Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, December 09, 2004, Page Page 14, Image 13

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    Spilygy classified
pjge 14 Spilyqy Tymoo December 9, 2004
94 Camaro with t-top,
$2,500. Good tires, AC, well
maintained, one owner. Auto
ps air. Call 771-1272.
1988 Dodge Van, 14 pas
senger, custom conversion,
velour bucket recliner seats.
Former church van. Cream puff,
$2,000. Ask for James 553
9289 (call twice to get through
because of fax).
House for sale
Hazel Seyler residence
4606 Upper Dry Creek Road,
single story, 3-bedroom, 2
bath, 2-car garage. Shown by
appointment only. Charles
Nathan, 553-1001.
Horses for sale
Gentle, gelding, anyone can
ride $750. Five-year-old TB
gelding, started jumping,
$1,000. Call 923-3128.
Rifle wanted
Wanted, 223 bolt-action rifle.
Call 447-7556, ask for Dick.
Business for sale
Restaurant for sale, busi
ness and equipment. On High
Way 26, Warm Springs, OR.
For information call (541) 553
1206. Vendors wanted
Madras Crafters & Gift Mall
looking for vendors to display
arts and crafts. Native Ameri
can arts and crafts are needed.
Spaces available. Collectibles,
arts, crafts, gifts. Address, 47
SE 5th St., Madras. Call 475
6777 or 475-6991.
The Boys and Girls Clubs
of Central Oregon is accepting
applications for the diabetes
prevention program coor
dinator for the Warm Springs
Branch. This is a full-time job,
non-exempt, annual salary
$25,000 plus benefits. Open
until filled. Responsibilities:
Develop, implement, and coor
dinate all components of the
diabetes prevention program.
Recruit participants, including
outreach to non-club members.
Prepare periodic program re
ports; manage attendance and
program database. Integrate
healthy lifestyle practices into
the club culture including pro
moting physical activities and
healthy eating habits. Coordi
nate activity expenditures
within an approved budget; in
a time fashion, submit reim
bursement requests that detail
activities performed and cost
breakdown. Evaluate preven
tion programs on a continual
basis. Respond to staff and
member needs and address
their gender and cultural diver
sity. Establish multiple col
laborative prevention partner
ships with community health
providers and organizations.
In the Tribal Court of
To Louie Ike Sr. (case No.
IN130-04): An informal hear
ing has been scheduled with
the Warm Springs Tribal
Court on the 19lh day of Janu
ary, 2005, at 9:30 a.m. This hear
ing has been scheduled at the re
quest of Sandy's Auto Repair for
the following reason: Overdue Ac
count. You are hereby required to
appear at this time on your own
behalf. It is important that you at
tempt to resolve this issue, in or
der to prevent further action
against you in State Court If you
fail to appear at scheduled time, the
The next deadline to submit letters, court notices
and other items to theSpilyay is Friday, December 17. Thank you.
Develop positive relationship
with members. Facilitate dis
cussion groups with club mem
bers, parents, and other com
munity members. At all times
act as a role model for youth
and other staff, including mod
eling a healthy lifestyle behav
ior. At all times ensure club Is
clean, safe and fun. Applica
tions can be picked up at the
Warm Springs Boys and Girls
Club, 11 22 Wasco Street. Fax
resume or application to
Gwynn Reis 548-951 1 , or email
(The following is the recent
job opening list of the Warm
Springs Tribes. See Amelia
Tewee in tie Personnel Depart
ment to submit an application,
or call 553-3262. Also, you
can apply on-line at
www.ctws.org. For more de
tails, call the contact person
listed on the advertisement.)
Head Start teacher as
sistant. Full time. Ten month
probation. Assist Lead
Teacher in providing a safe,
nurturing and stimulating learn
ing environment for a group of
3-5 year old children that en
hances the development of
each child and reflects the fam
ily and community culture.
Good communication skills
with children, families and staff.
Maintain professional manner
and positive attitude, be a
team player. Positive role
model. Assist in all aspects of
classroom management in
cluding observing, screening,
assessing the development of
each child, establishes reason
able goals for children. CDA or
Early Childhood Education cer
tificate. Pass criminal history
background check. Valid
driver's license. Salary Range
1 7,15? Vt . T $1 S'7,2k:
Until Filled
Head Start lead
teacher. Full time. Provide a
safe, nurturing and stimulating
learning environment for a
group of 3 - 5 year old chil
dren that enhance the overall
development of each child and
reflects both the family and
community culture. Maintain a
clean, safe, healthy and orga
nized classroom environment
with a minimum of 5 easily rec
ognizable play stations. De
velop positive relationships with
the child, parents along with a
partnership. Ensure that chil
dren are exposed in one or
more of the local Native Ameri
can language. Associates de
gree in Early Childhood Edu
cation. Child Development or
related field required along with
at least 1 year of preschool set
ting experience and supervi
sory skills.- Must pass the
criminal history background
checks (tribalstate). Valid
driver's license. Salary Range
18,720 To $20,018 Yr. Nancy
Seyler, 553-3241. Open Until
Children's Protective
Services supervisor. Edu
cation: Bachelor's degree in
Human Services or related
field. Experience: Three years
of related experience. Three
years of supervisory experi-
the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs
presiding judge may issue a war-
rant for your arrest. Judge waiter
Langnese III.
