E Coosh EEWA: The wy it is p sPiiyayTymoo Cowboys rodeo is a By Sid Miller Spilyay Publisbtr Emeritus There's always a cowboy who's never been thrown and there's always a horse that's never been rode. How docs a person become a second or third generation cowboys, keeping the tradi tion in the family. Some see it as a challenge between man and beast. There are some rodeo cowboys who have never had any experience with livestock and saw the event and decided to try it. Some prove to the world that they are real champions af ter they learned the sport. Some are city slickers some are individuals who never were interested in riding horses until later in years be cause their buddy is a rodeo contestant. Most rodeo cowboys never retire rich. All the prize money goes right back on expenses, dues etc. A per son really can't make it if he doesn't go at it full force. It's just like any other sport - it takes practice, practice and more practice. A person just about has to put ro deo ahead of everything in order to become a con tender in the rodeo field. A cowboy will never make it if he participates in two or three local rodeos per year. He has to get out there and make as many rodeos as he can all year long. Even when a cowboy is with the rest of the cowboys, he won't always win. There are several reasons for this and the main reason for this is, "The luck of the that don't perform as well good showing for the cowboy and his score is usually very low. There are some rodeos re-ride if his horse doesn't boy is out of luck and won't win any money at all. Very seldom they will allow a re-ride from a horse fall ing down or if it just runs and never makes any at tempt to buck. Horses are just like people; bad days. Yep! There are times when a cowboy has to enter several rodeos before he wins any money. In the bull riding it's the same, 'The luck of the draw!" They are just plain mean, champion bull rider Don Gay said, "It's not if you get hurt, it's when you get hurt." As a cowboy specializes considered a colorful event see a cowboy bucked off and The rodeo clown is a person who has saved a lot of injuries for the bull riders as between the downed cowboy and the bull and he will lead the bull away from the cowboy who then can make it to the fence. You see bull riders hang up cases if a cowboy hangs on with his left hand and falls to the right side it puts a twist in the rope and hangs the cowboy up. If he would have came off on the left side this will not happen, but the bull may step on the rider. All rough stock rodeo events are tough on a cow boy. While a cowboy is young and in his prime he never notices all those bumps and bruises, they do catch up with the cowboy. When he walks with a slight limp his legs bowed a little and he has an ache in his back. "Well that's what you call a broke down, washed up rodeo cowboy!" So mammas don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys! Oh well you'll never keep anyone from being a rodeo cowboy if he wants to. Ahh-nah-chi-toon! Spilyay Tymoo (Coyote News, Est. 1976) Publisher Emeritus: Sid Miller Editor: Dave McMechan Management Successor: Selena T. Boise Advertising Manager: Sam Howard Receptionist: Angie Blackwolf Media Advisor: Bill Rhoades Spilyay Tymoo is published bi-weekly by the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. Our offices are located in the white house at 1100 Wasco Street. Any written materials submitted to Spilyay Tymoo should be addressed to: Spilyay Tymoo, P.O. Box 870. Warm Springs. OR 97761. Phone: (541) 553-1644 or 553-3274. FAX No. (541) 553-3539. E-Mail: spilyaytvmooOwstribes.org. Annual Subscription rates: Within U.S.: $15.00. Thank you for writing to Spilyay Tymoo. Our policy is to print letters to the editor from any and all tribal members. Because of space limitations, letters cannot exceed 350 words. Letters that are longer than 350 words mill he reduced in length. Also, no letter mill be printed that includes statements that are libellous or defamatory toward another person. soon learn rough game rodeo participant? Some arc good enough to participate draw!" Guys draw stock as others and don't make a that won't give a cowboy a show very well. So the cow they have their good and and like the eight time in bull riding, bull riding is at most shows, where you has to run for the fence. he will come running in on the bull rope. In most Spilyay Speaks Many thanks It is our honor to give thanks to our Ixrd Jesus for giving us strength, guidance and support for our loss. Much love to the Full Gos pel Church, to those of you w ho showed your love and caring. The Fire Management of R-6. The former Warm Springs box ing club and boxers, each fam ily member from Oregon, Ne vada, Arizona and every direc tion, to those who tried to at tend, we're sorry and under stand. The ministers, musicians, guitar and singers, for the spe cials who sang from the heart. Also to the leaders of the Agency Longhousc, the Senior Department, who worked so hard cooking the meals, thank you. Also, Utilities, Hospice and Mountain View