12 July 17, 1997 Warm Springs, Oregon Spilyay Tymoo Job openings The job openings as of July 14urc listed below. To submit an applica tion, see Amelia Tcwee in Human Resources or call 553-3262. To ask about job details call the contact per son listed. Data Processing Clerk; Tribal Court; Birney Greene-Boise 553 3278 Court Interpreter; Tribal Court; Linda Langley 553-3454 Fitness Coordinator; Commu nity Health Services; Eugene "Aus tin" Green, Jr. 553-3243 Systems Analyst; Office of In formation Systems; Lloyd Phillips 553-3275 Secretary III; Public Relations; Nat Shaw 553-1 338 Secretary; Vehicle Pool; Terry Squiemphcn 553-3288 Maintenance Worker; Housing; Rudy G. Clements 553-3250 SecretaryReceptionist; WS Composite Products; Harold Majxncr 553-1143 Court notices- Canhdirilrd Tribm of iht Warm Springs RrwrvaltoA of Ore (on Ptlillontr VI. LIU Martini! Mrspondant C ut No. JV74; 7S; 7.?7.il To: Llla Martina!: You ire here by notified Thu the iboveciicd cast (s), u filed in ihc Wum Spnnas Tnhal Court, hi been scheduled for irnlheirmj at V.Ofl a.m. on the 24(h day of July. IW7. You are hereby ordered: To be and appear al the Warm Spnnti Tribal Court al (he lime and date shown to defend againit the chirf cd) You may be represented by yourself, by an attorney, or by a spokesman, at your own eipenie. You may brinf any documents you believe are relevant to this cause, and you may bnn witnesses 10 testify on your behalf. You may request the Court to subpoena your witnesses, however, you must submit your list of witnesses no later than two weeks prior to trial; failure to do so will not be considered sufficient reason to postpone the trial If you have any questions, you should seek legal advice immediately. If you fail to appear as so ordered, (he tribal court may enter a complaint for contempt of court and issue warrant for your arrest. NOTE: The Juvenlle(a) moat appear for hearing Dated at Warm Springs, on this yth day of June 1997. Lola Sohappy Chief Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court Confederted Tribes of the Warm Sprinp Raaervation of Oregon Petitioner VI, Larry 4 Stella Langley Respondent Case No. JV101-97 To: Larry ft Stella Langley: You are hereby notified: That the above cited case(s), as filed in (he Warm Springs Tribal Court, has been sched uled for trialhewing at 9:00 a.m. on the Jlst day of July, 1997. You are hereby ordered: To be and appear at the Warm Springs Tribal Court at (he time and date shown to defend against the charge(a). You may be represented by yourself, by an attorney, or by a spokesman, at your own expense. You may bring any documents you believe are relevant (o (his cause, and you may bring witnesses (o (es(ify on your behalf. You may request the Court to subpoena your wit nesses, however, you must submit your list of witnesses no iaier than two weeks prior (o trial; failure to do so will not be considered sufficient reason to postpone the (rial. If you have any questions, you should seek legal advice immedi ately. If you fall to appear as so ordered, the tribal court may enter a complaint for contempt of courl and issue a ' varrant for your arrest. NOTE: Juvenile muat appear with parent for thia hearing Dated at Warm Springs, on this 1st day of July 1997. Lola Sohappy Chief Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court Ramon Smith Petitioner VI. Thomas Strang, Jr. Respondent Summons For Publication Case No. D079-97 To Thomas Strong, Jr. & Ramona Smith, You are hereby noli f ted that a petition to Determine Paternity has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for 4:00 p.m., on the 6th day of August, 1997, at the Warm Springs Tribal Court. All of the facts of the case will be heard at this hearing, including evidence you wish to present. You must appear to present your argument or the other side will automatically win. The Petitioner, Ramona Smith may then be given all that is asked for in the petition to Determine Paternity. The Petitioner will be present at the hearing. If you desire to personally argue your side of the case, you may have a legal aide, spokesperson-or attorney appear on your behalf at your expense. If you have any questions, you should seek legal advice immediately. Dated at Warm Springs, Oregon, this 1 1th day of July, 1997. Lola Sohappy Chief Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court To: Ross Kalama PO Box 774 Warm Springs, OR Notice of Informal Hearing Cast No. IN50-97 An informal hearing has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court on the 6th day of August, 1997, at 3:00 p.m. This hearing has been scheduled at the request of American General Finance for the following reasons: Overdue Account. You are hereby required to appear at this time on your own behalf. It is important that you attempt to resolve this issue, in order to prevent further action against you in a Stale Court. If you fail to appear at the scheduled time, the