4 October 19,2000 Warm Springs, Oregon SpilyayTymoo E Coosh EEWA: The way it is SV ThY&Y SVElhlCS Tribal member asks, where are your opinions derived from? By Sid Miller I T Well fans, have been laying around for the past few weeks and had some idle time where many thoughts past through my mind. Thoughts like how some people appear to be in top health and show no signs of any ill feelings. I never thought I could have any problems until I had a check up. At first I thought all of my ro deo bumps and bruises were catching up on me. When I went to see the doctor. He detected problems I never thought I could have. Not satisfied and wanted a second opinion, so my daughter made an appointment at the VA I lospital in Portland and when the results came back it was conclusive that there was a problem that needed immediate attention. Frankly, I had no idea the problem was there. If I did not have a check up I may have never known of the problem perhaps until it might have been too late. Well, lets see, are you in good health? Do you need a check up? Everyone should have a check up once in a while. There are people who hate to go see a doctor. They feel they are in good health. It is true that a person can feel real good and have no symptoms of any kind, but later on find out he has a problem that could have been avoided if he went in to have a check up. I can remember when I was a "cute little tyke", I used to hate to hear the words like doctor, or clinic. The first thing that came to mind was, "shots," or the smell of alcohol or ether or other disinfectants of the clinic or hospital. I would become like a little beast trying to keep from going to the doctor. There are several types of illnesses that can go undetected until it has done damage to a person. Many times when a problem detected it's at a point where surgery may be the best way to correct it. It isn't very pleasant to go through surgery. It depends on the type of surgery needed. There is minor surgery and major surgery. Usually major surgery can take a lot out of a per son and can lay him up for a while. It would be a good idea for people to go and see a doctor every so often to make sure heshe is in good health. Many times in the past it has been said," "He would go see a doctor." And many times the results were fatal. And the saying goes on, "If he would have gone to see the doctor the problem could have been corrected, and he could have still been around." Some people want to be the tough guy and think he doesn't need to see a doctor. He doesn't realize when things happen, because he doesn't care what happens; it brings hardship on those who love him- his family, relatives and friends. They are the ones who care and have to share the burden in the end. At this time I would like to say thank you, to all who came to the hospital to be with me, and thanks for all the calls, flowers and cards. I really appreciated this and it gave me strength to know there are people who do care. I really was "SHUN-WY," for a while. But thanks for all your prayers and words of encouragement, I feel pretty well now. I have a different outlook on the medical profession with high respect; also for the EMT's who care for the injured at accidents. "Again, thanks to all who shared concern during my stay in the hospital." To the editor. First of all, I would just simply like to state than I am writing this let ter on my own behalf and no one else. I like most of you, have been reading the usual grumble and groan letters from certain individuals. I nor mally read these letters and shrug them off as someone being upset an venting their feelings. I lowever, more and more lately these letters have been more aggressive and insulting to one's intelligence. I believe that everyone is entitled . to his or her own opinion and beliefs. The world is filled with different people and that is just the way it is. However, when such an individual or individuals try to push their opinions, ideals and beliefs upon others, people should ask how this person came to believe in these opinions and beliefs. Were these so called opinions derived from actual facts or merely rumors heard from someone's daughter's stepson's cousin? Or better yet, a ru mor heard from the person who knows everyone's business in town, the reliable town newsbcat. It also may simply be a fact that these people have some type of vendetta against another for some reason or another? Could it be that it is mere jealousy that these people wish and want what they cannot have or achieve them selves? Each of these points brought up are merely speculation, just as those issues and ideas that these people seem to derive joy from bring ing up are speculation, nothing more. Have you thought