Confederated Tribes of
the Warm Springs vs. Tracy
and Natalia Sam, defendant.
Case No. IN1S6-04. To Tracy
and Natalia Sam:
You are hereby notified that the
above-cited casefs), as filed in the
Warm Springs Tribal Court, has
been scheduled for a show cause
hearing at 10:30 a.m., on the 12"
day of January 2005. You are
hereby ordered to be and appear at
ence. Supervise case manage
ment services, family assess
ment for determining recom
mendations to the Court for out
of home placements and ser
vice referral to rehabilitation
services. Supervise, plan and
administer assigned case
management and family intake
staff, planning and administra
tion are important factors in this
job. Responsibilities include
coordinate child welfare ser
vices with other agencies and
Tribal Court. Assure that
agency staff adhere establish
ment Tribal and Federal stan
dards for child welfare. Coordi
nate the work of the case man
agement and family assess
ment staff with Tribal Court.
Attending preliminary and ju
risdictional court hearings: in
addition, to building a case and
presenting cases to the Tribal
Court. Ability to work closely
with children, their families and
the community. Strong people
and coordination skills. Strong
communication skills in written,
oral and interviewing. Knowl
edge of child abuse and ne
glect investigation and treat
ment. Must be free of the dys
functional use of alcohol or il
legal drug use. For persons re
covering from disease of sub
stance addiction, continued
sobriety for the previous three
years. Position requires a pre
employment drug test and a
criminal history check. Valid
Oregon Driver's License &
proof of personal vehicle insur
ance. Serious applicants only
Salary Range $34,711 Yr.
Rebekah Main, 553-3209.
Open Until Filled.
Children's Protective
Services specialist. Full
time. Education: Associate
degree in Human Services or
related filed. Experience:
Three y$J'lffiT
mansocial service delivery.
Pre-employment drug testing
required. Criminal history
checks will be conducted. Pro
vide services for families des
ignated as at risk of abuse and
or neglect and in need of pro
tective services. Coordinate
and arrange for placement of
children into emergency shel
ter care, foster family care or
residential care. Perform case
management services for fami
lies and children designated as
at risk of abuse and or neglect
including treatment planning,
referral to services, and follow
up of the effectiveness of ser
vices. Involvement in court pro
cess, preparation of court re
ports, fully documenting com
pliance with treatment plans,
and court orders. Prepare fami
lies for court hearings and tes
tify in regard to factual evi
dence andor services. Admin
istrate and maintain organized
and accurate records, docu
ment all information obtained
about client and worker activi
ties. Have a valid Oregon Driv
ers License and proof of insur
ance. Maintain confidentiality.
Must have strong skills in writ
ten and oral communication as
well as conducting speaker
presentations. Personal com
puter skills in word processing
and spreadsheet. Problem
solving and planning skills.
Case management investiga-
the Warm Springs Tribal Court at
the time and date shown, to show
cause for failing to appear on an
overdue account with Pacific Coast
Credit. This hearing will not be a
full hearing on the merits of the
case; you must appear and defend
against a complaint that you failed
to obey the Order of the Court. If
you fail to appear as so ordered,
the Tribal Court shall enter a com
plaint for contempt of court and
issue a warrant for your arrest If
you have any questions, you
should seek legal assistance imme
diately. Judge Wilma Ann Smith.
tion, treatment, referral and fol
low up methodology. Rebekah
Main, 553-3209. Open Until
Children' Protective
Services protective care
provider. Full time. Provide
daily care to children from In
fant to 1 8 years of age who are
victims of abuse or neglect.
Must be willing to provide nur
turing care and understand the
needs of these children. Must
have a valid Oregon Drivers Li
cense and proof of Insurance.
Must be able to work rotating
shift work. Must be depend
able. Confidentiality is a
MUST. Position requires a pre
employment drug test. A crimi
nal history check will need to
be completed. Not engage in
use of illegal drugs and be free
from the dysfunctional use of
alcohol. Education: (minimum)
High School or GED. Experi
ence: 1-year child care pro
vider. Salary Range$ 18,357.
Yr. Rebekah Main, 553-3209.
Open Until Filled.
BudgetGrant and con
tract analyst. Full time. Re
view grant application, track
and monitor expenditures. As
sist departments in meeting
grantcontract and budget
deadlines. Prepare financial
and budget reports. Maintain
master budget and grantscon
tract audit files. Review avail
able budget funding for all con
tracts, agreements, special
capital requests, budget mods
and grantcontract expendi
tures. Need personal computer
skills in spreadsheets and
word processing. Good com
munication skills, written and
verbal. Good interpersonal
skills. Need working knowl
edge of accounting principles
and terminology. Accounting
WWil brgitfefrVSalary
Ranqe $20,429. Yr. To
$25,743. Yr. JamieAdrian.
553-3497 or 553-3219. Open
Until Filled.
