Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, March 22, 2001, Page Page 10, Image 10

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Spilyqy Jyrnoo, Wqrrn SpHngs, Oregon AVcb 22, 2001
Employment opportunities
Warm Springs Personnel (ilfuc is
has these jobs advertised. To apply
for a job contact Amelia Tcwce at
Personnel, 553 3262. To ask about
job details, call the contact person
listed with the job.
Fairly Childhood l .ducatjon, Sub
stitute Teacher Aide, Sue Matters
Victims of Crimes Services, In
dian Womens' InvestigatorDetec
tive l ull Time, Marie A.Calica 553
2293 l ire Mgmt, I ire Management
Officer full time, J. Mark Jackson
Fire Management, ClerkTypist
Tcmp.Scasonal. Theresa Morris 553
1146 Kuh-Nce-Ta Resort and Indian
Kahneeta and Indian Head Ca
sino offers these jobs: Painter, Bar
tender, llosiperson, Banquet Man
ager, Certified Fxecutive Chef, Cash
ier, ScrvcrsBuspcrsons Attendants,
Lifeguards Pool Attendants,
Groundspcrsons, Janitors, Shuttle
Bus drivcrBellpcrsons, Guest Ser
vices Representatives, and Room
Attendants, Casino housekeeper.
Most of these positions require
Eric Craig
Shcrri Hankell
Summon! For Publication
Ca.e No. DO33-01
To Eric CraigSherri Haskell;
You arc hereby notified that a Petition
for Diiolution of Marriage haa been filed
with the Warm Springs t ribal Court.
Happy 18,h Birthday to Ce Ce
Robinson Polk 45.
Hope you have a nice and happy
birthday and congratulations on
your basketball achievements!
Love you ,
Uncle Alex and Auntie Phyllis
Happy 18,h Birthday to Ce Ce Polk,
Hope you have a nice birthday and
a very happy one. Best of luck on
your future!
Ya ya DBL and Anut
Happy 5th Birthday to Keyshawn
Robert Speakthunder, on March
27, 2001. 1 hope you have the best
birthday ever. I love you with all my
Love always, Mom
Happy 5lh Birthday Keyshawn
From Uncle Mike and cousins Tyus
Happy 2nd Birthday to my other
sonny boy, Tyus Speakthunder, on
March 22, 2001 . I'm glad we spent
time with each other. I enjoy your
company very much and wish that I
could spend more time with you.
Love always, Auntie Romelle
Happy 2nd Birthday to Tyus
Speakthunder, I'm glad we can
celebrate our birthdays together.
You should come and play with me
more often.
Love, your cousin Keyshawn
Happy Birthday to our two sonny
boys, Keyshawn and Tyus
Speakthunder. We love both of you
with all of our hearts. What would
the house be like without you two?
Quiet and boring, that what!
Anyways, Happy Birthday Boys.
Love always, Grandma Pat and
Grandpa Bob
Happy Birthday Tyus
Speakthunder, I hope you enjoy
your 2r Birthday with our family. I
love you with all my heart.
Love, Mom and Dad
( )
I ire Management, Assistant Dis
patcher l ull Time, Kenneth l.ydy
553 1 146
I ire Management, I ire l ighters
Full Time (5 positions), Jabbar
Davis 553 1146
l ire Management, Fire l ighters
Seasonal ( 9 positions), Jabbar Davis
I'olice Administration, General
Manager Justice Services full time,
Charles Jody Calica 553-3228
Police, 2 Correction Officers On
call Temp., l.t. Mike Swick 553
3272 The Museum at Warm Springs,
Secretary Perm, l ull Time, Fid
Manion 553-3331
Head Casino advertising Jobs
working varying shifts and include
weekends and holidays.
Applications can be obtained
from the KNT Resort Personnel
Office, the 1-odge Front Desk, or the
Tribal Personnel Office. Applica
tions may be returned to the same
offices, or mailed to KNT, PO Box
K, Warm Springs, OR 97761; faxed
to (541) 553-1012 or e-mailed to
mssmiller(i' hotmail.com.
By tins notice you are numnioned to ap
pear in tins matter at a hearing schedule for
9:00 a.m., on the 6th day of April 2001, at
the Warm Springs Tribal Court. All of the
facts of the case will be heard at this hearing,
including evidence you wish to present.
You must appear to present you argument
or the other side will automatically win. The
Petitioner, Kric Craig, may then be given all
that is asked for in the Petition for Dissolu
tion of Marriage.
