Image provided by: The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs; Warm Springs, OR
About Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1998)
Nov. 19, 1998 Vol. 23 No. 24 Ipilyay Tymoo P.O. Box 870 Warm Springs, OK 97761 Addicss Correction Requested U.S. Postage Bulk Rate Permit No. 2 Warm Springs, OR 97761 OR. COLL. E 75 .S&B v. 3 no. 4 November iy, iyya (Coyote News) SliKIALSDUT. KNICillTUHKARY l2WliNIVi;R.SITY()l;()RIXJ()N 1-lHXNi; OR 97403 t. . 7v " Coyote News In Brief Senior Outlook Spilyay has their spotlight on high school seniors Berni Jackson and Jessie Adams, Spilyay I'nawa mish'kaau Question:"Could you tell us a brief history of Thanksgiving day and what you are thankful for?" Veterans powwow held Veterans were honored throughout the weekend. 3 r On Patrol Find out whats going on at the Police Department. Language Lessons Sahaptin and Paiute language lessons are - offered. 6 and 7 Composite Products: A company moving forward Composite products updates community in a first of a series of stories. 8 History of Columbia River fishing Life on the Columbia River during the time when Lewis & Clark made first contact. United Tribes takes championship home Annual Suicide Prevention tournament held November 13-15. 10 Deadline for the next Spilyay Tymoo is Friday, November 27, 1998 Warm Springs Observes Veterans Day with a Ceremony and Parade I ' v v " I i : . i ','' ' ' I ;' I ' ' i?'. .A ' l J.. ' ft"?., .v The Veterans Parade fromn the Court House to the Long House where a Veterans Dinner was served by the Ladies Auxiliary " "r I f : " . .J 5 v 2 4 it: J Ji' Air jr-'C lr ff. f jty t " 4 1 Firing Squad from left to right: Raymond Moody, Tommy Kalama, Buddy Hicks, Marvin Ike, Ross Kalama Jr., Madras High School R.O.T.C. Color Guard, during the parade here in Randy Smith and Tony "Big Rat" Suppah. Warm Springs on Veterans Day. Veterans Day Observed Veterans gather to observe Veterans day with a short ceremony at the Veterans stone in front of the Court house. A 21 gun salute to all veterans who have served their country in time of un-rest around the world. WW 1, WWII, The Korean conflict, Vietnam and the Persain Gulf war, also recognizing all Veterans in war and pesce time. A time to reflect back to remember sll those who have served the country and have now passed on. All the Veterans who have experienced all the hardships and frustrations during timne of war. To those who served in peace time yet ready to defend the Country when necessary. The big celebration at the end of WW li. when Germany and Japan surrendered. The Forgotten war, Korea, at the end of that war it just faded away, no bands no parades but men died jthere just as well. The Vietnam Warttiat stirred a lot of controversy where many thought we shouldnl have been there, Yet We gather to Salute AH Veterans today. Portland area director, meets with Tribal Council- Doni Wilder, Portland Area Di rector of Indian Health Services (IHS), Terry Smith, Health Systems Specialist for Portland Area Office and Russ Alger, Service Unit Director for Warm Springs Health and Wellness were meeting with Tribal Council as an introduction of Doni Wilder, the new Area Director for IHS. Wilder, has been Portland Area Director of IHS since August 31, 1998. Prior to this, she was director of the Northwest Indian Health Board for eleven years. Also discussed at the meeting was the budget of the Portland Area Office and how the Area Office provides service to the Warm Springs Service Unit. Other issues that were addressed during the November 3, meeting were the Elder care update, Oregon De partment of Transportation update on Highway 26, Tribal Committee's employee pay discussion, Consensus to submit Garni ng update report to be published in the Spilyay Tymoo and Approval for Agreement Reaffirm ing the Joint Venture Demonstration Project between the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs and the In dian Health Service to be signed by Chair of Tribal Council. Tribal Council Summary minutes and in formation was provided by Tribal Council personnel. - , i ' --ft 1 I 1 A Y University of Oregon Librar deceived on: ii-P4-qo sPilyay tytoo. Doni Wilder, Russ Alger and Terry Smith at Tribal Council Office November 3. t