Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, January 09, 2003, Page Page 7, Image 6

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    January 9, 2003
Page 7
Spilyqy Tyrooo, Wjrm Springs, Oregon
There will be no "Learner's Corner" article this issue. Take this opportunity to review and practice from older inserts. Artices will resume in upcoming issues.
four-legged animals, since you are only
a flower. Yet the knowledge of all
creatures is yours because I give you
the gift of wisdom."
Soo tsoapu yise puno'o yatoo'a, e
hamma'a u tubetse unu tusoohanedu,
umu hee numedu no'yoosoo pesakoo u
keakwe, yow
dyise kamukwi
nobekana, pesow
u nakeakwe.
The Butterfly
spoke next, she
said, "Sister, you
believe you are very important,
because the creatures have given their
gift to you, yet here on this hill you will
always be at home because I give you
the gift of humility."
0 dyise nu muna'we tomoka, mu
kwena'a no, pabakootsoo no, wuda'a no
tsoapu no. Mu hootseba'a dyotsuna
ponena, nu ka komeba no powmaduno
dyadoana, nana'atasoo tatabuana
tokwunudu kwane
petsa'ase tatabuadu.
Petsa'a e tabuana
pesa mu
manumakute." J n u
We are sharing a legend one of our elders,
Naiyashash, shared with our Culture and Heritage
Department and Language Program. You will hear
the legend in the Sahaptin and English language.
a i
I Awacna ayayat
f J palyawat. Patefiwixana
v taaminwa ku Nusuxyaiin
pa isnnxana Asmyaina.
Stickgame was a
beautiful game. They
played this game all the
time and Salmon always
beat Eel.
Auna laxsimq'a au Jq'wita chiq'ash auwa
laxsimk'a pipsh pipsh ashau chauwiyat
Eel said,"Let's play one more time, I
just have one more little bone left, I am
Ipalyawaxana qw'ai auku pipsh pnmiin
itamapnixana chimash au ishshaiksh
chikuuk ku tfaaxw nash ti'i ishtuxta
pipsh Asmyai inawa, Nusuxyaina 'nxa.
Eel would bet his bones in the stick
game, so he was to his last bone and
he said," I am betting my bones! and I
will win back all my bones this time.
Chi auku anch'a pafq'iwiya, au patq'iwi
kwanq'a ku chanq'a chi auku Nusuxyaiin
pa'ishn tt'aaxw pipsh.
They played again, the game went this
way and that way, but salmon won all
his bones.
Auku ilaxwaixsha auku Asmyai autiyash
auku anch'axi Jq'iwitat'ashaiksh. Asmyai
auku inawa tt'itiyamash auku ishta
Eels always would be hot to play, he
would want to play some more and he
would say, "I am going to beat you this
So i have lived for
many seasons, among
the eagle, the buffalo,
the bear, and the butterfly, watching
the birds go by, speaking to the rain
and sky. My colors have been the
colors of the rainbow. My beauty has
given joy to all who see me.
Ki tu pow'ma hee pooena'a, pesa mu
kwena'a tusoomatsoo'e.
To bloom even when there is
no rain, requires the
courage of the eagle.
Pabakootsoo ka nubabe too mesoo mo
Kumish auku anch'axi pafq'iwisha auku
anch'axi pa'ishsha Nusuxyaiin, 'shnuwai
au pa'ishsha Asmyaina.
Salmon would say, "Ok", they would play
again and he would beat eel, poor thing
he would beat him again.
Asmyai axwaitiya auku inawa
autiyamash auku ishat'asha
chikuukmash au ishta.
Eel wouldn't give up, he would say,"l
want to beat you, I will beat you this
Kwnkiin iwa chikuuk asm chau tun awa
pipsh aukwiau awa shiyatsim. . ..u
Thats why Eel has no bones today, he
just has that shoe string like down his
back we call shiyat.
To last through the heavy
snows of winter requires
V the endurance of the
Ka wuda'akwa'ne tomokwitoo
pesa tusoohanena.
To understand the importance
of all seasons, requires the
wisdom of the bear.
Pesa nesookwamana ka tsoapu
But to rejoice when my blossoms die
requires only the butterly's humility.
Taken from fort bidwell newsletter-2000.
Auku Nusuxyaiin pa'nsha chaunamun
pa'ishta autiq'anamai nawa chunam mun
pa'ishta skaunashwa. Chauu
inch'axishaiwa skau. Papatanawiixsha.
They would argue back and forth.
Salmon would say,wYou will never beat
me I am very skilled in this game", and
eel would say,"l am skilled too.
li au auna anch'a palyawasha, autiya
auku anch'a pa'ishna Nusuxyaiin
Ok let's play again, they played again
but salmon beat him again.
Language Classes:
Wasco: Mondays from 3:30 to 5 PM
in Language Trailer.
Paiute: Wednesdays from 3:30 to 5
PM in the Language Trailer.
Sahaptin: Tuesdays and Thursdays
from 3:30 to 5 PM in the Language
Home Base Classes:
Sahaptin: Thursdays from 5 to 8 PM.
Held in the Simnasho Area.
(For info, call Suzie Slockish at