Birthday, Anniversary Greetings
Happy 18,h Birthday to Ce Ce Polk
We all love you. Hope you have a
nice one and be happy with your
future whatever it may be.
Johnnie Le Claire, Liza Le Claire,
DBL Jr. Le Claire, Ellery Le Claire,
Eric Le Claire
Happy 9 Birthday
William Jim
To my Wonderful Lil Boy
Love you always,
Mom & Greg
Happy Birthday to our Brother
William Jim
Love Always your sisters,
Nathena Jim & Mary K.
Happy Birthday to my Little Bro.
William Jim
in Warm Springs, OR
From your big Sister Pearl Jack
All the way from Riverside, CA
Miss you Much!
To Our Daughter Lilajane Kebort
Wishing you the Very Best on your
First Birthday (March 12, 2001).
You've been a Blessing to our
Family and We look forward to
many more years of Happiness
with you. You're our perfect little
Love Your Mom and Dad, Lisa and
Jarrod Sampson
( .
I J;
Oregon Employment Division
Oregon Fmployment Division
offers these positions in Warm
Springs: Fish and Wildlife Techni
cian I, Substitute Teacher Aide, De
velopment Officer, Manager Justice
Services Department, Dispatch As
sistant, (IPS Case Specialist, Indian
Women's Prosecutor, (Jerk Typist,
Fast Food (look, WaiterWaitress,
Restaurant Cook, Surveillance Ob
server, Assistant Fngine Director,
Fire Management Officer, Mainte
nance Klectrician, lUjuipment Op
eratorTruck Driver.
Jefferson County 509-J School
District offers employment
Jefferson County School District
509-J School District offers these
jobs: High School Principal, Science
Math Teacher, Language ArtsSocial
Studies Teacher, FBI, A Advisor,
Title IX F.ducational Assistant (six
hours a day).'
Applications may be obtained at
the Jefferson County School District
509 J office, 445 SF. Buff Street, Ma
dras, OR 97741; (541) 475 6192; e
mailethorpe509j.net; FAX 475
6856. The Petitioner will be present at the hear
ing. If you desire to personally argue your
side of the case, you may have a legal aide,
spokesperson or attorney appear on your
behalf at your expense.
If you have questions, you should seek
legal advice immediately.
Dated at Warm Springs, Oregon, this 8
day of March, 2001.
Lola Sohappy
Chief Judge, Warm Springs Tribal
Happy 18,h Birthday Ce Ce Polk,
Have a good one and enjoy life
while you can.
Harvianne Tohet and Lupita
Happy Birthday
Lori Ann 323
Francis Atlas, III 324
Mary Frances 327
Birthdays are special days to
remember and I wish you three
special one's with a lot of hugs and
wishes. f
Dad, Franny I
"Park and Bridge People"
Work hard and get more than a
paycheck and a pat on the back.
Pick up cans! It will change your life
for good.
Bro, Franny
LuLu Coooosh
Whuzzzz up "21"?
Here's wishing you a Happy
By Luanda Sttiyer
I was three-years-old when I re
ceived my Indian name. My great
grandfather chose me to be honored
with my grandmother's Indian
name. According to him I deserved
the honoree big dinner that was put
on with all my relatives invited.
I stood in a huge longhouse and I
was dressed in full Indian regalia for
the occasion. Shawls and blankets,
beaded bags would be given to my
relatives as they repeated my name,
Shtika. Many dishes, pots and pans
canned huckleberries and roots
would be given to old people.
Shtika was a great cook and food
gatherer for the traditional feasts.
My grandfather blessed me on this
day and told me I was to carry this
name for the rest of my life with
pride and do nothing to dishonor
my grandmother's name, Shtika.
Shtika was also I.ucinda Stiver.
All Warriors Memorial
The Veterans Corner
Federal Pension Refund Dead
line Approaching
F.ligible federal retirees, surviving
spouses and their beneficiaries have
until April 16, 2001 to request a re
fund on Oregon stale income taxes
paid from 1991 to 1997 on federal
pension benefits. The refunds arc
distributed by the Oregon Depart
ment of Revenue.
According to the court-approved
settlement reached in February 1999
between the state of Oregon and the
federal retirees, failure to file a coin-
pleted verification form with the
department iy me ;pru io cieauiine
will result in denial of refunds.
To be eligible for a refund, you
must meet these requirements: part
or all of the federal pension benefits
were earned prior to October 1, 1991
and, the pension benefits were in
cluded in Oregon taxable income.
