Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, May 27, 2004, Page Page 4, Image 4

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E Coosb EEWA: The way it is
Psge 4 Spilyay Tymoo May 27, 20C4
-T T
American week
By Stltna Boise
As I heard recently that it is
Native American Week, or
month, I was remembering the
celebration we had at Inter
mountain Indian School
It was a lot like the Spirit
Week held at Madras High
School, but we participated in
various activities surrounding
Native American cultures, crafts
and gatherings, And there were
plenty of cultures to see, as there
were many different tribes there.
Wc had many clubs at Intcr-
mountain, and
each club chose a
male and female
to represent them
in the Princess
and Brave competition. This
competition was held through
out the week and each partici
pant competed in an obstacle
course, running course, soccer
kick, archery, races, and an all
school speech.
This competition was inter
esting to watch because each
participant excelled in one event
or another and the top competi
tor was different in each event.
The hardest part was the speech
in front of the student body.
That was the deciding factor,
because the competition was so
Of course after the compe
tition, crafts, and powwow, there
was a lot of cleaning up to do.
But everyone pitched in and
helped out. The free movie
ticket was great incentive to do
this. We all cleaned up the cam
pus and received tickets to the
movie in our own stadium. The
movie I remember was
Windwalker, when it first came ,
out. And we all wanted to see it.
The best part of that for all
us Intermountain students was
that one of the actors was a stu
dent from Intermountain. He
was a drama student from the
Crow reservation and we were
all excited to see him on the big
screen. He was the one who
stole the baby. So when I herir
Native American week I re
member that time in my life
when being Native American
was really something to be cel
ebrated, because we were many
tribes who came together as one
to celebrate being who we are,
Native Americans.
Happy Birthday
Happy eighth
birthday to our
princess Shaniah
Rae on May 31,
You're another
year older, baby
girl. Love always, Mom and
Dad, brothers Antoine and Cory
Jr., and your baby sister Coreena.
Happy 30th
birthday Cory S.
From Mom and
Dad (Chloee
and Erlin), Am
and Mack,
Sonny and Tyson, Vanessa
and Cory and Corinna and
Shania and Antoine, Lexie
and Chance.
Spilyay Tymoo
(Coyote News, Est. 1976)
Publisher Emeritus: Sid Miller
Editor: Dave McMechan
Management Successor: Selena T. Boise
Advertising Manager: Sam Howard
Receptionist: Angie Blackwolf
Media Advisor: Bill Rhoades
Spilyay Tymoo is published bi-weekly by the Confederated Tribes
of Warm Springs. Our offices are located in the white house at 1100
Wasco Street. Any written materials submitted to Spilyay Tymoo
should be addressed to:
Spilyay Tymoo, P.O. Box 870, Warm Springs, OR 97761. Phone:
(541) 553-1644 or 553-3274. FAX No. (541) 553-3539. E-Mail:
spilyaytymooOwstribes.org. Annual Subscription rates: Within U.S.:
Great day
I wish to extend my heartfelt
thank you to the peoples of
Warm Springs. I was privileged
and honored to attend the
I lonor Seniors Day on May 14.
It was a memorable day. All the
peoples worked so hard, from
the very young to the elders. All
went out of their way to put
forth a most wonderful experi
ence. And all the food and the
service, nothing left out for the
comfort of the guests. Wonder
ful. I cannot mention individuals
as all the people of Warm
Springs did a very great job.
Thank you much. Chuck
I have been employed here
at Community Counseling over
seven years and it seems a com
mon part of my job is to fight
the school district or adminis
trators with the families I work
with. I hope things will change
Among the many groups that
help is the PTA or Parent
Teacher Association. Its mission
is defined as:
To support and speak on be
half of children and youth in
schools, in the community, and
before governmental bodies and
other organizations that make
decisions affecting children; to
assist parents in developing the
skills they need to raise and pro
tect their children; to encourage
parent and public involvement
in the public schools of this
I called and spoke to the re
gional representative out of Sis
ters', arid explained our situation.
The representative said it was
because of these situations that
the PTA exists.
For PTA to be effective one
needs to exist in the county or
community. This woman said
she would be happy to assist
Warm Springs in putting to
gether a PTA.
If anyone is interested in
starting a PTA, call me at Com
munity Counseling. I have pam
phlets, information, and names
for you to get this started.
Kelly Leggett, 553-3205,
Mental Health Counselor.
Happy first
Cory on June 4.
We made it
through all the
difficult ob
stacles, but we
made it honey. No matter what
we will always be together. Love
always, your wife Vanessa
Happy first anniversary
to our son and daughter in
law, Cory and Vanessa.
Love always, Sally and
Erland Suppah.
Happy birthday to my hus
band Cory Lee Stwyer Sr. on
May 29. Love, your wife Vanessa
About the rez
I want to talk about our rez.
