Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, April 06, 2000, Page 9, Image 9

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Warm Springs, Oregon
April 6, 2000 9
Arlcne Boileau BobPawelek Clint Jacks Deanie Johnson
4-H& Youth Livestock Staff Chair, Madras Secretary
Bcmadette Handley Zack del Nero Minnie RedDoe
031 553-3238 Home Economics Natural Resources 4-H Assistant
Internet Address: http:www.orst.edudeptAvsext
The Oregon Slata University Extension Service staff is devoted to extending research-based information from OSU to the people of Warm Springs
In agriculture, home economics, 4-H youth, forestry, community development, energy and extension sea grant program with OSU, United States
Department of Agriculture, Jefferson County and the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs cooperating. The Exenslon Service offers Its programs
and materials equally to all people.
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The Clover speaks
by Arlcne Boileau 4-H Agent & Minnie
KedDog 4-11 Program Assistant
Up Coming Summer Activities to re
member. "OSU Summer Days ut Oregon
Slate University" June 20-23, 20(M), May
15, 2(X)() is the last day to sign up.
Round Lake 4-H Camp June 26-30, 2000,
June 1 , 2000 is the last day to sign up. Warm
Springs 4-H Culture Enrichment Camp at
Peters Pasture August 6-1 2 & August 1 4-20,
2000, July 3 is the last day to sign up.
If you have any questions regarding any
of the above activities give Arlcne or Minnie
a call at the Warm Springs OSU office
The word is out calling for camp vol
unteers for the Warm Springs 4-H Culture
Enrichment Camp at Peters Pasture. If you
like to work with children from grades 2-10
this job is perfect. The first week will be 2
5 graders, and the second week of camp will
be 6 10 graders. Volunteer positions that
are open are BoysGirls Camp Counselors,
and Teachers: bcadwork, natural art,
drawing art, drum making, drying of fish
and deer meat. If you arc interested in vol
unteering for this camp give Arlcne or
Minnie a call at the OSU extension office
Okay little chiefs we will be making
Peanut Butter Chocolate Bars, but don't
forget to wash your hands with soap. The
cooking utensils you will need are measur
ing cups, measuring spoons, baking pan,
large bowl, microwave, microwavablc bowl,
and two mixing spoons.
Ingredients needed are:
6 cups of Honey Nut Checrios Cereal,
1 and 12 (half) cups of miniature marsh
mallows, 1 and 12 (half) cups of peanut butter
12 (threefourths) cup light corn syrup,
3 tablespoons margarine or butter,
1 cup of milk chocolate chips, melted.
First, put a thin layer of butter all over in
the baking pan. Second, measure the cereal
and marshmallows into large bowl, set aside.
Third, in the microwavablc bowl put pea
nut butter chips, corn syrup and butter then
microwave on high with bowl uncovered,
stirring after each minute until smooth.
Fourth, pour the microwave ingredients
over the cereal mixture, and stir until all the
ccreul is covered with mixture. Fifth, pour
cereal with mixture in the buttered pan and
press with a spoon, to make this easy put
butter on the back of the spoon and then
press the cereal down. Sixth, pour the
melted chocolate over the cereal in the pan.
Seventh put pan in the refrigerator for one
hour or until the chocolate on to is hard.
This makes 36 bars. Enjoy!
The Warm Springs 4-H Program is
looking for 4-H Leaders in the following
areas. Bead work all stages, Beginning
Sewing, Cooking, Small Animals of all
kinds, Care of Puppies, a Dance Group. The
4-H program has written information on
how to do all of the listed activities we have
just listed, so stop by the OSU Extension
Office in the Education Building and pick
up an application to become a 4-H leader
4-H leaders wanted!! Do
something positive for
kids! CallArlene andor
Minnie to sign-up
Natural Resource notables-
By Bernadette Handley, Family &
Community Development Agent
Dear Mom and Dad,
I heard on the radio that April is National
Child Abuse Prevention Month. I am not
sure what Child Abuse is but it does not
sound nice. I heard the radio person say that
children are abused every day and some
even die from their injuries. And.it is usu
ally a grown up that docs the hurting. I just
don't understand why a grown up would do
I know that you would never do that to
me. I know that I have made you pretty
upset., like the time I forgot to roll up the
van windows and it rained all night. You
explained what I did wrong and I had to take
the towels out and soak it all up. I.l.earned
. my lesson forsiute.. those towels Were heavy1'
with all that water! You were pretty upset
but you never yel led at me or hit me or made
me feel stupid. I just thought ALL parents
did that.. aren't they s'posed to?
