Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, July 29, 1999, Page 4, Image 4

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    A ..i., 1000 Warm Springs. Oregon
E Coosh EEWA: Ttie way it is
Just think, it's mid July al
ready and seems like the day's
arejust slipping by and soon sum
mer will be gone. We've had so
much cold weather this year it
doesn't seem like we had a spring
season,. Everything seems to be
behind schedule this year. Even
today there is still a lot of snow in
the high country.
Even the gardens had to 6e
planted a little late because of the
cold weather. The early spring
roots sure have had a short sea
son and gone. Everyone is grip
ing about the cold weather we've been having all along, but I'll bet
if there is acouplc of hot days people will be complaining about the
heat next, no one is really completely satisfied with what ever comes
along. Well no matter how the weather turns out everyone has to
stick to their old routine and work schedule.
Speaking about work schedules such as it may, we have a work
schedule here at Spilyay Tymoo, especially when it's deadline
week. We would appreciate it if everyone would comply with our
wishes and bring in their general news articles on Friday, before 5
O'clock, emergencies are an exception. People have all week to get
their stories together and turn them in. There are certain Depart
ments that are excluded from this clause, because of certain situa
tions that happen on the week-ends. Other than that we would like
all stories turned in on Friday. There are some people who wait until
we are ready for press and expect us to put their articles in the paper
after we have completed pasting up the news.
We have published the deadline dates in the paper so that people
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can get ineirnews uems in anureuuy iui pi im. mmj wc iccci vc icuna
to the editor giving some good points, advice on various situations
mai occur aruunu ncie, uui nicy
nouncement in me tumors note on page 4, regarding mis type oi
situation. If a letter is received and not signed we don't print them.
Our policy is that all letters must have a signature and phone or
. address so people can contact that person for further discussion on
any matter that may be in question.
So if you write a letter to the editor and it' s unsigned it will be filed
with all the other unsigned letters and that's file 1 3, or waste basked
in other words. We do appreciate receiving letters to the editorwhere
a person express himself to the general readership, of his concerns.
The Pow-wows are in full swing as there are more pow-wows
than a person can shake a stick at. It's great to go to the pow-wows
mntiU U (Innrtinn oil VA -ftfl l"'inl tll'lt I O Tlllt Itlfrt
IU Wcilll! U1C Utilising ttliu ail uiw piv-uj uuiiuj wmn. uiai u pui iinu
assembling one of those dance costumes. Sometimes it's amazing
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to see so many rem une uuwtcii) m
just to Delta Park, in Portland, and the Pi-Um-Sha, here in Warm
Springs, but to watch those dancers cut loose makes me want to get
right in there and dance too. I guess it just, "Moves Me," maybe
some day I'll cut loose.
Sometimes 1 wonder about the judges and what do they look for
in a certain dance. All these dancers compete among each other
almost at every pow-wow, but you never see a consistent winner. If
a dancer was real good it would appear he would be winning right
along at each pow-wow. But someone else always wins at different
pow-wows even if the pre pow-wow winner is in the contest. What
is their policy may be their thought is to spread the money around
a little to everyone. They think, this guy won at Pi-Um-Sha, so I'll
pick this ole hombre this time. Yeah ! I think it's about time he won
something. Like I feel if there is a real good dancer he should be
winning constantly all season long. Like the rodeo cowboy if your
good you just put your spurs in the shoulders and "Hoe-um-out."
That's how the Cowboy gets to the National Finals in the Fall is
because he is a consistent winner all season long and has built up the
most points for the season to earn that right to go to the National
The County fairs are springing up all over the country. The
Jefferson County fair has come and is gone and the Deshutes County
fair held in Redmond, Oreon is growing larger and larger each year.
It doesn't seem right in Redmond anymore not to see the old Fair
grounds with the grandstand, race track and the exhibit buildings
along the highway. How the huge carnival that used to attract
thousands of people each year.
Many years ago in Madras the fair grounds used to be where the
high school is now. They had a horse race track along with the rodeo
arena. A lot of things are dying out of the old ways and events at the
county fairs. Today it appears no one wants to put any effort into
putting on a good fair. Boredom is setting in and no excitement of
any kind. The only thing people see is ($). Like they say, " If you
want to dance you've got to pay the Fiddler." But in this case, "If
you want to pay the Fiddler, you've got to produce something worth
Well, someday we may look back to the olden days and say, "one
time a long time ago we used to have County Fairs."
The lawyer was advising his pretty client.
"When we go to court I want you to wear a short skirt."
"But they're not in style," she protested.
"Do you want to be acquitted?" asked the lawyer. "Or do you
want to be in style?" YIKES
Editor's Note
Spilyay Tymoo welcomes articles and letters from its readers. All letters, preferably
300 words or less, must be signed by the author. Letters will not be printed unless
signed. Thank you letters and poetry will be published at the editor's discretion.
