4 August 28, 1997 Warm Springs, Oregon Spilyay Tymoo E Coosh EEWA: The way it is Hits and Pie ces from around the community. The housing across the country is a never ending issue, people needing homes and living quarters all the time. This really is noticeable in the Portland areas where there was once berry fields and farm land, now there arc apartment complexes coming up all over the place. Makes one wonder where are all these people coming from. This is a critical situation here in Warm Springs for families who arc on the waiting list to get a home or an apartment. Our housing developments include West Hills, the Tcnino Apartments, the Trailer courts, Greeley Heights, Simnasho, Dry Creek both upper and lower, the Sunny side and Wolf Point. There are many homes built in the country also. Just like any othercommunity its hart to find living quarters. Many employees here commute from Madras. Even in Madras its getting hard to find living quarters. We have several who have had homes built in rural areas which seems to be the ideal place to live, away from all the hassle of busy streets and crowded neighborhoods. That's a great way to go but not everyone has land to build on. But there are people who would rather live in the community setting because of access to the post office, grocery store and just to be one of the gang in the community. Babbitt Promises to help Salmon Recovery, was the headline in the Oregonian in Wednesday's issue, August 13, 1997. In an unannounced meeting in Portland, Oregon, the Secretary of the Interior, Bruce Babbitt told leaders of Northwest tribes that salmon recovery in the Columbia Basin has been a failure and that the federal government would help build a solution that would satisfy the Tribes. Words, words, words, the high officials have a nack of using many words that are meaningless. They are very careful in their statements using words that sound good but that they don' t really commit themselves in any sitluation and held accountable. They use words that are acceptable to the public but yet they never accomplish anything. There is one thing they say is true, that they are trying to find solutions to the problem. Promises, promises, that's been the whole story of all the Indian tribes every since the days of the Treaty signing. Promises can be broken just as easy as said, as it has been all through the years for the Indian people. We'll just have to wait and see what happens in any attempt they use to try to restore the fish runs in the Columbia Basin, hopefully something might happen. Where have all the Cowboys gone? What's happening in the Western States All Indian Rodeo Association? Everything seems to be dyeing out these past few years. There are no standings available to report to the fans. We are losing rodeos right along. Take the Ty-Wam-Ma saddle club, they have abandoned one of the original All Indian rodeos here in the northwest. It all began many years ago in the early 50's when their Saddle Club came to Warm Springs to have a meeting with the Warm Springs Roping club to plan their first All-Indian Rodeo. One of the leaders from Wamic was all time great bronc rider George Nelson. The very first All Indian rodeo was held in the Wasco County fair grounds in Tygh Valley. It was a big hit especially by advertising the rodeo stock being fresh off the hills of the Warm Springs reservation, and have never been handled before The first rodeo had all the major events and even the wildhorse race. They even had therobred races on the track. It was a wild and woolly event which attracted fans by the hundreds out of the City of Portland and all the surrounding communities. Today the All Indian rodeo grounds stands idol near the town of Tygh Valley The dust has settled and all the yells and screams have all faded away. Many people looked forward to the All Indian Rodeo in Tygh Valley and now there are many disappointments that there is no more All Indian Rodeos there. Ahh-Nah-Chi-Toon!!! Toe Ness This guy said "This little black book is my scrap book. Everytime my wife finds it we have a scrap. YIKES SS SS Middle age is having a choice of two temptations and choosing the one that will get you home earlier. YIKES Editor's Note Spilyay Tymoo welcomes articles and letters from its readers. All letters, preferably 300 words or less, must be signed by the author. Letters will not be printed unless signed. Thank you letters and poetry will be published at the editor's discretion. All letters are the opinion of the author and do not reflect in any way the opinion of Spilyay Tymoo Spilyay Tymoo reserves the right to edit all copy OR refuse publication of any material that may contain libelous or malicious statements. IT 0 G SS Indigenous letter of thanks Planning started for the 1997 North American Indigenous Games was September of 1996, so in being prepared it took us just under a year to get organized. The team started out at 105 total and ended up at 50 total athletes before wc left, wc did lose a soflball team a couple weeks before the final rosterdeadline which I didnot want to sec happen because I believe in giving kids a oppcrtunity to compete. It was a privilagc for me to watch these kids