presiding judge may issue a warrant for your arrest and require you to post bail to guarantee your appearance. Dated this 1 1 th day of July, 1997. Lola Sohappy Chief Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court To: Richard Garcia PO Box 1020 Warm Springs, OR Professional Credit Services PO Box 5849 Bend, OR 97708 Notice of Informal Hearing Case No. IN 85-97 An informal hearing has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court on the 4th day of August, 1997, at 10:00 a.m. This hearing has been scheduled at the request of Professional Credit for the following reasons: Overdue Account. You are hereby required to appear at this time on your own behalf. It is important that you attempt to resolve this issue, in order to prevent further action against you in a State Court. If you fail to appear at the scheduled time, the presiding judge may issue a warrant for your arrest and require you to post bail to guarantee your appearance. Dated this 1st day of July, 1997. Wilma Ann Picard Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court Want to subscribe to Spilyay Tymoo? Moving? Send subscription or change of address to: Spilyay Tymoo, P.O. Box 870, Warm Springs, OR 97761 Name Address City Subscription rates: $15.00 per year in the U.S. $25.00 per year outside the U.S. or 1 st Ctass in the U.S. AB members of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs will receive the Spilyay Tymoo at no cost Spilyay Tymoo is published bi-weekfy by the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. Coordinator Assistants (2); Women & Chilren ScrvicesWEDD; Lucas Ike 553-3324 School openings Fifth & sixth grade Spanish teacher; Special education teacher; Seventh & Eighth grade math teacher; Seventh & Eighth grade musicsci ence teacher; Non-commissioned officer JROTC; .875 FTE music teacher Fifth & Sixth grade; .625 FTE music teacher, K-4; Head track coach; Special Olympics Coordina tor, Interested candidates should con tact: Jefferson County School Dis trict 509-J; 445 SE Buff Street; Ma dras, OR 97741 (541)475-6192 Other job openings Juvenile Counselor; Nurse; En glish Teacher (ESL); P.EVHealth teacher; JROTC program officer; 4th grade teacher; 3rd grade teacher; as sistanthead coaches; Special educa Confederated Tribea of the Warm Spring! Reservation of Oregon Petitioner Roberta William) Reapondanl Cue No. JVM-97YM429 To: Roberta Willlama: You are hereby notified: That the above cited easels), u filed in the Warm Springs Tribal Court, has been sched uled for uialhearini at 9:00 a m. on the 24th day of July, 1997. You are hereby ordered: To be and appear at the Warm Springs Tribal Court at the time and date shown to delend against thecharge(s). You may he represented by yourself, by an attorney, or by a spokesman, at your own eiprnse. You may bring any documents you believe arc relevant to this cause, and you may bring witnesses to testify on your behalf. You may request the Court to subpoena your wit nesses, however, you must submit your list of witnesses no later than two weeks prior to trial; failure to do so will not be considered sufficient reason to postpone the trial. If you have any questions, you should seek legal advice immedi ately. If you fail to appear u to ordered, the tribal court may enter a complaint for contempt of court and issue a warrant for your arrest. NOTE: The Juvenile(l) must appear for hearing Dated at Warm Springs, on this 1 9th day of June 1997. Lola Sohappy Chief Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court Barbara Yaw-Starr Petitioner va. Floyd Gibson Reapondanl Cue No. CV201-96 To: Floyd Gibson A Barbara Yaw-Starr: You are hereby notified: That the above cited case(s), a filed in the Warm Springs Tribal Court, has been scheduled for trialhearing at 9.00 a.m. on the 8th day of August, 1997. You are hereby ordered: To be and appear at the Warm Springs Tribal Court al the time and date shown to defend against the charge(s). You may be represented by yourself, by an attorney, or by a spokesman, at your own expense. You may bring any documents you believe are relevant to this cause, and you may bring witnesses to testify on your behalf. You may request the Court to subpoena your witnesses, however, you must submit your list of witnesses no later than two weeks prior to trial; failure to do so will not be considered sufficient reason to postpone the trial. If you have any questions, you should seek legal advice immediately. If you fail to appear as so ordered, the tribal court may enter a complaint for contempt of court and issue a warrant for your arrest. Dated at Warm Springs, on this 7th day of July 1997. Lola Sohappy Chief Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court Glenn Smith Petitioner vs. Gina Walker Respondent Summons For Publication Case No. DO 1 46-87 To Gina Walker & Glenn Smith, You are hereby notified that a petition for Modifica tion