Adolescent substance
abuse treatment special
ist. Full time. This is a full time
position to work with youth who
have problems with substance
use. Services to include as
sessment, individual services
and client education groups. In
recruiting for this position em
phasis will be placed on those
person with demonstrated ex
perience in providing services
to youth. Requires working
closely with Tribal criminal jus
tice personnel and services.
The applicant is required to be
Automotive Service
Excellence (ASE)
Miller Ford-Nissan
Collision Center
36 S.E. 6th, Madras, OR 97741 (Across from the Post Office)
We repair all makes and models!
Come see us first
Let us help negotiate your
vehicle damage claim
V5 . I.
24-Hour Towing Service - Rental cars available
No matter what happens to your car, you can count on the Autobody Repair
specialists at Miller Ford Nissan collision center to take care of it from the
smallest scratch to the biggest dent.
certified as a CADC I. Salary
Range $28,027. Yr. To
$31,084. Yr. James Quald
Carolyn Ribeiro, 553-3205.
Open Until Filled.
Part time adolescent
substance abuse treat
ment specialist. This Is a ft
time position to work with
youth at risk of criminal justice
involvement. Services to In
clude assessment and risk
evaluations, individual services
and client education groups. In
recruiting for this position em
phasis will be place on those
person with demonstrated ex
perience in providing services
to youth involved with the
criminal justice system. Re
quires working closely with
Tribal criminal justice person
nel and services. The applicant
is required to be certified as a
CADC I. This is a part time
position and is subject to the
availability of contract funds.
Salary Range $1 0.00 Hr. To $
15.00 Hr. James Quaid
Carolyn Ribeiro, 553-3205.
Open Until Filled.
Children's mental
health specialist. This is a
full time position providing in
dividual, group and family
counseling services to children
and adolescents with emo
tional and behavioral problems.
The position requires skills in
assessing children's function
ing, developmental adequacy,
family functioning and treat
ment planning as well as pro
viding direct services. A Mas
ters level education in counsel
ing, psychology or social work
and a minimum of three years
experience in providing services
to children who are experienc
ing severe emotional and be
havioral problems are required.
Salary Range $31,148. Yr. To
$32,000. Yr. James Quaid
Carolyn Ribeiro, 553-3205.
Open Until Filled. '
Resources technician.
Full time. Assist Monitoring
Program Manager in maintain
ing and updating official
records and data on the Air,
Water & Soil Resources. High
School diploma or equivalent.
Two years experience in water
resource monitoring or data
collection. Familiarity with
streams and watershed areas
and attention to detail. Opera
tion of microcomputer pro
gram, data input using spread
sheet, GIS GPS, Hobo
Tempmentors, and other tech
nical equipment data. Maintain
official record system for Tribal
Water rights and other environ
We honor all insurance company estimates
Factory trained technicians, factory quality
repairs & craftmenship, frame straightening
rack, with laser precision
mental resources data and de
velop report from data col
lected by technical staff. Main
tain equipment assigned. ODL
required. Salary Range
$17,157. Yr. Ryan Smith Sr.
553-2023. Closes 1210.
GEO Visions fiscal of
ficer. Thorough knowledge of
accounting procedures and
practices: state, federal and
local laws and regulations.
Personal computer skills in
word processing, spreadsheet,
and computerized accounting
and budget system's. Good
communications skills; written,
oral and presenting. Bachelors
degree in accounting, Busi
ness Administration or a re
lated field or five years ac
counting office, grantcontract
compliance or budget experi
ence. Submit Tribal Applica
tion with andor resume Salary
Range $35,000. Yr. DOE.
Deepak Sehgal, 553-2016;!
553-2022. Open Until Filled, j
Lead plumber. Full time.
Licensed journeyman plumber t
to maintain and install plumb- (
ing in tribal buildings and pri
vate homes. The successful
candidate will be required to
operate some heavy equip
ment when exposing water
lines, waste lines, and septic
tanks. A valid Oregon driver's
license is required and a drug
test will be given before em
ployment begins. Wage DOE.
The benefits package begins
after 90 days. Randy Wallace,
553-3482553-3246. Open Until ,
Filled. : ' 1
Switchboard operator.-
Full time. Mandatory: Valid Or-'
egon Drivers License: Perform
all aspects of receptionist and
'switchboard duties, pick up,?
sort and distribute all incom
ingb'utgngmail fromdepartP
ments' and US postal service;
for the organization. Backup for
repair and maintenance of tele
communication system. Oper-'
ate computer (WordExcel).
General Office equipment. As
sist in management area as
needed, schedule conference
rooms, basic filing and records-!
management skills needed,
knowledge of Tribal Organiza
tion would be preferred. Open
and close the administration'
building as scheduled (three
shifts and assigned). Three
Shifts 6:45 am- 3:45 pm; 8am
5pm; 9am-6pm. (Monday
through Friday) Salary Range
$15,726. Yr. To $20,00. Yr.
Danica Greene. 553-3334.
Closes 1210.
Inter-Industry Conference
On Auto Collision
Repair (l-CAR)
body alignment.