Spilyay tymoo. (Warm Springs, Or.) 1976-current, April 24, 1997, Page 4, Image 4

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    4ApriI 24, 1997
Warm Springs, Orkcon
E Coosh EEWA: The way it is
A At
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Gee Whizz!! April 15,
slipped upon pcoplc.cspccially
those who did not yet file their
income tax. Well most of them
made the deadline anyway.
There are too many things taxed
now day's, a tax for this and a
tax for that.
Wuz listening to KWSO, and
on the air was Native America
Calling, and the topic was.
"Should Indians be Taxed?"
levy a tax on property for pub
lic use. I believe Indians should
be exempt from taxes because
in the beginning this land was
ours and we were driven into a
corner so to speak and the
Whites took over on what was
rightfully ours. So I say we are the ones that should be taxing the
non Indians on property that was once ours. The non-Indians are
benefiting from today.
Just as long as a person can prove that he is an Indian he should
be free from taxes even if he lives on fee patton land. We took no
settlements for all the land that was taken from us just a lot of
broken promises right from the start.
Somehow the Indians should be the ones reaping luxury from
all the land that we lost instead of being the ones that the country
would like to tax today. So! Yep, I don't think Indians should
worry about being taxed.
Hire our own People! Our people have every opportunity to
work for the Tribes. As we always say, create jobs for our locals,
hire our own people. For years now we have been doing just that
with first agreements with contractors that come to work on the
reservation in logging, sawmills, dam contractors and just about
any kind of job there was.and that was to have the stipulation of,
"Tribal Member Preference." Many Contractors have lived up
to their promise and hired Tribal Members and at the beginning
things always looked good with a lot of tribal members getting
some real good jobs. Especially in construction we've had guys
hired as Crew leaders some were foremen. Yep! There were all
kinds of good opportunities for everyone and there still is for
everyone who wants to work. There are many who stuck with
their jobs, and the ones who did this were those who were hired
at a lower position and started to work their way up. But It
appears that those who were hired at the top were the ones that
lasted the least length of time. The ones that stuck with their jobs
have done well and are still doing a great job. But the majority
of them, well you can imagine what happens at the first payday.
Many forgot that monday morning is a work day and a company
cannot operate with skeleton crew. It creates a hardship on
everyone envolved and the company losses money. When one
person is missing it's like a car with just three wheels, a person
cannot do anything with just three wheels and it costs money to
rent an extra wheel to run the car. So you can imagine what it
does to a company.
Attendance on the job is very important unless its an emer
gency, or if arrangements have been made before hand of time
for an employee to be absent. By this a company can make
arrangements to have some cover for and employee who will be
absent and not those who don't show up, or show up when ever
they feel like it. Just because a project may belong to the tribes
that doesn't mean that a tribal member can come and go as they
please. You've got to be present all the time in order for the
company to make ends meet.
When a Tribal member is replaced by a non-tribal member
than there is a lot of gripes, without realizing that the TM was
given every opportunity to have a job. Yes, we do think about the
Tm's but do they appreciate it? Ahh-Nah-Chi-Toon!!!
Bill: "Hey, you hear the latest news?"
Tom: "No, what?"
Bill: They're going to make every police officer wear rubber
Tom: "What for?"
Bill: 'To keep them from waking each other up" YIKES
A potential client asked the lawyer, "And what is a
contingent fee?"
"A contingent fee to a lawyer means if I don't win your suit, I
get nothing. If I do win it, you get nothing." YIKES
A lawyer is a guy who represents you just to make sure you
get all that's coming to him. YIKES
Editor's Note
Spilyay Tymoo welcomes articles and letters from its readers. All letters, preferably
300 words or less, must be signed by the author. Letters will not be printed unless
signed. Thank you letters and poetry will be published at the editor's discretion.
All letters are the opinion of the author and do not reflect in any way the opinion of
Spilyay Tymoo. Spilyay Tymoo reserves the right to edit all copy OR refuse
publication of any material that may contain libelous or malicious statements.
r o
Memories shared
To the editor,
Mure than (() years ago ( 1 935?). I
was employed as a slake man on the
survey erew thai located and mapped
the present highway across the Warm
Springs Indian Reservation. There
were 4 of us on this crew of which I
was 4 in rank. We worked all one
spring and summer to complete this
The first week's work was spent
surveying in the town of Warm
Springs, even to measuring build
ings (schools etc.) and streets. Dur
ing this time an elderly Indian man
would follow us and observe what
we were doing. But always at a dis
tance and very quietly and po
litely. He appeared to be about 70
year of age.
Finally, when we commenced the
survey up the grade beyond the town,
wc found out what he really wanted.
One day John Hess the transit man
invited him to look through the tran
sit. The old Indian accepted (he invi
tation eagerly and with a great and
happy smile upon his handsome face.
