Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, July 17, 1997, Page 11, Image 11

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    r m ii w w w w
Spilyay Tvmoo
Warm Springs, Oregon
July 17, 1997 11
Arlene Boileau
4-H k Youth
Norma Simpson
Home Economics
Bob Pawelek
Sue Ryan
4-H Assistant
Clint Jacks
Staff Chair, Madras
Bodie Shaw
Ag & Natural Resources
(503) 553-3238
The Oregon Stale University Extension Service staff Is devoted to extending research-based Information from OSU to the people of Warm Springs m.
In aarlculture, home economics, 4-H youth, forestry, community development, energy and extension sea grant program with OSU, United States
Department of Agriculture, Jefferson County and the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs cooperating, the Exension Service offers Its programs .,
and materials equally to all people.World Wide Web Address change for Warm Springs Extension: http:www.orst.edudeptwsext
Free booklet offered from OSU Extension office Natural Resource Notables-
by Norma L. Simpson
If your watched the widely publicized
Telcvison Program on several months ago,
perhaps you learned some new things about
the childs brain and its development. At the
end of the program, they offered a free book
let which I ordered.
When it arrived July 3, I was writing
stories for Spilyay Tymoo. The booklet is
"The First Years Last Forever" and the sur
prise is that you can also order a video for the
low price of $5.00. To order write to "I Am
Your Child" ,1010 Wisconsin Avenue N.W.,
Suite 800, Washington, D.C. 20007.
One page in the booklet has ten guide
lines Promoting Young Childre's Healthy
Development and School Readiness.
Promoting Young Children's Healthy
Development and School Readiness:
Ten Guidelines
Be warm, loving and responsive
Respond to the child's cues & clues
Talk, read, and sing to your child
Establish routines and rituals
Encourage safe exploration & play
Make TV watching selective
Use discipline as an opportunity to teach
Recoanize that each child is uniaue
Choose quality child care and stay involved
Take care of yourself
Food preparation "Hot Line" available
by Norma L. Simpson
Beginning July 14, the Certified Master
Food Preservers and the Extension Home
Economists in Lane County will operate a
free statewide Hotline for anyone who is
preserving food. The Hotline is open from
9 am to 4 pm Monday through Friday
from July 14 to September 30. The
HOTLINE Number is 1-800-354-7319.
This is the second year that this service
has been provided by the Extension Home
Economics program of Oregon State Univer
sity. Nellie Oehler, Lane County Extension
Agent coordinates the program and conducts
a lot of the training for the certified volun
teers who will answeryourphone calls. When
you call, they will ask you about the foods
you plan to can, freeze, dry, or oil.
Nellie Oehler is one of the writers of many
fact sheets available through OSU Master
Food Preserver Program. She also does lots
of testing of products and for old timers, you
probably saw TV shows and videos that she
did 20 years ago.
The Master Food Preservers pass along
new information from the manufacturers of
pressure cookers, dehydrators, pectin and
jars. For examiple, Oehler writes a newslet
ter called "Here's What's Brewing." The
June issue had a section on "What's New
with Pectins This Week
We just found out from General Foods
that they have changed the name of Sure-Jel
Lite to Sure-jel for Lower Sugar Recipes.
This is still the same pectin and takes 25
less sugar. The big difference they have made
is in the instructions for making freezer jam.
They are now combining the pectin, sugar
and 12 cup of water and bring it to boil and
boiling for 1 minute. (For more flavor, I
think I'd use 1 cup of fruit juice in place of
the water.) Then they added the fruit.The
reason that are changing the instructions is
because they have had many calls that the
sugar did not dissolve. We have had some
calls on this from consumers who think they
can no longer make freezer jam with the
pectin.The freezer jam recipes are still in
cluded with the pectin box."
The women and men who are trained to be
Master Food Preservers do a wonderful job
guiding us to the safest home preserved food
supply possible. And emphsis is on safety.