I lospital crew, the FMTs and Police Depart ment. Thanks Arch for the eagle fan and Wendy Johnson for the drum. F.aston and Tina Aguilar, Merle Williams and family, our thanks to everyone. God Bless the Governors. Viola, Angelina, Valerie, Mary, Lorelei, Mervin, Cecil and Leila. Summer work First of all I would like to express appreciation for the summer jobs offered to our childrenyoung adults every summer. The program goes back to the 60s, when I was able to utilize the program, as many have. In fact, I see many present employees for the tribe that got their start from the services benefits offered through our tribe such as the Youth Work Program. However, my concern is the new rule that "school grade stan dards" have been set to make our youth eligible to work. It is great to have an ideal student with great grades as you stipulate. But I also feel that it is not your department's job to dictate the standard of having certain grades. I feel that atti tude is very "old school." The kind of punishment you are exacting is going to hurt our youth, more so than to push them to get better grades, What you are creating is many youth that are discour aged, which, I may add, is the opposite of encouragement. If you are really concerned about their grades, why not get in volved with the schools, with Mothers Day Happy Mothers Da)', Mom who is Viola. You've been an inspiration to us all. You have love and grace and we appre ciate everything. I'm so thank ful for your prayers, for the songs you sing. The River of Jordan, every time you sing, touches my heart. Tears start falling. I love you, Mom. Be strong in the Lord always. Val. Happy Mothers Day Angie, Mary, Leila, Chat ter, Roberta Ann, Amelia, Nellie, Minnie, Dorothy, Auntie Ruth, Sugar and Spice and all that fried bread. Hurry and peel the roots. Jus Jokin, Valerie. Happy Moms Day, Shari M., Aleatha, Cindy C, Rose M., Crystal S., Dawn, Shirley T., Leanne T., Jessica T., Tina A., Sara M., Eva H Alison S., Ruth A., Rena S., I 'tola Gov., Angie G., Mary G., Leila G., Mona S., Esther S., Dayle S., Earnestine (in Xev.), Ella A., Becky M., Chatter, Darfene K., Tashena, Cheryle Letters to truancy, with tutoring, with get ting the youth "learning" on the job the certain subjects they are failing at in school. There are many alternatives besides the old standard of "punishment," especially when you can reach the youth in other ways. And what we don't need is our huge population of teens with noth ing to do in the summer. Many parents depend on their children making money to buy their school clothes, and I've seen many teens buy their broth ers and sisters clothes. This is a good thing. It's sharing, helping and giving them self esteem. Plus, when they give to their family, it's from the heart. (I added that statement because last year you warranted that the youth volunteer 80 hours before employment through the Sum mer Program,) The Summer Youth Program is a program that has always worked. "Your service is to give jobs to the youth" and that is what the program was created for. The Youth Program is a great program and I hope to look forward to seeing all our youth working this summer. The only other suggestion I have is that you get the funds ahead of time. Every year the youth have to wait until you get enough funds. Thanks for listen ing. Dorothea Barney Gratitude Letter of Gratitude Re: Rob ert O. Holliday (Julio or Poochie) We, the family of Robert C). Holliday, wish to express our gratitude. Thanks to the people who participated in preparing the last two days of the funeral at the Shaker Church on April 13 and 14. And to the other people who participated at the potlucks at Larry Holliday's home on April 10, 11 and 12, The drum mers who participated in the overnight services, especially to the Shakers for the overnight services. Rick of the Presbyte rian Church and Sister Pauline of the Catholic Church for her speech at the cemetery. Also the other speakers. And thanks to all the people and family mem bers for the flowers and cards. No words can ever express the thank-yous when we lose a loved one. Thanks again everyone. Mr. & Mrs. Milton Holliday and Mr. & Mrs. Larry Holliday, Mr. & Mrs. Tony wishes. . . Ann, Melinda P., Dinah M., Minnie Y, and Nancy B. Take Care. Roberta. To Mom, Thanks for sticking by me through thick and thin. For hugging me, loving me and telling me "no" when it was necessary. For wiping my tears and holding me up in tough times. Your the greatest, Twink. Mom, All jour support in our daily lives is truely appre ciated and we want you to know that without you in our lives, things wouldn 't be possible. You are the cause of our smiles, laughter, joy. We could go on and on, but we want you to know mom, we love you and have a happy Mother's Day. Michael Twink Gramma, We love vou very much, Gramma, and thanks for all your support and being there for us. Love Karlen, Tanner, Yolanda, Tarzan, Jane. Suzie, Happy Mother's Day. Love you lots. Michael and Twink and kids. the Editor Holliday, Mr. it Mrs. Johnny Holliday, Mr. & Mrs. Joel