or three months in jail, or both. Furthermore: Failure to send children to school (Code 305.439): Except as provided in Warm Springs Tribal Code 360.500, any In dian who shall, without good case, Next deadline for the Spilyay Is Friday, Feb. 11. Thank you. CplCftt CfCWlf Sdwtod & Voma, aqedem Ralph's TV & Furniture 525S.E.5th St., Madras OR neglect or refuse to send his or her children or any children under 18 years of age under his or her care, who have not completed the twelfth grade, to school shall be deemed guilty of failure to send children to school. f Parents, this could cost you a $5,000 fine or one year in the jail or both. So people of Warm Springs, & f BOD ( (tot North of Gim ted lo light faduilcs) 1527 NW Harris -Madras Industrial Fork 541-475-7900 36 Cattle Protein Block 33 lbs $5.50 Dog Cat Vaccines Alfalfa orchard grass mix $5.50 Orchard Grass Mix $6.00 Alfalfa $6.50 ffi? t ' ?4 475-2578 let's get our future educated and make sure they, our children, have a future. If they do not get the education they so badly need, to get by in this world, we will be hurting them and not ourselves. By the Juvenile Coordi nator! office, Daily Ike and Flossie Wolfe. Mon-Fri 9-5:30 Sat 9-3 Closed Sundays WA TOuW3IE