Thirty volunteers passed their certification
exams, four with scores of 100 and many
more with scores in the 90s. You must be
re-examined each year to maintain your cer
tification. It leads to the highest safety ad
vice and the newest skills in food preserva
tion. Each year Extension Oregon volun
teers provide more than 10,000 hours of
teaching, exhibits, and counseling to 25,000
Oregonians in 18 counties with their re
quests. Today I had the first pressure canner
gauge of the season to test. Though it is off
by 12 pound in pressure, it is still safe to use.
If the gauges are off more than a pound, the
gauge should be replaced. If you have more
questions about testing your pressure dial
gauge, ask at the office or the HOTLINE
In the OSUW arm Springs Extension Ser
vice we can test the gauge, give you fact
sheets on all kinds of food preservation, as
by Uodic Shuw
Extended Education and Needs Assess
ment Over the next few weeks, the Education
Services Branch will be conducting oral and
written surveys within our community to
assess extended educational needs for
post-high school members. This six-week
project is being organized and funded by
Oregon State University. The term "ex
tended education" essentially means that
we are bringing the University to the com
munity. It is now possible to offer under
graduate and graduate courses and degrees
here at Warm Springs. In order to make this
opportunity a little more agreeable, we need
your input on the state of education and its
opportunities here in Warm Springs. In short,
we would like to have your input on what
you would like to see offered here in terms
of education.
With a state grant, OSU has hired two
graduate students, Pam Brown and Renee
Smith, to complete this work along with our
own Jodc' Goudy. Jodc' was brought
onboard to assist in conducting this work
within the community. You or your organi
zation should be contacted within the next
few weeks, however, if no contact is made,
nlease fee free to call our office. Your
opinion is wanted!
Issue being addressed and current situ
ation Why extended education in Warm
Springs? From an educational perspective,
many Tribal members do not realize the
extent or role that extended education can
play on the Reservation. From an organiza
tional perspective, managers and other com
munity members have noticed an increasing
need for extended education on the Reserva
tion. In terms of importance, education ranks
as one of the most significant programs that
the Tribes offer the community. To forego
this important educational resource would
be extremely detrimental to the community
as a whole. Education within the community
represents much more than just another re-
The Clover
Due to Culture camp going on (as we go to
printing), The Clover speaks will not have
any news until the next time.
well as any thing about the home and the
Barbecued chicken recipe made easy,
broil or grill
Even barbecued chicken can be light and
lean, this finger-licking-good version is oil
free and packed with flavor.
Health check: Vinegar lends zip without
adding salt; Skinless chicken lowers fat con
tent; Only 146 calories per serving.
Preparation time: 10 minutes; Cooking
time: 15 to 20 minutes; Serves: 4
4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves
(4 ounces each)
For the sauce:
14 cup reduced-sodium ketchup
3 tablespoons cider vinegar
1 tablespoon ready-made white horserad
ish 2 tablespoons firmly packed dark brown
1 clove garlic, minced
18 teaspon dried thyme
14 teaspoon black pepper
1- Preheat broiler, heat a charcoal grill
until coals form white ash, or preheat a gas
grill to medium.
2- To prepare sauce, in a small saucepan,
combine ketchup, vinegar, horseradish,
brown sugar, garlic and thyme. Mix well.
Bring to a boil over medium-low heat. Cook,
stirring frequently, until thickened, about 5
minutes. Remove from heat; stir in pepper.
3- Brush tops of chicken pieces lightly
with sauce. Place chicken, sauce-side down,
on a foil-lined broiler pan or grill rack. Brush
other sides lightly with sauce.
4- Broil or grill 3 inches from heat, basting
with remaining sauce and turning until no
longer pink in center, about 5 to 7 minutes
per side. Let chicken stand for 5 minues
before serving
Short cut:
While time is short, omit the sauce. In
stead, use 12 cup of ready-made reduced
sodium barbecue sauce mixed with a little
cider vinegar, orred-white vinegar, and white
horseradish. Proceed as directed.