Holliday, Mr. & Mrs. Chico (Magdaleno) Holliday, Freddie Holliday, Maria O. Martinez of Hillsboro, OR, Alonzo I lolliday & Joanna, Lucinda Stwyer & Dominick Holliday, Magdaleno R. Colazo of Madras, OR, Beatrice H. Colazo Lopez of Pasco, Wash. 2 poems 1 wish for you all the sunshine of tomorrow. My life's been full, I savored much. A good son, good friends, g(x)d times, a loved one's touch. A long life, yet all to brief, don't lengthen it now to undue grief. Lift up your hearts and share with me. God wanted me now, he has set me free, love you son, Mom Beatrice I am free Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free. I am following the path God laid for me. I took his hand when I heard him call, I turned my back and left it all. I could not stay another day. I found that peace at the close of day. If my parting has left a void then fill with remembered joy. Be not burdened with time of sorrow. Beatrice Lopez Love you To Olivia Gleason, Why I love you. Sometimes at night when I look to the sky, I start thinking of you and then ask myself why, why do I love you? I think and smile because I know the list could go on for miles. The whisper of your voice, the warmth of your touch, so many little things make me love you so much. The way that you support me, the ways that you care and show such devotion. The way that your kiss fills me with desire and how you hold me with the warmth of fire. The way your eyes shine when you look at me. Lost with you forever is where I want to be. The way that I feel when you're by my side. A sense of completion and over-flowing pride. The dreams that I dream, that all involves you. The possi- Happy Birthday.... Happy birthday to our wittle girl Tonya Wee on May 18,h. Hang in there. We love you. Mom, Dad, brothers and sisters, I would like to wish my sister Lorelei a happy 36,h birthday. I love you very much, and we'll catch up when you're back home with us. From Valerie and all your brothers and sisters. Happy birthday Myron (4 20), Tiana (425), Lorelei (4 30), Valerie (507), Galen (5 15), Aletha (526), Angelina (5 27). God bless love and cares your way. Love Uhna Hui. A very Happy 29,h Birthday to Stu-man Sr. Remember when you called me the "D" word? Love you and miss you on your special day, Gail Lynn. Happy birthday, Selena! From your friends at the Spilyay. Happy 1 1 Birthday Joe Man Sconawah on 060104! You are getting up there son! We all love you so very much from Mom, Jeremiah, Mary Lee, Donte, Matt and Auntie Angie! bilities I see, the things we can do. How you finish the puzzle that lies in my heart. How deep in my soul you are a very im portant part. I could go on for days telling what I feel but all you really must know, Olivia, I love you. Wacey Wallulatum. Apologies To the community of Warm Springs, I'm writing this letter of apology for driving under the influence of intoxicants on the 19lh day of April, 2004. 1 know my actions were wrong and it's never going to happen again. Wallace Scott. To the Confederated Tribes, I, Aaron Arthur, was driving under the influence of alcohol on April 24 at 11:20 p.m. I want to apolo gize to the people of Warm Springs. I ask and hope that you forgive me. Aaron Arthur. I apologize to the arrest ing officer Mike Conner for the day of the 26lh of April. I was highly intoxicated. And I was on a blackout not knowing what I was doing, putting my life and your life in danger and with that, God bless. EXH. To all of the Confeder ated Tribes of Warm Springs, I would like to apologize for my DUII on 3-20-04 at approximately 7 a.m. I could have injured other people, my passengers and myself, if it were not for Warm Springs' finest to ; , pull me over. Thanks a lot . officer for doing your job. I was in the wrong, driving while intoxicated. With that in mind, to all, I am very sorry. James T. Greene Sr. Dear DMJ's and the Warm Springs community, would like to apologize for my carelessness in an inci dent that had taken place at the Texaco Gas Station on March 21, 2004. I had hit and damaged your property, then left without notifying anyone. I would like to apologize for endangering your employees and custom ers, if the tank were to have exploded. Sincerely, Cecilia Brunoe. To the community of Warm Springs, I wish to pub licly apologize for the actions leading to my conviction(s). I sincerely hope my fellow tribal members can accept this apology as compliance to a more lawful livelihood. In closing, I'd like to thank you for your time, and more importantly, your consider ation in this matter. Again, I apologize for my actions on Feb. 1, 2004. Sincerely, FIW. To the Warm Springs community, I am taking this time to apologize for endan gering tribal members and others on the road, for my driving around while under the influence of alcohol. I am glad nobody got hurt. Mark A. Stacona. Tribal members, this is William Culpus again, and I'm so sorry I got caught driving drunk. They : thought I ran off the road but I never did. I was just , looking for roots and some body told the cops I ran off , the road. f