Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, November 01, 2001, Page Page 5, Image 5

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Spiiyjy Tytnoo, Wqi-ro Springs, Oregon November 1, 2001
Rez Car Parade makes 2nd Anneal ran
Event could be heard
from clear across town
;,, The cars in the parade paraJe happened Saturday,
were missing their windows oct 20.
and doors. The front grills liiving lhc paradc on ,
were gone. Hngincs were weekend was good because
misfiring and breaking down. yimnf, pCope u.crc bc to
Many of the vehicles were BttcnJ( j lcrkshan said,
lacking the proper registra- Probably 50 people were
tion, license plates, etc. prcMnt for ,his ycar-, para(c
" In short, this was the most wiich traveled through town
beat-up looking, engine- anj cnjt.j at ,1C park.
backfiring parade you could
ever wish to sec or hear. And
ft was a great success. Iivery
bne had a fun time, and
enjoyed lunch together at
I'lmcr Quinn Park. Some
people even won prizes.
Besides those in atten
dance, many people through
out Warm Springs were aware
of the parade, because for
miles around you could hear
the honking of horns and
loud engines in need of
, The Rez Car Parade began repair,
last year, as a response by Thc prizcs for the parade
entries included items such as
motor oil, tools, a beaded
key-chain, and of course duct
project. The paradc last year tapc, Thc pri2CS wcrc in
locaL residents to the Colum
bus Day holiday. Charlotte
I lcrkshan coordinated thc
was on a Monday, Columbus
This year the event was
delayed for a few days, but
the spirit of the parade -humor,
and independence
from the government - was
very much intact. Thc
Second Annual Rez Car
various categories, including
the Most Resilient Vevchicle
Award, which went to
Helena Spunky Arthur..
Thc Grand Champion
First-Place award went to
Wendall Greene; Second
Place to Jose Calica; and
Third Place to Nonie Garrison.
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Above, Charlotte Herkshan announces the first-place award-winner, Wendall Greene; and below right, Clint Bruised Head
shows the key-chain for the Govenor's Award.
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patriotic parade entry, which won the Queen's Award; and below, Herkshan presents the White
Horse Award, as Les White looks on.
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Photos and text by Dare McMecban
Jose Calica shows his unusual parade entry, which won second place.