Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon August 5, 2004 THE CONFEDERATED TRIBES LANGUAGE LESSON Ending the Day Words: sun moon night bed teeth night clothes sleep Tamme tumamakwu Ending the Day(going to sleep) an alxaix sc'at nch'ut'awas k'shtn nch'utpama taatpas nch'unk Ewa hee nahane. It's been a busy day! Nu ki mane. I'm so tired. Yise toake nabakeakwe. ' It's bath time children. Phrases: Au an ashaiksh "End of dayevening" ,1 A- 1 4 i- " 1 J f 1 , i t 1 Y Au an ashnkiksh j "Sun went down" . x Au 'isc'atn It is night. Qaix iwamsh , alxaix. ) The moon is shinning ri bright. Pookwow. It's time to go to bed. Uweooka. Go to sleep. Awamoasoo tamme yosuookwe. We have to get up early. Dnul muitl I'm tired Dmul muit chi? Are you tired? Igiwam chnuxtl I'm sleepy! Dauka maika igiwam chmuxt? Are you sleepy? Amxukshidaml Go to bed! Qadash amHichkcha Hmikach. Brush your teeth. , Au iwa 'nch'ut. Time to go to bed. ImaJaknk k'shtn. Brush teeth. 'Nch'utpama taatpasik. Put on night clothes. Pina-attauwiyashak. Say prayer. Tmna-naxt. Tell story. Auna 'nch'usha. Let's all go to sleep. Niix sc'atpa. "Good night." ' vm I-V -V Q ; , . -a Sr 'Si'., " . ' L shaxel ishtamx. Thank the creator for the day. .ChxeDtxa rtkiwax. ' Turn the lights out. Qadash amubamama yaniwadix. Make sure and go potty first. Numu Numbers Crossword Puzzle Down: 3 This many teepee's represent Warm Springs. Diagonal: 2 There is only this many of you. Across; 1 one-half dozen 4 You have this many eyes. 5 You have this many fingers Mb-L n i i lir" 1111 i1 Page 13