Anyways Central Oregon has
been known as the traditional
lands of the Warm Springs,
Wasco and Paiute peoples. This
includes all of the area's lakes,
streams and rivers. Our people
have an unbroken history of
making a living off the land,
waters and resources from
these, our rez lands. We're a liv
ing culture, and our customs,
traditions, beliefs, languages and
cultural and intellectual property
rights and practices constitute
generations of our elders'
knowledge. The Native words
we use and things we do are the
voices of our ancestors. Their
voices are heard in the unbro
ken chain of how we make a
traditional living from the re
sources of the land and water.
We experience the lives of our
ancestors as we prepare and use
our foods in our everyday lives,
and as foods shared through
customs and traditions at our
ceremonies. We experience the
lives of our ancestors through
the use of natural resources in
making clothing, our regalia, tee
pees and our fishing and hunt
ing practices. Their voices are
heard when we use the
sweatlodge and the use of our
traditional medicines and intel
lectual knowledge to heal our
minds, bodies and spirits. We
honor our ancestors with rever
ence and respect. Our elders
have always said, "We do this
for our grandchildren." They
lived their lives in balance with
the physical material, psycho
logical, mental and spiritual
world around them. They lived
with direction and purpose as
Natives. This is the life we are -working
to protect, preserve
and perpetuate for our grand
children. If you want to drop
me a line, here's my address:
Rayfield J. Mitchell, No.
60839-065, U.S. Penitentiary
Leavenworth, P.O. Box 1000,
Leavenworth, KS 66048-1000.
Could you help me find
some information about my
great grandfather, Nathaniel
Newell. He was originally from
New York. He worked on the
and other wishes...
Happy sec
ond birthday to
our bossy son
Cory Stwyer Jr.
on May 20. Love always, Mom
and Dad.
Happy second birthday to our
bossy brother Cory Stwyer Jr.
Love, Shaniah, Antoine and
Baby Coreena.
Happy birthday to our daddy
Cory Lee Stwyer Sr. on May 29.
Thank you for always being
there for us and loving us the
way you do. Love always, your
princess Shaniah, Antoine, Baby
Cory, and daddy's girl Coreena.
Happy birthday to my
wife Vanessa on June 4.
Love, your husband Cory.
Happy 21" birthday Francis
Sorrelhorse. Love always, Mr.
and Mrs. Stwyer, Shania,
Antoine, Cory Jr. and baby
Happy 30"' birthday to our
son Cory Lee. Love always, Mom
and Dad, Chloee and Erland Jr.
Happy birthday Cory Jr. and
Shaniah. Love, grandma Sally
and grandpa. Auntie Chloee and
Uncle Er.
Happy second birthday
grandson Cory Jr., and
happy birthday to my
granddaughter Shaniah
Letters to the Editor
Warm Springs Reservation
about 1870-1880. I would ap
preciate any information you
have. Thank you, Barb
Abbott, 1235 Seventh Ave.,
East, Kalispell, MT 59901.
Please listen
I just had to drop a few lines
to say Happy Mothers Day and
Happy Fathers Day to all the
mothers and fathers back home.
With all the bad things going on
in this world, it pays to appreci
ate the good things in life.
I believe that a mom and dad
are the best things to have in
life. Without them, there is no
you. So be a good kid and give
your mom and dad a hug and
kiss today.
They really deserve it. Always
remember with mom and dad's
To the community of
Warm Springs I would like to
say I am deeply sorry for my
actions in September 2003. I
will not let myself or others
be so immature. I would like
to apologize to the others who
were in the vehicle and to the
owners of the other vehicles.
Robert Sam Jr.
Dear Neda Wesley, I apolo
gize for my actions on April
20, 2004, for crawling through
your grandson's window highly
intoxicated without your per
mission. I was being very loud
and disrespectful. I'm also
sorry for causing the police to
go up to your house. So with
that please forgive me. Re
spectfully, Alicia Pedraza.
' To the people of the Warm
Springs community, I apolo
gize for my actions on or
about Feb. 9, for the offense
of DUII and CCW It was not
very responsible of me to
commit these offenses in our
community. Sincerely, J.E.
I, L. Kalama, am writing
Thank you for writing to Spilyay Tymoo. Our
policy is to print letters to the editor from any and
all tribal members. Because of space limitations,
letters cannot exceed 350 words.
Rae. Love always, grandma
Cheryl and lunch.
Happy first anniversary to
my daughter and son in law on
June 4, and happy birthday to
my daughter Vanessa. Hope this
day is extra special for you guys
on your first anniversary and
your 27th b-day. Love always,
mom and dad.
Happy birthday to my son
Francis, May 14. Love always,
Mom and lunch.
Happy birthday baby Cory.
Best wishes from Auntie Am,
Uncle Mack, Sonny and Tyson.
Happy birthday Shaniah
Rae. Hope you have fun on
your special day. From
Auntie Am, Uncle Mack,
Sonny and Tyson.
Happy 30 birthday Bro, al
ways there for you. Love from
your 111 sis and Mack.
Happy 30'h birthday Uncle
Cory. Have lots of fun. Your
nephs, Sonny and Tyson.