All letters are the opinion of the author and do not reflect in any way the opinion of
Spilyay Tymoo. Spilyay Tymoo reserves the right to edit all copy OR refuse
publication of any material that may contain libelous or malicious statements.
aic uii-mmui. t nuvi uu on-
uic jjuw-wuws. uun i iu many
Recall rumor
To (he editor,
A quick update on the recall. There
are rumors about a recall of Tribal
Councilman. I can only suggest that
if you hear a rumor, ignore the rumor
and please do not repeat it. Since the
SecretaryTreasure took office, he
has stolen a million from the future.
I say "stole" because the Resolution
states that no funds would be used
out of that fund unless it was an
emergency. This was not an emer
gency. We had 3 million left in the
1998 budget that we could have used
and would not have to touch that 1
million. He hired a consultant six
months before the Tribal Council
made the funds available.
Thank you for
To the editor,
To our family and friends who
supported us very much with our loss
of Trcmayne Tuckta-Wolfc. I can't
explain how thankful we are for your
help with the funeral services. We
couldn't have done it alone and I'd
like to thank especially Larry Dick
for officiating the services, all the
drummers, cooks and helpers. Most
of all thank you so very much Margie
Tuckta and Beulah Tsumpti ("The
Moms") your strength was and still
is very helpful.
Once again thank you all (and my
aunts and sisters)
Lots of love,
Louisa Tuckta,
Cyril Wolfe & girls
Name giving
fo (he editor,
Name giving for Allen Gilbert III,
Justin Gilbert, Vera Smith and Katie
Smith has been postponed until two
weeks before Lincoln's Powwow in
It was to be held in August at He
He Longhouse but it's too soon
because of head stone setting for the
boys auntie "Doots".
Thank you for your time.
Janice Gilbert-Gunshows and
Allen Gilbert, Sr.
nBHlC VOU 311
To our Friends & Relatives:
"Thank You" for the prayers,
flowers, and words of encourage
ment that were sent to Winona Stwyer
during her recent hospitalization. She
is home recuperating (I'll spare you
the details in print but will be glad to
share in person).
We appreciate Fire & Safety staff
for their promptness and profession
alism, especially on Pi-Ume-Sha
Roger Sr., Charles, Roger Stwyer
Jr. & William Spino
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Happy 8th Birthday (July 27th)
to the greatest daughter in
the world Saddy Bootie
Love Dad & Mom
The Tribal Council approved the
funds fora committee. The ST would
not follow through with that direc
tive. I incidentally have the minutes
for the Council action. The Council
at one time recalled all Tribal credit
cards. The SecretaryTreasure made
the credit cards available for the four
horseman, so they could sign off on
their own check request and approve
them and are not held accountable to
anyone. This is quick information
the Secretary Treasure cannot accept
the truth, so he calls it an slander. I
will have a follow-up letter at a later
date. These are my own opinions,
observations and did not get any help
from anyone.
Vernon Henry
Nathan "Toby" Shike and
Nikki Courtney would like to
announce that they were married
on May 29, 1999. Nikki will
keep her last name as Courtney
Thanks for
To our Friends & Relatives:
"Thank You" for the prayers,
flowers, and words of encourage
ment that were sent to Winona Stwyer
during her recent hospitalization. She
is home recuperating (I'll spare you
the details in print but will be glad to
share in person).
We appreciate Fire & Safety staff
for their promptness and profession
alism, especially on Pi-Ume-Sha
Roger Sr., Charles, Roger Stwyer
Jr. & William Spino
Prayers sent &
To the editor,
My prayers go out to all families
that have recently suffered loss of a
loved one, it seems as though we are
loping more than our share of family
and members of the community. I
pray and ask you parents and fami
lies to seriously value the lives of
your children and family members,
we were put here as one people.
Meaning we are all related! My spir
its and heart had been uplifted when
I saw our community come together
as one to be of support to all the
families during their loss. Our chil
dren and families need the same love
and support so we can go on with our
I pray for our people to stop the:
Hate, Gangs, Crimes, Violence, Al
cohol & Drug Abuse, Child Neglect
& Abuse, Discrimination and our
loss of family values. To maybe
someday join hand-in-hand as one,
to live together as one, and be as one
people to live happy & healthy lives.
Let's start now and make nothing
into something for our community
and families.
Carlos R. Calica
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Mistydawn M.L. Jensen July 1 1
Daddies girl is a "Big 5"
Hope you have a happy birthday
wish I could be there
Miss you! Love You!
Love Daddy Jensen
Happy Birthday across the miles
to Rob Lopez &
Myrna Walking Eagle
July 22nd & July 30th
Hope your day was good one.
God bless!
Tina, Easton & kids
Memorial services
To the editor,
Memorial has been set for Luther
Danzuka and Patricia Leno-Baker,
August 7, 1999, at the Agency
The dinner will be at this time, it
will be a full year since the passing of
the above mentioned loved ones.
The family would like to invite all
families, friends and relatives to the
dinner and give at this time.