has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for 2:00 p.m., on the 30th day of July 1997, at the Warm Springs Tribal Court. All of the facts of the case will be heard at this hearing, including evidence you wish to present. You must appear to present your argument or the other side will automatically win. The Petitioner, Glenn Smith may then be given all that is asked for in the petition for Modification. The Petitioner will be present at the hearing. If you desire to personalty argue your side of (he case, you may have a legal aide, spokesperson or attorney appear on your behalf at your expense. If you have any questions, you should seek legal advice immediately. Dated al Warm Springs, Oregon, this 1st day of July, 1997. Lola Sohappy Chief Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court Confederated Tribes of The Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon va Aaron Smith Defendant Case No.: CV95-97 Order to Show Cause for Public Notice To: Aaron Smith: You are hereby notified that the above cited case(s), as filed in the Warm Springs Tribal Court has been scheduled for a show cause hearing at 1:00 p.m. on the 19th day of August, 1997. You are hereby ordered to be and appear at the Warm Springs Tribal Court at the time and date shown, to show cause why you should not be held in Contempt of Court for Failure to Appear for Jury Duty as scheduled (WSTC 200.615). This hearing, will not be a full hearing on the merits of the case; you must appear and defend against a complaint that you failed to obey the Order of the Court. If you fail lo appear as so ordered, the Tribal Court may enter a complaint for contempt of court and issue a warrant for your arrest. If you have any questions, you should seek legal assistance immediately. Dated at Warm Springs, Oregon on this 10th day of July, 1997. Walter Langnese III Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court To: Levi VanPelt PO Box 1031 Warm Springs, OR McMahans Furniture 1500 NE 3rd Street Bend, OR 97701 Notice of Informal Hearing Case No. IN92-97 An informal hearing has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court on the 12th day of August, 1997, at 2:00 p.m. This hearing has been scheduled at the request of McMahan's Furniture for the following rea sons: Overdue Account $160. You are hereby required to appear at this time on your own behalf. It is important that you attempt lo resolve this issue, in order to prevent further action against you in a State Court. If you fail to appear at the scheduled time, the presiding judge may issue a warrant for your arrest and require you to post bail to guarantee vour appearance. Dated this 2nd day of July, 1997. Wilma Ann Picard Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court Sfafe tion teacher; Teacher assistant; As sistant coach; Music teachers; Motor vehicle rep.; Eligibility worker; Fast food lead worker; On-site manager; Fast food lead worker; Manager; Sec retaries; Office clerksecretary; Bi lingual staff assistant; Outreach worker; Waiterwaitress; Cook; In stitutional cook; Motel keeper; Irri gator; Irrigatorpipc; Auto mechan ics; Maintenance worker; Tow truck driver; Bus drivers; Cutterfinger jointer; Cook's helper; Security offi cer; Journey electrician; all in Ma dras, Dental assistant; Cashiercounter person; Receptionist; Front deskres ervations; Medical records tech.; Cookcocinero; Journey LVL Mill wright; Cost. Millwright; Supervi sorMillwright; all in Warm Springs. Janitors both in Bend; Cook res taurant in Shaniko; Flaggcr; in Cen tral Oregon; Security officer in Prinevilc; Consv. aidepark aid; in Culver; Truck driver; throughout Oregon. Confederated Tribea of The Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon vs Angelina Smith Defendant t aie No.: CVtl-97 Order to Show Cause for Public Notin To: Angelina Smith: You are hereby notified that the abovecitedcite(i), u filed in the Warm Springs Tribal Court has been Kheduled for a show ciuse hearing at I 00 p m. on the !9ih day of August. 1997. You are hereby ordered to be and appear al the Warm Springs Tribal Court at the time and date shown, to show cause why you should not be held in Contempt of Court for Failure to Appear lor Jury Duly as scneduiea (win. 200 615). This hearing, will not be a full hearing on the menu of the cue; you must appear and defend against a complaint that you failed lo obey the Order of the Court. If you fail to appear as so ordered, the Tribal Court may enter a complaint for contempt of court and issue a warrant for your arrest. If you have any questions, you should seek fegsl assistance immediately. Dated al Warm Springs. Oregon on this 10th day of July. 1997. Walter Langnese III Judge, Warn Sprinp Tribal Court Confederated Tribea of the Warm Sprinp Reservation of Oregon Petitioner va. Alice Stewart Respondent Caae No. JV6J.9697-00050 To: Alice Stewart: You are hereby notified: That the above cued easel's), as filed in the Warm