John instructed him in how to adjust
and turn the transit in all directions.
The Indian man would look up the
hillsides and down the canyons, etc.
of the land he had lived in all of his
life, and that he dearly loved. He
would show up every 2 or 3 morn-'
ings as we worked our way up the'
hill. Until finally it became too much
for his old legs to climb. Some of the
days we would invite him to share
Carpentry work
Shckinah Enterprise docs remod
eling of homes, builds houses & ga
rages, decks & porches, painting,
along with any and all carpentry con
struction. If interested call (54 1)553
1 194anda.sk for George Aguilar, Sr.
Happy 8th Birthday to (our 111
Bunny, Sha-bun, Banell, Crooked
Horns, 'Ncl, egghead and all the rest
of names you have)
We love you lots and wish you
many more!
Mom, Papa, Colleen, Sonny,
Chewy, Mystee & Moose, YaYa
Aaron & family, Myrna, Rob, Lady
& Princess, Ma & Pa Palmer,
Grandma Edith & Darrick, Grandpa
Merle, Grandma Rose & family,
Paula, Dan & boys, Bootsi & KiKi,
and all the rest of your relatives.
A very special Happy 15th
Birthday wish
for my Leah, Mary Ann
Stahi on 42397
Love & miss you very
much sister,
Joseph, Matthew, Na-Na
Lillian, Eddie
Happy Belated Birthday to a won
derful son and brother Frederick
Duran Bobb. With special thoughts
and love. What can I say to a person
who's the best there is, a sonbrother
who has given us so many happy
memories as he has grown and so
much pride in all he has become.
Perhaps all that we can put into words
is "Thank you Duran", and hope you
understand just how very much you
mean to us.
Happy Birthday to you Duran
(and Jan April 9th) Bobb.
fit'' ' I
ihi 1
of "beautiful Indian"
inn iiiiiui wiiii u. ror sure, mis was
a high point in his life.
I can still see that Indian man in
my "mind's eye". I lis face and bear
ing showed honestly, simplicity, no
bility and also a shy sort of humor.
But most of all, I still see those two
beautiful braids hanging down in
front on each side of his chest.
Yes! I le was more than beautiful.
The only sad part of this little story to
this old man (the writer) is tat I can
not remember his name. If ever I
knew it.
The inspiration for the above story
came to me on March 20, 1997, a
beautiful and sunny day in Central
Oregon. Emily had packed a lunch
and we were just wandering around
on back roads in our pickup truck. As
wc drove past Lake Simtustus and
Pelton Dam, Emily reminisced about
a "treasure" we both knew of buried
deep under the Lake. Lost com
pletely, forever.
As we drove down Vanora Grade,
I remembered a wild ride of an out-of-control
road roller as wc were
paving that stretch of the highway in
1939 or 1940, Gene Stover, the op
erator, rode it safely to a hall far
down the grade. He would have quali
fied as a champion rider of wild bulls.
That old Indian man dearly loved
Central Oregon, as docs another "old
man" that I know very well.
Art Scofield
i i. .. '.i ! .i
(with Emily's help)
Weight bench
for sale-
Spottcrless weight bench with leg
lilt. 200lbs of cast iron weights.
$175.00 cash. Call 553-3274.
Printer for sale
HP 855 C color printer, lazcr
qualityblack& white output, 1 year
old, excellent condition. Bought new
$500, will sell for $250. Call 553
4948 (days) or 475-9160 (eves) and
ask for Anita. .
Wanted to buy
Wanted to buy-Used air
conditioner or swamp cooler.
Contact me at 553-8722.
15 year old April 24, 1997
Happy Birthday
Renso Rodriguez
Love Mom & brothers
Happy Birthday Johnny Boy
You nave a good one.
Love Jolene & Alexis
Happy Birthday Daddy,
I love you!
Laureen Toyanne
Happy Birthday to the follow
Iris Kalama Smith April 19th
Mackie Begay April 22nd
Charles V. Jackson April 26th
David L. Dona April 26th
from Leminnie
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Concerned inmates speak out
To the editor,
Our rights-wherc? I'd like to fin
ish by saying I was a spokesperson in
behalf of all male and female in
mates incarcerated in the Warm
Springs Correction facility, and our
families, and the people.
There was many other issues
brought up that were never consid
ered by the departments. Those men
tioned in the last article were some of
the major issues, brought forth by
most individuals. All fell it was about
time the people incarcerated were
heard! Being the majority arc tribal
members with families.
Being a self government and a
sovereign nation, were suppose to be
able to take care of the people's prob
lems here within the tribe. To try
avoid taking it to the state and the
federal court systems, like its been
done! All systems with policy-procedures
arc set up, for the people, by
the people.
Special thanks to
lo the editor,
The N.A.S.U. (Native American
Student Union) club would like to
take this time to tell everyone thank
you for helping us out in our first
dance of the year. The Valentine's
Dance was a huge success and I heard
many positive comments.
