Page 14 Spilyqy Tyrnoo, Wjrro Springs, Oregon October 14, 2004 Preventing diabetes "' --.....;.l! iSW-i H-iWBrJl iVl if rWuWHvMwlii.'lhrM nwwnu. - " - i, 4;: "X' " , ll.yJ-iWJI&ll, y "'!! " ll'!:JI."-JffllJI-ll ILll-'lll,:LJ.'l"t!r-'M On behalf of the clinic and the diabetes program, nurse Diana Howell, wellness coordinator Carolyn Harvey, chief operations officer Lauraina Hintsala, and nurse and diabetes program coordinator Jennie Smith (from left) display the large replica of the $404,000 check for diabtes prevention work on the reservation. (Story on page 1.) Energy efficient 7U T y QTn ..j?-!'j . . f'c sVf fifi itfsji ; C3 Dave McMachan photos Ralph Minnick (center), chief financial officer of Warm Springs Forest Products Industries, accepts the $214,000 energy saving incentive payment from Josh Bachman of Cascade Energy Engineering (right) and Vince Crawford of Pacific Power. (Story on page 1.) KAHNEETAi YOU'LL FLIP ' i. M Hey, get a grip and put a new spin in your weekend. At Kah-Nee-Ta, any combination you choose is a winner. Do the resort-and get swept up in genuine casino action with Oregon's Mystery Payout Slots and seasoned pros dealing Poker and Blackjack. All the amenities of a hot springs resort, plus the thrills of a genuine casino, just a short drive away? You betl WIN OVER $18,000 CASH IN OCTOBER! FRIDAYS: Cash Drawings $500 at 8, 9 & 10pm. then empty the barrel! SATURDAYS: Cash Drawings $1,000 atB, 9 & 10pm EVERY THURSDAY & FRIDAY: Texas Hold 'em Poker Tournaments KARNEEJA HIGH DESERT RESORT & CASINO 1-80O554-4SUN - BUILD YOUR OWN FALL GETAWAY PACKAGE! Stay in a Deluxe Lodge room and take your pick of complimentary bonuses two rounds of golf, two half-hour Spa Wanapine massages, or two dinner entrees at the Chinook Room. Call 1 -800-554-4SU N. Ot1 tutiprt to nvnllaMlty, hmvwwn t. ?ui Nov. 70, 2004 VMkI Surxijiy Ihreuqh Thurty, fton holWy Room rjte tuvd Ml two pmpl tor one rtfghl. Arivanct rewivjliont recommended. Some nvtf nctiom may ippty to pxkayn. PlFn inqulr lor detAifc. 5B9 FOR TWO lh?c;i - mmm I I mumn i lia '" 1 "'" tlmmm MU1,MM)) 'aNl''T ' ' : Tmmitimmmmmmmeimnm " 111 '" '"I'll ' i f . tWH' yaaw,y.'yg'! '",' "' ;iiii''t.iiihm""""-'H".. w hi I - ii rnnrnri i T" "Vn T "Tin "fT'T" -," j. .:V'-ri-'-'.y,!.:.-fr?'..-tjv,, .'v ' tv Ay ; ... ' - "t'i c;' (L ti'tt1' ," N i - t A- - f I'l'ti I t' fff t LiLrfi iivr! "4 ; 7 Irf v I:pJ: v.. . t'f n .ft- v-- .... . . - -. ., J '(.!, .if.' :..''- 'A'7 ,'i '. v . , .;.- i1" ' ' ' " . . - f I