Spilyay Tymoo Warm Springs, Oregon April 11, 1996 5 Language lesson review reaffirms students' learning Exercise HI: Write the following numbers in Sahaptin: 1. four ICHISIIKIN ALPHABET AND SOUNDS ' Review 2. twenty Exercise V: Look carefully in the following Word Search to find as many words as you can. You should be able to find 36 different words! These words can be found in the salmon colored Alphabet Book. WORD SEARCH 3. sixty-three Exercise L Match the following Sahaptin and English words: 1. mrismuscn a. cattle 2. xdtxat b. crow 3. miimfm c. deer 4. yaamash d. dove 5. shushamsh e. duck 6. qwalqwalli f. eel 7. d'a g. stcclhcad 8. asm h. turkey 4. one hundred 5. thirty-eight 6. ninety-six 7. seventeen Exercise II: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word in the parentheses. Exercise IV: Write answers to complete the following conversations. Choose from the following answers: Naaptit nash aptiutna. Nfix ashwi Ii nfix pdchwai. Shalauwishaash. Wanfshaash (your name) . STAI TLUPTUK'ANI I CHUUSHSTLI UQUPP Q'A I Q'A I HYAYSWQQU I PSPSMWAAYI N WW M NAWWSI AC'WAWAAAU APNLPTLXXPAXSLS QSAPI PQWTAPSHQM XHWQLKWI I SAHXWU WTALYHI LSHPLMAS HLTLAATI XT'I XI LC KAPNPUUSHAP'AI LN PNSUUTI SKAI I MAL PCC'QS LAKAS P'KI I A AH'ATHULI Ml I WMAX I I TLAMTXWAAS HAT 1. Person A: Mfshnamwa? Person B: Mtaat (iwaVpawd) 2. Person A: Shinam wanisha? Person B: (aluqw'at) 3. Person A: Mfshnam chikuuk wa payu? Person B: Chau. ; 4. Person A: MmampiiutnaTananmfLamtxpa? Person B: Chi (iwaVpawS) (kushu) 5. Person A: Niixpachwai! Person B: To register for Warm Springs, Paiute and Wasco language classes call the Language Program at 553-2201. 3. Chi I-t; f. (iwaVpawd) (lakas) Warm Springs Elementary School news New stage curtain arrives During Spring Break the new velvet stage curtain and back drop were installed in the gym. It looks great ! Be watching future newsletters for information on a play, or plays, that will be presented using the new improved WSE stage. Video Camcorders on buses The school district has many school buses, and hundreds of routes each day. A small numberof students have caused problems for others by violating the conduct rules contained in the student handbooks. To help prevent and monitor such occurrences, the district has installed video camcorder stations in its buses, and from time-to-time will be videotaping bus routes. The cameras are not visible to students, so they will not know when they are being taped. If misconduct or violation occurs, and if it has been recorded by the camcorder, the tape will be reviewed and the evidence analyzed. Students who do not follow the bus safety rules may be referred for disciplinary action. Pictures and sound on these tapes are protected from disclosure as "student records," and will be governed by appropriate school, State and Federal rules on student privacy. If a tape is used for disciplinary action, the parents may view the tape. Tapes not used for disciplinary purposes will be erased and re-used. Should you have any questions, or need to view a tape, please contact Don Vandcweghe, Transportation Supervisor for the District, at 475- 3536. "The Great Kids Book" for March Robert Johnson, Julia Haskins, Bianca Becerra, Warner Williams, Steven James, Michael Bobb, Natasha Lucei, Elsie Blackwolf, Noralisette McKinley, Pearl Stwyer, DeMirra Schroeder, Delmer Davis, Nathaniel Garcia, Trever Tewee, Jessie Reaney-Greenwood, Wesley Spino, Rodney Katchia, Leonardo Cue vas, Norma Tainewasher, Shanda Culps, Marian Oakes, Derek Kelly, Hoss Suppah, Julian Wallulatum, Josiah Thompson, Theo Arce, Turina Wallulatum, Alvin Moore, Julia Stwyer. March All Stars Orlando Tewee, Mary Hoptowit, Weston Heath, Rachelle Begay, Carina Miller, Julia Wallulatum, MaryAnn Brito, Isaiah Tewee, Cecilia Brunoe, Robert Cortez, Monique Johnson, Robert Johnson, Paul Miller, Jodene Greene, Sonny Yahtin, Robert Thomas, Jr. March Students of the Month Nelson Wolfe, Cameron Wallulatum, Keevin Adams, Rebecca Taylor, Julia Selam, Kenny Hicks, Kelly Blueback, Liane Wabaunsee, Jerald White, Addie Estimo, Shirelle Adams, Myntora Aguilar, Davis Stwyer, Cindy Gilbert, Arnold Aleck, Matthew McGill, Mychal VanPelt, Shardae Miller, Francis Kentura, Ashley Aguilar, James Jim, Sasha Mitchell, Dominic Davis, Bryson Sutterlee, Edward Weaselhead, Robbie Bennett, Desrai Wells, Norma Tainewasher, Simon Jim, Brittney Kalama, Cameron Nathan, Clarissa Picard, Candi Rhoan, Maurica Cortez, Rudy Stevens, Owen Danzuka, Andrea Whiteplume, Curtiss Dickson, Ernestine Ruiz, Johnni Smith, Sissaley Graybael, Natasha Herkshan, Raenele Weaselhead, Kista Flores, Amy Martinez, Hazel Martinez, Brook Warner, Coleicia Moses, Latasha Boise, Kristina Cassaway, Edwardene Henry, Heather Johnson, Angeledith Kalama, Devenia Kenyon, Liza LeClaire, Sallie Polk Adams, Tiyanna Tuckta, Matthew Craig, Heath Crooked Arm, Estcn Culpus, Delmer Davis, Willyum Hoptowit, Steven James, Dino Jones, Casey Lillie, Woodrow Poitra, Julius Simnasho March Students of the Month Lorien Stacona, Vern