Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, October 05, 2000, Image 1

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    OR. COLL.
v. 3
no. 21
S, 00&
Warm Springs, OR 9776 1
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Warm Springs OR 9776 1
pilyay Tymoo
(Coyote News)
News from the Warm Springs Indian Reservation
35 cents
Oct. 5, 2000 (
Vol. 25 No. 21 )
Mctims of Crime has Domestic Walk on October 4, 2000
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Slop violence m our commuvM u L-J 1 C-i I i "T
The Confederated Trhoe
Hilfrfity. of Oreoon I if,,,-..
Stoo Violence in our Communityl
These members of the Warm Springs Community gathered together in their stand to against violence walked from
the Victims of Crime office and ended at the Longhouse with a lunch served for all who attended.
The First Ever
"Columbus Day"
True Resilience Rez Car Parade
Warm Springs, OR.
Come have fun!
1BO am., October 9, 2000
Parade will gather at the old IHS Clinic Parking Lot at 11:15 .
The Parade will start from there and proceed by the Warm
Springs Market and end gather at Elmer Qulnn Park.
Lunch will be provided for all entrants and spectators.
Rules for entrants:
-All cars must be able to start and stop on its own (no
towing or getting jumps).
-All drivers must be obay.
Cars will be judged using the following criteria;
-Automobiles unique characteristics (windowless,
different color primer, no bumpers, dents, etc)
-Creative use of duct tape, plastic bailing wire, hangers,
baling twine, clothes line, etc.
-Owners pride in vehicle.
For more information contact Char Herkshan at 553-1454,
or Captain at 553-7014.
Parent Advisory
meeting set for
October 10, 2000
The Title IX Parent Advisory
Committee will meet at the Warm
Springs Elementary Cafeteria on
Tuesday October 10, 2000 at
7:00p.m. The Committee will review
the By-laws.
Title IX meetings are open to all
members of the public. The Commit
tee meets at 7:00 p.m. at the Warm
Springs Elementary Library on the
second Tuesday of each month. If
you have a disability, please advise
the District 509-J Support Services
office about special arrangements
that may allow you to fully partici
pate in the meeting. Please call Geor
gia Sosa at 475-6192.
If you have any questions, please
call me at the number listed above.
Four breakfast
meetings set
The Natural Resources and For
estry staffs will host a series of four
breakfast meetings to discuss inte
grated resources management plan
ning with tribal members. The first
meeting will be held October 17,8:30
a.m. at the Fire Management build
ing. The technical staff has been
working on revisions to IRMP I for
the forested area. They have reviewed
existing issues, goals, objectives and
standards, and made recommenda
tions for potential changes.
Members of the technical staff
will discuss the current status of plan
ning efforts during the four breakfast
meetings and ask for tribal member
comments on the plan. Subsequent
meetings will be held on October 24
and 31, and November 7. All of the
meetings will begin at 8:30 a.m. in
the Fire Management building.
Breakfast will be served on a
first come basis prior to the meetings.
Proposed Tribal Budget 2001 posted September 28
This proposed General Fund budget is
posted for the information of members of the
Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. This
budget will provide funds for government
operations and program services for the
calendar year 200 1 . More detailed budget
information will be distributed at budget
hearings in October and November or can be
i requested from the Tribes' Budget Depart-
ment, Finance Branch, at the main Adminis
tration building.
j For the past several years, Tribal offi-
cials have alerted Tribal members that,
beginning in 2001, revenues will begin to
decrease significantly from current levels,
j The new Pelton Project Agreement will help
; stabilize hydroelectric related revenues but at
j a lower level than before. When combined
i with decreasing timber harvests and stumpage
revenues, annual budget deficits of $4-5
million are projected to begin in 2002.
This proposed budget is based on the
2000 approved budget for program opera
tions. The proposed budget includes requested
program additions and initiatives from Branch
Managers and Directors as listed below. Thus
we have posted a "deficit" budget to inform
Tribal members of all requested increases
prior to final appropriation action by Tribal
Tribal Executive Management has
developed and proposed to the Tribal Council
a 10-year Financial Plan designed to maintain
the Tribes financial health through the next
decade. The plan proposes to reduce tribal
government program expenditures over time
and direct new investments towards business
ventures that will increase Tribal revenues
and provide new, non-government job oppor
tunities. A key element of this proposal
includes a fund source of $3.5 million from
existing undesignated fund balance (working
capital). These funds will be used for new
revenuejob investments ($2.5 million) and
infrastructure projects ($1.0 million). The
increase in the proposed budget is partially
due to this additional $3.5 million.
Budget hearings and district meetings
will be conducted by Tribal Council represen
tatives during October and November regard
ing this proposed budget. After the Tribal
Council has evaluated community input they
will have the opportunity to modify or reduce
the proposed budget consistent with antici
pated revenues and the proposed 10-year
Financial Plan.
This 2001 proposed Tribal Budget was
approved for posting by the Tribal Council in
accordance with Tribal Appropriation Ordi
nance No. 67 and Article V, Section 1 (t) of
the Tribal Constitution and By-Laws, as
amended. This budget will be posted at the
main Administration building, at the Warm
Springs Post Office and at the Simnasho
Charles V. Jackson
The proposed budget is posted at the
Administration lobby, Warm Springs
Post office and the Simnasho
Longhouse for members to see.
General Fund
2000 2001 Variance
Approved Proposed Increase
Budget Budget (Decrease)
Sources (Revenues) $ 29,578,477 $ 30,986,579 $ 1,408,102
Uses (Expenditures)
Operations 19,427,109 21,316,443 1,889,334
Community Assistance 400,884 305,884 (95,000)
Debt Service 1.517,000 1,414,000 (103,000)
Economic Development 259,392 2,759,392 " 2,500,000
Capital Projects 1,511,251 2,350,000 " 838,749
Total Uses (Expenditures) 23,115,636 28,145,719 5,030,083
Estimated Per Capita 4,896,000 4,896,000 :
Total Appropriations 28,011,636 33,041,719 5,030,083
Surplus (Deficit) Budget $ 1,566,841 $ (2,055,140) $ (3,621,981)
The budget posted is a deficit budget This budget includes uses (expenditures)
for all requested program additions which will enhance program services. The
requested program additions are listed on this posting and will be discussed in detail
at the budget hearings.
Sources (Revenues) includes $3.5 million from Undesignated Fund Balance (Working Capital).
"Economic Development includes $2.5 million to be used for New RevenuesJob Investments.
"Capital Projects includes $1.0 million to be used for infrastructure.