Springs Tribal Court, has been Khed uled for trialhearing at 9:00 a.m. on the 24th day of July, 1997. You are hereby ordered: To be and appear at the Warm Springs Tribal Court at the time and dale shown lo defend against the charge(s). You may be represented by yourself, bv an iiiortiev. or bv spokesman, al your own expense. You may bring any documents you believe are relevant to this cause, and you may bring witnesses to testify on your behalf. You may request the Court to subpoena your wit nesses, however, you must submit your list of witnesses no later than two weeks prior to trial; failure lo do so will not be considered sufficient reason to postpone (he trial. If you have any questions, you should seek legal advice immedi ately. If you fail to appear as so ordered, the tribal court may enter a complaint for contempt of court and issue a warrant for your arrest. NOTE: The Juvenlle(s) must appear for hearing Dated at Warm Springs, on this 19th day of June 1997. Lola Sohappy Chief Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court Charles Frank Petitioner va. Memory Brown-Frank Respondent Summons For Publication Case No. D096-94 To Memory Brown-Frank & Charles Frank, You are hereby notified that a petition for Dissolution of Marriage has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for 10:00 a.m., on the 8th day of August, 1997, at the Warm Springs Tribal Court. All of the facts of the case will be heard at this hearing, including evidence you wish to present. You must appear lo present your argument or the other side will automatically win. The Petitioner, Charles Frank, may then be given all that is asked for in the petition Dissolution of Marriage. The Petitioner will be present at the hearing. If you desire to personally argue your side of the case, you may have a legal aide, spokesperson or attorney appear on your behalf at your expense. If you have any questions, you should seek legal advice immediately. Dated at Warm Springs, Oregon, this 7th day ofJuly, 1997. Lola Sohappy Chief Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court Confederated Tribes of The Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon vs Alonzo Jim Defendant Case No.: CV84-97 Order to Show Cause for Public Notice To: Alonzo Jim: You are hereby notified that the above cited case(s), as filed in the Warm Springs Tribal Court has been scheduled for a show cause hearing at 1:00 p.m. on the 19th day of August, 1997. You are hereby ordered to be and appear at the Warm Springs Tribal Court at the time and date shown, to show cause why you should not be held in Contempt of Court for Failure to Appear for Jury Duty as scheduled (WSTC 200.615). This hearing, will not be a full hearing on the merits of the case; you must appear and defend against a complaint that you failed to obey the Order of the Court. If you fail to appear as so ordered, the Tribal Court may enter a complaint for contempt of court and issue a warrant for your arrest. If you have any questions, you should seek legal assistance immediately. Dated at Warm Springs, Oregon on this 10th day of July, 1997. Walter Langnese III Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court People's Credit Petitioner vs. Marci & Ron Clements Respondant Case No. IN83-97 To: Marci & Ron Clements: You are hereby notified: That the above cited case(s), as filed in the Warm Springs Tribal Court, has been sched uled for trialhearing at 4;00 p.m. on the 30th day of July, 1997. You are hereby ordered: To be and appear al the Warm Springs Tribal Court at the time and date shown lo defend against (he charge(s). You may be represented by yourself, by an attorney, or by a spokesman, at your own expense. You may bring any documents you believe are relevant to this cause, and you may bring witnesses to testify on your behalf. You may request the Court to subpoena your wit nesses, however, you must submit your list of witnesses no later than two weeks prior to trial; failure to do so will not be considered sufficient reason lo postpone the trial. If you have any questions, you should seek legal advice immedi ately. If you fail to appear as so ordered, the tribal court may enter a complaint for contempt of court and issue a warrant for your arrest. Dated at Warm Springs, on this 1st day of July 1997. Walter Langnese III Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court The Indian Quick Guide to VA Home Mortgage Loans Thie article taken from the Northwest Indian Vetrans outroach (News Letter.) nfL Northwest Indian Veterans Outreach, news letter of the Vancouver Division-Portland VAMC. Information on a quick guide lo VA home loans. Why a VA Loan? The more you know about our home loan program, the more you will rcalic how little "red tape" there really is in getting a VA loan. These loans arc often made without any down payment at all, and frequently offer lower interest rales than ordinarily available with other