Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, March 04, 2004, Page Page 7, Image 7

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    Spilyqy Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
March 4, 2004
Page 7
Madras boys beat Valley Catholic
By Sid Miller
Publisher Emeritus
Madras finished in second
place in the Tri-Valley League
standings by defeating Valley
Catholic last week. Results from
the March 2 playoff game were
not available at press time.
The White Buffaloes blew
away the Valley Catholic Valiants
76-58, led by Dominique
Ilasterlings 27 points. He
outscored everyone in the game.
A lot of Easterling's points
came from second efforts on
rebounding and going back up
to score. He was very instru
mental getting rebounds on both
sides of the court, offense as
well as defense.
The Buffaloes led at the in-
Sid MillerSpllyay
Kenin Hernandez looks for an opening against the Valians.
termission 35-23 and in the third points and also had a good night
quarter the Buffs poured it on rebounding, he also had two
with a 31-20 scoring run to three-point baskets. Tim Kirsch
open things up. added 10 points, Kenin
Joey McConnell scored 1 8 Hernandez 8, Isaiah Tewee 8.
Rodeo Association elects officers
By Sid Miller
Publisher Emeritus
Warm Springs Rodeo Asso
ciation President Delford
Johnson called the meeting to
order at 5:30 p.m. on Feb. 5.
On the agenda was the elec
tion of new officers for the
coming rodeo season.
The club members unani
mously re-elected Delford
Johnson for another term.
Other officers elected were as
follows: vice-chairman Sid
Miller; Val Squiemphen, trea
surer; secretary Maria Hicks,
Club Advisor J.R. Smith,
Carmella Scott and Ginger
Smith elected to serve as public
relations officers.
There was no old business.
The next item on the agenda was
the coming rodeo season.
The first one for the Warm
Springs Rodeo Association
(WSRA) is the Root Feast Ro
deo, which is coming very soon.
Stock contractors will be con
tacted and scheduled for the
The other rodeo of concern
is the Pi-Ume-Sha Rodeo, which
comes during the Treaty Days
Celebration in June.
The WSRA now belongs to
the "Columbia River Rodeo As
sociation" and not to the West
ern States Rodeo Association of
the past.
The Columbia River Rodeo
Association covers Oregon,
Washington, Northern Idaho.
These are several C.R.A.
Rodeo's already scheduled.
The travel will not be so great
here in the Northwest. A big
concern in any organization is
fundraising events or projects.
The chairman asked for
ideas on how we could have
fundraising events. Suggestions
include a raffle of various
items, a dance at Kah-Nee-Ta.
For the raffle, items will be an
nounced later on. Membership
dues are due, and there was dis
cussion of recruiting new mem
bers. With everyon in agreement
and with no further business, the
meeting was adjourned.
Girls finish strong season
By Sid Miller
Publisher Emeritus
The Madras girls basket
ball team won two of three
games to close out their regu
lar season schedule. They
advanced to league playoff
action at Gladstone last Sat
urday. The White Buffaloes won
an important game over the
Wilsonville Wildcats 61-47
during Tri-Valley action. The
loser was out for the season
and Madras being the winner
advanced to meet Gladstone
on their home court. Madras
lost at Gladstone and was
eliminated from state tourna
ment consideration.
The White Buffaloes
jumped right out to a 15-8
lead in the first quarter
against Wilsonville and
outscored the Wildcats 12-8
in the second quarter to go
into the halftime leading 27
16. In the third quarter the
White Buffs went cold for a
spell as the Wildcats closed the
gap to five points, 34-29 at the
end of the third quarter. In the
final period the Buffs got their
act together once again and with
three quick baskets the breath
ing room was a bit better.
Tara Prow led the way with
. 19 paints, Elise Hawes had 11,
and Susan Ahem 8.
Earlier in the week Prow led
the charge with 25 points to give
Madras a 57-38 win over the
Valiants of Valley Catholic.
At the end of the first quar
ter the Valiants held a one point
lead 11-10. When the halftime
came the White Buffaloes took
command to lead 25-19.
Madras outscored the Val
iants 17-8 in the third quarter
and to top things off they
outscored the Valiants 15-11 in
the final period to give them the
win. the victory tied Madras
with Gladstone at 8-6 in league
standings. Gladstone defeated
Madras two times in league play
so they got home court advan
tage in a Tri-Valley playoff
Ahem scored 14 points in
the victory over Valley Catho
lic. In earlier Tri-Valley action
Sherwood held out to win a
close game over Madras, 45
42. The Buffs were 10 points
down with five minutes in the
game, but they made a run
to cut the lead to three be
fore the final buzzer sounded.