about who exactly are these people to pass judg ment upon others? Are they them selves, so perfect that they feel they can righteously and honestly say what S;ocs on in manners they have abso utcly no expertise? Are they all of a sudden our pre-eminent experts on marketing, salesmanship, manage ment style and tribal public relations throughout our whole entire tribe? If they are so righteous and presumptu ous, then tell me why aren't they the ones' who are running our tribe now? Whv don't thev hold the too positions within our community and tribal en terprises that they seem to pass judg ment on so effortlessly. Could it be that they themselves don't have the proper education, knowledge, and experience to hold these positions? Yet, they can effortlessly say how things should go, who should do what, when it should be done with no actual qualifications or experience in these fields to back their opinions or rash ideas up? I am just stating this, because I know that every department through out all of our tribal organization and enterprises have some type of prob lem or glitch. I know that within ev ery department there are problems that are not made entirely public and are dealt with internally. This is just how things work and not every prob lem should be made public. It is when someone doesn't like what is going on, and yet doesn't take the time to get the knowledge of the facts from the proper people that a huge story is derived and passed on as truth. As I stated before, I am merely speaking MY own opinion. I am not trying to pass what I feel and believe as the truth nor am I stating that it is the only way to believe. Nor am I try ing to make others to follow my ideas and me. I am simply stating that be fore one tries to pass ill-willed knowl edge on, they must take all of the re sponsibilities of this ill-willed knowl edge. They must say, I know what I am saying is merely hearsay, a rumor, my own opinion or something of this nature. They must not expect or de mand to be respected and not give respect. I was taught to believe that in order to achieve respect you must respect others. They must not believe in every rumor or ill-mannered knowledge that is passed on to them. Their facts should be identified as well as their opinions. If they continue on this path then what they are trying to state is merely propaganda. NOTH ING MORE. Sincerely, DannlR. Katchla, Warm Springs Tribal Member rr hi it kjjt m vm How ready are you for second coming of the Lord? Toe Ness To the editor, Mike was tah goven nitch (Hello my friend, how are you do ing?). This letter is in regards to a scripture that keeps coming to me whenever I'm at work. Ml 24:37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Noah was a preacher who preached to his people 120 years. 120 years no one listened. My wife and I have been preaching 18 years, the same message Noah did. That is to get ready, Jesus is coming! Turn from your evil ways! God loves you! Some have tried AA, some counseling, some tried drug & alcohol programs, antabuse, spend thousands of dollars of the tribes money and God could ,, have done all this for you for free! Noah warned that if people didn't stop their evil ways, the wrath ' of God' s judgment was going to come upon them in a flood of water (Gen. ch. 6) We are again living as the days of Noah. As I look around and see 1 the world today, super geniuses (10-year-old children in college) etc, su- ! per athletes (genetics, steroids) genet ics research, salmon, sheep, cloning !j humans, human organs, dna etc. we are truly in as the days of Noah! To get even deeper into the days of Noah (Gen. ch 6:2) That the ' sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they ! took them wives of all which they chose. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare ' children to them, the same became ' mighty men which were of old, men of renown. And God saw that the ; wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every imagination of ; the thoughts of his heart was only evil continuously, why was God so mad about Noah's generation? Was it due to the fact that the sons of God were fallen angels having sexual re lations with human women, and they were being born 'A human 'A demon babies who were giants in the earth. Who were mighty men? Men of re nown? Super geniuses? Super war riors? Super Athletes? Super scien tists? Science which altered humans, fish, cattle, all animals. Is this why God destroyed the world in Noah's day? In Noah's day was there law lessness? Murder an everyday occur rence? OR was there a law which said you couldn't correct your children and they turned out rebellious? Beat up their parents? Grandparents? Chil dren growing up without a father or