VA Financing More than 29 million veterans and service personnel are eligible for VA financing. Even though many veterans have already used their loan benefits, it maybe possible for them to buy homes again with VA financing using remaining or restored loan entitlement. Before arranging for a new mortage to finance a home purchase, veterans should consider some of the advantages of VA home loans. (1.) Most important considerations, no downpaymcnt is required in most cases. (2.) Loan maximum may be up to 100 percent of the VA-cstablishcd reasonable value of the procrty. Due to secondary market rcquirments, however, loans generally may not exceed $203,000. (3.) Flexibility of negotiating interest rates with the lender. Legal notices (continued) Confederted Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon Petitioner vs. Maleah MillerTony FuentesSid Miller Respondant Case No. CV86-97 To: Maleah MillerTony FuentesSid Miller: You are hereby notified: That (he above cited casc(s), as filed in the Warm Springs Tribal Court, has been sched uled for trialhearing at 9:00 a.m. on the 3 1st day of July, 1997. You are hereby ordered: To be and appear at the Warm Springs Tribal Court at the time and dale shown to defend against the charge(s). You may be represented by yourself, by an attorney, or by a spokesman, at your own expense. You may bring any documents you believe are relevant to this cause, and you may bring witnesses to testify on your behalf. You may request the Court to subpoena your wit nesses, however, you must submit your list of witnesses no later than two weeks prior to trial; failure to do so will not be considered sufficient reason to postpone (he trial. If you have any questions, you should seek legal advice immedi ately. If you fail to appear as so ordered, the tribal court may enter a complaint for contempt of court and issue a warrant for your arrest. NOTE: Juvenile must appear with parent for this hearing Dated al Warm Springs, on this 7th day of July 1997. Lola Sohappy Chief Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon Petitioner vs. Ross Kalama, Sr & Greta White Elk Respondant Case No. JV78; 79-9797-1054 To: Ross Kalama, Sr. & Greta White Elk: You are hereby notified: That the above cited casefs), as filed in the Warm Springs Tribal Court, has been sched uled for trialhearing at 9:00 a.m. on the 24ih day of July, 1997. You are hereby ordered: To be and appear al the Warm Springs Tribal Court at the time and date shown to defend againsl the charge(s). You may be represented by yourself, by an attorney, or by a spokesman, at your own expense. You may bring any documents you believe are relevant to this cause, and you may bring witnesses to testify on your behalf. You may request the Court to subpoena your wit nesses, however, you must submit your list of witnesses no later than (wo weeks prior to trial; failure to do so will not be considered sufficient reason to postpone the (rial, If you have any questions, you should seek legal advice immedi ately. If you fail to appear as so ordered, the tribal court may enter a complaint for contempt of court and issue a warrant for your arrest. NOTE: The juveniie(s) must appear for hearing Dated at Warm Springs, on this 1 9th day of June 1 997. Lola Sohappy Chief Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court To: Gerald Wewa PO Box 53 Warm Springs, OR Professional Credit Services PO Box 5849 Bend, OR 97708 Notice of Informal Hearing Case No. 1N8A-97 An informal hearing has been scheduled with the Warm Springs Tribal Court on the 4th day of August, 1997, at 10:30 a.m. This hearing has been scheduled at the request of Professional Credit for the following reasons: Overdue Account. You are hereby required to appear at this time on your own behalf. It is important that you attempt to resolve this issue, in order lo prevent further action against you in a State Court. If you fail to appear at the scheduled time, the presiding judge may issue a warrant for your arrest and require you to post bail to guarantee your appearance. Dated this 1st day of July, 1997. Wilma Ann Picard Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court Warm Springs Confederated Tribes Plaintiff vs. Robert F. Patterson Defendant Case No. CV73-97 To Robert F. Patterson You arc hereby notified that a default judgment was entered against you after your failure to appear at the 9:00 A M. June 25, 1997, Civil proceeding in the above cited case. It is further ordered that the defendant is permanently excluded from the Warm Springs Indian Reservation. Com pliance with this exclusion order mav be enforced by the contempt power of the Tribal Court in accordance with Chapter 200 of the Warm Springs Tribal Code The Court may impose jail, fine or both for contempt of court, in addition to violations of Warm Springs Tnbal Code Chap ter 300. the Tribal Exclusion Code, if the defendant is found on the Reservation