Cook's tips:
To prevent foods from sticking to the
grill, scrub the grill rack and spray it with
vegetable cooking spray. A special wire brush
works well for scrubbing. Chicken must be
seared over a hot grill before turning or the
skin will stick to the grill. Turn several times
throughtout cooking and baste with each
turn. While cooking on a grill, use long
handled tongs to turn the chicken pieces. A
fork would pierce the meat and allow the
flavorful juices to escape, (thanks to Healthy
Meals in Minutes recipes)
STOCKMAN'S ROUNDUP: Retained ownership
by Bob Pawelek
OSU Livestock Agent
Low calf prices have stimulated the inter
est of many cow-calf operators in controlling
the ownership of their calves when they're
This is called retained ownership.
Success with retained ownership depends
on several factors that require a producer's
attention. The goal of retained ownership is
simple - adding weight to cattle profitably.
Making it happen is much more complex.
Key factors that determined retained own
ership success are:
(1) available resources;
(2) market conditions;
(3) genetics;
(4) health; and
(5) weather.
Circumstances and management can cause
dramatic differences in results of programs
that involve taking calves through a yearling
andor feedlot phase of production. For ex
ample, a detailed analysis of a
direct-to-the-feedlot program showed that,
during the past 15 years, good quality, well
managed cattle had average profits almost
$100 per head greater than average returns
on poor-quality, poorly managed cattle.
The difference reflects significant differ
ences in animal-health costs and performance,
including feed efficiency and daily gain.
Available resources
The producer keeping calves at home
should have low-cost feed, and will need the
labor and ability to insure good management
of the calves and adequate capital to meet
cash-flow needs.
The manager must be a student of the
market and develop a realistic outlook, with
contingency plans and risk management in
case of lower-than-expected prices.
Cattle that have the genetic ability to
grow rapidly and efficiently and produce
desirable carcasses will perform well in a
retained-ownership program and will some
times command better prices when sold.
Each producer must evaluate the genetics of
his cattle in making decisions.
Calves that are healthy usually perform
more efficiently and becomeready for mar
ket sooner, which may mean higher selling
prices. A Texas A&M analysis of calves
going on to the feedlot showed that returns
on healthy calves were almost $ 1 00 per head
higher than returns on calves that got sick.
Medicine cost alone averaged $31 per head
on the sick calves.
Some cow-calf producers split their calf
crops between feedlots in different regions
of the country w hen feeding during the win
ter - which is a type of risk management.
Others graze cattle in more than one summer
grass area in order to reduce exposure to
regional drought.
source; it reflects the growth, maturity and
evolution of our culture.
Also, further design and development of
the Instructional Television Fixed System
(ITFS) is under way. ITFS connects the Bend
COCC Campus and University Center to
Warm Springs by a land-based system. The
equipment has been installed and is ready to
go into operation. Four, with a possibility of
a fifth room in the Education services Center
will be available for distance learning.
The steering committee for ITFS initially
began in January of this year and the goal has
remained unchanged: offer quality higher
education to the community at a minimal
What is Needed
Needs Assessment: The purpose of the
community needs assessment would aug
ment the importance of extended education
on the reservation. Much of the social integ
rity of the Tribes is maintained through the
use of educational resources and their offer
ings. Current use and foreseeable demand for
extended education is expected to increase
due to population growth, societal pressures,
and increased tribal interest in what educa
tion can offer. In understanding the need,
importance and purpose of extended educa
tion, efforts should focus on reaching tribal
members and find out exactly what they as a
community would like to see implemented
from Educational Services Department.
Anticipated program outcomes
The next logical step is to determine how
to merge the above into an effective educa
tional project integrating extended education
and ITFS. When designing a project which
attempts to develop a nexus between two
programs, the designer has to be aware of
conflicting cultural and traditional values
involved. Traditional values and cultural in
formation will assist in design by addressing
multicultural education and how to avoid
possible cultural conflict in terms of educa
tion. Educational products such as this should
not only have an immediate impact with
target audiences, but the products should
also have long-term impacts. In five or more
years, this project would be deemed suceess-
tito&r Land
ful if: the educational system (ITFS) is still in
use within Warm Springs and the surround
ing community, the topic fosters community
discussion, and Tribal managers implement
a more active management system in terms
of delivery to their staff.