practice all summer long and dedicate their own lime to becoming better athletes and future mentors for other youth in our community. Team Oregon had five basketball teams and medal in four with one team placing fifth, a track team who recieved nine medals. A boxing team whogot two gold medals and with the other boxer making it to the semi-finals. I would like first thank the coaches, managers and chapcroncs: Austin Greene & Chaz Mitchell Bantam boys basketball, Scott Moses-Midget bays basketball, Lorraine Suppah & Robin Mitchell Midget girls basketball, Sandra Main Bantam girls basketball, Frank Smtih & Jocelyn Moses-Juvanilc girls basketball, Frank Brunoe-Track & Feild, Austin Smith-Boxing and Family express appreciation To the editor, for traveling from White Swan, WA; The family of Taylor Arthur would like to express our greatest apprecia tion to all who helped during our loved one's funeral: Wilson Wewa Jr for staying till the end; Sherrie Smith & Maria Lopez for taking care of Taylor, Maryann Meanus & grandchildren for their beautiful songs, E. Hunt & Full Gos pel Choir for their kind words and songs, Norman & Janice Lucei for all the 1910 Shaker Church services. Jimmy Wesley & Paul Vathe for transporting; Geraldine Blodgett (Head cook), Shirley Heath, & Nola Queahpama for the wonderful food; Tribal Council for the donation of ; dcermeat& salmon; Police Dept. for ; escorting and release of pall bearers; Delvis Heath (our chief) for sharing meals with family; Louise Langley for her generous donation of roots & berries; Stacey & Joann Squiemphen for traveling to granduncle's services from Taholah, WA; Clifford Moses Happy Birthday Candace Heath September 1st With love from, Dad, Vernon, & Challias Happy Birthday Rayna Thomas Love, Robyne, Sam & Devon Why? Why do people do that? Do what, you ask? Leave their children behind without so much as a second thought. Why do people do that? Do what, you ask? Leave their family behind without an explanation. Why? I think I know why, they are hurting inside and they don't want anyone to know, Or, they don't know how to tell anyone. Maybe they felt that their family has turned on them. Maybe they feel that they are not worth anything. You know how I might know? How, you ask? Because I was there once, I felt that the world was against me, I felt that my parents didn't love me. I felt that I was worthless, But then I thought of my children and my family and I got help. Please think of your family and your children before you decide to take your own life. Anonymous Shirley Smith-Chaperone-Juvanilc girls basketball. I would also like to give a special thanks to our V.I.P's, it was great seeing ourclderscnjoyingthcmscvles and supporting Team Oregon: Claude Smith, Dan Brisbois, Delvis Heath and Irene Wells. In the begining of all the planning stages Fran-Moses Ahcrn played a big part in organizing the team, a special thanks to her. Last but not least thanks to Roland & Vcrlecn Kalama for their effort in getting sponsorship for the athletes registration fees back in January and to Luther Clements for the use of a van to transport the athletes to the games. I was very unhappy that there was not a medal presentation for our basketball athletes and that the medals are being sent to us by mail. My appologics to the athletes and to the parents, when the medals do arrive there will be a presentation to all the athletes. The 1999 games will be had in Fargo, North Dakota and I do plan on expanding Team Oregon participation numbers, so start training now, two years is right around the corner. Thank you Andy Leonard, Team Oregon Represcntitive Alvis Smith, Sr. for being a great friend and Merris Wallulatum for being with him every day. We would also like to thank the following people for being at the church offering comfort to the fam ily: Tom & Fern Begay, Anna Clements, Kate Jackson, Hilda Culpus, Lorraine Alonso, Beverly Smith, Effie Culpus, Max Jackson, Delia Walsey, Geraldine Jim, Cordelia Charley, Rosalind Sampson, and Judy Charley. With Sincere Thanks, The Arthur Family, Yvonne Arthur Tapedo, Jolene Soto-Torres, Joy Soto, Leon Tenorio, Lorna, Rod, Etta, Ricki & Helene Arthur, Barbara, Levi, & Leroy Bobb, Gail, Beverly, & Eric Frank, Grand & Emily Waheneka, Harrison Davis & Margaret Charley Happy 22nd Birthday Sam! Congratulations on your graduation at the academy August 26th. With love always, Robyne Ike Happy 16th Birthday McKinley Lopez Love sisters, Ramona & Sheryl Happy Birthday to my 1 Daddy With love, Devon Wolfe Beadwork drawings for sale Jimmy Scott is selling beadwork, drawings, ribbon shirts, drum designs, & watch designs. Come to residence 4462 Upper Dry Creek Road or call 553-8927. Will take offers and special orders. Home weekdays & weekends. Retail space available There is now a retail shop avail able at the Plaza at Warm Springs. Any Tribal Member interested in obtaining a lease for this retail shop need to submit a business proposal to the Small Business Development Center by August 8, 1 997. For addi tional information, call the Small Business Developmentcenterat 553 3592. For sale: 12" Satellite Dish. Five years old with brand new receiver. Original price, $2,500. Asking $800. You