in violation of the Exclusion Order This Exclusion Order shall be published m the Spilyay Tymoo and muled certified mail, return receipt requested, to the defendant " s last known address Proof of serv ice thai a copy of this order wis mailed to the defrodand and published m the above menntmed newspaper by the conn clerk shall be filed with the coan Ordered this h day of Jul. tx7 Walter Lanfe 111 J wife. War Springs Tribal Cevrt Warrior, The Veterans Corner kinds of loans. Aside from the veteran's certificate of eligibility and the VA-assigned appraisal, the application process is not much different than any other type of mortgage loan. And if the lender is approved for automatic processing, as more and more lenders arc now, a buyer's loan can be processed and closed by (he lender without waiting for VA's approval of the credit application. Additionally, if the lender is approved under VA's Lender Appraisal processing program (LAPP), the lender may review the appraisal completed by the VA assigned appraiser and close the loan on the basis of that review. The LAPP process can further speed the lime to loan closing. Five Easy Steps To A VA Loan: (I) Apply for a certificate of eligibility. A veteran who doesn't have a certificate can obtain one easily by making application on VA Form 26-1880, Request for Determination of Eligibility and - A Good Deal (4.) No monthly mortgage insurance premium to pay. (5.) Limitation on buycr'sclosing costs. (6.) An appraisal which informs the buyer of property value. (7.) Thirty year loans with a choice of repayment plans: a. Traditional fixed payment (constant principal and interest; increases or decrease may be expected in property taxes and homeowner's insurance coverage); b. Graduated Payment Mortgage GPT (low initial payments which gradually rise to a level payment starting in the sixth year) c. In some areas, Growing Equity Mortgages - GEMs (Gradually increasing payments with all of the increase applied to principal, resulting in an early payoff of the Amber MacyMarria Flynn Petitioner vs. Virgil Orange, Jr. Respondent Summons For Publication Case No. D017-97 To Virgil Orange, Jr. & Amber MacyMarcia Flynn, You are hereby notified that a petition for Conserva torGuardian has been filed with (he Warm Springs Tribal Courl. By (his notice you arc summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for 1 1:00 a.m., on the 8th day of August, 1997, at the Warm Springs Tribal Court. All of the facts of the case will be heard at this hearing, including evidence you wish to present. You must appear to present your argument or the other side will automatically win. The Petitioner, Amber Macy Marcia Flynn may then he given all (hat is asked for in the petition for ConservatorGuardian. The Petitioner will be present at ilie hearing. If you desire to personally argue your side of the case, you may have a legal aide, spokesperson or attorney appear on your behalf at your expense. If you have any questions, you should seek legal advice immediately. Dated at Warm Springs, Oregon, this 7th day of July, 1997. Lola Sohappy Chief Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court Confederated Tribes of The Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon vs Rosaline Mot an Defendant Case No.: CV85-97 Order to Show Cause for Public Notice To: Rosaline Moran: You are hereby notified that the above cited casefs), as filed in the Warm Springs Tribal Court has been scheduled for a show cause hearing at 1:00 p.m. on the 19th day of August, 1997. You are hereby ordered to be and appear ai the Warm Springs Tribal Court al the time and date shown, to show cause why you should not be held in Contempt of Court for Failure to Appear for Jury Duty as scheduled (WSTC 200.615). This hearing, will not be a full hearing on the merits of the case; you must appear arid defend against a complaint that you failed to obey the Order of the Court. If you fail lo appear as so ordered, the Tribal Court may enter a complaint for contempt of court and issue a warrant for your arrest. If you have any questions, you should seek legal assistance immediately. Dated at Warm Springs, Oregon on this 10th day of July, 1997. Walter Langnese III Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court HowlakTichum Kathleen Nora "Kat" Moses Kathleen Nora Moses, age 73 years passed away July 7, 1997 at her residence in Warm Springs, Oregon due to natural causes. Moses was born February 29, 1924 to par ents Oliver & Katie (Henry) Kalama. She was a lifetime resident of Warm Springs and an enrolled tribal mem ber. Mrs. Moses was employed as the health nurse at the Indian Health Services and Central Oregon Dis trict Hospital prior to her retire ment. She enjoyed sewing, doll making, and hand crafts in her spare time. Also she liked making quilts and was an avid sports fan. Moses was a member of the Ladies Auxil iary Elliott Palmer Post 4217 and the Warm