Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, April 05, 2001, Page Page 12, Image 12

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    Spilysy Tymoo
Tribal Council Election Statements
Page 12
Brenda Scott (pictured)
Candidate did not submit a statement for publica
tion. Joe Moses
Candidate did not file photo or statement for pub
lication. Victor Moses
My name is Victor Moses; I've accepted the nomina
tion for the Tribal Council from the Seekseequa Dis
trict. I think people know where I stand on the situa
tion that this Reservation is in, from my letters.
I've served three years in the Marine Corps, I've
worked on Commercial and residential construction off
the Reservation, on the Warm Springs Police Depart
ment, WSFPI, Warm Springs Housing Department,
Kahneeta and at Indian Head Gaming surveillance, cur
rently with the LH ACommission.
Like I've told people, "I've been around, seen the
deterioration of The Council, our court system, and
every thing about where we all grew up. By a few so
called individuals who think they are 'all powerful',
whose first priority is themselves and their white broth
ers and sisters.
I'm not a politician, without a conscience, so I can't
make any promises. All I'd be able to do is give it the
best shot I can.
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Martha (Henry) Winishut
Hello, my name is Martha (Henry) Winishut. I've
been nominated to run for Seekseequa District Coun
cil. First, I thank God above for this honor. I also thank Myra JohnSOIl
both Alexandria Henry and Vivian Wewa for this nomi
I believe it is time for a change. It is time for unity.
We are three confederated tribes living together on one
reservation. We need to look to God for our direction.
It is up to us to show our children we can and do get
along. It is up to us to stop the violence, the disrespect
our children have for each other, their parents, and el
ders. Our children, our future depends on us to educate
them. They need to know about their heritage. Our
reservation is a beautiful place. The resources here on
our reservation belong to them and their children. We
need to show them how to protect it. We have come a
long way, and we still have a long way to go.
We are a sovereign nation. Many of our children don't
know what that means. It is up to us to educate our
children. Many of our children grow up and want to
leave because they don't think they have anything here
or anybody here who cares.
We need to stop all the fighting! We as one have a
responsibility to our children to show them this. All
the "gang" activity, where do they see it? Where does it
come from? They are watching us, they are listening to
what we say. I have seen and heard many different things.
Our children know this.
I, Myra S. Johnson, have declared myself as a write
in candidate from the Seekscekqua District. It is through
the encouragement of district people and of elders that
I am compelled to take this action. I am honored that
I have had support and encouragement from these
people, who feel that I am able and ready to do the job,
of holding this esteemed position. I am a 44 enrolled
member of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs,
with my mother being from the North end and my
father being from the South end of the reservation. The
Johnson family historically has been a part of the Tribal
Council beginning with the first Tribal Council.
I am fully aware of all the concerns and issues at
hand with our tribes. I would do my best to remain
aware of these concerns and take into serious consider
ation, what the people are saying about their issues and
concerns. We, as a confederation of three tribes, need
and must provide a legacy for our generations to come.
And this would be possible through the Tribal Council's
ability to work together and resolve issues cooperatively
and effectively. Sovereignty belongs to all of us and not
just a select few. How we recognize and uphold this
issue belongs to each of us as Indigenous people of this
land, and we are at liberty to practice this in ways that
we feel appropriate.
My words of encouragement to the people: Please
take a stand and speak up! There is this thing called
"silent approval" that has become a quiet enemy to you
and the community. Leaders and planners assume that
if no one objects, that you approve of what is being
suggested or planned for. I do understand that there
are many who feel that speaking up has not worked.
However, in your heart you have done what you feel
has been your part in speaking out, and maybe some of
the words will be carried in another person that could
make a difference.
I encourage all eligible voters to come out and vote,
and for the Seekseekqua District, write in Myra S.
Johnson as your selection for the 22nd Tribal Council.
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Carolyn E. Wewa
Tribal Members:
I am encouraging all tribal members to cast your
voting ballot on April 9, 2001, the day elected for Tribal
Council elections. I am a Write-In Candidate for the
Seekseequa District. I would like to thank all the people
in Warm Springs who have found the time to share with
me your concerns and words of support. Whether or
not I am elected, your words have truly touched me
and have given me strength to continue on, regardless
of the election outcome. It is good to hear that many of
you share the same high level of concerns, direction,
conduct and expectations of our leadership and the fu
ture of our Tribes'.
As usual, many things occur during this time of
waiting between nominations and Election Day
which require prayer and forgiveness every day. Nega
tive remarks and attitudes seem to wind its spirits around
people, during times of important decision-making. I
am thankful for my church family, friends, spiritual
brothers and sisters, and fellow candidates, who keep
their hearts focused on the best interests of all people." I
am thankful to the Creator for blessing me with good,
positive support, and for carrying me through this time
of shifting leadership.
I am not a seasoned Council person. I have not sat as
a Tribal Council member before, so cannot make prom
ises that I may not be able to keep. What I can say is
that working for the WS Confederated Tribes for about
25 years has taught me a lot. I would bring my experi
ence and familiarity with the tribal organization to the
table. These teachings have come from many good
people, many elders who have shared their stories about
past leadership, and many young people who share their
hopes for the future of our Tribes'.
I know that overall qualities I have would be a con
tribution to our leadership. I can talk about economic
development, budgets, revenues, utilities, health, police,
education, the court system, etc., but feel it would be
done out of turn. These issues will be placed on the
table for the new Council to prioritize, and hopefully,
get direction you, the People, as should happen.
The next term of the new Council will be a difficult
time - hard decision-making will be required. As we
continue into this era of change, the people you choose
to set direction and carry your words to the Council
table will be of utmost importance. One person cannot
change everything, but I believe I can contribute to a
team effort in a positive manner, if elected.
As I bring my words to a close with you, I only ask
that each voter truly seek out in your hearts the candi
date of choice, who will contribute in a good way, the
strengthening of our total Confederation. The people
of Warm Springs have a right to expect a high level of
representation at all times. Regardless of whom you cast
your vote for, please go and Vote - your involvement
does count. Good luck to everyone!