move 5' upright freezer. Good working order. $90 or best of er. You move. Swamp Cooper. $30. Window or roof mountable. You move. Call Norma at 553-2477 days, Monday through Friday. Stone setting set for September 4 " Stone setting for Leslie Howtopat will be on September 4, 1997 at 10 a.m. at the Wolf Point Cemetery. A dinner will be served at the Warm Springs Shaker Church with a give away then shaker services following the giveaway. Everyone is welcome. For sale- Men's and Ladies 10-spccd bikes. Ladies bike has a child carrier. $50 each. Little girls 16" bike $15. Call 553-3274 ask for Selena. Church services begin To the editor, Hello from Pastor Rick, well school begins in a few days. WOW, what a summer. For us at the Presby terian Church the church season be gins. Sunday is at 10 a.m. and Wor ship is at 11 a.m. Sunday School begins Sept. 7th with a very good program of Christian education. The adult program will be a topical scries (money, stress, parents etc.). We also have Bill Graham film series to show. Our Youth Group will begin Sun day Sept. 14th at 3 p.m. all 7th through 12th graders are invited. We do a combination of bible study and community service mixed with some fun events. Sunday evening worship continues with music, prayer (per sonal, healing, community), and the study of the book of Acts. Everyone is invited. We continue to have a special service of the Lord's Supper during Malice not substantial To the editor, To the slander, Do you have evi dence to speak? Your malice not sub stantial. You've promoted gossip through the illiterates of Warm Springs Reservation. You being the jury, judge where your utterance should have been iniated. You have created a criminal activity of anti social ways. You are an adult with no moral, and second grade terminol ogy. Thank you for lifting my spirit up next to our Creator, you've cleansed me! Had made me aware of our extreme-right ways. I'll want 12 your bonuses, 34 of your SSI checks, 12 your welfare checks, 12 your pay checks, your lease checks, your car, truck. I'd get a court order! SHUT UP or PUT-UP! Very Truly yours, Martinez Eugene Charles Sr. PO Box 945 Warm Springs, OR (541)553-3593 Happy Birthday to Leon K. Tenorio, 82397. Heres to the best friend I have! May your day be all you want. I love you! Now I can tease you about being old and over the hill at 30! Love Always, J.K. Allen Happy Birthday Uncle Love nephew, Jarron To my wife Longhouse, "Assurance" Honey-your mine Don't say to me the old cliches Time Heals all wounds God only give as much as you can bear Life is for the living Just say the thoughts of your heart I'm sorry-I love you, I'm here, I care Hug me, Kiss me and squeeze my hand I need your warmth and strength Please don't drop your eyes when I am near I feel so rejected now by God and man Just look in my eyes and let me know that you are with me Don't think you must always be strong for me Its okay to cry It tells me how much you care Let me cry too Its so lonely to always cry alone Please keep coming by even after many weeks have passed When the numbness wears off the pain of grief is unbearable Don't ever expect me to be quite the same How can I be when part of my being is here no more But please know. Honey, your love, support, understanding I live and love again and be grateful everyday That I have you and not give you up. Big Rat Memorial & Stonesctting Leonard I. Tomuskin Sr. Date: October 18, 1997. Place: Wapalo Longhousc & Satus Point Cemctary. Time: 7:00 AM Stonesctting at Satus Point Cemctary. Time: 12.00 Noon Dinner at Wapalo Longhousc Giveaway to follow dinner. Everyone is invited! worship on each of the first Sundays of the month. We also have potluck lunch after worship on the first Sun day of each month. Finally two items, the daily devotional for the months of SeptemberOctober will be out on August 31, at the church, they are free. And a Red Cross Blood Drive information luncheon will be at the Presbyterian Church on September 2 at noon. Please come and learn about the needs and the work of Red Cross. We, the Presbyterian Church are a small part of the greater body of Christ that comes together not as Indians, Whites, Tribes, Rich or Poor. We come together as human beings seeking the will of God, the Love of God, the healing of God in our lives. We invite you to come and be human with us. See you in church. Pastor Rick R. Ribeiro VS Presbyterian Church On the campus Happy Birthday Muggli August 30 From Deece Happy Birthday Brian August 30 From Deece Happy Birthday Amy September 8 From Deece Happy Birthday! Danelt S. Tailfeathers August 31, 1968 With all our loveprayers, Farrellyn, Laurissa, Angela, Lovey & Tiny Joe Happy Birthday Ricky Smith September 1st Lotsa love from, Laura, Lucy, BJ, Cim, Amy, Grandma, Grandpa & Cheyenne Happy 3rd Birthday to my son & brother Clarence McKinley Love, Mom, Whitley & Kevin Happy Birthday to our nephew Clarence McKinley Love, Uncle TJ & Aunty Tia Happy Birthday to my 1 & Only Clarence McKinley Love, Grandma Patches Happy 18th Birthday Dabid Rodriguez 82597 We've very proud of you also on graduating 6797. Good luck to you in Arizona! We love & miss you very much. Love, Mom, Renso & Sergio ry v W mm