January 9, 2003 THE CONFEDERATED TRIBES LANGUAGE LESSON Legends isk'ulya Wacaqwsba. Spilyay Tymoo, Wsrm SpHngs, Oregon Coyote and Rabbit English version by Alice Florendo Wasco version translated by Gladys Thompson and Madeline Mclnturff, corrections by Margaret Boise lyachumax Isk'ulya iyakshen flalik gashduteit Wfmatba. lyachumax Isk'ulya gachiulxam iyakshen, "K'aya amuya yaxi Swachi Hchqwaba, shimani k'aya imixichemlit Irhivxan Inn' V V-?Y 3. -1 iwi iiajui n IX ' I f acnmuxa. vr n j ft $1 Grandfather Coyote and his grandson Rabbit lived along the Columbia River. Grandfather told his grandson, "Don't go too far, don't go near the water. If you don't obey, the water-monster will swallow you." flalik galikta gachdumitshki Hshukshmax. Kwapt gayuya qwatxala" yaxi. Ichixyan luq' gachiux. One day, grandson Rabbit went looking for arrowheads. He went too far;,, he went near the-;,,-water. The water- monster swallowed him. lyachumax isk'ulya gachiunaxtam iyakshen flalik. Luxwan qadamt iyuya. K'aya gachigelkel qaxba. Kwapt galikfm, "Ichkshen iyuya yaxi, sqw'ap itchqwaba. Dala'x Ichixyan luq' ichiux." Grandfather Coyote went looking for grandson Rabbit, he did not know where he went. He did not see him anyplace. Grandfather went to the river and said, "My grandson went too far, near the water. The water monster must have swallowed him." Gachtux itkamanaqbama awatut kwadau Kshukshmax. Kwapt gayuya Wfmatyamt. Kwapt galikfm, "Ichixyan, Ichixyan." He took firewood and an arrowhead, then he went to the river. Grandfather called out, "Monster! Monster!" Kwapt galixguitk Ichixyan, galitpa" iyapS'atyamt. Kwapt gachinxdnawenxt wimat, kwapt gfgwaladamt gasixlutk. Kwapt gasixlutk fnadix, gachigelkel Monster woke up and came out of his cave. The monster looked upriver and he looked downriver. Then he looked across the river and saw Grandfather Coyote at Wacaqws. Kwapt isk'ulya galikta" sqw'ap Ichfxyanba. Kwapt Ichixyan luq' gachiux. Grandfather went near the water monster, he let the monster swallow him. Tai dagepgep iyawanba. Kwapt Ichfxyanba iyawn lyachumax gachux awatut. Tai dawx galaxux. Kwapt gachigelkel iyakshen kwadSu idelxam. It was very dark in the monster's stomach. In the monster's stomach, Grandfather made a fire. It became bright. He could now see his grandson and the other people. Iyachumx gachiulxam iyakshen, "Aga tq'up anyuxa Ichixyan iyagwamnit. Kwapt Ichixyan alma ayumqta kwapt saqw ayaJutk. Tt'ak achiuxa iyakweshxcit, kwapt saqw amshxwaxida ti'axen . Shaidalalamd auidiiAwaua: Grandfather told his grandson, "I will cut the monster's heart. The monster will die and breathe his last breath. When he opens his mouth to breath, you all hurry out. You must run out!" Lq'up gachiux Ichixyan iyagwamnit. Coyote cut the monster's heart. Kwapt saqw ayatutk Ichixyan tt'ak gachiux iyakweshxSt. Isk'ulya iyakshen flalik kwadciu idelxam gatxwaba. Taking his last breath, the monster opened his mouth. Coyote, grandson Rabbit, and the other people ran out. Kwapt gup gachiux iyakwshxcit Ichixyan, kwaba flalik gachaixuksh aygich. Qidau engi llalfk Jf N icack'ecx aySich. Tonebewitoo Natugooyoonana The Store of a Flower Nu ya pudu tomokwi ka no'oko hemma pooeka'yoo, mu peha kammadu, pa'a kamukoobakwi, nu yow tonega tonebe ya'a mu, sumu koobakwi nu na'a, ka mu kwena'a, pabakootsoo, sona'a, tsoapa, umu e poone, ka awamoasoo pesa e tabuapunne. In the season of wild strawberries I came from the Earth as a flower high on a hill above my village, with only the eagle. The Buffalo, The Bear, and The Butterfly to watch the petals of my spirit unfold. Masoo kwena'a mooe yadoa'oo, e pune'e u ki nukwa'nekoo kasakagakwe, ka u noseekwikoosu'mu, yise u ka koomebanaga yotsenumekwe, otea nu pesow tusoohanekunne u keakwe. ft ( '""V , -J The Eagle spoke first, he said "Sister, you will never have wings like me, except in the pathways of your dreams. Yet you will fly to the top of the sky because I give you the gift of courage." Soo pabakootsoo yadoa'oo, e pune'e u ki nukwa'ne muna'we nuwenuwekwe, pesa tusoomayuna, u dyise ka tomomupa mease u oo mabetukukwe, yoonekoo nu e keakwe. Water-monster bit off the tip of grandson Rabbit's tail just as he closed his mouth. That is why rabbits have short tails. The Buffalo spoke next, he said: "Sister, you will never survive a long time like me, except on the trail of your memories, yet you will see a thousand winters go by because I give you the gift of endurance." Mu pedoo yise yatoo'a, meoo uni; "e pune'e, u ki mu watse soopedakwatoo mu watsuoo kakakowpaka'yoo hee numedu, ote'a u ka tonebenena. Nu unu tusoohanena e keakwe. The Bear spoke next, he said: "Sister, you will never know the secrets of the