Sherwood made their free
throws when they needed
them to keep just out of
reach of the Buffaloes in the
closing minutes of the game.
Hawes made three three
pointers and outscored every
one during the game, ending
up with a total of 15 points.
Ahem got one three-pointer
and ended the game with 13
points.Madras held a two
point lead at the end of the
first quarter, but Sherwood
took over the lead at halftime,
25-22. Sherwood was ahead
34-27 at the end of three
New regional association formed
By Val Squiemphen
Association secretary
The Columbia River Indian
Rodeo Cowboys Association has
finally received written confir
mation that they are their' own
region. We received the letter in
late January. The Board of Di
rectors had a meeting and made
some decisions that you need to
know about.
The date has been extended
to April 30 for the $65 mem
bership dues. Membership ap
plications have been sent out to
potential members and hope
fully they will take advantage of
the reduced price. On May 1,
the membership dues will be
$75. Because it is our first year,
the membership dues may not
go up to $85. We'll keep you
updated on that.
Also, everyone should con
tact their event directors for any
possible additions, deletions,
modifications, etc., to the
rulebook for their respective
events. We hope to have a final
ized rulebook by April 1, in time
for the first rodeo in May.
We are looking forward to
working with everyone.
If you have any questions,
please contact any one on the
Board of Directors. They are
as follows:
Alfred Smith Jr., president;
Carson Badonie, vice-president;
Val Squiemphen, secretary;
Katie Valdez, treasurer;
Katherine Goodluck, Oregon
rep.; Betty Sampson, Washing
ton rep; Marita Johnson, barrel
racing director; Kimma
Flammond, breakaway director;
Luther Leith, bareback director;
Roy Leith, bull riding director;
Delbert Garcia, saddle bronc
director; Waylon Beyer, team
roping director; Lawrence
The next
deadline to
submit letters,
notices, birthday
wishes, etc., to
the Spilyay
Tymoo is Friday,
March 12.
Crawler, calf roping director;
vacant, steer wrestling director;
Roger Fiander, Century Team
roping director; Louie Gunnier,
wild horse race director.
We have two locals that are
selling raffle tickets for the Co
lumbia River Indian Rodeo
Queen contest. They are Jenna
Johnson and Liana Tom.
See either of these girls for
your chance to win some really
nice raffle items, including a 2
year old Judge Cash filly, cash
prizes and many other items. If
you have any questions regard
ing the Queen contest, please
call Shannon Adams at (509)
The first rodeo of the sea
son is the Tygh Ridge Rodeo on
May 8 and 9. We are awaiting
word on White Swan, Warm
Springs, Grand Ronde and
Nespelem. We have several
people working on those.
We had a slow start on ev
erything because of the delay in
getting the written confirmation
from the INFR Commission,
but now that we have that, ev
eryone is working together to get
everything going. We hope that
Indian market
at Toppenish
The Fortieth Annual Spilyay
Indian Market will be held this
month at Legends Casino,
Toppenish Wash. Dates are Sat
urday, March 13 from 10 a.m.
to 8 p.m., and Sunday, March
14, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Featured events include best
of show beadwork; exhibit only
displays; toddler fashion show;
student art; and fine arts.
There will be a Hand Drum
Contest, limited to first 10 en-
all of the cowboys and cowgirls tries, on Sunday only. For infor
will participate to help make this mation: (509) 877-3505; or 877
region bigger and better. 3565; or 877-6229.
Class teaches mechanics
A mechanical systems class is
being offered through COCC.
This class is designed for
people just entering the field of
automotive or mechanical
The class develops mechani
cal knowledge and skills that can
be used as a building block for
other automotive class.
This is a fundamental class
and beginners are very welcome.
The course will be team taught
by Keith Moody of the Warm
Springs Vehicle Pool and Carl
Cavallo, COCC faculty member.
6 to 9 p.m. on Wednesdays,
March 31 through June 9 at the
Warm Springs Vehicle Pool and
the cost is free.
For more information call
COCC Continuing Education at
on the reservation
Call 553-3274
541-475-6491 541-480-9685 (cell)
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