Heath, Jaylyn Suppah, Charlene Moody, Zeena Kalama, Melody Berry, Michael Berry, Edmond Kalama. Kindergarten Round-Up May 23rd -9:00 to 3:00 Health & Wellness Center i If you have a child who will be 5-years-old by September 1, 1996, they are eligible to start Kindergarten at WSE in the Fall. It is not too early to fill out a registration form. If you have any questions about Kindergarten registration, please contact Judy or Chele at WSE, 553 1128. Egg Drop winners Ryan Thomas, Shanell Kalama, Titus Kalama, Armando Ruiz, Jacoba Best, Sissaley Graybael, Alexis Brunoe, Aaron Hunt, Jeremy Anderson, Cody Miller, RaeAnn Graybael, LeMinnie Picard, Catherine Tulee, Johnny Smith, Candace Lillie, Shelly Greene-Boise, Cyrille Mitchell, LeeAnn Johnson, Turina Wallulatum, Justin Greene, Cecelia Brunoe, Socorra Cuevas, Marjean Alonzo, Noralisette McKinley, Isaiah Tewee, Joshua Bruce, Theo Arce, Tommy Napyer, Austin Smith, Delvis George, Taima Smith, Lindsey McCovey, Brittney Kalama, Juliene Govenor, Tommy Dickson, Ashley Aguilar, George Boise, John Howe, Anthony Torres, Cynthia Lona, Tonya Boise, Jerald White, Martina Stwyer, Owen Danzuka, Rudy Stevens, Maurica Cortez, Jermayne Tuckta, Mrs. Graham, Leidy Caldera, Kipp Culpus, Mrs. Rodin's Class, Dino Jones, Esten Culpus, Kristina Cassaway, Rayann Katchia, Kurtis Satanus, Jonathan Culpus. WSE events April 18-Car Safety Assembly, K-2 at 8:50 and 3rd and 4th at 9:30 a.m. April 22-26 - Metropolitan Achievement Test (MAT) for 1 thru 4. May 1 -School Council meeting at 5:00 p.m. in the WSE library. May 2 - Awards Assembly, K 2 at 8:50 and 3rd thru 4th at 9:30 a.m. May 14 - Fourth grade Seeds of Discover field trip to the Museum at Warm Springs (all day). May 16-17 - Art Fair & Scholastic Book Fair. May 22 - No Kindergarten. Early Dismissal for 1st and 2nd grade at 11:20 and 3rd and 4th grade at 12:20. Early Childhood Education news- Students were creative for the annual egg drop. April 22 -26 is "Week of the Young Child" April is: Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month and Environmental Awareness Month Calendar of Events: -April 8, Visitors from Grand Rhonde, 2:00pm -5:00pm, tour of the program. -April 9, HIVAIDS In-House training for staff, 1 :30pm - 5:00pm. -April 10, Health Services Advisory Committee Meeting, 10:00am - 12:00pm. All interested parents, staff and community members, we encourage you to join us. Agenda.Planning for the Health Fair, pre-3 year olds and pre-K, Medicaid, Head Lice, Hepatitis A update and other. -April 15, DAP assessments beginning, parents and staff. -April 17, Parent Policy Council Meeting, 5:30pm - 7:00pm, Child Care will be provided. Planned Events: Tuesday, April 23, ECE Fun Run at 10:00am (Hosted by C Pod). Wednesday, April 24, PetZoo Day at ECE 9:00am - 12:00pm. Needed, if you know of an unusual animal that might be of interest to the children at the "Pet Zoo Day, please contact, Tryna Muilenberg at ECE. Wednesday, April 24, "Free Penny Carnival" at the Warm Springs Community Center, 6:00pm - 8:00pm. The Free Penny Carnival will feature all free, hands on activities designed for children 2-8 years of age. Friday, April 26, ECE Parade beginning at 10:30am. ECE is looking forward to seeing you parents and community members supporting your children for this special event! Parent Letter The Week of the Young Child i'j our time to demonstrate honor and respect to our children today and tomorrow.... If there is anything we wish to change in the child, we should first examine it and see whether it is not something that could be better changed in ourselves. Cart Jung Children are smart. Remember how we used to imitate our parent's behavior? We'd dress up like them, mimic their words, even copy their attitudes. We wanted to be just like them because we thought they were the most wonderful people in the world. We can see this happen all around us, younger ones imitating parents, older brothers and sisters, and older friends. The problem is that children imitate not just healthy behavior and attitudes, but also sometimes the not-so-healthy behavior and attitudes. We get very uncomfortable when we look at a younger person misbehaving and see ourselves in that person. Suddenly, we aren't flattered any more. When we see thing we don't like in others, we must first look at ourselves to see if we need changing. This is all we can do - change ourselves. Others may follow our example or they may not, but we can be sure that, when we watch our own behavior, most of what we see of ourselves in others will be flattering. What change can I make in myself to set a good example for the young ones, today? Submitted by, Delson Suppah, ECE Parent Club President GARDEN DIP You'll need: 1 container of plain yogurt 1 cup low-fat sour cream 1 package of vegetable soup mix Vegetables To make: Combine the first three ingredients and chill before serving. Wash the vegetables and cut them into coins or sections for dipping. Taken from Today's Gifts and Daily Meditations for families.