Springs Baptist Church. She did a lot of volunteer work for the community. Preceding her in death are hus band, Oscar Moses who died 57 60, daughter Patricia died 5760, five brothers and one sister Available Loan Guaranty Entitlement, to the local VA office. (2) Decide on a home the buyer wants to buy and sign a purchase agreement. (3) Order an appraisal from VA (Usually this is done by the lender.) Most VA regional offices offer a "sped-up" telephone appraisal system. Call the local VA office for details. (4) Apply to a mortgage lender for the loan. While the appraisal is being done, the lender (mortgage company, savings and loan, bank, etc.) Can be gathering credit and income information. If the lender is authorized by VA to do automation processing, upon receipt of (he VA or LAPP appraised value determination, the loan can be approved and closed without waiting for VA's review of the credit application. For loans thai must first be approved by VA, the lender will send the application to (he local VA office, which will notify the lender of its decision. (5) Close the loan and the buyer moves in. For Veterans loan) (8.) For most loans for new houses, construction is inspected at appropriate states to insure compliance with the approved plans, and a 1 - year warranty is required from the builder that the house is built in conformity with the approved plans and specifications. In those cases where the builder provides an acceptable 10-year warranty plan, only a final inspection must be required. (9.) An assumablc mortgage, subject to FA approval of the assumer's credit. (10.) Right to prepay loan without penalty. (11.) VA performs personal loan servicing and offers financial counseling to help veterans avoid losing theirhomesduring temporarily financial difficulties. Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon Petitioner vs. Coreen Thomas Respondant Case No.JV55-95 To: Coreen Thomas: You are hereby notified: That (he above cited casefs), as filed in the Warm Springs Tribal Court, has been sched uled for trialhearing at 10:00 a.m. on the 11th day of August, 1997. You are hereby ordered: To be and appear at the Warm Springs Tribal Court at the time and date shown to defend against the chargefs). You may be represented by yourself, by an attorney, or by a spokesman, at your own expense. You may bring any documents you believe are relevant to (his cause, and you may bring witnesses to testify on your behalf. You may request the Court to subpoena your wit nesses, however, you must submit your list of witnesses no later than two weeks prior to trial; failure to do so will not be considered sufficient reason to postpone the trial. If you have any questions, you should seek legal advice immedi ately. If you fail to appear as so ordered, Ihc tribal court may enter a complaint for coniemp( of court and issue a warrant for your arrest. Dated at Warm Springs, on this 9th day of July 1997. Wilma Ann Picard Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court Esmerald Lawson Petitioner vs. James Moran Respondent Summons For Publication Case No. D071-97 To James Moran & Esmeralda Lawson, You are hereby notified that a petition to Determine Paternity has been filed with the Warm Springs Tribal Court. By this notice you are summoned to appear in this matter at a hearing scheduled for 4:30 p.m., on the 6th day of August, 1997, at the Warm Springs Tribal Court. All of the facts of the case will be heard at this hearing, including evidence you wish to present. You must appear to present your argument or the other side will automatically win. The Petitioner, Esmerald Lawson may then be given all that is asked for in the petition to Determine Paternity. The Petitioner will be present at the hearing. If you desire lo personally argue your side of the case, you may have a legal aide, spokesperson or attorney appear on your behalf al your expense. If you have any questions, you should seek legal advice immediately. Dated at Warm Springs, Oregon, this 7th day of July, 1997. Lola Sohappy Chief Judge, Warm Springs Tribal Court Surviving are her children, Joann, Victor, William, Joe, George & Oli ver Moses and Todd Danzuka all of Warm Springs; Fran Moses Ahern of Madras, 15 grandchildren and one great grandson. A prayer service was held Tues day, June 8, 1997 at her home. Dressing ceremonies was held Wednesday, June 9, 1997 at 4 p.m. at the Bel-Air Colonial Chapel in Madras, Oregon with Margaret Boise officiating then transported to the Warm Springs Baptist Church for overnight services with Cal Pon cho, and Alan Elston officiating at the church. Burial was Thursday, July 10, 1997 at 10 a.m. at the Kalama Cemetery. Casket bearers were Tommy Kalama, Victor, Oliver, George and Scott Moses, Steven Smith, Todd Danzuka and Francis Tulee. Hon orary casket bearers were Virginia Forseth, Lindy Wells, Ladies Aux iliary Elliot Palmer Post 42 1 7 and all friends and familv.