Those who believe they may be
I .1.1 A . 'I I II-
eligible and have not submitted a
frm, may obtain the form (40-F)
from the department's Web site at:
www.dor.st ate. or.usNcwsR
Forms also are available by call
ing the department toll-free number
(only in Oregon) at 800-356-4222.
Outside Oregon the number is 503-378-4988.
For TTY (hearing or
speech impaired only), the year
round toll-free number within Or
egon is 1-800-886-7204. Outside
Oregon the number is 503-945-8617.
These numbers are answered by
machine only and arc not for voice
If you already filed a verification
To my beloved Marvena,
I prayed for someone like you,
and you, in turn prayed for me. For
a helper and friend with whom to
share eternity. And God in his grace,
agreed that we should not be alone.
For happy marriages, and families
did not his death make atone?
Our love for each other, began
way back when we were just in our
teens, but I belonged to another, and
we bowed out, to not make a scene.
Your first child to be, we conceived
out of a very true love. But the Lord
took that child early, and he is
blessed in heaven above.
God does things in his own time,
and we are to wait on the Lord. And
in due time, His blessings aren't just
given, they are poured. We both
needed to be saved, before he would
make our spirits unite. To avoid un
believers, for darkness has nothing
to do with God's light.
I praise God's compassion and
grace for bringing you into my life.
God knew from my past, I needed a
Proverbs 31-kind-of-a-wife. Since be
unequally yoked with an unbeliever,
is just asking for strife. For discour
aging words exchanged. . . .don't
edify, just cut like a knife.
Times of trials and tribulations,
I always needed a person that would
care. And many a time, I'd ask God
to send someone to share my despair.
And to anyone who's hit rock bot
tom, thinking prayer is blowing hot
air. My wife is a promise, an answer,
a testimony to the power of prayer.
Flappy First Anniversary
March 26'h was our beginning
Love you, "R.T."
Happy Anniversary
To the love of my life, R.T., you
have brought so much joy and hap
piness into my life! Job and you have
made my life complete and through
our trials and tribulations, that
makes our love to grow stronger. So
glad we are one. My love for you
continues to grow each day that goes
by. Thank you honey for being there
for me and with me!
Happy Anniversary Honey
I love you always, Marvena Thompson
form, you don't need to do anything
more. If you arc expecting a refund
check or checks for tax years 1991
through 1994, those checks will be
distributed after July I, 2001.
Loan Program Planning Under
way for Newly Eligible Veteran
On November 7'1', the voters of
Oregon showed their support for
those who have served their conn-
try by voting for Ballot Measure 83
in overwhelming numbers. The
Oregon Department of Veterans'
Affairs is now making the necessary
program changes to accommodate
those newly eligible veterans who
may wish to utilize the
Department's Veterans' I lome Ixan
The recently passed ballot mea
sure removed the requirement that
in order to be eligible, a veteran must
have entered active duty prior to more than fifty years. Of course, all
December 31, 1976. A veteran must loans will continue to be serviced by
still have the required minimum of our own experienced staff, here, in
210 days of active duty (unless re- Oregon,
leased earlier because of a service- Veterans who believe they arc
connected injury or illness), have newly eligible and who wish to re
served honorably, and be a resident ceive further information as the pro
of Oregon at the time of application gram is developed should contact the
for a home loan. Department at 1-888-673-8387 (Or
Ballot Measure 83 also created an egon only) or at (503) 373-2070. If
alternative method of gaining eligi- contacting us by email at
bility. Veterans whose service was in orvcrshomcloansodva.statc.or.us,
a theater of operations for which a please include your name in the Sub
campaign or expeditionary medal ject line.
Howlak Tichum
Kathleen Heath
Kathleen Heath, a lifetime resi
dent of Warm Springs died on Oc
tober 28, 2000 from complications
resulting from bypass heart surgery
at St. Charles Medical Center in
Bend, Oregon. Ms. Heath was 70
years young. On January 4, 1930
Kathleen was born to Lillie
(McBride) and Chief Nathan Heath
in Simnasho, Oregon. She attended
school at the Warm Springs Board
ing School, Madras High School,
Haskell Indian Junior College in
Lawrence, Kansas and Western Busi
ness College. At the age of 26, she
enlisted in the United States Air
Force and attended basic training in
Georgia. After she completed basic
training, she was stationed in Sacra
mento, California where she worked
as an accounting specialist. Ms.
Fleath was Honorably Discharged in
When she returned to Warm
Springs, she worked in different de
partments for the Confederated
Tribes of Warm Springs but spent
the majority of her career in the
Credit Department until her retire-
ment. She came out of retirement
to represent the Simnasho District
on Tribal Council from 1992-1998.
