Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, March 04, 2004, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Spilyay Tymoo, Warm Springs, Oregon
March 4, 2004
DaviS honored at banquet Miller preparing for medical school
By Selena Boise
Spilyny Tymoo
A tough decision for Kah-Nee-Ta
I ligh Desert Resort and
Casino became an honor for Ed
Davis of the Maintenance De
partment. I Ic became the los
pitality Ambassador of the Year.
This year the selection was
tough as they were all exceptional
candidates, according to the se
lection committee.
The selection process was
year-long, as one Hospitality
Ambassador of the Month, or
1 1AM, was chosen each month.
Once becoming a 1 1 AM the
employees are placed upon the
list of possible Hospitality
Ambassador's of the Year.
Selected for the year 2003
1 1AM were: Candace J. Watson
from reservations; Ronaldo
Greystar, front desk; Annie Fox
of Spa Wanapine; Jesus
Medrano, lodge housekeeping;
Jenni Rathburn, banquets; Ed
Davis, maintenance; Travis
Andy, casino cage; Ines Rcynoso,
laundry; Chris Crane, security;
Susan Jcnson, Chinook Room;
William "Bill" Ward, custodial;
and Rosannc McKinley, security.
"It is all our employees who
y ...I.H.i. II.I..M H I I I , , " " "'
Selena BoweSpilyay
Rosanne McKinley receives her embroidered jacket as part of
the evenings festivities.
brought us where we are today,"
said Margie Tuckta, resort di
rector of human resources.
She continued to encourage
all employees to continue their
efforts to work together, and
then gave the invocation.
1 lospitality ambassadors were
decorated with kind words that
described their most outstand
ing traits. These words included,
initiative, key player, encourag
ing, enthusiasm, dependable,
jokester, team player, never
complains, an asset, strong, calm,
friendly, courteous, motivated,
proud, and natural with custom
ers. Many are said to be real
team players and are a joy to
work with, outgoing and warm.
The selection committee was
tough and they were all real close
to receiving this honor.
Each 1 1AM received a jacket
with their names embroidered
for recognition of their honor,
just before Ed Davis was named
I lospitality Ambassador of the
Upon receiving this esteemed
award Davis stated, "all eleven
of them deserve this as much
as I do," I le received an award
and S 1,000.
By Dave McMechun
Spilyuy Tymoo
Candice Miller this week is
joining the pre-medical school
honor society Alpha Epsilon
Delta. Miller is in her sopho
more year at the University
of Washington. She is prepar
ing for medical school.
Candice first decided to
become a doctor during her
sophomore year at Madras
I ligh School. So already she's
been pursuing her goal for
quite some time.
A humble person, Candice
does not take credit for her
many scholastic accomplish
ments. "I give credit to God.
It's not because of me or my
abilities," she says. "I le's given
me the opportunity to do this."
Candice is the daughter of
Vesta Johnson of Warm Springs
and Whitney Miller of
Pendleton. She graduated from
Madras I ligh School in 2002,
and attended Concordia College
in Portland during her freshman
year of college.
She then transferred to the
University of Washington.
"School is more challenging this
year, because last year I was at
a smaller college," she says.
I ler classes this semester in
clude organic chemistry, calcu
lus, Spanish, and a one-credit
course called "comparative
health practices of Canada and
the U.S." Miller lives in an apart
ment in Seattle, quite a change
from living in the small com
munity of Warm Springs. She
encourages anyone thinking
of going to college to make
the effort to do so. "It gives
you a larger perspective on
the world," she says.
She said that students who
are seniors in high school
should especially consider col
lege as an option. There seems
to be a stronger motivation
among high school seniors to
attend college, she said. Some
of that motivation can go
away after you graduate,
When you grow up in a small
community like Warm
Springs, she said, the experi
ence of going to college can
be especially rewarding.
Students doing well at Anadarko
Students from Warm Springs
in attendance at Riverside In
dian School in Anadarko, Okla
homa have completed their first
Newsletters were sent out to
parents of these students and
the names of honor rolls stu
dents were listed.
Students have performed well
in their academics, and also have
participated in sports and other
From the eighth grade classes
there were two students from
Warm Springs who received all
A's and B's. They were Star
Simtustus and Clarissa Wolfe.
Star Simtustus was also se
lected for the Gifted and Tal
ented Student list for her aca
demics, talent, and leadership.
From the ninth grade Alyssia
Meanus made the honor roll
having all A's and B's. From the
, tenth grade were Loricn Stacona
and Jenny VanPelt.
Stacona has completed the
volleyball season during fall
sports and is now preparing to
attend The Close Up activity in
Washington, DC. this spring.
Look for updated informa
tion from their next semester in
the future.
Museum to honor Sen. Inouye
! The guest of honor at the
Museum At Warm Springs '
2004 Honor Dinner will be U.S.
Sen. Daniel Inouye, of Hawaii.
The dinner will be on April 9
in Portland.
Sen. Inouye is a long-time
and true friend of all Native
Americans. He has been hon
ored with a Congressional Medal
of Honor.
As a senator and member of
the select committee for Indian
affairs since 1977, he has
worked tirelessly for Indian
people, and holds a special place
in the hearts of Native Ameri
cans. The honor dinner will cel
ebrate Sen. Inouye's years of
service and dedication to the
American people.
Each year the museum rec
ognizes an individual whose ef
forts on behalf of Native
Americans can serve as an ex
ample for all Americans.
The first honoree was the
honorable former governor Vic
tor Atiyeh, who will be the mas
ter of ceremonies at this year's I
More than ten years ago, Sen.
Inouye took time to come to
Oregon to help launch the capi
tal campaign to help build the
Museum At Warm Springs. The
museum is a non-profit 501 (c)3
educational institute which has
won national and regional
awards for its exhibits and ar
chitecture. For more informa
tion on the upcoming honor din
ner call the museum at (541)
'fas, ILoveseatts
And any upholstery Jij
chairs -VX"
ottomans V: 4
Ololpfis Swtnitmz
525 S.L 5th Sheet,
Modncu, C3t 97741
Intern needed to catalog drawings
Intensive two-month intern
ships devoted to research and
recataloging of plains ledger
drawings in the collection of the
anthropological archives of the
Smithsonian Institution
Internships will consist of
intensive hands-on work to re
view and enhance the catalog
information associated with
19th century plains drawings
and to organize information for
improved electronic access.
Internships require full-time
residence in the Washington,
DC. area and include a stipend
to help with living expenses.
This is a remarkable oppor
tunity to work closely with the
world's largest and finest collec
tion of ledger art and to make
it more useful for the wider re
search community.
Applications and specific in
quiries should be directed to
Candace Greene. The e-mail
address is the following:
To apply, please submit the
following via e-mail, preferably
as attachments by March 10:
A resume fully detailing train
ing and research experience.
A statement of interest de
scribing your current field of
study and how the internship will
contribute to your wider profes
sional goals
Names and contact informa
tion for two or three references
familiar with your research skills.
The stipend is $2,500.
"You Trash-em, We Smash-em"
Now buying salvage cars and taking in old junkers.
Rates, prices negotiable, hauling available.
Simnasho powwow 2004 video
The 2004 Simnasho pow- Hamilton or James Greeley,
wow Video features the adult Phone 553-0309. E-mail is
and boys roundbustle, men redrelationsyahoo.com.
and women's finals, and spe- Mailing address is P.O. Box
rials. 222, Warm Springs, OR
Videos are $10. Contact 97761.
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