Or Mom, remember the time when I
helped make coffee and spilled it all over
your white pants? And it made you late for
work AND stained the pants? You were
upset at me, I could tell. Because whenever
you get upset.. I hear you say "breathe.,
breathe., breathe" and then you count to ten.
I am not sure why you tell yourself to
"breathe" - doesn't your body just DO that?
And why do you count to ten? You and dad
taught me how to count., don't you already
know how to do that? You sat me down and
explained how important it is to be careful
with hot drinks and to take my time and not
rush so I don't spill. You were upset but you
never yelled at me or hit me or made me feel
stupid. I just thought ALL parents did
that..aren't they s'posed to
And Daddy., remember the time I got
mad at Rex for not playing "fetch" with me
and I kicked him? You told me in a stern
voice how all living creatures are special
and should never be hurt., that when you
abuse' someone 6r something they won't
trust you. It takes a long time to rebuild that
trust. And then you made me go to my room
and have a time out., it was a long one.. 15
minutes .. and I had to think about how bad
I must have made Rex feel when I did that.
I was really sorry and I told Rex that .. and
I never kicked him again. You were upset
but you never yelled at me or hit me or made
me feel stupid. I just thought ALL parents
did that..aren't they s'posed to?
Ya know.. I thought grown ups were
smart since they are older. If I behave in a
way that is not nice - you make me go to my
room. Why don't grown ups just go into
their room when THEY get angry or act
mean to people?
My friend at school told me that I must
be lucky to have such nice parents. You say
nice things to me just because you love me.
I just thought ALL parents did that., aren't
they s'posed to? He's the lil boy that I told
you about., remember? He does not seem
very happy., sometimes I see him cry in the
corner. He misses school I think he is sick
A LOTI We play out on the playground
together.. I can usually beat him when we
race. When his mom came to pick him up,
' she didn't hug hinrand smile at him like you
do with me. She got mad right there in front
of everyone because he got dirt on his jeans.
He looked like he was going to cry. I think
my friend is right.. I am lucky to have such
nice parents who say nice things to me just
because they love me. You never yell at me
or hit me or make me feel stupid. I just
thought ALL parents did that..aren't they
s'posed to?
Luv,Your child
by Zach del Nero, Natural Resources
Crustacean Connection
The following information is from an
article in the February 2000 issue of Ag
ricultural Research, from Sarah Tarshis,
formerly of the USDA Agricultural Re
search Service.
The thought of tiny creatures in your
water may seem disgusting, but ARS sci
entist Charles Cooper hopes to find a whole
lot of healthy critters in his water espe
cially if they're Hyalella azteca. That's
because these crustaceans are a sign of
good water quality . If Cooper finds healthy
Hyalella swimming in streams and lakes,
he knows the water is clean and not ex
ceeding critical levels of agricultural
chemicals that sometimes runoff from
fields into water supplies.
Hyallella have become a valuable tool
since 1 972, when the first Clean Water Act
was passed. Scientists and regulators have
used many approaches to measure water
quality and to clean contaminated water.
But Cooper, an ecologist in the USDA-ARS
Water Quality and Ecology Research Unit
at Oxford, Mississippi, has turned to nature
for this task - specifically to Hyalella. These
18 to 14-inch-long crustaceans are com
monly found in lakes, ponds, and streams
throughout North America. Hyalella con
sume decaying plant matter and can be
found swimming in the water or burrow
ing into sediment. They are an important
link in the aquatic food chain and a food
source for several predators, including fish
and various invertebrates. Tiny Hyalella
offer many advantages as a biological in
dicator of environmental quality. They are
easy to raise, reproduce readily, and "they
are inexpensive and easy to work with,"
says Cooper.
The tiny crustaceans provide biological
measurements of water quality so re
searchers don't have to rely solely on
chemical and physical measurements.
Hyalella are collected with other small ani-
mals common to water systems and arc ex
amined to determine whether an ecosystem
is functioning properly. Scientists can (hen
focus their research on the areas that are
potentially problematic.
Hyalella are also used in laboratory ex
periments. Cooper and ecologist Scott Knight
expose them to various concentrations of
chemicals to evaluate and model responses
to actual exposures in streams and lakes.
They run toxicity tests using known and
controlled mixtures of multiple chemicals to
determine critical levels of contamination.
