SpilyayTymoo Warm Springs, Oregon May 8, 1997 7 Sahaptin and Paiute lessons- Sahaptin Language Lesson Wanaq'it Ala, Kala Ku ila Grandmother and Mom (ft. .4 m mm ft 1) Aundm Imi wa atau ku kwiyim. You are so precious and true. 2) Kw'alanam sapsikw'ana tlaawx ashtun shukasha chikuuk. Thank you for teaching me, all the won derful things I know today. 3) Tlaawx wiyak'uk'ut nami autni tkwatat, nusux winat, xnit. All the gathering of our sacred foods, Salmon deer, roots, 4) Ku tmaanit, wiwnu ku Tmsh. And berries, Huckleberries, andChokecherries. Mtaalkwi Ala, Kala, ku fla Grandmother and Mother 20) Kuush p'aax txana chikuuk ikuush Tiyaxash isapsikw'ashana nak'niint kwan wat'ichan. I realized today that it was a teaching for us to carry on. 21) Aunash shukasha chau xanam sxnauashana, talaxitkshananam, You were not doing this to be mean in anyway ,you were teaching me or using disciplinary measures. 22) Nak'niint inmilaikai naimuai. You wanted us to do these things because I have to do this for my family today. 23) Ash ku ttauwaxnaq'ia kunash tlaawx kala ku Ilamaman awatauwisha kush atmaisha So as 5) K'walanam pasapsikw'ana naktkwanint nami got older I learned to love and have Respect tkwatat. Thank you for teaching us, how to take Ior Ali momer s- care of our foods. , . . . . , 24) Tlaawx pchapma pawa ana kuush naxsh 6) 'witsha, chapyaxt, twashat ku ilaxyauwit. tmi nchia,a' M mother's are the root of a Slicing, peeling, canning, and drying. ami ' 7) Ku namilaikai ataupa tkwatatai. And for our Cer emonial use. 8) Kumash kw'alanauasha anam ku sapsikw'ana. I'm Thankful to you for showing me how to 9) Kukit ku malaa naknuwit niit. Cook and keep the house clean and neat. 10) Ku tlaawx ayayat wisxtimat tunx tunx. And also the wonderful different kinds of beadwork you taught me. WW'1' 25) Kunam tlaawx miyanashma atmaita Ilapna, kalapna,ku alana. And they should all be well 4 respected and loved by all thier children & grandchildren. 26) Tlaawx kala, Ala ku llama, Ichishk'iin sapsikw'alama. All grandmothers and mother's of the language team. 27) Ku.kutkutlamapam pakw'lanauwasha chi Ilapmi Ikwipa! Want to wish you all a Very Happy Mother's Day! 28) Kw'alani Ilapmi Ikwi ku tlaawx mamiyau piapmiki iyashani. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY AND GOD BLESS EVERYONE. Naplkw'i Ala, kala, ku ila Grandmother and Mother 11) Sapsikw'at wat'ichan pchawiyat. Teaching for motherhood. 12) Tlaawx tun atau shukat iyaiwinatpamaki. All the important knowledge about pregnancy 13) Shukat anit miyanash, Knowledge on giving birth, 14) Naktkwanint,ku sapsikw'at And caring for, and teaching 15) Iimin Miyanashma. Your Children. 16) Tlaawx kinam tmnaki atauwita miyanash. Love your children with all your heart. 1 17) Tlaawx chi sapsik'watnam niya, Inai Wiyaxaixtash. All these teachings were meant for me to carry on. Paiute Language Lesson Learning Paiute Colors KWE'NA'A NABONNO onetsff toha toohoo Ya'a kwe'na'a. Esoo tohakwadya, toohookwadya no onetse. Pesa tabu'a. P00K00 NABONNO toohoo toohoo a j ekwetse J Pinaplkwi Auna tlaawx Ilapma pamakw'alasha. All mothers out there lets celebrate! get your partner and dance. 1) Au iwa pamayayat kaatnampa. It's time to dance. 2) Auna tlaawx k'upiipisha. Lets all round dance. 3) Au pawilalikita. Time to Rabbit Dance now. 4) Au matash mimanu waashati. Everyone Owl dance now. 5) Auna Calihumisha. Lets skip dance. 6) Auxina tlaawx pamakw'alan Ilapma. Now we have all, enjoyed dancing with our Mother's. Ya'a pookoo. Esoo esekwadya, toohookwadya no tohakwadya. Teepu ekwetsekwadya. Pesa tabu'a. S0NG0I NO TONEDYA NABONNO epoohe i" 18) Ku inmilaiq'ai sapsikw'atash 'ilv inmi miyanashma. And for me to teach my children. 19) Kuush p'xsha amashku sxnauaxana imanai. The many times I use to get upset at you. v - MM , i . f-V y :'; '3t's2 poone A t0ha Tpoohe t00h0 Ya'a songoi. Esoo poohekwadya, poohekwadya, atsakwadya no tohakwadya. Tonedya epoohekwadya no poohekwadya. Pesa tabu'a. V