mother, because the father or mother loved drugs and alcohol more than they do their own children? ! -'- '1 In Luke ch 17:27 They did 'eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built. But the same day Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. In Gen. ch. 19 it talks about Sodom and Gomorrah in Lots day, that they were two cities filled with homosexu als and lesbians. This message is not all doom and gloom! Mt 24:40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. I had a dream not to long ago, it like this.... I was at Ella and George Aguilar's house when I looked out side to the west, out of the west came red clouds rolling towards Warm Springs. I yelled, look mom, look dad Jesus is coming! They looked outside, They were caught away! Then I looked, I was caught away! I could see Warm Springs getting smaller and smaller, then Oregon, then the USA, when I was flying through the air, I said all right, I finally made it! As I sit here and weep for you my friend because you might be left behind be cause you wouldn't believe in Christ Jesus, that He died for your sins, that He rose from the dead, that He came in the flesh, was bom of a virgin, that He shed His blood for you, He love you. Today Christ Jesus is that ark of safety. Thes. 4:13 But I would not have you to be ignorant brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope, for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord him self shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the arch angel, and with the trump of God: and the dead In Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord In the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words. MARANATHA! (The Lord Is Coming!) There is coming a very dark period in our near future, it's called the great tribulation, the anti-christ, false prophet and the beast... but an other time perhaps?. . . May God Bless you A. yours, ! Easton Aguilar Memorial and Stone Setting For Eugene "Cougar" Greene November 4, 2000 8:00 a.m. Simnasho Cemetery, Stone setting 9:00 a.m. Simnasho Longhouse, Memorial and Giveaway Meal following the giveaway There were these two not so bright guys who went hunting and shot a big buck. They decided to drag it to their truck, so they each took a hind leg and started pulling and tugging on the big buck. They were having a tough time and decided to take a rest. Another hunter saw what a tough time they were having so he tells them, "If you take it by the horns and drag it you would have an easier time because you'd be pulling it with the grain of the hair." So they tried it and after pulling it for a while one of the guys said, "You know he was right, it is easier pulling, only one thing wrong. The truck is getting further away." sss sss sss A wise little girl A certain little girl, when asked her name, would reply, "I'm Mr.Sugarbrown's daughter." Her mother told her this was wrong, she must say, "I'm Jane Sugarbrown." The Vicar spoke to her in Sunday School, and said, "Aren't you Mr. Sugarbrown's daughter?" She replied, "I thought I was, but mommy says I'm not." sss sss sss Too rough A little girl asked her mother, "Can I go outside and play with the boys?" Her mother replied, "No, you can't play with the boys, they're too rough." The little girl thought about it for a few moments and asked, "If I can find a smooth one, can I play with him?" sss sss sss So keep the singing down. Okay? A Sunday school teacher asked her little children, as they were on the way to church service, "And why is it necessary to be quiet in church?" One bright little girt replied, "Because people are sleeping." sss sss sss The pressed leaf A little boy opened the big and very old family Bible. With fascination, he looked at the old pages as he turned them. Then something fell out of the Bible and he picked up and looked at it closely. It was an old leaf from a tree that had been pressed in between the pages. "Momma, look what I found." the boy called out. "What have you got there, dear?" his mother asked. With astonishment in the young boy's voice he answered: "It's Adam's suit!!" Tribal member shares ideas regarding tribal budget To the editor, Wouldn't it be nice. . .to vote in a revenue-generating strategy having minimal start-up cost and be cost-efficient, but still recap $348,098 of revenue for us? Don't get "bonus eyes", but let me explain. We can vote in a tribal tax to help offset our rising tribal expenditures, year 2001 expects $28,145,719 ac cording to Proposed Budget. City governments survive on taxes levied toward their citizens. Now, don't panic. Tribal members would be ex empt from paying tribal tax. Tribal members already pay their fair share as follows: The 2001 Proposed Bud get projects