I would like to thank Andy
Leonard. He didn't charge the usual
rate because he knew we were trying
to make money for our club and he
was more than willing to help us out.
Fire & Safety for letting us use
their helium tank at no charge. We
filled up many balloons that helped
decorate the dance.
All the N.A.S.U. club members
who put many hours into this dance.
They were willing to do this on their
own time if needed.
Mr. Bury for all his help. If a
problem came up he cleared it up for
Thank you to all the chaperons:
Mrs. Verschoot, Foster & Sandra
Memorial for Delores Heath
at He He Longhouse
May 10, 1997
Stonesetting at 10:00 a.m. at
the Simnasho Cemetary
Dinner at 12:30 p.m.
Giveaway to follow
Everyone Welcome
Happy Birthday 42497
to my grandpa
Tommie Stni th
uni th lots of love
from grandson
"Smacks" Donte Smi th
Avery specail Happy 15th
Birthday wish
for my Leah, Mary Ann Stahi
on April 23, 1997
Love you and miss you very
much sister, have
a good one.
Donte, Angie, Aaron
Happy 11th Birthday
April 25 to my YaYa
Johnnie James LcClaire
Love you lots,
Lupita Phyllis Ocampo
Happy Birthday 42497
Dad-Tommie Smith
with love from Aaron & Aaron
i -
Happy Belated Birthday
DadGrandpa Jones
From all your real children,
Salena. Freddy. Travis.
Ann . Michael. & Kendall Bobb
Its just when the people misuse ;
their authority for personal vendetta
and never given the people the op
portunity to prove themselves or the
benefit of a doubt! Then the system
is considered bad. Everyone should
be held accountable for their actions
to find what went wrong. People need
to start finding better ways of work
ing together. Like the adoption vot
ing all personal feelings must be put
aside, to make our whole tribal enter
prise a success, with our council
management support!
"To take into consideration tribal
concerns of the community, espe
cially the children's, our future and
the effect it puts on them physically
and mentally." God bless each and
everyone. May He above watch and
guide you daily, our condolences out
to the Arthur and Mitchell families
for their losses. Our prayers are with
Big Rat & Inmates of facility
all who helped
Kalama, Eunice Esquiro, Mr.
Hornbuckle, Mackie Begay, Olivia
Wallulatum, Mr. Middaugh& Freddy
Holliday. Also thank you to KWSO :
for announcing the dance at the last
minute notice.
Special thanks to all those who
attended. If anyone was forgotten it
wasn't intended. Thank you very
much to all of those who made this :
event possible. The total profit was
about $350. This all went to our
N.A.S.U. club funds.
Thank you once again! .
Rose Kirk :
N.A.S.U. president
Nobody's Friend
My name is Gossip. I have no,!
respect for justice. I maim without !
killing. I break hearts and ruin lives.
I am cunning and malicious and
gather strength with age.
The more I am quoted the more I
am believed. I flourish at every level
of society. My victims are helpless.
They cannot protect themselves
against me because I have no name
and no face to track me down is
impossible. The harder you try, the
more illusive I become.
I am nobody's friend.
Once I tarnish a reputation, I topple
governments and wreck marriages. I
ruin careers and cause sleepless
nights, heartache and indigestion. I
spawn suspicion and generate grief.
I make innocent people cry in their
Even my name hisses.
I am called gossip. Office gossip.
Shop gossip. Party gossip. Telephone
gossip. I make headlines and head
aches. '
Before you repeat a story ask your
self. Is it true? Is it fair? Is it neces
sary? If not. SHUT UP!!
Author Unknown
Trailer for
1977 27 foot airstream trailer for
sale, asking $7,500. Large bathroom,
shower stall, sleeps 4 adults com
fortably, plenty of storage space, 2
full-length closets, AC, propane
stove, propaneelectric refrigerator,
carpeted, functional windows, cur
tains. Used very little. Replaced elec
tric water heater and brakes. Has
electrical and water hookups. Ready
to roll. Great for weekend or ex
tended traveling. Saves expensive
motel fees. If you're going to school,
saves commuting costs. Maybe your
family's growing and you need that
extra room. Contact Sal Sahme at
Happy Birthday to my sis
Victoria "Packy" Polk Muldrow
April 14,
and wish you many more to come.
Love your sis, Phyllis Tohet
Happy Birthday to my sis
Gloria "Mutsi" Queahpama
April 23rd
From your oldest sister,
Phyllis Tohet
Happy Birthday to my niece
Angela "Anga" Polk April 23
Phyllis Tohet
Happy 1 1th Birthday to my
1 grandson
"Johnnie James LcClaire"
and w ish you many more.
"Lil Jitter" April 25
Love your Grandma
Phvllis Tohet