All family members had agreed
that this would not be held until a full
year has past by.
Arlene Smith, daughters
No answers to questions asked
To the editor,
The people from all 3 districts
have been asking me about the tick
ets for the playoff games when the
Portland Trailblazers played the San
Antonio Spurs. I do not have an an
swer for you people, I asked some of
the Tribal Council, but all they knew
was the SecretaryTreasure picked
them up. The ST does not have au
thority to pick up tickets even if it is
for the four horsemen and their guests.
The tickets for the box seats are for
the Tribal Members. The four horse
men have access to Tribal credit cards
with unlimited spending balance.
They could use their own credit cards
to purchase the tickets, and while I
am on the subject of the credit cards,
I just found out yesterday (July 8,
1999) that they have been buying
alcohol with said cards. That is a
direct violation of our policy. At the
last budget meeting I asked them to
remove the drug testing from our
budget and they refused to do that.
Now they say it is okay for them to
poem shared
It is hard to say good-bye to
When that day was spent with
the one you love
And later hear people say
Your loved ones have left us to
the creator above.
They were so young and full of
Taken too early by means of
, Leaving all families and
community without the loved ones
to caress
My people have come together
after these tragic events.
Not knowing you are saying
your last good-bye
You smile as you watch the
loved ones go
Later informed that the loved
ones have died
And to lose the chance to watch
them grow.
This day my prayers & thanks
have gone out to the creator
For I had also fallen a victim to
a similar tragedy
I have been given another
chance to mentor
My children & younger family
about life and responsibility.
It is hard to say good-bye to
Now that the loved ones have
been laid to rest
And to all the families who are
now alone this day
My heart has been opened with
love and happiness
For my people have come
together as one to pray
And support the loved ones who
now rest.
To my family & friends,
Sending this out to wish you a
Happy Birthday and many more to
come. I hope all of you enjoyed your
special days. Wanting to let you know
that we care.
July Birthdays
3rd-Melissa Johnson, John Be vis,
Kalan Wolfe
5th-Amanda Tom, Toby Patrick
6th-Wilbur Johnson Sr., Kapri
9th-Zelda Bronson, Edward Wil
liams, Richard Wolfe Sr.
10th-Juan Jr. (Lisa Lomas)
1 1th-Joyce Quinn, Rittni Clements
14th-Candice Allen
15th-Shelby Moody
18th-Missy Wolfe
19th-LeIand George
21st-Lashawna Wolfe
22nd-Shana Johnson
23rd-SeIena A. (Bernie)
24th-Tyrin Wolfe
26th-Aaron Smith
Love all of you and hope you all
have a great day. If I forgot anyone,
I'm truly sorry.
Love family member & friend,
Lester Begay, Nancy Blackwolf
Bf gay. Julia Begay & Robert
Allen, Jr.
set for loved ones
Ullian Walsey, family
Roberta Greene, family
Bruce and Barbara Jim, family
Jeff Sanders, Jr., family
Keith Baker,
Patricia "Pixie" Holliday, family
Other family & friends, relatives
If anyone has any questions please
feel free to call us at 553-9083 or
check with the family in the
Please note: This past weekend
was not at the request of this family,
but another familly needed to clear
their way to dance or participate in
powwows or other activities.
spend trioai dollars tor aiconoi. ao
also one Tribal Council Member was
under the influence of alcohol and
went down to the working people
side of the building and verbally
abused the workers, yet the Tribal
Member working class has to submit
to a test andor face termination.
The four horsemen should be
thankful I do not have the authority
or I would have them incarcerated, if
that is the word and have them pay
back all the dollars they spent. Idon't
have to tell you people why we robbed
from the future as we can't tell how
we are spending it. They say I am not
a team member, but it is awfully hard
to play for a team that steals from the
Owner; lies to the Owner; deceives
the Owner.
That is all for now, I will do a
follow-up letter on the PGE, the Mill
and anything else that may occur in
the meantime for security reasons I
cannot reveal my identity.
So this is the Paiute Chief signing
Have a Good Day.
Happy 5th Birthday
Mileena Edwards
July 30th
From Mom & Dad,
Family in Burns &
grandma & grandpa Suppah
Happy Birthday Bobbi Suppah!
July 27th!
Lots of love, Marvin, Michele &
Happy Birthday to
Bobbi Suppah-July 27
(Got the right date now?!)
with lots of love,
Tina, Easton & kids
Happy Birthday
July 31st
Fred Ike, Jr.
Love your wife & kids,
Pat, Lara, Dawn & Felicia
Happy Birthday
Dances With Little Doe
July 25th-Hope it was great!
From you know who &
you know where
To my lovely & crazy sister
Joy Soto-Mendez
Happy 2? Birthday, July 16th,
You spoiled Brat!
Love, Jolene
Feliz Cumpeanos Para Mi
Joy Soto-Mendez,
Ya Estas Viejita!
No Mas Estoy Jugando
Con Carino, Hector
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