Then they compare their lab results to those
obtained in outdoor bodies of water to deter
mine if the lab data reflect what is happening
in the real world.
Monitoring water quality through chemi
cal and physical measures reveals the effects
of improved conservation farming practices.
The biological method used by Cooper,
however, confirms whether these practices
are improving the overall health of the eco
system. In the end, results are used to make
recommendations to farmers to promote a
healthy, clean environment.
Satellite Events
OSU Extension hosts a series of educational satellites
developed by the U.S. Department of Education.
Multiplying Excellence -April 18
Connecting wih Youth - May 16
Learning Everywhere - June 20
Programs will be offered in the 1st floor classroom of the
Education Building from 5PM-6 PM.
Contact OSU Extension 553-3238
if you are interested in attending.
Limit: 10.
OSU researcher studying beaver impact on desert trout-
CORVALLIS - Is the state's largest
rodent the friend or foe of an isolated
population of endangered trout?
A graduate student in Oregon State
University's Department of Fisheries
and Wildlife is closing in on the answer
with his two-year study of Willow Creek
in Oregon's lonesome southeastern
"We don't know for sure yet whether
the study will show that the presence of
beavers is harmful, neutral or beneficial
to the fish, and when we do we won't
know how far beyond Willow Creek
whatever we determine may be true,"
said Andrew Talabere, who is conduct
ing the research for his master's degree.
"But," he added, "we do know that
this study is going to give us another
tool to use in the potential recovery of
these threatened fish."
Talabere is talking about Lahontan
cutthroat trout, the only fish in Willow
Creek. The federal government listed
the Lahontan cutthroats in that tiny
stream and nearby White Horse Creek
as threatened in 1991.
Willow Creek is only 18 miles long.
It starts in southeastern Oregon's Trout
Creek Mountains near the
Oregon-Nevada border and runs almost
due north toward Steens Mountain. It
ends in a marshy area that is a shallow
lake during wet climatic periods. A
person could jump across the creek in
Several years ago researchers with
the Oregon Department of Fish and
Wildlife noted that the area right around
the banks of Willow and White Horse
creeks, damaged in decades past by
livestock, wild horses and weather
factors such as droughts, was improv
ing. They suspected the improvement
could be attributed, at least in part, to a
change in how the federal land the creek
runs through was managed.
The Bureau of Land Management was
working cooperatively with ranchers,
environmentalists and state resource
managers. The improvement included
the return of willows and other trees
around the streams, and there seemed to
be a related rise in beaver activity, in
cluding the number of dams.
Talabere began his field research in
1998 under the supervision of OSU
fisheries ecologist Bill Liss and aquatic
ecologist Bob Gresswell.
In recent years there has been in
creasing interest in how beaver ponds
affect fish distribution, Talabere noted.
"Some work on this had been done in
the Midwest and west of the Cascades.
But none had been done in this kind of
desert ecosystem.
"There's a lot of concern that beaver
ponds increase the water temperature,
both because of an increase in the sur
face area of the stream and because
beavers cut down trees, removing
shade," he added.
Basically, what the OSU graduate
student did during two fields seasons
was measure shade and other physical
characteristics alon-g the stream, and
survey the fish in the creek.
For comparison, Talabere and assis
tants conducted identical studies in
stretches of the creek with beaver ponds
and in stretches without beaver influ
ences. They also placed special de
vices in some of the study areas to
monitor the water temperature over
There is a difference in the beaver
pond complexes between the tem
perature of the water going in and
coming out, Talabere says. "The water
heats up a degree or so in complexes in
our higher-elevation study areas," he
said, " and two or three degrees in
lower-elevation complexes. But it did
that in the studLv stretches without
beaver activity, too."
He hasn't finished analyzing the
amount of shade by the creek, but he
suspects there is more where beavers
are active.
"When I go out to Willow Creek
beaver ponds in March," Talabere said,
"some of them tend to look like war
zones. Clearcut. All stumps. But by
July it's all grown back, and more.
There have been beavers in North
America for three to four million years
and willows even longer. They've
evolved together."
"This is highly speculative at this
point," said Talabere, "but there appear
to be more large fish in the beaver
complexes (we studied). If that's true,
and I haven't analyzed all the data yet, it
means the beaver ponds are providing
either more food that allows fish to get
larger, or greater habitat area. Ultimately
what it means for the population is that
you grow more large fish per unit of
stream and get more reproduction."