The Educational Services Department of
Warm Springs seeks to provide target audi
ences with knowledge that translates into
action. It is hoped that the audiences will use
this resource and reevaluate their relation
ship with education. As a result, they may
begin to build upon their learning experience
and further expand their knowledge in rela
tion to this important resource. The purpose
of extended education builds upon what au
diences know (or do not know), and offers
them a chance to experience the delightful
wonders of higher education. The informa
tion derived from the needs assessment is
critical to ensuring success in this endeavor.
The importance of education must not be
If you have any questions or comments
about the community educational needs as
sessment, please call Bodie at 553-3238.
How factual are consumer reports?
Consumer Report. June 1997
Have you ever wondered whether you
can trust the Nutrition Facts numbers on
every food package? Although we've found
an occasional label that's wide off the mark
(See the Consumer Report January 1997
report on pizza) the Food and Drug Admin
istration says most nutrition labels are
accurate. In a recent check of some 300
popular food products, FDA scientists found
that the actual nutritional content of the food
matched the label numbers 91 percent of the
time. In a similar test three years ago, the
labels were accurate 87 percent of the time.
One point to remember: Nutrition Facts
Numbers can be off by 20 percent and still be
considered accurate. The FDA permits such
latitude to allow for natural variations in
Garden hints from your OSU Extension Agent
Check apple maggot traps, spray if needed.
Make compost of lawn clippings and garden plants that are ready to be recycled.
Control yellow jackets and wasps with traps and lures.
First week: spray for walnut husk fly.
First week: second spray of peach and prune trees for root borers.
First week: second spray of filbert trees for filbertworm.
Spray for root weevils in ornamental shrubs and flowers, codling moth and spider
mite in apple trees, scale insects in camellias, holly, maples.
Plant winter cover crops in vacant space around the vegetable garden; plant
winter kale, Brussels sprouts, turnips, parsnips, parsley, Chinese cabbage.
Dampwood termites begin flying late this month. Make sure your home is free of
wet wood or places where wood and soil are in contact.
Fall webworm webbing appears in ornamentals and shade trees; prune nests and
destroy, or spray with diazinon, Bacillus thuringiensis, or Orthene.
Watch for corn earworm on early com treat as needed.
Control fleas in lawns with spray containing Sevin, diazinon, Dursban, malathion.
Check lawns for chinch-bug presence andor damage.
Begin soil preparation for planting new lawn.
Fertilize cucumbers, summer squash, broccoli, while harvesting to maintain
production. Harvest vegetables when edible to stimulate further production.
Clean and fertilize strawberry beds.
Control caterpillars on leafy vegetables, as needed, with Bacillus thuringiensis,
rotenone, or Sevin.
For mite control on ornamentals and most vegetables, hose off foliage, spray with
miticide if necessary.
Monitor garden irrigation closely so crops don't dry out.
Use mulch to protect ornamentals and garden plants from hot weather damage.
East of Cascades: check for tomato horn worm.
Mid-August to early September, fertilize lawn for last time this growing season.
Western Oregon: mid-summer planting of peas; use enation-virus-resistant
varieties, plant fall crops of cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli.
Oregon coast: plant spinach.
Western valleys, Portland, Roseburg, Medford: plant cauliflower, broccoli,
Brussels sprouts, spinach, turnips, parsnips.
Columbia and Snake River valleys, Ontario: plant Chinese cabbage, endive.
Camellias need deep watering to develop flower buds for next spring.
Prune raspberries, boysenberrics, and other cancberrics after harvest.
High elevations, central and eastern Oregon: prune away excess vegetation and
new blossoms on tomatoes after mid-August. Concentrate on ripening set fruit.
Coastal and western valleys: spray potatoes and tomatoes for early and late blight.