Wishing my brother
Steven Anderson a very
happy birthday. Not going
to mention the age though,
Ayez! Hope you're doing
good. Staying out of
trouble. Be safe, keep cool.
May the Creator watch over
you, give you many more
love, and support, you can do
anything. So please listen to your
mom and dad, because it's bet
ter to be safe than sorry. I never
listened, and look where I am
at. This place is not where any
one would want to be. I would
like to tell everyone, young and
old, to take care out there.
Michael Meanus, US Peni
tentiary, 3901 Klein Blvd.,
Lompoc, CA 93436
Hello my Native brothers
and sisters in Warm Springs.
May this letter of hope reach
you in the best of health and
spirits. My name is Ronnie Lee,
also known as Pony Boy.
I'm Cherokee Native and
African American. I'm kind of
lost out here in the state of
Letters of apology
this letter to the community. I
would like to apologize for driv
ing under the influence, and
putting two people in danger. I
am very sorry. Thank you.
Lawanda Kalama.
On Feb. 8, 2004, I was ar
rested by tribal police officer
Paul Jim for DUII. On May 17,
2004, 1 pleaded guilty to DUII
in front of Judge Langnese. I
know driving while intoxicated
is dangerous to me and other
people on the road. I apologize
to the tribal community, and I
am glad that no one got hurt.
Everett Miller.
To family, friends and fellow
people of Warm Springs. I have
just returned home from suc
cessfully completing drug and
alcohol treatment at Sundown
M Ranch in Selah, Wash.
While there I learned about
the addictive poisons that con
trol so much of our people. I'm
not trying to sound or act bet
ter than anyone else. I'm not! I
was selling that poison to our
people in the form of metham
phetamine. This is my formal
apology, and yes, I am very
Letters that are longer than 350 words will be
reduced in length. Also, no letter will be printed
that includes statements that are libellous or defa
matory toward another person.
blessings to come. Love al
ways, your lil' sis & family.
Deb George, Miss Mary,
JR, lil' Muscle Russell, and
lil' Tommy Pickles (baby
Happy 15th birthday Miss
Mary Hoptowit. We love you
and are very proud of you.
Keep up the great work with
them grades. (See, you can adapt
to life in Montana!) Remember
your dreams are what you make
them to be. You can achieve
be anything you want. Live life
to the fullest. Go out, see the
world beyond them reservation
boundaries. Love always from
Mom, Dad, JR., Lil' "Muscle "
Russell, and "Fat boy" baby
Wishing all my sisters
Ina Anderson, Ruthie
Anderson, Rhoda Ander
son, Roberta Williams,
Vanessa Hoptowit a belated
Happy Mothers Day. Hope
your day was a special one
for you. Love, your sister,
To my niece Lortnt
Wainannit, Happy Mothers
Day. Wish the best to you. Pray
for nothing but joy to your lift.
Love always, your Auntie Deb.
Oregon, so I would like to get
in touch with some of my Na
tive people.
I'm currently serving time in
the Department of Corrections.
So I'm looking for support to
learn more about my Native
people here in this state of Or
egon. I would like to become
friends with my Oregon Native
people through mail correspon
dence. My address will be at the end
of this letter, I'm 35 years old
and I'm looking for someone I
would be comfortable with in a
positive way. Thank you for tak
ing the time to read my letter.
I'm looking forward to getting
to know you. Sincerely, Ronnie
Lee, No. 7440935 - 82911
Beach Access Rd., Umatilla,
OR 97882.
To some of you this could
be humorous, for you have
read lots of apology letters. I
am sincere and plan on pay
ing back to our community
in positive cultural and spiri
tual ways, I would like to say
thank you to the courts and
police department, for with
out them I would not have
had a chance to turn my life
around and get on the "red
path to sobriety." It is a good
feeling, but again, I am sad
and very sorry. To you, my
people of Warm Springs. Sin
cerely, Shawn D. Cartney.
I would like to apologize
to the community of Warm
Springs for having items in
my home to use drugs with.
I will not do it again. Thank ;
Phyllis M. Tohet.
Pita, I would like to tell my
granddaughter Pita Ocampo
that I am sorry for what
trouble I got into, but I know
that I have to pay for it one
way or another. Sorry, Pita.
Love, your grandma.
For my mom Perthina White, ;
Thank you for all the time and
patience you've had with me!
over the years. For without our !
mothers none of us would be ;
in this world. It's the love and
nourishment our mothers pro
vide to us that gave us life. I
love you mom. May the Creator
give you many blessings to come.
Love always, your daughter
Deborah J. George.
To my dear friend Ellen !
Thompson who's been
there at my side in both
good and bad times. I'm
glad to have such a special
friend like you. May only;
peace and harmony come
your way. I love you. Love,
a friend always, Deb
Happy 28th Birthday to my !
lil brother Lydell Caleb Adams ',
on May 18. Remember'
that I love you, and don't hesi
tate to come to me for anything.
Love, Bobbi Jo.
Also, a belated Happy
Birthday wish to my
stepdad, Rafael, on May
10. From Bobbi Jo, Jessica,
Bridget, BethAnn and