revenues of $30,986,579. Happy Birthday Steven, Jr. We miss you lots Love, Mom, Conrad and your sisters P.S. Hi Jeremy! Gift Ideas for any occasion "Some Gift Ideas for any occa sion. Animated Telephones, Sunglasses and Jewelry." www.pennygifts.twoffice.com Editor's Note Spilyay Tymoo welcomes articles and letters from its readers. All letters, preferably 300 words or less, must be signed by the author. Letters will not be printed unless signed. Thank you letters and poetry will be published at the editor's discretion. All letters are the opinion of the author and do not reflect ain any way the opinion of Spilyay Tymoo. Spilyay Tymoo reserves the right to edit all copy or refuse publication of any material that may contain libelous or malicious statements. This amount split between 3,376 tribal members is $9,178 apiece. However, our $28,145,719 expendi tures eat up $8,337 of that. We con tribute $8,337 yearly, and a family of four contributes $25,348 yearly. We pay our fair share. Non-tribal members share the same advantages we do, especially the lowest cost-of-living in Oregon. Such as free water, free garbage pick up, free Head Start and Kindergarten, free health club, free counseling, no property tax, and no city tax. Also employees acquire free computer training, seminar training sessions, police academies, and management training. They share comforts of pro tection by our Public Safety Branch (branch with highest budget). Often, non-Indians take their expertise, which is acquired at Tribe's expense and transfer to other businessgovern mental entities. How many Madras police you see that formerly worked as Tribal officers, for instance? Indi ans from other reservations go home fully trained. With a mere 2 tax they would get their money's worth. Those that live off the reservation could be assessed 1. The cost of labor is highest ex pense to most organizations, typically 60 of total operating expense. The ratio of non-tribal employees aver ages at about 50. This gives us a formula to approximate the amount of tax revenue generated. The for mula is ("operating cost" x 60 "la bor" x 50 x 2 "tribal tax"). With proposed or hypothetical operating costs of $2 1 ,3 1 6,443 for tribe's gen eral fund; $5,000,000 for WSFPI; $3,500,000 for Indian Head; and $300,000,000 for Kah-Nee-Ta, we could calculate the following tax rev enues, respectively: WSCT $ 1 27,898; WSFPI $30,000; Indian Head $21,000; and Kah-Nee-Ta $18,000; totaling $196,898, going back to our general fund. All Oregon hotels, except Kah-Nee-Ta charge a room tax, which goes to the local government, the go ing rate is 7 of room cost. If the lodges' average rate is $72, and the High Season (March to October) av erages 1 00 rooms per nights, the room tax of 7 would reap $120,960 ($72 x 100 room x 30 days x 8 months x 7). The low season (November to February) would reap $30,240 ($72 x 50 rooms x 30 days x 4 months x 7 room tax). The yearly total of room tax would be $151,200. The Kah-Nee-Ta Board of Directors Continued on page 12 To my Lil Man, Erickson James Lucei I hope your 13 Birthday (October 9) Went good for you! Stay outta trouble and Remember I'm here for You and I love you lots! Your mom, Fawn "This goes out to my Niece "Monique (Mo) Charice Moody" Have a "Happy 2nd Birthday", Love you. From your aunt Ninsatwh, uncle Mike, and your little cousin Nuku-Nuku. Thanks allot :) Ninsatwh P. Moody Feelings: Really, what are feelings? Have you ever asked yourself this ques tion? Have you ever considered any one else's before? Other than yours? Really think about it, how do others seem to you? Can you ever imagine, you looking at someone, what's go ing through there mind at this mo ment? Are they hurting? Are they wrestling around with their most in ner thoughts, are they bothered about something? What's going on inside their hearts? It makes me wonder sometimes, when I wrestle with my thoughts, I feel so hurt, so alone, I sometimes think of how I can help them? First of all we have to learn to help ourselves before we can ever help others, and that's the most im portant thing in life, we are really put on this earth to help one another and not hurt each other, so the next time I see someone troubled, I hope and pray that I can help them, I've heard over and over "Be a blessing, instead of always wanting a blessing all the time," So that's what I would like to learn to do, is lend a friendly helping hand to someone who really needs a friendly smile, hello, thank you, how are you, take care, I love you. So this I leave with you my people lets learn to help, care love one another, today, tomorrow, for we don't know when our lord will be coming for us. With love for you all, in our lords name. BobblSuppah s