Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, July 22, 2004, Page Page 14, Image 14

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    Pqge 14
Spilyqy Tytnoo, Wgnn. Springs, Oregon
July 22, 2004
To the community of Warm Springs, My name is Heather
Duncan. On May 1, 2004, 1 was pulled over for driving under
the influence of alcohol. I deeply regret ever making the deci
sion to get behind the wheel. I would like to apologize to the
community for my actions. I would also like to apologize to
my family for the worry I have caused them. Sincerely,
Heather Duncan
Warm Springs community, I apologize for the choices I
made while not in my right mind. There are other choices I
should have made and I have learned from my mistakes. Thank
you for your time. J. Johnson.
I, Nathan Napyer, would just like to write this to sincerely
apologize for my actions towards the West Hills community.
Jaime Reynoso and the Detectives Department. I'm sorry for
all the trouble that was caused, my consequence is being paid,
and I'm hoping nothing more comes about this situation.
Nathan Napyer.
My name is Marco Smith and I would like to apologize for
my actions on March 27, 2004. 1 was driving under the influ
ence of intoxicants. I'm glad nobody got hurt for my actions
and I'm sorry. Sincerely, Marco L. Smith.
To the Warm Springs community, I am writing an apology
letter for driving under the influence of intoxicants in the fall
of last year. I assure you it will not happen again and I am
sorry for my trouble that I caused. Rod Wesley.
Dear Warm Springs, I would like to apologize to the com
munity and my two partners who were riding with me on the
third of March, 2004, around 1 a.m. when I got stopped and
detoxed then charged with driving under the influence and
reckless endangering. I hope you can forgive me for my wrong
doings. I'm sorry. Sincerely, Eugene Gorden Wewa.
My mistakes are the brakes that make me realize the un
necessary risks I take. To the community of Warm Springs,
please accept my apologies for getting a DUII on the rez. I
shouldn't have given my friend a ride or have driven that night.
I'm sorry. Albert Bryant.
On April 24 I was intoxicated and had an argument with
my girlfriend. My girlfriend's daughter intervened and I got
arrested and detoxed. I am sorry and would like to apologize
to Dawn and Shannon. Tilden McDonald.
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(Continued from page 8)
We have the Xeriscape Plant
Guide in the OSU Master
Gardener's reference area. We
would love to have you come
in and take a look. We can also
give you lists of native plants
that may enhance your garden.
We will be giving a talk on
Xeriscaping at the Plant Clinic
in August.
Don't forget to make a note
in your calendar to attend this
months plant clinic on Monday,
July 26, from 12-1 p.m. at the
OSU Extension Service office.
Several topics will be dis
cussed including container gar
dening and fire resistant plants.
The first eight people will re
ceive a garden diary to write
down important garden tips and
plans. Plus, we will be serving
snacks made from fresh sum
mer fruits. Bring your lunch and
we'll serve dessert.
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