Kathleen was the eldest in her
family and was involved in many
traditional activities such as food
gathering, Washat Services, Seven
Drum and the Shaker Church. She
also enjoyed attending powwows
with her children and grandchildren,
In 1949, her senior year in high
Julia June Walsey De Garmo
Julia June Walsey DeGarmo of and moccasins, which she created
Ft. Bidwcll, California passed away and sold and were pieces treasured
of natural cause at her Ft. Bidwell
home on February 12, 2001 at the
age of 70.
Mrs. DeGarmo was born in Ft.
Bidwell on June 10, 1930. During
her high school years, she attended
Sherman Indian School in Riverside,
CA and remained away from Modoc
County for 25 years.
Julia and Clarence R. DeGarmo
had grow-n up together in Ft. Bidwell
and turned their long-time friend-
ship into a marriage on October 16,
1948 in Carson City, Nevada. When
they returned to Modoc County,
they made their home in Ft. Bidwell.
They remained married almost 52
years until he passed away on April
6, 2000. Mrs. DeGarmo was a lov
ing mother and homemaker to the
couple's seven children.
In later years, she was also in
volved with the Ft. Bidwell Civic
Club and the Modoc Indian Health
Senior Center.
Mrs. DeGarmo was well-known
for her skilled and exquisitely beau
tiful beadwork, handmade gloves
was authorized by the United States
are also now eligible. All loan appli
cations must be made within 30
years of the date of the veteran's dis
charge or separation.
The first objective is to identify
and evaluate sources of funding.
Then, depending on the funding
source, the Department may need
to seek changes in current law from
the Oregon Legislature. Once the
specific sources of funding are iden-
tilled, and any necessary legislation
passed, the Department will work
swiftly to make funds available for
newly eligible veterans.
When those objectives have been
met, our experienced loan person
nel will be ready to serve this newly
eligible group of veterans with the
same level of dedication and profes-
sionalism that we have provided for
school, she was elected prom queen,
centennial queen of Warm Springs
and 1" Treaty Days Queen in 1959.
She was active in the community
and belonged to several groups such
as, Parent Policy Council, Kah-Nec-Ta
Board, Museum Board of Trust
ees, Victims of Crime, V.F.W' Ladies
Auxiliary and The Loyal Military
Order of Cooties. Her involvement
with the V.F.W. Ladies Auxiliary in
Warm Springs was very important
to her and she served as the Trea
surer for many years.
Preceding in death arc her parents
Lillie (McBride) and Chief Nathan
Heath, children Hamley W. and
Geraldine Danzuka, brothers
Sumner and Teeman Heath.
Survivors include sons Gerald J.
Danzuka Jr. of Shiprock, NM and
Orvie A. Danzuka of Dallas, OR;
daughters Dorcen L. Danzuka of
Wapato, WA, Kathy R. Danzuka,
Rebecca J. VanPelt, Laurie S.
Danzuka and Luanne Foltz all of
Warm Springs; brothers Delvis
Heath, Sanders Heath, Martinez
Heath and Benny Heath all of Warm
Springs and sisters Ursula Little and
Nola Queahpama also of Warm
Springs. Among 12 grandchildren
and 2 great-grandchildren she leaves
numerous relatives and friends.
Dressing ceremonies were held
Sunday, October 29 at her residence
with overnight services held at the
Simnasho Longhouse on October
30, officiated by Wilson Wewa Jr.
Burial was at the Agency Cemetery
on October 31.
by their owners.
Minister Marty Barlese held ser
vices in the Ft. Bidwell Tribal gym
at 11 a.m. on Friday, February 16,
2001. Visitation and viewing was
held Thursday, February 15 from 7
p.m. at the Ft. Bidwell tribal gym
with burial at the Ft. Bidwell Cem
etery on Friday, February 16, 2001.
Survivors include her daughters
Joann Arnold of Hayward, CA; Pat
Want of Fremont, CA; Loretta
DeGarmo of Ft. Bidwcll, CA;
Regina DeGarmo of Reno, NV; and
Julie Doerncr of Smith River, CA;
sons Jerome DeGarmo of Brewster,
WA; and Darrell DeGarmo of Reno,
NV; sisters Caroline Torres,
Geraldine Jim, Delia Walsey, Venus
Strong all of Warm Springs, Oregon;
and two brothers Richard Walsey of
Wapato, Washington, and Donald
Barr of McDermitt, Nevada.
She was also blessed with 17
grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren
and numerous nieces, nephews
and cousins.