The research is featured in an article
in the Winter 2000 issue of Orecon's
Agricultural Progress, a magazine pub
lished by OSU's Agricultural Experiment
Station. Copies are available by writing:
Jeanne Bush, EESC, 422 Kerr Adminis
tration, OSU, Corvallis, OR 9733 1 -2 1 19,
or calling Bush at 541-737-3717.
Talabere said he expects to complete
his report on what he learned in the study
of Willow Creek by July 2000.
By Andy Duncan, 541-737-3379
SOURCE: Andrew Talabere,
STOCKMAN'S ROUNDUP: The performance-based livestock husbandry program; what is it?-
C "f pi
by Bob Pawelek
OSU Livestock Agent
What is it?
An agriculture education program that
emphasizes basic animal science, math and
decision-making skills in the context of
producing and marketing food and fiber
products. Youth are taught to collect and
record production data on livestock in their
care and then are helped to interpret and use
that information in the light of basic prin
ciples of genetics, nutrition, medicine and
physiology. Success in livestock projects is
measured by distance from production tar
gets that are set for specific traits, e.g.
carcass quality .average daily gain, structural
soundness and conformation. Ultrasound
measure-ments are made of fat thickness
and loineye area for meat animals prior to
the 4-H market show. At the show, pro
duction data are given to the judge to assist
himher in evaluating each animal's traits.
Exhibitors receive written scores for their
animals in carcass.appearance, gain and
finished weight categories. Production
measurements are compiled in a database
system so that 4-H members and their lead
ers will have the opportunity to retrieve and
evaluate performance data at any time, and
so learn from it.
Because junior livestock shows should
provide a context for teaching and rein
forcing good husbandry practices.
To emphasize education.
To demonstrate the value of using sys
tematic evaluation procedures.
To teach goal-setting and progress
To educate the youth and the public
about agriculture.
What does the system do?
The performance system is intended to
reward 4-H members for producing ani
mals which fit a defined set of specifica
tions, as if they were direct-marketing live
stock to a packer-buyer or were managing
a production unit for a commercial farm.
With experience and good instruction,
members can not only improve their suc
cess in the project but make personal dis
coveries in the fields of food science, nu
trition, genetics, physiology, management,
and veterinary care.
How is the Junior Livestock Show
The livestock show is not managed dif
ferently except for the procedure for select
ing the championship class and the fact that
the judge uses a scorecard to evaluate each
animal. Animals invited back for the
champion drive are those whose scores
placed them in the top 1 0 to 1 5 of the show.
These will often be the class winners, but
not always. The judge may select any ani
mal in the final drive for grand or reserve
champion, and may use the performance
information to assist with the selection.
The Judge
The judge is critical to the success of the
show, who assigns scores for lean yield,
quality grade (beef), muscling, leanness,
body conformation and structural sound
ness. The Scorecard .
A MS Access database manages perfor
mance information for all 4-H livestock
projects in the county. After being filled
out by the judge, these scorecards are re
turned to the exhibitors for their permanent
Conclusions & Comments
This approach requires a strong educa
tional program to support it. The concepts
lying behind the terminology (lean yield,
quality grade, average daily gain, etc.) are
not beyond the reach of younger members,
but teaching them may require some extra
effort and training on the part of Extension
staff and 4-H program leaders. The 4-H
project should produce two things at its
end: a more skilled and confident child,
and a quality product - in this case a market
animal that would meet or exceed industry
standards for quality and w holesomeness.
While the program takes advantage of
some fairly sophisticated tools, these are
not necessary to the system. A great many
variations of this system are Dossible. rang
ing fromtoie highly sophisticated to the very
practical and simple. Computers are not re
quired, though they are an advantage for
larger shows.
Finally, efficient and accurate scorecard
tabulation during the show is crucial to suc
cess and sanity. Judges who have been using
similar systems in Idaho and elsewhere find
that their part is not noticeably slowed by
using a scorecard, once they are familiar
with it. Tabulation is more often where the
bottleneck occurs. Computers can help with
that, as in this system, but they can't be
totally relied upon. A good show requires a
considerable amount of preplanning and
careful execution. In our case, we used three
human tabulators equipped with calculators
to record and cross-check the scorecards
simultaneously. After only a little practice
they were able present the judge with a
completed set of scorecards, ranked by score
with ties identified within only 30 seconds of
the last card being turned in.
This new approach w ill take time to prove
itself and will need additional refinement in
the process. However, it has great prospects
for improving our ability to teach, to chal
lenge, and to prepare our youth for the future.